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Posts posted by Auroradawn

  1. 1. One main thing: Grodner's obsession with Jessie, the brainless, muscle wonder.

    2. Grodner's belief in the appeal of bringing back past hg to the game.

    3. stupid, meaningless twists that have no effect on the game whatsoever

    4. Rachel's annoying laugh

    5. Showmances (eichh) just distract the viewers (and those hg involved) from what's actually going on in the house. We've seen far too many of them.

  2. Nat has been "blacked out" on the CBS site so she will not be back...still hope for Jani, Dan and Boogie tho for me his arrogance turns me off....would prefer jedi howie! or danielle reyes or jason from bb3..loved them! or even monica and hardy from bb2!


    Oh. I didn't know that Nat was "blacked out." When did that happen? I'm with ya. I think Jani and Dan would be a force to reckon with in the house!

  3. Wasn't their a rumor about Janelle, Dan, Rachel and Boogie coming back? Might prove to be true.

    In any rate, not really excited to have ANOTHER season with returning house guests right after the last one.

    And as much as I like Rachel I think someone will sue CBS for emotional distress having to see her 3 summer's in a row.

    Lol. True! I'm weird, but I kind of hope to see Janelle, Dan, Boogie, and Natalie back. Yes, Natalie was a villain, but she was a genius at coming up with brilliant plans to get other people in her alliance to do the dirty work and back door other people. Natalie was at least very smart and interesting even if I didn't like her because she was like the devil's advocate on the show. Janelle has to come back. That's just a must. And Grodner, PLEASE do not bring your boy toy Jessie back on the show. I'm tired of seeing him flex while simultaneously being able to see space between his ears.

  4. Not sure he totally took the fall because of Dani alone. I mean the plan was Dani's. But she and BR had talked for a couple days about backdooring Jeff and Jordan and BR sounded most of the time to be on board. The group didn't get CAUGHT until Dom tried to get Old Lady Shelly aligned with him in the Have Not room. Early the next morning, Shelly tattled to Jordan and they both went up to the HOH and confronted BR. That is exactly the point they got caught, and also exactly the point that BR were no longer on board with Dani and the backdoor plan.

    So Dom is the proximate cause of his own demise. But he didn't do it alone...Brendon and Rachel threw Dani under the bus and ultimately THAT is what caused Dom to be evicted. They were in on the plan too...you can't argue it, and Dani should have done a better job of calling them out.

    Funny thing about the editing of the cbs show is that they showed JJSBR confronting Dani PRIOR to Dom talking to Shelly...that is editing at it's best. Dom and Shelly convo was first and that is what outed the backdoor plan. I think CBS did this to make Dom seem more innocent than he actually was and put Dani in a bad light.

    It's also funny to note that Dani called BR out in the house meeting saying that BR were on board with it until they were caught, but JJ never picked up on it cause they were too pissed to understand who they really should have been pissed at.

    All in all, Dani is one of the most honest and up front people on the show this season. Seems like everyone else is talking way more $hit than she is, yet she has the rep. It's crazy how the editing for the CBS shows makes her look so bad. Ah well.

    That's my take...now hopefully they bring Dom back!

    Yeah. I didn't like Dom very much because he seemed so immature, but I wouldn't mind seeing him back, either. He did make it more interesting.

  5. Doms eviction was partly his fault and partly Dani's. I agree with you when you say he never should have told Shelly because that is what got it all stirred up. Brendon and Rachel were then put in the position to out Dani so that they don't look like they were actually thinking about her plan.

    Yep. Poor Dom had to take the fall for it on Dani's sword. Geez. That does make her look like a witch.

  6. Dominic, you have to be very careful who you tell things to in this game. Just think... If he had never told Shelly about his secret alliance with Dani none of this would have ever happened. He would probably still be in the game because Rachel sees Adam as a "mental" threat, or whatever. But I love it. Bring on the drama!

  7. Rachel would go into melt down if Cassi came back, crying (maybe even wiyh real tears), whining that America hates her and she has to fight every day to stay in the house and now that horrible mean girl is back. Whaaaaaa!

    Does she realize we'd all be sitting there with a bucket of popcorn watching their every passive aggressive move, though? Classic!

  8. He's smart. I'll admit that. Too bad Rachel put him and Adam back on the block anyway. Okaaaayyyyyy... I'll admit it. I'm starting to like him a little more as a player. Maybe it's because of Dani's influence on him. She'd better sing a new tune once her golden key is up, though because I think a couple of people have her number...

  9. I didn't have feeds either, but production surely did a great job of portraying Cassi. I for one really liked her, though. I wish she could have gone further and I really do hope that they find a way to bring her back. As for the rest of the houseguests, aside from Jeff and Jordan's moments, I find them all hideously boring! The only one who seems like he might be interesting is Lawon and they pretty much never show him so...

    Anyway, I really would have liked to see Cassi tear Rachel down some more. That girl needs a reality check.

    I'd like to see Cassi back, too. I think it would be a classic rating high just to see her and Rachel figuratively slinging mud in each others' faces.

  10. Personality wise, I don't like him. He seems like one of those guys who has always had everything he wanted handed to him in a sliver platter.

    Gameplay wise, I could get to liking him if he survives this week and stays loyal to Dani. They could be a great duo in competitions. Whether you like Rachel or not, she's tough to beat in some of these competitions. Jeff and Jordan are too (as long as it doesn't require Jordan to think a lot... love her though, hahaha). So Dani needs someone on her side to help beat them.

    I agree 100%.

  11. How exactly was Keith a bigger threat than Porsche? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Porsche the one who lasted the LONGEST out of ALL the newbies on the banana? And we really didn't get to see them compete in the Veto competition, seeing as both blatantly threw it. So judging off the one competition, Porsche was clearly a bigger threat. SO I don't understand why you think Cassi should've campaigned to keep Porsche. ESPECIALLY after Keith, Cassi, Dominic, and Lawon made their allaince. So what point would she have to keep Porsche.

    I don't think she was jealous of Porsche. She saw how Porsche ran to the HOH and didn't like how she was turning on the newbies. How is that jealousy? :dontgetit: Her alliance agreed to get rid of Porsche, and keep Keith because KEITH was apart of their alliance, while Porsche ran over to the Vets. Still not seeing Jealousy.

    This is true, but Keith told the others about Porsche's dumb mistake in telling him how she had made a secret alliance with Dick and the Vets. Porsche was a dumba** who told everything to someone that she didn't know very well just because he was her partner. She also stayed in the first comp with the other vets making herself a bigger target for the Vets to put up. I think Cassi is threatened by Porsche's fighter spirit and perserverence, if you ask me. She knows Porsche could and very well might put her on the block if she became HOH which is a real possibility with her competitive spirit and wannabe wild card player spirit. In short, she's jealous because she's not as much of a competitor or fighter, and doesn't have confidence that she'll become HOH.

    Of Course she's going to want Rachel out. Rachel was a bitch to her and tried to rub it in their faces that Porsche was staying. Plus Rachel talks bad about her, just like Cassi talks about Rachel. They clearly dont' like each other. Whether that is because of jealousy, i don't know. What is she supposed to do, be buddy buddy with Rachel now? :blink:

    I love how Cassi is the only one who won't really take Rachel and brendon's shit. She's not afraid to stand up to either of them. Gosh she would make this show interesting if she stayed in the house. Hope she gets voted back in somehow.

    I agree she does make this show interesting, and we DO need an interesting player in the house with Dick gone. I definitely wish she were back, too. Still... what I heard is that Cassi was talking bad about Rachel and that she's the one who started it because she just can't stand Rachel. Kind of like when Britney and Monet were making fun of Rachel last year until Monet left. Rachel didn't say anything to them. Britney was just funny and found Rachel to be OVER THE TOP, OVER THE TOP which she was. So if Rachel was starting the pettiness about Cassi, what did she say? I want to know because that's not what I heard. And yes Rachel did her little passive aggressive stunt of asking the newbies if they were having problems because a couple of them did not vote according to plan, but come on. BB is about back-stabbing, lying, and passive aggressive (or just plain aggressive) stunts. Most of the players engage in some form of it at some point.

  12. I just don't see why people are saying Cassi's comments and things are mean and stuff when people in the house have been saying the same crap about her, but it's ok for them to do it. I feel like if Cassi was less attractive, then no one would think Cassi is being petty

    any way, i hope cassi somehow finds a way to stay, even though i doubt it. Dominic and Cassi are my favs, and they are clearly the only one who aren't afraid to go after the veterans. It would make this show more interesting.

    Another reason why Cassi is going to leave soon like you said clearly. The other HG don't trust her. She came into the house acting so sweet and Southern, but then she showed her true colors and not just because the vets are in power again. She was utterly pissed after Keith's eviction because she was desperately trying to out Porsche when she could have easily been campaigning to get Keith out for calling out and going postal on all the newbies. Why? Because Cassi is fake and petty. I'm sorry to say. She was jealous of Porsche. Otherwise she wouldn't have been the only one of the newbies trying SO hard to get Porsche out when Shelly and Kalia realized that Keith was the bigger threat. She's going to try to get Rachel out now if she stays in the game. Why she's jealous of Porsche and Rachel - I'm not totally sure, but I'm sure that she is.



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