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Posts posted by Auroradawn

  1. Boogie is on the opposing team, he is supposed to call Willie out and get under his skin. Britney was his coach, rather than ostracizing him, she was supposed to find away to calm Willie down and find away to get him to understand that his actions were hurting the team. Instead, she told his teammates to stay away from him. Do not talk to him. She even made the comment that he was dead to them. I don't know what she was thinking, but ostracizing Willie was not going to save the rest of her team. They weren't going to get any advantage by avoiding Willie. When Willie would try to talk to Brit, she treated him like crap. In the end, Willie still may have done the same things, but I didn't see one thing that she did to try to diffuse the situation. To me she, appeared to continue throwing gas on the flames.

    I didn't see anything that she did to help protect her players or deflect blame from them. From the time Willie was accused of being a homophobe until the time he went out the door, I didn't see her do anything to try and change the situation. In Survivor, you almost always see teams with players they would like to get rid of, but they stick with those players until they have the numbers or until the merge. The point being...you may be a sorry MoFo, but you are my sorry MoFo until I am in a position to win. She should have realized that if Willie went home, the rest of her team was going home also. Based on the way she played the game, shouldn't JoJo still be there?

    This is true. You made it clearer to me now. Thank you. Just curious though. I don't really watch Survivor. Has there ever been a violent loose cannon on that show like Willie?

  2. Are you guys seeing this guy's ass-kissing showcase this morning? He just took Shane and Britney breakfast in bed and called them king and queen.

    That's a way to insure he'll be put on the block. Honestly I think Britney tries to avoid his food from what she said on the feeds one night.
  3. Joe or Will need to go before Frank. Next week Frank and Shane can form team.

    I 100% agree that Joe needs to leave the house. His only strategy to staying seems to be trying to satisfy hg's bellies, but he is so egotistical, immature, and annoying. He just seems to like to stir the pot, figuratively speaking. Then like Britney said, he gets mad at anyone who doesn't eat his food which I would find irritating if I had to be in that house. I don't freakin want a 7 course meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  4. So Janelle so happily putting Shane on slop again may have consequences for her team. ha ha ha Joe and Wil

    Yep. Of course Shane doesn't seem spiteful and petty like Frank. But he's no dummy. He knows Janelle and Boogie don't like him, and I think he has just the guts to nominate one of each of their players to get Janie and Boogie fighting. I think that would be his best strategy at this point. Nominate the best player that both Janelle and Boogie have. They'll be in a tizzy to try to get their players from being evicted which means they would have to turn their backs on each other.

    Brit and Dan are down to 1 player each. Mostly Janelle's doing. Separate the 2 headed monster, Shane and Brit. That would be your best bet at this point.

  5. I'd like her more if she seemed actually interested in playing the game instead of trying to get Shane in a showmance.

    I agree. And who was he interested in anyway? Kara. Then he was flirting with Hojo. If I were her, I'd lose him and turn the interest to someone like Frank or Ian who would have less of a big head and be more receptive.

    She could do much better. She needs to step up her game before she gets booted out too early.

  6. Somebody please help me understand cuz I just don't see how maniac Willie is Britney's fault. Everyone thinks she's a terrible coach because he went postal on everyone and had to leave the house, but in my opinion Willie was cruising for it anyway. He didn't listen to anyone, including her or Boogie when they tried to call him out on his irratic behavior, and Willie is a grown man. Britney couldn't make him or not make him act foolish. He was already pissed. He said so himself, and Willie was going to do what Willie wanted to do in my opinion. I guess as a teacher I feel for Britney. I can only lead my students to water. I can't make them drink. Same thing with Britney. She could only tell Willie to shut up and calm down. She can't tape his mouth shut and tie him up in a chair, although I'm sure the thought crossed her mind. So how are his actions her fault? Just wondering.

  7. Dude is a male fitness model so he knows from lighting. Seriously, he seems like an OK guy so far. None of the newbie women stand out as special yet. If he is the new Jeff, where is his Jordan?

    :lol: Wil probably wouldn't mind that.

    I personally think Shane is the hottest guy in the house. I wouldn't mind being Kara for a moment if he does have the hots for her.

  8. I'm not sure what Britney expected from Hayden or from Lane. Did she perhaps believe that one of them would ditch the other and take her instead? Just because? Surely not and if she did, they didn't. What Britney did was help Hayden win 500K and Lane, small change; in the scheme of things. She screwed herself over. I doubt that Britney or Janelle would wish to sit next to each other in a BB-14 final 2 scenario; truth be known. Janelle is worlds more focused and treacherous than Britney could or would ever wish to be.

    I think she thought that Lane would become so infatuated with her that he would take her to the end, but she ended up being screwed in the end.

  9. I disagree with this and I'm a HUGE Janelle fan. I think Kara is way prettier than Janelle.

    Yeah well, I can see this now. She is prettier than Janelle - just not in the house. Her hair color seems off to me, or something. I mean she's pretty, but she's not like Marilyn Monroe gorgeous or anything. I still think Jojo is the prettiest girl in the house. Of course her mouth might ruin that soon.

  10. Somewhere in that brain of hers she THINKS being a nurse is a wisedom threat. Fail

    And talk about trick photography on her modelish pictures.

    I think I remember her actually saying that she was working on three degrees at the same time. That's what she didn't want them to know. She obviously thinks teachers are dumb, though and being one that kinda pisses me off cause most people don't realize all the work many of us actually put into our jobs. I feel like she could have just as easily have said that she was a neonatal or pediatric nurse, and she would have gotten the same reaction.



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