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Posts posted by sassy2565

  1.  8:11 am BBT Lights are on in the BB house. Pilar woke up Kevin and they were chatting, but since their mic’s were not on we could not hear what was being said.

     8:13 am BBT There is no sound in the BB house this morning, but all the houseguests are starting to rise out of bed. Bobby got up and went out by the HT and lifting up the cushions then heading back in to say something to Zach in the HN room then headed up the stairs.

     8:20 am BBT Sarah and Willow are in the HN room lying on the mattresses and talking. BB still has not turned up the sound so that we could hear what is being said.

     8:22 am BBT In the WA there is sound, but only general conversation going on between Ashleigh, Godfrey and Brittnee. Bobby is in the shower and Bruno just finished up in the restroom stall and is now brushing his teeth. Pilar enters the WA and tells everyone good morning. Zach still has his French Maid outfit on.

     8:26 am BBT Bruno is finishing up brushing his teeth in the WA. Everyone else has already left the room.

     8:28 am BBT In the HOH room we see Kevin putting his French Maid outfit back on.

     8:30 am BBT In the HN room Sarah, Brittnee and Willow are whispering. Britt said today is the PoV ceremony and questions if there were any twists would it be today or Wed. Sarah don’t think there will be any twists, she thinks it will be an instant eviction. Sarah said there has already been a veto twist.  

     8:33 am BBT Britt and Sarah are both still speculating how things will go. Feeds three and four are on FotH.

     8:35 am BBT All feeds are on FotH now.

     8:36 am BBT The feeds are back with Bruno drinking a cup of coffee in the KT, Bobby is walking down the stairs with his cup of coffee. Godfrey is sitting in the sun by the HT not saying a word.

     8:38 am BBT Bruno walked out by the HT and told Godfrey how bad the bugs are. Godfrey wonders what is bringing them here. Bruno said there are hundreds of them.

     8:39 am BBT Bruno went back inside to wait until the sun comes out a little more and maybe the bugs will go away.

     8:40 am BBT Willow is up in the HOH room talking to Ashleigh and Pilar about what to eat. Ashleigh is putting on her makeup and Pilar is in the shower. Willow said she would wait for them downstairs and left the room.

     8:42 am BBT Brittnee has now joined Godfrey out by the HT and said there is a lot of bugs. They are wondering if there is any bug spray. Godfrey thinks they will leave once the sun comes out. Brittnee feels like the pleas to use the PoV’s are useless.

     8:44 am BBT Bruno and Willow are in the SR and Bruno told Willow that we all know the line is drawn, but don’t give them anything. Bruno said that we can’t *uck around anymore. Willow hopes everything goes well. Willow told Bruno that she told Sarah that if he puts her up he is an idiot. Bruno said it is there chance to get Bobby now, but they got to get Godfrey because they know he is going after them. Then Bruno left the SR to get Willow a knife.

     8:47 am BBT Willow told Bruno that she is worried it is a double next week so they have to have a plan going in. Willow said that double veto could be today too. Bruno said who knows, but something is coming up. Willow is making a shake while Bruno is pacing back and forth.

     8:50 am BBT Shake is done so they left the SR where Bobby is sitting at the counter in the KT drinking his coffee.

     8:51 am BBT Bruno told Bobby from what he understands it is Godfrey and that Zach is starting to panic. Bruno said the girls want the guys to take each other out. Bruno said that both sides are equally dangerous, but Kevin and Zach are more of a threat. Zach then walked into the KT with his Maid outfit on and we get FotH.

     8:56 am BBT Feeds are back with Brittnee and Godfrey still sitting by the HT. Brittnee said the problem with the PoV on a Sunday it feels like an eternity until Wednesday.

     8:58 am BBT Back in the KT Bruno, Zach, Willow, Pilar and Bobby are just sitting around talking about the shakes and the flavors.

     8:59 am BBT Bobby is called to the DR by BB. The rest of the KT group are talking about what to eat.

     9:01 am BBT KT group is talking about how they slept.

     9:02 am BBT Zach questioned if it is nice out today. Bruno responded that it is nice but there are so many bugs. The KT discussion is now about bugs.

     9:03 am BBT KT discussion is now about eating ice cream cake.

     9:05 am BBT KT discussion is now about being away from home and going to war.

     9:06 am BBT Now the KT discussion is about movies.  

     9:08 am BBT Sarah is in the WA she got dressed and then walked out then FotH again.

     9:17 am BBT Fan feed is back with Brittnee going into the stall to blow her nose.

     9:19 am BBT Brittnee came out and washed her hands. All other feeds still on FotH.

     9:20 am BBT BB just announced to houseguests to remember that Canada is watching.

     9:21 am BBT Brittnee is in the WA doing her makeup.

     9:22 am BBT BB announced again that the houseguests are to remember that Canada is watching, but we don’t know what is going on or being said because feeds one through four are on FotH.

     9:25 am BBT The feeds came back in the KT where food is being made. Willow is going out to see how nice it is. Godfrey is the only one laying out by the sun and Willow told him that they are coming out probably in the next fifteen minutes. Willow is going to tell the other houseguests that it is about 12 degrees and the sun is just showing through. KT group is still making food.  

     9:28 am BBT Bobby walked outside and said nice day then headed back in. The KT discussion is now about dreams.

     9:31 am BBT Brittnee still in the WA doing her makeup.

     9:33 am BBT All feeds are in the KT with general conversation going on and Britt is still in WA doing her makeup.

     9:34 am BBT Bruno was called to the DR.

     9:38 am BBT No change yet, Britt still in WA doing her hair and makeup and the KT group is fixing food with general discussion going on.

     9:39 am BBT Zach called to the DR and feeds went to FotH again.

     9:47 am BBT The feeds are back. Sarah, Kevin, Pilar, Brittnee, Willow and Ashleigh are in the KT talking about tipping servers. Kevin is still in his French maid costume and he was just called to the DR.

     9:49 am BBT The KT group is now Willow, Brittnee, Ashleigh, Sarah, Bobby and Zach. Willow is telling a story about going out and how a server was insulted by a forty dollar tip and grabbed Willow.

     9:52 am BBT Godfrey walked in the KT and he is talking about all of the bugs outside.

     9:54 am BBT Sarah is called to the DR and the KT discussion is still about going out and tipping servers.

     9:58 am BBT Pilar is putting a band aid on Kevin’s foot because the high heels are giving him a blister. Kevin said it would be sick if he had to do the ceremony in this outfit.

     10:00 am BBT Brittnee and Bruno were going to go out by the HT but there are still too many bugs and there is not that much sun.

     10:01 am BBT The feeds went back to FotH.

     10:10 am BBT The feeds are still on FotH

     10:20 am BBT The feeds are still on FotH so maybe it is time for the PoV ceremony. Who will be on the block when the ceremony is over?

  2.  8:00 am BBT Lights are on, but all houseguests are still asleep.

     8:15 am BBT Bobby is up and he went out by the HT lifting up the cover and then lifting up all of the cushions as if he was looking for something. Then he headed back inside to the HN room to get his bathrobe, headed to the WA to shower.

     8:24 am BBT Brittnee is up, entered the WA and changed the batteries in Bobby’s mic.  

     8:26 am BBT Brittnee headed into the Br and is changing everyone’s batteries. Bruno sat up and Britt asked how he slept and he responded good.

     8:27 am BBT Pilar walked into the BR and got her new batteries from Brittnee.

     8:31 am BBT Bruno got up and headed to the WA where Bobby was out of the shower. They talked general conversation.

     8:32 am BBT Brittnee is now talking to Sarah in the BR and is upset because she was crying on national TV. She said it is worse than posting something bad to face book. Sarah said no it is not. Bobby walked in the BR and said laundry time. Sarah wonders what they did with  all of their towels because they were in the washer before the PoV comp.

     8:34 am BBT Bobby left the BR and Sarah again is telling Brittnee that it is completely different than the face book thing. Sarah is giving Britt a pep talk.

     8:40 am BBT Brittnee is still crying and Sarah is still trying to keep her lifted up.

     8:41 am BBT Bobby and Bruno are out by the HT on feeds one and two, but there is no sound so we can’t hear what they are saying.

     8:45 am BBT Pep talk with Sarah and Brittnee is still going on. Bobby and Bruno are lying in the sun by the HT still with no sound (so much for Bobby’s laundry time)

     8:49 am BBT Brittnee went to the WA to blow her nose and wash her hands. Ashleigh got out of bed and went into the WA where Britt told them they are out of toilet paper. Brittnee got in the shower stall to change and then grabbed the battery box and took it to the SR. She has no idea where Godfrey is so he is the only one that did not get a battery change. Brittnee is in the KT washing out her coffee cup.

     8:54 am BBT We now have sound by the HT with Bobby and Bruno then the feeds went to FotH.

     8:56 am BBT Sarah is out of bed and headed to the HOH room. She said good morning to Pilar, grabbed her water bottle and Pilar said she is going to wear a dress today. Pilar is excited that she is not a lobster anymore and wants to braid Sarah’s hair later.

     8:58 am BBT Feeds one and two on FotH with feeds three and four on BY with Sarah saying tell me you did not just put them in the dryer (think she is talking to BB about the towels) then she sat down by the pool. Sarah just called to the DR.

     9:00 am BBT Kevin and Pilar just walked into the HOH room. Kevin is sitting on the floor putting on his headphones to listen to music so Pilar left the room.

     9:01 am BBT Pilar went into the Br and laid down with Willow. General conversation between them.

     9:03 am BBT Feeds one and two back by the HT. Godfrey was back there then he went in. Brittnee is sitting in the chair while Bobby and Bruno lay out. The conversation is about a bee.

     9:04 am BBT Brittnee asked Bruno if he thinks his wife could do this game and he responded that she is just way too nice.

     9:05 am BBT Bruno told Brittnee that she would love his wife and she said that she can tell how highly he speaks of her. Now the discussion is how long they have been away from home and how tough it is.

     9:07 am BBT Bruno asked Brittnee if she thinks Kevin will use the Veto and Britt said yes on Bobby like they said they would. Brittnee don’t see Kevin making big moves, but someone told Kevin he was their target and he should send them home.

     9:10 am BBT Feeds three and four in the HN room showing Zach still sleeping. Feeds one and two by the HT with no conversation going on then Godfrey walked out and laid cushions down so that he could lie out.

     9:12 am BBT Pilar Willow and Sarah in the Br talking about something Zach said. Sarah said when Kevin heard her in the bathroom that is what she was saying it should be Godfrey and why is Godfrey still here.

     9:15 am BBT Sarah told Pilar thank you and that she trusts Kevin. Willow said that Godfrey is going both sides. Pilar got up and said anyway don’t worry Sarah and then left the room.

     9:16 am BBT Now Sarah is telling Willow about Brittnee crying this morning.

     9:17 am BBT Sarah is telling Willow about Brittnee telling her that Bruno said that Kevin told Godfrey that Sarah is going up as the replacement nom, but Bruno thinks it is Godfrey that is going up.

     9:19 am BBT Now we are hearing about another dream of Sarah’s.

     9:20 am BBT Pilar went up to the HOH room and is talking to Kevin about her conversation with Sarah.

     9:22 am BBT Pilar told Kevin that Godfrey is a wild card and Kevin said that he don’t like playing with wild cards, he likes playing with regular cards.

     9:23 am BBT Ashleigh is in the HOH WA doing her makeup.

     9:24 am BBT Ashleigh and Sarah now preparing to go out by the HT to lay out. Godfrey came in and is looking for the sunscreen.

     9:25 am BBT Godfrey walked into the HOH room and Kevin said that he will come and talk to him in a bit because they have a lot of time. Sarah walked into the HOH room and suggested Godfrey look in the pantry for the sunscreen so he did and he found some.

     9:27 am BBT Kevin and Sarah now in HOH room whispering. Sarah said that she trusts Kevin and Kevin said don’t worry I have your back. Sarah just felt that something is up but she could not put her finger on it. Kevin just can’t tell Godfrey until minutes before the ceremony and they are going to be pissed but it is the only move he has in this game. Sarah and Kevin both appreciate each other so much. Kevin said if he gets rid of Godfrey this week, Bobby and Bruno swear that they would put up Sarah and Britt next with Willow as replacement and Kevin said that is bull.

     9:31 am BBT Kevin told Sarah that she knows more than anybody and they are the two oddballs in here. Sarah said that she feels pretty comfortable sitting up against Bruno and now they are counting the votes. Kevin told Sarah that Zach would rather play with her and Kevin than Bruno. Sarah said as long as they feel comfortable voting Bruno out.

     9:33 am BBT Kevin doesn’t know if this Bobby veto is real so he is going to just use his on Brittnee. Kevin wants to pull her off so badly. Sarah said not to tell Britt about this conversation. Kevin went to Bobby and Bruno and told them he was going to use the veto on Bobby, but it is hard to lie in this game and he is going to have to own the lie. Sarah knew this is what Godfrey does and he is scary. Sarah said that Bobby can get the secret veto out. Kevin said if Godfrey wins next week and he is pushing for a couple, he will go after Zach. Kevin just said this is like backdooring Graig, this is big then they leave the room.

     9:38 am BBT Sarah walked in the KT where Willow is and they are discussing what to eat. Out by the HT we have houseguests sitting and laying in the sun with no talk just a few birds chirping.

     9:42 am BBT Kevin walked in the KT and said good morning. He told Willow that she looks energetic this morning. Kevin is talking about how he is going to spend a lot of time at the Brick picking out things for his apartment.

     9:52 am BBT Houseguests are out by the HT with general conversation going on.

     9:54 am BBT Bruno is called to the Dr.

     10:06 am BBT Kevin called to the Dr. Houseguests still out by the HT and Sarah said BB please give them a task of cleaning the house and then give them a beer each.

     10:10 am BBT Sarah’s fun fact of the day: there are flies that fly so fast and every time they land they throw up.

     10:13 am BBT Kevin and Pilar now in the SR getting food to make. Kevin said that he almost threw up during that challenge. Ashleigh is in the KT making eggs.

     10:18 am BBT Ashleigh still cooking in the KT and general conversation going on by the HT.

     10:19 am BBT Sarah asked Bobby what was the deal with the towels and Bobby responded that they were still in the washer so he threw them in the dryer. Sarah said they were in the washer for two days so they might need to be rewashed.

     10:25 am BBT Not much going on in the BB house this morning. It looks like it is a laid back day for them so far.

  3.  8:50 pm BBT Feeds are still on FotH so we do not know who won the PoV yet.

     9:10 pm BBT Still waiting, watching and wondering who has the PoV because the feeds are not back up yet.

     9:30 pm BBT The feeds are still on FotH, hoping that they will come back up soon!

     9:45 pm BBT No news yet, the feeds are still on FotH.

     10:00 pm BBT BB is keeping us waiting; the feeds are still on FotH.

     10:15 pm BBT Wow, over six hours of FotH. Wonder if it was an endurance competition?

     10:21 pm BBT Recap: Kevin is HOH and he put Bobby and Brittnee on the block. Kevin, Bobby, Brittnee, Pilar, Ashleigh and Sarah are playing in the PoV competition.

     10:30 pm BBT Still watching the FotH screen.

     10:37 pm BBT Feeds are still down. Will Bobby win the PoV? If he doesn’t win it, will he get caught in his lie about the secret PoV and will that hurt his game?

     10:50 pm BBT Still waiting to see who won the PoV. 

  4.  9:30 am BBT Bobby and Godfrey are in the hallway chairs and Bobby asked Godfrey if he thinks he will get picked for the PoV comp and Godfrey responded no he has a bad feeling about it. Bobby said not to say that and then he walked away.

     9:34 am BBT All feeds went to FotH

     9:48 am BBT The feeds are still on FotH.

     9:55 am BBT The feeds are still down. They could possibly be picking players for the PoV comp today.

     10:05 am BBT Still waiting for the feeds to come back.  

     10:15 am BBT The feeds are still down.

     10:25 am BBT The feeds have been down for almost an hour now and the anticipation is building.

     10:35 am BBT Still waiting for the feeds to come back up.

     10:36 am BBT And they are back up. Sarah and Britt sitting on the grey LR couch. They are discussing the PoV comp and trying to guess what it will be. Sarah thinks it will be endurance based.

     10:37 am BBT Britt said that she feels bad that Godfrey did not get picked and then she got up and went to sit down next to Godfrey on the red couch. Bobby picked Ashleigh’s chip, Britt picked Sarah’s chip and Kevin picked Pilar’s chip.

     10:47 am BBT Britt and Ashleigh are in the WA talking about vitamins. Britt left the WA and went into the BR to get her makeup. She walked back into the WA and told Ashleigh that she might as well do her makeup so she don’t fall asleep.

     10:50 am BBT Bruno, Bobby, Kevin and Pilar are in the KT eating.

     10:51 am BBT Willow walked into the KT and got a bite of Bruno’s food. Godfrey is now in the KT fixing something to eat.

     10:52 am BBT In the WA Sarah and Britt are whispering. Britt does not trust Willow. Sarah does not trust anybody. Sarah said that Bruno tells them nothing and Bobby and Bruno would throw them out. Sarah said that Willow said they might be losing Bobby this week. Sarah said that they need to be scared of the guys more than the girls. Britt said that she don’t trust Willow and Sarah told her that she needs to start saying she don’t trust the guys. Sarah said to know that Willow will have Britt’s back more than anybody else will.

     10:56 am BBT Sarah told Britt that she really don’t trust Godfrey because he is one of those people that is sincere in the moment and then he forgets. Britt wants the others to think that she is their friend. Britt agrees about the Willow and Bruno thing. Sarah said that they need to see who in that group they could get info from. Britt said once she wins PoV Godfrey will go up.

     10:58 am BBT Sarah walked into the BR and Ashleigh is in there cleaning her stuff. 

  5.  1:11 pm BBT The feeds are on FotH. It must be time for the nomination ceremony.

     1:28 pm BBT We are still waiting for the feeds to come back to see which two houseguests Kevin picked to sit on the chopping block. We know earlier Bobby volunteered to be on the block as a pawn because they have the numbers and he is safe & Pilar said that he doesn’t have to worry anyway because he has that extra veto (which we found out that he really doesn’t, but all of the houseguests do not know that)

     1:50 pm BBT The feeds are still on FotH.

     2:10 pm BBT We are still waiting for the feeds to come back so that we can see who is on the block.

     2:28 pm BBT The anticipation is building as we wait for the feeds to come back so we could see who is on the block.

     2:57 pm BBT The feeds are still down. Who will be on the block? Who would you like to see on the block?

     3:22 pm BBT Wow, the feeds have been down for over two hours now. We are still waiting to see who is going to be on the block.

     3:27 pm BBT Actually, information came in (ty) that this could possibly be the HN comp and that would explain why it is taking so long. We will see as soon as the feeds come back.

     3:52 pm BBT The feeds are still down.

     4:27 pm BBT The feeds have been down over three hours now.

     4:54 pm BBT Tic Toc, we are still here waiting on the feeds to come back up.

     4:55 pm BBT And their up!

     4:56 pm BBT Ashleigh in the WA in her swim suit and now heading out by the pool where everyone is at. It looks like Bruno is getting a back rub. Still trying to find out why the feeds were down.

     4:58 pm BBT Sarah, Pilar Bobby and Kevin are in the SR looking at all the food that was restocked.

     4:59 pm BBT Pilar is so happy that she is a have because now she can eat and Kevin said that she could sleep in his room then back to FotH.

     5:01 pm BBT So it was the HN comp and we know so far that Pilar is a have and Bobby is a have not. Sarah is excited about some food that was restocked so she must be a have.

     5:05 pm BBT Bruno and Zach are talking about the comp. Bruno said something Ashleigh getting a video from home. Bruno said Willow was almost in tears and they hope that Willow doesn’t get shitty.  

     5:09 pm BBT Zach is going to give Ashleigh a message. Ashleigh said that she keeps getting bursts of crying because of the video from home.

     5:11 pm BBT In the WA we seen Willow wash her hands then we heard her go in the BR, but feeds are not on it. All other four feeds are of Zach giving Ashleigh a message.

     5:13 pm Willow just walked back in the WA with some clothes and headed in the stall to change.

     5:14 pm BBT Bruno and Godfrey are in the SR. Godfrey is talking about if he goes up

     5:16 pm BBT Bruno just told Godfrey that they needed this week so bad. Pilar walked in and interrupted their conversation and then she left. Bruno said that it is a sketchy week then Willow walked in and interrupted the conversation again. Then Willow said I am not mad, but when that happened you can see where they are at. Godfrey is eating so he must be a have. The three of them are talking about having the numbers now. Bobby, Pilar, and Britt walked in and asked Willow if she was mad and Willow’s feelings get hurt so easy. Willow said that she is excited for Ashleigh but you can see who the friends are.

     5:21 pm BBT Britt said that $42 is better than nothing so it sounds like she won that in the comp. Britt told Bruno said she hopes it is a good one for you so Bruno must have a surprise prize from the comp.

     5:23 pm BBT Everyone left the SR but Bruno and Godfrey then Kevin walked in and he was glad that he got to host the comp. They all exit the SR now and Bruno said that he has one extra shake and asked who else wants one.

     5:25 pm BBT Bruno is sharing the shake with Britt, Pilar, Godfrey and one for himself.

     5:27 pm BBT Back to FotH

     5:51 pm BBT Feeds are back with houseguests in LR. Pilar has what looks to be a crab costume on. Ashleigh is helping her fix it in the back.

     5:53 pm BBT Ashleigh asked who is next to get a message and said that she already had hers. Pilar did not get a message and it is a lobster costume that she is wearing.

     5:54 pm BBT Pilar has to wear the lobster costume for 24 hours.

     5:55 pm BBT Pilar is not going to drink a lot of water because it will be hard to go to the bathroom. Bruno was just called to the DR.

     5:56 pm BBT Bruno came out of the DR and said there was only 30 minutes left then the feeds went to FotH. When they came back up most of the houseguests ran up the stairs.

     5:58 pm BBT Sarah and Britt are thinking about going for a swim. Bobby is the only one left sitting on the LR couch. 

  6.  8:53 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights are on already in the BB house. Britt is in the WA doing her makeup and Godfrey is in the shower. Pilar and Kevin are up in the HOH room sitting on the bed eating and talking without their mic’s on so we can’t hear what is being said.

     8:56 am BBT Ashleigh is now up in the WA washing her face. Zach walked in to use the restroom, washed his hands and left. Pilar walked in the WA and wishes everyone a good morning. She asked Britt how her sleep was and Britt responded that it was alright but Bobby was super hot.

     9:00 am BBT BB just told Bobby to please wake up because nap time is over.

     9:04 am BBT In the BR Sarah and Willow are climbing out of bed talking about going down and fixing something to eat. Willow pulled Sarah back on the bed and said she loves her. Britt is standing by Bobbie still in bed. Pilar is looking for clothes to wear.

     9:10 am BBT Up in the HOH room Godfrey is playing with the remote control car that Kevin got.

     9:14 am BBT Willow and Britt in the SR getting the stuff needed to cook breakfast. Bruno walked in to get something and left.

     9:15 am BBT In the KT Willow is scrambling eggs for the burrito’s while Britt is making hash browns. Sarah is cutting the pepper and Bruno is sitting at the counter fixing something.

     9:18 am BBT Bobby is told again by BB to wake up because nap time is over.

     9:21 am BBT Bruno is still up in the HOH room playing with Kevin’s car. He has an obstacle course set up with slippers and such. Kevin walked out of the HOH shower and laughed and said it so nice having a toy then he left the room.

     9:25 am BBT Pilar and Ashleigh are in the WA doing their makeup. Kevin walked in the WA and said good morning in the BB Canada house. Kevin told Ashleigh that Pilar woke him up and wanted to make out with him. Pilar responded with yea whatever.

     9:29 am BBT BB just told Zach to please wake up because nap time is over. Bruno and Godfrey are sitting on the LR couch. Bruno has a sore neck.

     9:36 am BBT Godfrey is in the LR lying on the red couch while Zach is lying on the grey couch drinking a cup of coffee. Pilar was just called to the DR and she got excited about it and ran there.

     9:38 am BBT In the KT Britt is making hash browns while Willow is making Burritos. Bruno, Kevin, Ashleigh and Sarah are sitting at the counter watching. Just general conversation going on about cooking.

     9:41 am BBT A view of the screen in the LR shows that the nomination ceremony is today.

     9:45 am BBT there is still general conversation going on in the KT. Kevin, Bruno and Godfrey in the LR lying on the couches. Kevin sad it would be sick if they got alcohol this week.

     10:12 am BBT There is still nothing going on in the BB house. Godfrey is back up in the HOH room playing with Kevin’s car while the others are in the KT with general conversation going on.

     10:16 am BBT The KT group is now talking about Las Vegas.

     10:22 am BBT Willow, Sarah, Bruno and Bobby are in the LR talking about theme parks and rides to go on.

     10:27 am BBT Now the LR group is talking about their ages while Kevin walked up the stairs to the HOH room. Bruno and Kevin are now having a conversation. Kevin said that he thinks he is putting up Britt and Bobby. Godfrey said he don’t know if Bobby actually has that secret veto. Kevin said we are going to find out. Kevin told Godfrey he is not going up. Godfrey said that he understands why he is not putting up Zach. Godfrey said if he would have won the comp he would have put up Willow and Zach. Godfrey told Kevin that Zach wanted Kevin out. Kevin said we are going to see how this plays out. Zach thinks that Kevin is backdooring Godfrey this week and that is what he is going to tell Bobby and Bruno. Godfrey said hopefully he wins the PoV this week and then Kevin left the room.

     10:33 am BBT Godfrey is now listening to Kevin’s music in the HOH room. The LR group is talking about places that they have been and shows that they have seen.

     10:38 am BBT The BY is open now and Bruno, Zach, Kevin, Britt, Willow and Sarah head out there. Bobby went to see if it was nice outside and he came back and said it is nice out.

     10:41 am BBT In the BY we have Bruno, Bobby, Kevin and Zach talking about the nominations. Kevin said that they have to win the veto. Ashleigh and Pilar joined the BY group and Kevin told them the plan is to backdoor Godfrey this week. Kevin said they have the votes so they could sit there and relax. Bruno said if we put one of us on the block as a pawn and one of them win the veto like Britt Sarah or Godfrey. Kevin said we have the votes no matter what then we are interrupted by a commercial.

     10:45 am BBT Bobby wants to suggest putting himself and Godfrey up so that he can compete in the veto. Zach said why don’t we do this then, Bobby could go up against Britt or Sarah and even if he doesn’t get pulled off they have the votes. Pilar said even if he doesn’t win the veto he has the secret one. Bobby responded that he don’t want to have to use that until he really has to. Bobby knows that the group would obviously pull him off or vote out whoever what up against him. (Does Bobby not remember what happened to JP two weeks ago?).

     10:48 am BBT Bobby told Kevin whatever he decides. Zach said they have a nice setup for the next three weeks. Pilar keeps telling Bobby he can always use his secret veto. Bobby is being selfish and would just like to save it. Zach said they have to be careful if Willow is around all of them to be careful what they are saying because her and Sarah are spending their time together. Willow has not played a card in this game.

     10:51 am BBT Bruno said next week could be the double eviction. They are now speculating what kind of HOH comp will be next week. Bruno said he thinks it is best to put up Sarah and Britt. Bobby said that he is just trying to help the group out. Kevin said the only way Godfrey survives this week is if he wins the veto. Bruno said that it is better for them if Godfrey leaves. Zach and Bruno hope they get picked to play in the PoV. Bruno said this is our group and this is the way it is. Zach said that you hate to put Britt on the Block the fourth week in a row and Ashleigh responded that she has never had a vote against her.

     10:55 am BBT Pilar said that Godfrey can’t go on the block because then he will get to play in the PoV for sure and they can’t have that. Zach said they have to take out the immediate threat. Britt walked out to the BY and discussion changes to clothes.

     10:58 am BBT It sounds like game talk is over for now and they are just waiting for the nomination ceremony.

     10:59 am BBT Sarah is by the HT by herself apologizing to Canada viewers about getting so frustrated, their lying, she is lying. If she wins a comp then she can say something about game play. In summary she apologizes and she is going to keep trying and she has never thrown a comp.

  7.  9:00 am BBT Good Morning Canada! No, sorry the houseguests are not up yet and the lights are still out. Willow did get up to use the restroom and then she went back to bed.

     9:10 am BBT There is no change, lights still out with houseguests still asleep. Who thinks that it will be Sindy joining JP in the jury today?

     9:20 am BBT no change, all are still asleep. Who would you like to see win HOH tonight and what two houseguests do you think should be put on the block?

     9:24 am BBT BB has turned on the lights!

     9:26 am BBT There is no movement from the houseguests yet.

     9:28 am BBT BB just announced “Good Morning houseguests, time to wake up”

     9:30 am BBT BB had to repeat the wakeup call because no one is moving.

     9:31 am BBT BB repeated it AGAIN and still no movement. Could they all be dreaming about wining that HOH tonight?

     9:33 am BBT Sindy is up in the WA now using the restroom.

     9:35 am BBT Sindy climbed back into bed.

     9:36 am BBT Feeds one and two went to FotH. Feeds three and four are in the BR showing all houseguests still in bed.

     9:37 am BBT Sarah just entered the BR with some clothes. Kevin entered the BR and is changing batteries for the houseguests. Pilar walked in and Kevin said look at me doing batteries in the morning.

     9:40 am BBT Pilar grabbed some batteries and she is helping Kevin change them for the houseguests.

     9:42 am BBT Now we hear the rooster crow. Bobby is climbing out of bed. Sarah climbed into bed with Willow and they are hugging and talking.

     9:43 am BBT Bobby just climbed into bed with Sarah and Willow.

     9:44 am BBT Britt walked into the BR and said that she thinks she got the shittiest HN bed because it was so uncomfortable. Sarah told her they are all the same.

     10:00 am BBT Houseguests are up now doing ADL’s.  

     10:07 am BBT Pilar in the HOH bed talking to Ashleigh putting on her makeup. Pilar said that she has kinda put all of her stuff together to move out of the HOH room.

     10:09 am BBT Pilar walked into the BR and is talking to Sarah and Willow about what to wear and what to eat.

     10:10 am BBT Godfrey walked into the BR and then as he left he said he knows the girls need their girl time. BB just told the houseguests to stop talking about production. Britt and Sarah are telling Bobby that they have not got their period in five weeks. They think it is from being on Slop. Willow told them that BB may give them a pregnancy test and Britt responded to trust her that is not the problem.


     10:13 am BBT BB told Zach to wake up because nap time is over. Sindy is just lying in her bed listening to the conversation and not saying a word.

     10:14 am BBT Willow, Britt and Sarah are in the BR teasing Bobby. Sarah said the back yard is closed but she does not hear anything being built.

     10:16 am BBT Ashleigh walked in the BR and is now trying to wake up Zach. Britt, Sarah and Willow are all in Willow’s bed snuggling. Sarah is trying to think of a story to tell them.

     10:18 am BBT Bobby said that Zach is not waking up on his birthday and then he left the room. Ashleigh just laid down by Zach and is just listening to the other girls talk.

     10:19 am BBT BB just repeated Zach’s name five times and told him again to wake up.

     10:20 am BBT Feeds one and two are still on FotH. In the WA we see Godfrey taking a shower.

     10:21 am BBT Pilar walked into the BR and told Zach good morning and asked how it feels to be 23.

     10:22 am BBT Houseguests are still in the BR laying in the beds. Bobby is up walking around eating a bowl of cereal. Sindy is just lying in her bed not saying a word.

     10:23 am BBT Sarah told the houseguests today she will eat. Britt said that she lost five pounds this time when she was on slop.

     10:25 am BBT The houseguests are speculating what kind of HOH comp will be played tonight. They agree it will be the A and B kind of comp.

     10:27 am BBT The houseguests are in the BR talking about food and clothes. Sindy is still lying in her bed not saying a word. Will Sindy fight for her BB life today or has she given up? The anticipation will build as we wait for the show tonight. 

  8.  9:00 am BBT Lights are still off in the BB house and the house guests are still sleeping.

     9:13 am BBT The only action going on in the BB house is a faucet dripping in the WA. BB has not even turned on the lights yet.

     9:31 am BBT The lights just came on in the HN room. There is no one up yet and the lights are off in the rest of the house.

     9:33 am BBT Now all the lights are on, but no one is getting up.

     9:40 am BBT We just heard BB say “Good Morning houseguests, time to wake up” and of course no one budges.

     9:43 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are up now. Britt headed to the WA while Sarah headed to the SR to get the new batteries.

     9:47 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are now in the WA whispering so low that we can’t hear what is being said.

     9:48 am BBT BB is getting serious now the rooster just crowed.

     9:50 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee made their way to the main BR. Sarah is changing everyone’s batteries while Britt is going through her stuff. Brittnee said that her butt hurts.

     9:52 am BBT Rooster crowing again, Bobby is now up and in the WA by Brittnee. He told her good morning and that it is a nice day outside. Brittnee is brushing her teeth and Bobby is going in the shower.

     9:55 am BBT Kevin is up now and made his way to the HOH room where Pilar and Ashleigh are still in bed. Sarah is in there also changing their batteries.

     9:56 am BBT Correction it is Willow in the HOH bed with Pilar. BB just told her to put on her mic.

     9:58 am BBT Kevin climbed into bed with Pilar. Sarah is leaving the HOH room as Ashleigh is coming back in. Ashleigh is sore and wants to take a shower.

     10:00 am BBT Willow just told Pilar that she gets the camera today and they are trying to decide what theme they want.

     10:02 am BBT Bruno just climbed out of bed and is getting dressed. Brittnee walked into the BR and is excited because she got her onesie back.

     10:13 am BBT Sindy is up in her bed drinking her water. Sarah walked in and told her good news that it is a gorgeous day out.

     10:16 am BBT up in the HOH room Pilar, Kevin and Willow are still laying in bed not saying a word.

     10:18 am BBT In the WA Bruno is taking a shower, Sindy is brushing her teeth, Britt just got her swim suit on and Sarah just jumped in the other shower.

     10:20 am BBT Bruno, Bobby and Zach are out by the HT. They brought all of the cushions out and they are excited because it is so nice out.

     10:21 am BBT Bruno and Zach are now laying out in the sun while Bobby heads into the house to get a quick message to everyone that it is so nice out.

     10:23 am BBT Sarah is now out by the HT with Bruno and Zach. The hot topic of discussion so far is how gorgeous it is outside.

     10:26 am BBT up in the HOH room Pilar and Kevin are still in bed now hugging and kissing.

     10:28 am BBT Bruno, Zach, Bobby and Godfrey are now laying out in the sun by the HT while Sarah, Sindy and Ashleigh are in the HT. Sarah is complaining that it is too hot.

     10:30 am BBT Ashleigh said she is sore from riding the tricycle yesterday and she has a hard time walking up stairs.

     10:32 am BBT Kevin and Pilar are out of bed finally then the feeds switched to Brittnee laying on the LR couch.

     10:34 am BBT Pilar came down the stairs and said good morning to Brittnee and asked if she is going out by the HT. Britt said that she is just waiting for her Java.

     10:35 am BBT Willow and Pilar are now in the SR making a shake. Pilar said that it needed more peanut butter in it.

     10:37 am BBT Willow is going to put her swim suit on while Pilar carries the shakes outside. Willow will meet her out there in two seconds she said.

     10:39 am BBT Out by the HT Sarah said that tomorrow is Zach’s birthday. Britt can’t believe that Godfrey lost twenty pounds since he has been in the BB house.

     10:41 am BBT Ashleigh is walking around holding her hips because she is so sore. She is going to take a shower.

     10:43 am BBT Sarah and Sindy are going by the pool. Sindy said that she likes laying out but she does it topless because she hates tan lines.

     10:45 am BBT Sindy is in the pool now and Sarah is sitting by the side of it. They were just told by BB to put on their mic’s because they were talking, but we could not hear what was being said.  

     10:47 am BBT Sarah and Sindy did not listen to BB because they are still talking but we can’t hear what they are saying.

     10:53 am BBT BB turned on the mic by the pool and Sindy is talking about someone being fake. Sarah said that Patricia totally got an unfair shake. They are now speculating how the vote went between Pilar and Patricia. Sarah said this cast is so young. Sindy said it would be more interesting if there was a lot more ages. Sarah said that Graig *ucked them over because he made an alliance with all the young kids plus Willow. Sarah said the thing with young people is that they won’t stay loyal.

     10:57 am BBT Sindy is rehashing her downfall and where she went wrong in the game. Sarah said now she is finding out more information about the chop shop. Sindy and Sarah are discussing what alliances there have been and what alliances they should have made.

     10:59 am BBT Sarah said they should have gotten the girls together in the beginning. 

  9.  3:26 pm BBT Kevin and Bruno are in the BY throwing football in laundry baskets. Sindy is just lying on the couch in the HOH room and Ashleigh is in the HOH room putting on her makeup again. Pilar is in the WA telling Britt that she is putting her up as a pawn because it is the easiest week to be a pawn because everyone wants Sindy gone. If she puts Sarah up, the same people that voted JP out could vote her out. Britt said she don’t want to be a pawn and if the others are so sure that Sindy is going home then put one of them up.

     3:31 pm BBT Britt is telling Pilar this is not making her any better. Pilar don’t want to make her mad or her be upset and the last thing that she wants is her going home. Pilar knows it makes Britt upset and she wouldn’t be putting her up as a pawn, but she just has to look pretty. Pilar said whoever voted for JP won’t vote for her. Britt said that it is not guaranteed that she won’t go home.

     3:36 pm BBT Britt said that it is not okay. Pilar knows that she is upset and she is not happy and it sucks. Pilar would put herself up if she could. Britt said that you could really put anybody up if you are that sure she (Sindy) is going home. Britt said that nothing is a sure thing in this house. Pilar said that she wishes in a million years that she did not have to make this decision. (funny thing is Sindy is in the HOH room listening to this conversation on the spy screen).

     3:39 pm BBT Britt reminded Pilar that she is not here with really good friends because they are here to win the money. Britt told Pilar to make sure it is what is best for her game. Britt said that Bobby has not been on the block one time and if all these people are willing to trust her then why don’t they go on the block as a pawn.

     3:41 pm BBT Britt told Pilar that it is a hard decision and she gets it, but she has to think long term and who is going to truly get her there or try and take it from her. She knows how people operate and how people turn. Pilar hopes that Britt won’t hold it against her and she loves her to death. Britt is saying as her friend to make sure it is the best for her game. Britt told Pilar that she is hesitating putting others up as a pawn but does she think they would hesitate putting her up. Britt just knows that people are playing off of emotions and her eyes have really been opened up, but no matter what Britt loves Pilar. Pilar said that she cant say that she guarantees because nothing is one hundred percent.

     3:46 pm BBT Pilar leaves the WA and Britt continues her shower.  

     3:48 pm BBT Zach and Godfrey in the KT sitting at the counter saying next week is a double eviction. Godfrey told Zach that they will talk and see what the smartest thing to do is. Zach said for sure. Godfrey told Zach that the girls are going to be taking them out and Zach responded that is why we can start taking them out now. Godfrey told Zach that Bobby does have a secret PoV. Bruno walked in the KT and Godfrey told him that next Wednesday is going to be wild and they have to chat about next week. Zach said yes us four boys are going to have a chat so they can set something up for the double. Bruno said alright he is down with that.

     3:52 pm BBT Zach don’t want the coasters to sit and watch them take each other out so it is time to take them out. More discussion in the KT about a double eviction coming up.

     3:53 pm BBT Godfrey said that they have to be careful who Pilar puts next to Sindy because they can’t be sure. Zach asked if Bruno talked to Pilar and Bruno said no but he should go and talk to her. Bruno has only seen Zach and Godfrey all day. Bruno is going to see if he can find Pilar and talk to her.

     3:56 pm BBT Bruno decided he will talk to Pilar in a bit and let her do her thing right now because she was stressing all day yesterday.

     3:57 pm BBT Britt and Sindy in the BR and Britt told Sindy that Pilar came to her and said she is going on the block. Britt is mocking Sindy saying “hey babe I don’t want you to be mad” Britt said it is a joke and she told Sindy that she said if Pilar is so sure Sindy is going home then why isn’t someone else going up. She also told Pilar that she needs to be smart about it and play her own game.

     4:01 pm BBT Britt is telling Sindy all the other stuff that she told Pilar and that it is not okay. Britt told Sindy that she can’t even be mad because she loves this game but it is frustrating being here with people that don’t know how to play this game. Sindy said that she read PIlars letter and in the second paragraph it tells her not to play with her emotions.

     4:03 pm BBT Britt told Sindy that Ashleigh’s only game in here is that she has a pretty face. They both agree that if they were a viewer at home they would be so mad at Pilar. Britt is just going to smile and be fake and then she follows that with she is just going to be herself.

     4:05 pm BBT Sindy asked Britt if she told Sarah and Britt said not yet. Sindy said it has not happened yet and she will try and say something to Pilar. Britt wanted to say to Pilar that she can put her up as a pawn next week since she is being used as a pawn this week. Britt left the BR to check the WA and see if anyone was in there then she went back into the BR. Sindy was going to talk to Kevin, Zach and Ashleigh today and say if Bobby has a secret PoV then this is a chance to see if he does.

     4:08 pm BBT Britt asked Sindy if she is going to talk to Pilar and Sindy said that she is not talking to Pilar anymore, she has to talk to Kevin and Zach.

     4:10 pm BBT Godfrey walked into the BR and Britt told him it didn’t work because Pilar came and told her that she is going up. Britt is reviewing her conversation with Godfrey now.

     4:11 pm BBT Sindy told Godfrey that she is going to talk to Zach and Ashleigh to see if Pilar would put up Bobby. Godfrey is thinking that they are the ones who told Pilar to put Britt up. Sindy said if Bobby goes up then she can probably beat him. Godfrey told Sindy to make sure she tells Zach and Ashleigh that about the secret veto and the sequester stuff and she just may convince them.

     4:14 pm BBT Godfrey is giving Sindy some tips on what to tell Zach and Ashleigh. Sindy is going to grab her laundry and see if they are around.

     4:15 pm BBT Godfrey told Sindy to tell them to put up Bobby just to flush the veto out if he really has it.

     4:17 pm BBT Sindy went to the BY to do her laundry. Kevin is on the hammock and Ashleigh is on the BY couch. Sindy thinks Willow might have taken some of her (Sindy’s) underwear out of the dryer.  The three of them head in the house.

     4:20 pm BBT Sindy went into the BR where Bruno and Godfrey were talking. Bruno went to Sindy and gave her a hug. Bruno told Sindy don’t ever give up because there has been twist after twist. Godfrey and Bruno are telling Sindy different scenario’s about what else could happen. Bruno said Sindy just please don’t give up. Sindy is telling them that she hates Bobby. She had nothing against him and then she went to the sequester house and everything she was told about Bobby, she seen it to the point.

     4:24 pm BBT We had a commercial interruption then when feeds came back, Ashleigh was in the BR also. Sindy is just telling them how she cried so much. Godfrey is talking about the PoV game and Sindy said it was a game of chance.

     4:26 pm BBT Discussion in the BR is now about packing and unpacking their bags.

     4:28 pm BBT Down by the HT we have Britt, Sarah, Bobby, Zach and Willow talking about twists in the game. Bobby said if it does he is going to use that cool new thing that he has because he is not going to let it die.

     4:30 pm BBT The HT group are now talking about the ten thousand that could have been taken from pushing the button and if it had been twenty thousand it might have been different. Zach said it is funny that Sindy did not take that money and now she is leaving five days later.

     4:33 pm BBT Feeds one and two are on FotH, Feed three just went black so we switch to fan feed and see Pilar and Kevin in the HOH bed making out.

     4:35 pm BBT Back on feed three by the HT the houseguests are talking about previous BB games.

     4:39 pm BBT Now by the HT we just have Willow and Zach talking about Sarah and Willow said why would she tell Sarah that she is in an alliance. Zach said that she came to him and said that she don’t have anyone. Willow said maybe she is looking for someone. Willow has not talk to Kevin yet but she thinks he is good. Zach don’t get how the couples alliance thing is and he asked Willow how many times she has seen him and Kevin talk. Zach said that Bobby and Bruno are a couple. Willow said that she don’t have one. Zach said until the final six it doesn’t matter. Willow said that it is her time soon to win.

     4:43 pm BBT Back up in the HOH room we have Kevin and Pilar still in bed.

     4:45 pm BBT feeds one and two back with Sarah and Britt in the HN room talking about if Britt does go home then Sarah better take these people down. Sarah said that she is not going home and Britt said that you never know. Britt told Sarah that Sindy is going to try and talk to Zach and Ashleigh again. Britt said if Pilar was smart she would not put her up and she would align with her then back to FotH.

     4:50 pm BBT Zach and Willow still by the HT and Zach would be amazed if it wasn’t a double coming up next week. Willow feels like they are going to wake up on an instant eviction. Both of them are heading in the house to make dinner.

     4:52 pm BBT Sindy and Ashleigh in the BR talking something Sindy told her but she was not focused on it. Sindy told Ashleigh that she don’t like Bobby and trust him at all. Sindy appreciated Ashleigh and Zach comforting her yesterday; obviously it sucks because she knows that she is going home so she wants to help the people that she can help before she leaves.

     4:54 pm BBT After commercial interruption we are back to the BR with Sindy and Ashleigh. Sindy is telling Ashleigh all of the stuff that she heard in sequester. Ashleigh said it is so weird because it was Bobby pulling people in and making them part of the chop shop. Sindy telling Ashleigh all of the stuff that Graig told her in sequester and it was all meant to go after Bobby. Sindy told Ashleigh that she really needs to be cautious with Bobby. Ashleigh feels like Bobby having a secret veto is a lie. Sindy said that everyone asked if they seen the goodbye messages because she heard that they were all about the chop shop.

     4:59 pm BBT Sindy told Ashleigh that it was not hard for her to get Bobby and Bruno to go against Zach. Sindy said that Graig told her that Bobby hates Zach and she knows that they have an idea of who to put up as a replacement because no matter what she is going home, but at least if he has a secret power then he will have to use it and then they will not be able to get him in the weeks ahead. Sindy has nothing to lose because she is going home.

     5:02 pm BBT Sindy told Ashleigh that Bobby’s biggest target is Zach and then Ashleigh will be on the block next to him. Sindy is explaining to Ashleigh how Bobby supposedly found the secret veto. Sindy said that she knows that she is going home, but if Bobby isn’t lying then he will have to use it if he is put up. Sindy is making the pitch to at least put up Bobby to flush the secret veto out if he does have it. Ashleigh said it is so true. Pilar walked in the BR while Ashleigh said it is a really good point.

     5:10 pm BBT Then Zach walked in and Sindy is thanking them for comforting her and she knows that she is going home so the least that she can do is give them the info to help with their game. She is telling the BR group about all the stuff that she heard and everyone’s target in sequester is Bobby. Sindy is reviewing again about the stuff that she heard from Graig and Johnny about Bobby, it is down to the t with what they were saying. She has nothing to lose and Bobby is going after Zach no matter what. Sindy is talking about the secret power that Bobby claims to have and how they should put Bobby up so they can flush it out if he does have it.

     5:13 pm BBT Sindy told Zach that he was Bobby’s target before she came back in the house. Zach asked what Naeha said and Sindy responded that Naeha loves him and she understands and even though she knew about Zach’s stuff, she was still wanting to go after Bobby.

     5:15 pm BBT Sindy is telling Ashleigh, Zach and Pilar to think about their game in the long run if Bobby really does have a secret power and he is going after Zach. Sindy told them this is their chance to find out if he really does have it because no matter what Sindy is going home and no matter what he is going after them if they put him up or not.

     5:20 pm BBT All feeds went to FotH

     5:22 pm BBT before the FotH it really sounded like Sindy convinced Pilar, Ashleigh and Zach to put up Bobby as a replacement nominee, but we will see.

     5:41 pm BBT No more game talk going on right now.  

  10.  8:22 am BBT Wow! We had over six hours of FoTH yesterday in the BB house and we wake up to the same thing this morning.

     8:30 am BBT we are still on FoTH in the BB house. Does anybody want to guess who the replacement nominee will be after Godfrey takes himself off the block with the PoV he won yesterday?

     8:45 am BBT FoTH is still on all the feeds. The PoV comp yesterday was something to do with elimination and picking a box. I heard Sarah apologize to Sindy for having to take a box away from her. Sindy told her that it was okay she understood.

     8:49 am BBT The feeds up and the houseguests are too! We see Bruno, Bobby, Zach and Britt in the hot tub talking about what a beautiful day it is.

     8:52 am BBT Feeds one and two are still on FoTH. We have the fan feed up with Pilar and Kevin playing kissy face.

     8:56 am BBT The HT group is talking about ice fishing and Zach catches six pounders.

     8:58 am BBT Feeds one and two are now on the HOH room. Sarah Willow in her Ketchup costume has joined them in their bed.

     9:00 am BBT HOH trio were talking about the rooster crow this morning and BB told them to stop talking about production

     9:03 am BBT HT group are talking about watching BB.

     9:05 am BBT Willow left the HOH room. Ashleigh is in the HOH WA doing her makeup. Kevin and Pilar playing kissy face again.

     9:06 am BBT Willow walked in the BR where Sindy is sitting on her bed. Willow asked Sindy to join her and they walk out of the BR with their bags and head out to the BY to do laundry.

     9:09 am BBT Willow is giving a shout out for Oxy clean if you have ketchup in your clothes. She also said that she is blushing because she saw the salad dressing.

     9:10 am BBT Sindy is going to shower while Willow heads into the SR then feeds switch to HOH room again with Pilar and Kevin kissing.

     9:13 am BBT Bobby is out of the HT and Sarah has joined them. Britt said that she is happy for Godfrey that he won $5,000 yesterday.

     9:14 am BBT Britt can’t believe they got chicken last night. Bruno is going to eat breakfast and then come out to tan. Godfrey walked out and Bruno told him it is tanning day today.

     9:15 am BBT Kevin and Pilar are finally getting out of bed. Ashleigh still in HOH WA doing her makeup.

     9:16 am BBT Pilar headed to the HOH WA by Ashleigh while Kevin left the HOH room.

     9:17 am BBT Ashleigh and Pilar are finished and headed downstairs.

     9:22 am BBT Sindy is taking a shower in the HOH room. Not much going on in the BB house this morning.

      9:25 am BBT most of the houseguests out by the HT with general chatter going on.

     9:38 am BBT All four feeds are on the HT with general conversation going on.

     9:39 am BBT Godfrey just went up to the HOH room to talk to Sindy. Godfrey thinks the best way possible is to tell Pilar to put up Ashleigh. Sindy said that she would never put up Ashleigh. Godfrey said that he should say to put up someone that hasn’t been a pawn since Sindy is going home anyway. Sindy said again that Pilar will never put up Ashleigh or Zach. She had the opportunity to put up Bruno or Bobby, but she didn’t have the balls to do that. Sindy don’t want Godfrey to suggest Bobby or Bruno because Zach talks to them.

     9:46 am BBT Sindy said that Bobby won’t vote for her because he wants her out. She would rather have Bobby on the block than have him for a vote. Godfrey asked if Sindy thinks she could beat Bobby on the block and Sindy said yes. Others walked into the HOH room and interrupted their conversation so Sindy just told Godfrey thanks for checking up on her.

     9:49 am BBT Now we have FoTH again.

     9:53 am BBT Feeds are back with Ashleigh in the HOH room putting on make up again.

     9:54 am BBT Godfrey is sitting on the HOH couch listening to music and eating.

     9:55 am BBT Pilar is in the SR getting herself something to eat.

     10:00 am BBT Sarah, Pilar, Ashleigh and Willow in KT fixing food and talking about Sandra Bullock then we get FotH again.

     10:01 am BBT Feeds are back with Godfrey still in HOH room listening to music. Sindy has finished her shower and is now in WA to dry her hair.

     10:03 am BBT Ashleigh, Sarah, Willow and Pilar still in Kt area talking about movies. They are talking about the movie the Proposal.

     10:07 am BBT Now the KT group is talking about trending on twitter, the live feeders and bloggers. They are speculating when the live feeds are on and when they are not.  

     10:08 am BBT Sarah can’t wait to read the blogs minute by minute.

     10:09 am BBT Ashleigh can’t believe that people write out everything they do on the live feeds.

      10:12 am BBT The KT group is talking about heading out in the BY and they all scatter except for Ashleigh and Pilar. Ashleigh fixed herself something to drink while Pilar finishes up eating.

     10:15 am BBT Zach called to the DR.

     10:16 am BBT The HT is covered up. Bruno, Ashleigh, Kevin and Pilar are out laying and sitting by it in the sun with no conversation going on.

     10:18 am BBT Sindy and Britt in the KT. Britt is cleaning while Sindy is sitting at the counter eating a banana talking about how exhausted. Britt said still no word on who they are putting up. Britt doesn’t want to talk game with Pilar every time that she sees her. She just wants to chill out and what will be will be. Sindy said that Bruno hasn’t even talked to her.

     10:21 am BBT Sindy thinks that Bruno is mad at her. Britt can’t wait until Pilar is not HOH because she basically gave it to Ashleigh and Zach. Sindy said when she suggested putting up Bobby or Willow, Pilar said no they are so nice and it’s so early in the game. Sindy is going to try and talk to Ashleigh and Zach.

     10:24 am BBT Willow walked into the KT and Sindy asked if it is too hard to throw away a core when you are done eating an apple. Willow picked up her apple core and said that she is not done eating it yet.

     10:26 am BBT Willow leaves the KT and Sindy told Britt that she don’t want to go outside because it is too cold out there and she don’t want to talk to anybody.

     10:27 am BBT Britt and Sarah now in the HOH room. Britt left and Sarah is going to listen to some music.

     10:35 am BBT Sindy walked in the HOH room where Sarah was listening to music. Sindy proceeded to tell Sarah about what Godfrey told her to do and Sarah said not to do that because it won’t work. Then BB calls Sindy out by telling her to fix her mic. Sarah said that she can’t tell Sindy who but she found out info today and she would just leave it. Sindy said that she is so loyal with Sarah and Britt, but Bruno has been avoiding her.

     10:39 am BBT Sarah told Sindy that she thinks they are going to put up one of their own to throw the others off. Sindy don’t want to risk Sarah or Britt going up. Sarah thinks that they will feel so comfortable and told Sindy just leave it. Sindy is talking about the secret PoV that Bobby is saying he has and if he will be able to use it. Sarah told Sindy to just play it cool and don’t push anything.

     10:43 am BBT Sarah carried the dishes down from the HOH room where Zach is and he offered to help by loading the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. BB told Sarah now to fix her mic.

     10:44 am BBT Sarah just told Zach that he don’t have to say too much, but if he wants her he still has her. Zach said right now he kinda don’t know where he is at either and if he wins next week and don’t put her up that is the only thing that he can do. Zach knows that Sarah don’t feel like she has anyone in this game. Sarah told Zach that they are going to need people.  Bobby walked through the KT and conversation stopped between Zach and Sarah.  

     10:47 am BBT Bobby went into the DR and Sarah told Zach that there has got to be people that scare him more than she does. Zach said exactly then Sindy walked in the KT and conversation switched to the chicken that they had last night.

     10:49 am BBT there is no PoV ceremony today on the LR screen.

     10:52 am BBT Sindy called to the DR.

     10:55 am BBT Sarah told Zach that just because she was comforting Sindy when she was crying they now Bobby is saying that Sarah is working with Sindy. Zach told Sarah that he knows that Bobby don’t have a secret veto because that is something that you don’t tell people. Sarah said that if they send her or Britt home she don’t know what they would do. Zach said they would be *ucked. Sarah said to go with the most obvious thing. Zach told Sarah not to count him as someone that would throw her on the block. Sindy walked in and conversation changed to sneezing.

     10:59 am BBT Sindy in HOH listening to music now and other houseguests out laying in the sun. no conversation going on. 

  11.   10:30 am BBT We are still on FOTH picking players for the PoV. Which houseguests will be playing for their safety? If Sindy draws the houseguests choice, who should she pick to play that might possibly use it to save her if they win?

     10:50 am BBT Still waiting for the feeds to come back up so we can find out who is playing in the PoV.

     10:51 am BBT Feeds are back up with houseguests in the KT fixing food and Sarah is in the WA taking a shower. Willow said that she has to fill up for her competition and she is wondering if she should shower before the big competition.

     10:58 am BBT Sarah gets to host the PoV competition. Sarah though they were going to pick Ashleigh. So we know that Willow is playing in the PoV and that Sarah and Ashleigh are not.

     11:02 am BBT Pilar, Bobby, Ashleigh, Bruno and Zach still in KT with general chatting going on.

     11:05 am BBT Bobby said that now it is going to be a waiting game until they actually get to play the comp. Bruno said that it was great picks for the comp, but we don’t know who all was picked yet.

     11:07 am BBT Kevin is in the HOH shower while Pilar is flossing her teeth. Kevin is so excited that he gets to play in the PoV competition and asked Pilar if he wins would she be mad if he used the PoV on Sindy.

     11:09 am BBT Willow is now in the HOH room listening to music and dancing around.

     11:10 am BBT Willow told Pilar that the PoV was a perfect pick. Kevin is awesome at competitions but Bobby is not. Pilar don’t want to replace anyone on the block. Pilar asks who is she going to back door if she has to.

     11:11 am BBT Willow told Pilar that she don’t have to backdoor anybody and she can use Godfrey as her target. Pilar said this is the first week that she feels unsure and what if at the last minute they flip. Willow said that Sindy would go for Zach or Bobby if she takes herself off. Pilar wonders who she would put up if Sindy takes herself off but she don’t want to worry about that until she has to.

     11:14 am BBT In the WA Britt is telling Sarah and Sindy that she used to be a positive person and now she just feels down and insecure. Britt finds herself doubting herself. Sindy asked as a competitor or as a person and Britt said both.

     11:16 am BBT Sindy will put on her red lip stick right before she competes because it is her good luck charm.

     11:17 am BBT Oh no, Sindy can’t find her red lip stick!

     11:18 am BBT Bruno put his pajamas back on. BB said that they had to wear them for a bit this morning, but he thinks they are comfortable so it was an easy choice for him.

     11:25 am BBT So we know that we have the HOH and the two nominees competing for the PoV along with Willow and Kevin. Bobby is upset that he did not get picked.

     11:40 am BBT Willow did tell Pilar that it was a perfect pick and Kevin is a good player but Bobby is not. So the PoV players are Kevin, Bobby an Willow along with Pilar, Sindy and Godfrey.

     11:43 am BBT Bobby and Sarah are in the HN room talking. Sarah said that when she was throwing his name under the bus, she left the room. Sarah told Pilar to trust her gut and do what she wants. Bobby said that it is so rude for Sindy to go up and say that she was disappointed in her to Pilar. Sarah said it is hard to distance herself from Sindy and Bobby said it is so hard when you are on the block.  

     11:46 am BBT Sarah told Bobby that he can trust her and she don’t have any other options. Bobby said that he can read between the lines, hope that her back feels better and see her at the veto.

     11:47 am BBT After Bobby left the HN room Sarah was saying to us feeders that she hates saying something bad about Sindy.

     11:49 am BBT The living room group is Bruno, Bobby, Willow and Zach. They are talking about competitions where you get eliminated and pick from a box. Bobby just broke his mic because he sneezed.

     11:56 am BBT We just have general conversations going on waiting for the PoV competition to begin. 

  12. 8:25 am BBT lights on in the BB house! Looks like Britt is not feeling well in the HN room and Sarah is comforting her then head out to LR and meet up with Bobby to exchange batteries.

    After giving Sarah and Britt new batteries, Bobby went into the main BR to start replacing the other houseguest’s batteries. Britt walked into the BR and got something and left.

     8:42 am BBT Sarah called to the DR. Feeds one and two in BR with houseguests just lying in bed with not much talk going on. Britt in the WA doing her makeup and someone is in the shower.  

     8:49 am BBT It was Bobby in the shower. Sarah is in the KT now cleaning and talking to Britt and telling her that no one else is cleaning and fixing the slop but her. Britt tells her to worry about herself and don’t clean up after the others. Then we get FOTH.

     8:52 am BBT Feeds back in the BR Pilar asked if it was alright to wear pajamas to it (pick players for pov possibly?). Bruno said he is wearing his. Bobby is delivering coffee to the BR and then we get a commercial.

     8:55 am BBT Bobby did not bring a spoon to stir the coffee’s and he offered his finger to stir them and Ashleigh said no thank you. Everyone is out of bed now except for Sindy. She is just sitting up in her bed watching the others and not saying a word.

     8:57 am BBT Britt walked in the BR with Sindy sitting by herself. Sindy said she is just thinking about the POV and Britt said it is in a half an hour. Britt is telling Sindy that Sarah has been close to her and she would not want to win the POV and then Sarah would be a possible replacement if Britt took Sindy down (Britt doesn’t want the pov). Bruno walked in and Britt asked him if the pov is won and Sindy comes down who he thinks will go up and Bruno said he has no idea.

     9:00 am BBT The three are discussing the scenario’s and then Sindy is called to the DR.

     9:02 am BBT Britt, Bruno and Bobby are now in the KT. Bobby sitting on the counter, Britt sitting at the counter talking to them about the pov and if she has to play in it and won it, she won’t use it. Bobby said it is pretty obvious who is going home this week (Bobby forgets that things can change in an instant in the BB house)

     9:05 am BBT Bruno entered the KT and talk now is just about how they are feeling.

     9:05 am BBT Sarah and Willow in the LR discussing how they are feeling. Sarah feels like all of her muscles are swollen. Willow walked away and Pilar walked through. Sarah asked how her sleep was and she told Sarah that she did not sleep in the HOH room and continues up the stairs.

     9:13 am BBT Sarah in the LR still with Willow messaging her shoulder. The guys were standing around wondering if she was going to play in the pov and Sarah said if she gets picked she will play. Willow asked Sarah how she slept and she said that she didn’t sleep at all. Britt and Kevin sitting on the LR couch but we can’t hear what they are talking about.

     9:16 am BBT Kevin got up and Bruno sat down by Britt. It looks as if she is crying, but we still can’t hear what is being said.

     9:17 am BBT Now we hear Bruno giving Britt a pep talk and Britt said she is having growing pains. Bruno said you don’t have to feel selfish and enjoy it while it is here. This is a once in a life time thing. Bruno said sometimes you have to let it out and when it comes to his kids he has cried more with the pictures and letters. You will miss your family. Britt said that everyone is keeping it together so well.

     9:20 am BBT They are all wearing their matching pajama’s for the veto ceremony that is coming up.

     9:21 am BBT Just to clarify: picking the players to play in the veto comp is coming up soon.

     9:23 am BBT Britt, Zach, Bobby, Kevin and Bruno sitting on the LR couches. Pilar walked through and she has the veto bag to pick players.

     9:26 am BBT Sign on the LR screen displays POV Competition Today.

     9:33 am BBT The houseguests are just lounging around waiting to pick players for pov. There is just general chatter going on.

     9:38 am BBT Sindy is sitting in the KT by herself eating something.

     9:41 am BBT Britt asked how Pilar’s sleep was in the HOH room. Ashleigh answered and said that she didn’t sleep in there, but tonight they are going to have some wine as like a celebratory thing.

     9:44 am BBT Still waiting to pick the players for the pov with general chatting going on.  

     9:48 am BBT The feeds just went to FOTH (finally time to pick the players for the pov possibly)

  13. 11:01AM BBT: Feeds back up with Kevin and Zach in the HoH room discussing JP and how he told Kevin about the Newport alliance. Zach said that JP played them very well. Kevin hasn't told anyone about the Chop Shop and he told Zach that Sindy told him because she found out in the sequester house. Kevin told Pilar that she knows who her friends are in the house and to believe him and Zach what they say. Kevin told Pilar that her friends are him, Zach and Ashleigh. Zach is saying that from day one he did not trust the chop shop alliance. Kevin told Pilar she wouldn't have to make nominations until tomorrow. Pilar don't know what to believe after this morning.


    11:08AM BBT: Ashleigh walked into the HoH room and Pilar told her to do her make up in the HoH room. Kevin is telling Zach that Sindy wants them to go against the chop shop. Pilar can't do this by herself and she can't think. Zach told Ashleigh that Sindy is trying to get them put up and he is reaffirming to Kevin and Pilar where their heads are at.


    11:10AM BBT: Ashleigh said that the chop shop was something that they were thrown into. Zach said that him and JP talked and he knew that his heart was not in it. Bobby walked into the HoH room and Zach said that they can't trust Sindy. Pilar said that she don't know what to do and she don't know what to believe. The others in the room tell her to go with her gut.


    11:14AM BBT: Ashleigh don't understand how Sindy knows all of this info. Kevin is explaining that Sindy claims that she was sent to a sequester house with all of the evictees and they talked. Pilar said it is all accurate and it all makes since.


    11:18AM BBT: Pilar asked Zach if they were in the chop shop. Zach said that they were in that but they were not tight. Kevin said that this morning when Sindy was trying to get to Pilar and it scared him this morning. Pilar is telling the HoH group that Sindy told her to put Bobby and Willow up and Ashleigh said no. Pilar is telling the HoH group that Sindy said that Bobby has a secret veto.

  14.  8:39 am BBT Lights are already on in the BB house. Looks like Sindy and Sarah are taking new batteries around to the houseguests. Bobby is now up and out of bed, Willow sits up and asks about Sindy. Bobby told her that she just changed batteries.

     8:43 am BBT Sindy and Sarah meet up in the SR. They are whispering so low we can’t hear what is being said. Bobby is in the KT now fixing coffee. Sarah walked out of the SR and said good morning to him. They both head upstairs as Sindy heads to the HOH room to talk to Pilar. Sindy is going to send three people to the HOH room, Godfrey, Sarah and Brittnee. She is going to try and do it within the next five minutes. Kevin is going to wake up.

     8:50 am BBT Sarah and Britt walk into the HOH room and tell Pilar and Kevin good morning. Britt asked how Pilar and Kevin are feeling and they tell her they are tired. Sindy is in the HOH room and she is now explaining to Pilar and Kevin about the Chop Shop and telling them who their targets were.

     8:55 am BBT still in the HOH room Sindy said that she had to evict JP for the numbers because if he stayed then they would have the numbers. Sindy knows that Pilar wouldn’t put up Zach and Ashleigh. Sindy is telling them that they are the underdogs and that Ashleigh is not against Pilar but she will put her up. Sindy said since she was gone the five of them are still intact. Sindy said to put Bobby up and put Willow up next to them and if Bobby has a secret pawn they could put Bruno up. Graig told Siindy everything and she was a victim of the chop shop.

     8:57 am BBT In the HOH room Sindy is still explaining to Pilar and Kevin that the six of them are on the outs and are targets of the chop shop. Sindy said that she couldn’t tell them that she saw the evictees or she would have a target on her back. Sindy is telling the HOH group that Canada loves the underdogs.

     9:00 am BBT Sindy told Kevin that Johnny loves him and understands why he did what he did. She is telling them that Graig spilled everything to her when he was evicted. Sindy said if she puts Bobby and Willow up saying they are the reason JP is gone. Britt doesn’t think that they should tell them about the info that they know. Kevin said it is huge. Sindy said they could stay close with Ashleigh and Zach and it is Pilar’s chance to make a good move. Sindy said that each one of them were a target.

     9:04 am BBT Godfrey just walked into the HOH room and Sindy is reviewing all of the info about the chop shop to him. Sarah and Britt are still in the HOH room talking to Kevin and Pilar while Sindy is talking to Godfrey.

     9:06am BBT Sindy is telling the HOH group that they have to stay together because Pilar cannot play in the HOH next week. Sindy told GF that she pushed to vote for him to stay to get rid of one on their side.



     9:08am BBT Sindy is telling the HOH group that the chop shop started on day 3. Britt called to the Dr. Pilar said guys I can’t do this, when is nominations. Kevin can’t believe that and where did they come up with the name of the chop shop. Sindy explained it to them. Sindy is sorry to put this on Pilar. Sindy is telling that Bobby claimed he got a secret power of veto so she suggests to put Bobby up and if he does have it then he will use it and if not too bad for lying.  

     9:11am BBT Kevin said sequester house is nuts. Pilar said she does not know what to do. Sindy said to hold her composure in front of Ashleigh. Sindy suggests putting up Bobby and Willow.  

     9:13am BBT Britt walked into the HOH room and told them to be careful because the others are awake now. Sindy is telling Godfrey do not call them out and ruin it for all of them.

     9:14am BBT Sindy is sitting down by the HOH bed whispering to Pilar and Kevin because Ashleigh was using the HOH WA. Ashleigh left the HOH room and now Sindy is telling Pilar reasons that she could use for her nominations.

     9:17am BBT Sindy said that she never talked game to them, but the six of them need to stick together. Sindy is telling Kevin and Pilar that Graig told her to talk to them. Kevin said it is perfect because it makes since.

     9:19am BBT Sindy is telling Kevin and Pilar that she had to take JP out because he was so close to Zach. Pilar asked how she knows to trust them. Sindy said that all five of the chop shop were up until 5am talking in the hammock. Sindy is now telling them about doing the side show and Canada does not like Zach.

     9:21am BBT Pilar does not know how to believe all of this. Sindy said that she was in sequester to get info and bring it back to. She is telling them that each member of the chop shop had someone to get close to and have that vote if they needed it. Kevin said it makes since.

     9:24am BBT Kevin said that Graig pushed the chop shop together so quickly that they did not have time to gain trust. Sindy agrees that they do not trust each other and that is why the six of them have to stick together.

     9:25am BBT Pilar asked Sindy if she is one hundred percent positive about this and Sindy said yes. Graig told her the stuff and Johnny confirmed that he seen them always together talking.

     9:26am BBT Sindy is telling Kevin and Pilar that her and Graig both agreed that one of them could come back into the house and they were  going to use this info.

     9:27am BBT Pilar said that this is big and a lot to take in. Sindy said that she won the HOH fair and square and to protect all of them this is the best move because if Bobby stays he is gunning towards Kevin.

     9:29am BBT Pilar said it is going to be hard to keep this info from Ashleigh. Sindy said that they sat there so comfortably every week.

     9:33am BBT Kevin said it makes since why Graig shut down now. Graig said that he did not want to go back because his alliance turned on him.

     9:35am BBT Pilar asked Sindy asked if Britt remembers when they did the DR together and Zach and JP were talking and got quiet. Sindy said the chop shop each had a person to target and get close to.

     9:38am BBT Sindy said that Graig is so angry at the chop shop alliance. Sindy said that they should disassociate with each other. Graig told Sindy to use a quote, do not let your feelings affect your actions. Pilar asked how she knew about that quote and she said it was from her letter and Graig told her about it.

     9:41am BBT Sindy said that Zach was suspicious that she was not alone after she left the house like he was afraid that she talked to Graig after he left.

     9:43am BBT Pilar asked who they want to get rid of and Sindy said their next target is Sindy and Godfrey. Pilar thinks that she needs to get Bobby and Willow because they will come after her. Sindy reminds her that they were already going to come after her and Kevin.

     9:46am BBT Britt is telling the HOH group that when she voted to evict JP she could hear the audience. Kevin said that when he voted for Godfrey the audience was silent. Sindy said that they are safe as long as they don’t know that they are working together because they have the votes to keep them all safe. Pilar said it is so hard to fake talk. Sindy said that Bobby told her she only has one life in the BB game.

     9:51am BBT Willow walked into the HOH room and interrupted the conversation.

     9:54am BBT Willow said they are setting a comp up outside and Pilar will probably have to do nominations today.

     9:56am BBT In the KT Bobby and Ashleigh talking about who told about the chop shop and that it has to be Willow and why would Willow go up to Godfrey, she must feel safe. Bobby would be super pissed if it was Bruno and it would be the end of his game if he found out it was Bruno. Ashleigh said that there was two minutes of silence and then Godfrey said he has to take his bike to the chop shop.  Bobby is going to ask Bruno and if it was it would be a stupid move.

     10:00 am BBT Bobby only trusts the chop shop in this house and why would Willow say that to Sarah. Bobby told Ashleigh to tell Zach. Bruno and Zach walked into the KT and Ashleigh said that Godfrey knows about the shop. Bruno and Zach both said that they did not tell him. Now they speculate that Sindy must of seen it in the goodbye messages. Bobby don’t think that she saw goodbye messages and then Godfrey started about talking about motorcycles after so could it be a coincidence.


     10:03 am BBT Bobby don’t trust the guy. Zach said there is no way he knows about it and Bobby said it would have had to go through Willow. Bobby told Ashleigh to mention it to Willow and read her reaction. Willow walked into the KT and asks what is not good. Bruno said he don’t know if it is a coincidence or what but Godfrey said he was going to take his bike to the chop shop, then we get a commercial so I did not get to hear Willows response. They are whispering so we can’t hear what is being said. Ashleigh said it must be a coincidence and the others said no because he is so smart, but how would he know.

     10:08 am BBT Kevin walked into the KT and interrupted the conversation.

     10:09 am BBT Kevin left the KT and the group is talking again but we can’t hear all they are saying. Bobby said imagine if it all was coincidence and we are freaking out about nothing. Bobby said it is too much for this morning.  

     10:11 am BBT Godfrey walked into the KT and they are talking about shirts and working out. Godfrey left and Bruno, Zach and Bobby are left talking. Bruno said when is the last time you ever said that you want to take your bike to the chop shop and Bobby said who even calls it a chop shop anyway.

     10:13 am BBT FOTH on all five feeds

     10:17 am BBT Still on FOTH. Paranoia is running through the house!

     10:21 am BBT Ashleigh and Willow in the HOH room Ashleigh telling Willow that Bobby and Bruno took Godfrey into the SR for a minute and Godfrey told them that Sindy told him about it because Graig told her in sequester. Ashleigh said that is BS and she thinks that Bobby and Bruno did it and they came out and tried to tell her a lie. Willow said that she don’t believe it and she don’t believe anything that Sindy says then back to FOTH.

     10:30 am BBT Still on FOTH. Sindy has really shaken up the house!

     10:40 am BBT Still on FOTH waiting for the feeds to come back up.

     10:48 am BBT Still on FOTH. Recap from this morning: Sindy told Kevin and Pilar about the chop shop and she suggested that the six outcasts (Sindy, Britt, Sarah, Godfrey, Kevin and Pilar) work together. Godfrey made a comment in front of Ashleigh about taking his motor cycle to the chop shop. The members of the chop shop discussing how he found out and Ashleigh wonders if Bruno and Bobby told Godfrey and they are just lying to the others about it.

     10:55 am BBT Still on FOTH waiting for the feeds to come back up.

  15.  9:00 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights are still out in the BB house and all of the houseguests are still asleep.  

     9:06 am BBT Rumor has it that Bobby found a secret veto in the vault that he can use for up to three weeks. Jordan is really freaking out about it, but will he still be here to worry about it after tonight’s eviction and if he is evicted tonight, will he spill the beans to all of the other houseguests?

     9:07 am BBT Lights are still out in the BB house, but Sindy just woke up and went into the WA.

     9:12 am BBT Willow is now up and making her way to the WA. They both finish up in the WA, Sindy heads downstairs to the KT and Willow heads back into the BR.

     9:15 am BBT Sindy went back up to the WA and then headed back to bed.

     9:21 am BBT As soon as Sindy crawled back in bed BB turned the lights on.

     9:25 am BBT Sindy is lying in bed just looking around. All other houseguests still sleeping.

     9:28 am BBT Pilar is up out of bed and heading to the WA now.

     9:30 am BBT Pilar finished up in the WA and headed back to bed.

     9:31 am BBT Sarah got up and left the HN room, but the camera did not follow her.

     9:34 am BBT Bruno and Bobby are up now in the SR. Bruno told Bobby that Zach was coming for them last week and the way he set up the nominations it was so obvious. Bruno said that Zach is coming after them next if they do it or not. Zach knew that he had to take a shot at them. Bobby is talking about shattering the other side. Bruno said that both nominees are in the chop shop so who cares who goes. Bruno said that he is going for Zach next week. They are discussing who to put up next week. Bobby just thought of a new alliance name the B-headers. Bruno said yea we could still chop it. Then we get FOTH.

     9:40 am BBT Feeds back with Britt in the WA brushing her teeth talking to Bobby who is in the restroom.

     9:42 am BBT Bobby is jumping in the shower as Bruno walks in and said Good morning to Britt. Bruno jumped in the shower while he is talking to Britt about how he slept.

     9:45 am BBT Feeds one and two still on FOTH. Up in the HOH room Ashleigh and Zach are just lying in bed awake and not talking.

     9:47 am BBT Sarah walked into the WA and Bruno told her good morning and asked how she was feeling. She said she is feeling great and asked him how he is feeling. He said he is feeling great as well. Britt is just putting on her makeup.

     9:50 am BBT Ashleigh and Zach are still lying in bed not talking. Britt called to the DR. Ashleigh got up and left the HOH room.   

     9:53 am BBT Sarah and Britt still sitting in the WA putting on makeup and talking. Ashleigh walked in the WA and she is at the sink. Bobby is finished with his shower and Bruno just finished his. Britt is telling the WA group about a dream that she had.

     9:55 am BBT Sarah called to the DR when she started telling about a dream that she had.

     9:56 am BBT Britt is not going to do her whole face because they still have so much time.

     9:57 am BBT Britt just said that she hears that rooster going off. Sarah is back and doing her makeup. Bruno is brushing his teeth and Bobby walked in to get his hat and said good morning to everyone.

     10:00 am BBT Feeds one and two still on FOTH, Zach still in HOH bed. Pilar just walked in WA and said Good Morning to everyone. They are talking about who is hung over today and about the fun pageant.

     10:01 am BBT Godfrey walked into the WA, he weighed himself and said he is up three pounds.

     10:02 am BBT Godfrey is getting in the shower as JP walked into the WA and said Good Morning all.

     10:04 am BBT JP asked Sarah how long ago she told him to get up because they were going to be called into the DR and she said like twenty minutes. He though it was about an hour ago.

     10:06 am BBT Zach is getting up and dressed. He headed to his WA.

     10:07 am BBT JP walked into the HOH room and over to the WA by Zach, but we can’t see or hear them.

     10:11 am BBT Feeds 3 and 4 switch to Zach and JP talking. They are talking about the secret veto that Bobby has and how to get rid of it. They will tell Bobby that they know and just say that Willow told them. They think Bobby will be pissed that Willow let it slip that he had it. JP said they are just going to have to see what happens. Zach said to just keep doing what they can with what they know. Zach said they will be sitting good. JP is going to use Zach’s shower and Zach walked back in by his HOH bed.

     10:15 am BBT Feeds one and two up showing Kevin and Sindy hugging. Kevin said we hug and hold because we are in love (he is actually trying to crack her back). Now Kevin is giving Sindy a shoulder rub.  

     10:18 am BBT Sarah, Willow and Britt sitting in the hall talking about terms for sex.

     10:20 am BBT Bruno and Bobby were lying on the LR couches. BB told Bobby to please wake up because nap time is over.

     10:21 am BBT JP, Kevin and Zach in the HOH WA talking again about scenarios. JP don’t think there is any scenario where they are going to be *ucked unless it is Canada. JP is sure that Sindy will be put up no matter what. Willow walked in and conversation turned to Zach moving back downstairs.

     10:24 am BBT JP and Willow left the HOH room leaving Zach and Kevin talking about hoping that Sindy does not win HOH. Britt scares Zach because she could do something big with her and Bobby getting close now. Zach said that Willow could win this week and get rid of Sindy. Zach would not complain if Willow was put up this week or next week and they could vote her out. Double evict is a little scary. Kevin is leaving the HOH room as Zach said talk to you maybe Wednesday night and we will see what happens today. Zach is left in the HOH room listening to his music.

     10:28 am BBT Feeds in KT now with JP saying he is going to sleep well tonight because he is going to be in a comfortable bed (he is so sure Godfrey is leaving tonight).

     10:29 am BBT Ashleigh, Pilar, Sindy, Bobby, Sarah, JP and Bruno are in KT just general chatting.

     10:31 am BBT Britt is in the KT too and she said that she is scared of ants.

     10:34 am BBT Zach still up in the HOH room by himself listening to his music all other houseguests in the KT with general chatting going on.

     10:39 am BBT Conversation in the KT is now about the schools not teaching the kids how to spell anymore.

     10:40 am BBT Zach made it down to the KT and is fixing coffee. Pilar and Willow are discussing what they are going to wear today.

     10:42 am BBT The KT group is talking about some gum that tastes like soap. It is in a yellow package with purple writing made by Willie Wonka.

     10:43 am BBT We have FOTH

     10:45 am BBT Feeds are back as houseguests make their way upstairs to the main BR talking about movie stars.

     10:46 am BBT Correction the houseguests went to the HOH room for a lockdown.

     10:49 am BBT Bruno is telling the houseguests about a movie.

     10:50 am BBT It is Godfrey telling the houseguests about a movie.

     10:54 am BBT Looks like we might have HOH lockdown for awhile. There will probably be no game talk going on, just general conversation.  

  16. 2:30-3:00 am Bruno and Godfrey still in the BY talking about Graig’s secret that he is 37 years old and he plays pro baseball. Bruno and Godfrey both agree that they love Graig and he was made for the BB game. They are discussing how they both voted for Bobby and Pilar in the first eviction really because they were the only names that they remembered. JP joined Bruno and Godfrey in the BY and they told him they were reminiscing about day one in the BB house. None of them knew that Pilar had an accent for at least three days because they did not talk to her. JP told Godfrey the first night he thought he was hilarious. Bruno said that he was not even in the door yet and Graig was hugging him and telling him that he wanted to work together. JP said they all lined up to go in the house and then Godfrey pushed him aside and went in ahead of him. JP said he knew everybody’s name the first night so being in the house first was an advantage. They are discussing Graig’s game and how crazy he was about the game and how he would dream that people were coming after him so he would believe it. JP invited Bruno and Godfrey to come to his house to stay after the game is over. JP and Bruno head inside while Bruno picks up the BY. Bruno heads to bed while JP just went into the SR.

    3:00-3:15 am BBT JP in the SR giving himself a pep talk. He is grabbing his head saying ahhh Bobby has a secret veto that he can use for three weeks, he found it in the vault. He told Zach, Ashleigh, Willow and Sindy. Now he knows and what is he going to do. It is such an unfair advantage but it is the game. Now he needs to figure out what he can do to get rid of the veto. He was questioning everything but now he is back. Newport and Fortress he is in one hundred percent with both. He wants to work with Kevin but he wants to work with Zach as well. Zach should have taken a shot at Bobby or Bruno this week. This is not good, he had a bad week, he is 21, he sucks at the game, he is going to be emotional, he is going to make mistakes but now he has his head on straight. He can’t win HOH this week because Bobby has this veto and he can’t go after him. The only thing is to go after Sindy, which he cannot do. He doesn’t love her but he really likes her personally, but for his game he cannot work with her. She cannot be trusted, she is bad at the game, she is not good for his game and she needs to go home. Zach does not want him to tell Kevin about the secret veto, but he is going to tell Kevin because he trusts Kevin and the fortress and he trusts that Kevin won’t do anything. It’s very scary and he don’t know what to do, but to clarify for the feeders he is in with Zach one hundred percent and he is also with Kevin one hundred percent. He trusts them both and he is going to work with them going forward. He hopes that Kevin wins HOH and puts Bobby on the block and make him use the veto and get rid of the chop shop, he hates the chop shop because they put him in this mess this week. If it wasn’t for the chop shop Bobby and Bruno would be out the door this week. He loves them, they are both good guys, but they are good at the game. He is now asking Canada to put Bobby and Willow on the block. Four out of the five evictees have been sent home by the chop shop and they keep running this game. The couples and him can take a shot at the chop shop. He is tired of doing nothing in the game and he wants to do something but Bobby has this veto that nobody is supposed to know when half of the house knows. He loves Kevin and Zach and wants to work with them both. He gives a shout out to his family and tells them he is okay. He needs to be perceived as being week so no one thinks that he is a strong player.        

  17. 5:00 pm BBT - 5:15 pm BBT The pageant just ended as Sarah walked out by the HT and met up with Bobby. Sarah told Bobby that she knows JP has been hiding things from her. She loves the guy and it is gonna suck to vote anybody out. If she saves Godfrey and shows Bobby her trust and if Sindy can’t vote (Godfrey walked out and interrupted the conversation) Sarah told Godfrey that Sindy might not have a vote. Godfrey said at least you all will have my back. Godfrey said if she can’t vote it’s a tie and Zach will send me home. Bobby asked Sarah if she is sure they have Britt and Sarah responded yes. Godfrey said he is on this side and Zach is going around telling people that Godfrey wanted to put up Bruno, Sarah, Britt and everyone.

     6:05 pm BBT Sarah and Pilar are in the KT are talking about a comp they were in. Pilar and Sarah agree that this season is intense.

     6:07 pm BBT The BY group is talking about the lockdown with Sindy and Bobby when BB tells houseguests to please stop talking about production.

     6:13 pm BBT Sarah and Pilar in the KT talking and Sarah told Pilar that someone has to make a move. Pilar said something about not wanting to win HOH because you have to get blood on your hands. Pilar said they have to get rid of their feelings and disconnect to play.

     6:15 pm BBT Sarah said we can help each other be emotionally distant. Pilar ran up the stairs to use the restroom.

     6:17 pm BBT Sarah sitting at the counter when Bobby walked in and offered to make some more slop. Sarah said she is trying to build up trust and Bobby is willing to go with it. Bobby said every minute’s things change and said to approach him when it is a sure thing. Sarah feels like she is not going to be able to get Sindy alone. Pilar and Ashley entered the KT and interrupted their conversation.

     6:20 pm BBT Godfrey and Kevin in the HOH room and Godfrey just told Kevin to picture himself sitting next to him at the final two or sitting next to Zach. Godfrey is telling Kevin that Zach is telling everyone that Godfrey is throwing them under the bus. Kevin said that is a lot to think about and Godfrey told Kevin to tell Pilar too. Godfrey said that no one wants to say they are going against Zach. Godfrey is giving Kevin some tips to be careful. Godfrey told Kevin that he would never throw him under the bus.

     6:24 pm BBT Bobby, Bruno and Zach in the BY talking. Zach said that Britt and Sarah will be happy if they can make a big play. Zach said that Sarah for sure has to go because she scares the shit out of him. Bobby said they are probably trying to utilize Sindy as we speak. Bobby asked Zach if JP is still on board with getting rid of Sindy next week and Zach said absolutely.

     6:27 pm BBT Bobby just told Bruno and Zach that the volt was the best thing that happened to him and he wondered if it was anybody else in there if they would have found it (?not sure what it is) Bobby said if he can get closer to Britt he can find out where the girls are at. Zach said Britt would go after Ashley in a heartbeat.

     6:30 pm BBT In the BY Willow interrupted the conversation, she is doing laps around the yard.

     6:31 pm BBT Camera moves into the LR with Britt, Sarah and Sindy just general chatting about naptime. Britt just whispered that Zach, Bruno and Bobby are all sitting outside. Sarah asked if she wanted to go out there and Britt said yes. Britt has something to do first. JP walked in the LR and Sarah asked him if he feels good and he said yes. BB told Sarah not to obstruct her mic. JP was inspecting under Sindy’s bed. Bruno walked through the room and talk is about food.

     6:35 pm BBT Ashley and Pilar are going outside to work out.

     6:36 pm BBT Godfrey in the WA putting lotion on then getting dressed. Bruno just finished using the restroom. Godfrey is telling Bruno all that he said to Kevin. Bruno said Bobby is in and were good then they leave the WA.

     6:39 pm BBT Sarah, JP and Sindy in LR. Sarah is speculating that this week is Canada’s HOH because they have not shut down the BY and started building anything yet. Sarah thinks it would  be good to see who Canada likes.

     6:41 pm BBT Sarah said it is so cool we are on Big Brother.

     6:42 pm BBT Sarah go up and is going in the BY and she is waiting for the announcement that nap time has started. Sarah came back in the LR because they are having a workout in the BY and she does not want to join them. JP told Sarah that he carried Sindy up the stairs. Sindy didn’t think he could do it, but he almost died. Sindy was so impressed.

     6:44 pm BBT On the BY couch Britt is laying by Bruno and they are talking about getting through the weeks and going to the gym. Bruno misses the shakes because he was on a specific one and it was so good, but expensive. Britt’s was cheap in the US and almost doubled in Canada around 50 bucks.

     6:48 pm BBT Now Britt and Bruno are talking about a possible double eviction. Britt said Sarah got a nap time is over from BB. Bruno said they awoke the giant.

     6:50 pm BBT Britt told Bruno that she knows Bobby and she likes what he is about. She doesn’t know him very well. Bruno said he is a good guy and he knows what she means. Bruno said his abs are hurting watching the other houseguests working out. They are talking about the comps they were in so far.

     6:52 pm BBT Britt has to go blow her nose because it is so stuffed up.

     6:54 pm BBT Sarah told Britt that she was getting up to go out to the BY but she seen everyone working out so she went back to the LR. Britt walked out to the BY and laid back down by Bruno and told the houseguests that they did so good in the workout.

     6:55 pm BBT Britt asked Bruno if he ever gets the moments where he is overwhelmed and feels antsy where he can’t do anything. Bruno said oh yea sometimes.

     6:57 pm BBT Bobby joined Bruno and Britt on the BY couch. Bobby is eating something while watching the other houseguests work out.

     7:01 pm BBT Back in the LR on the couch we have Sindy, Sarah, JP and Britt just joined them. Sarah is talking about going to a party in the past.

     7:02 pm BBT Sarah is talking about Trombone Shorty who is amazing. She is talking about different kinds of bands and music.  

     7:05 pm Bobby, Zach, Ashleigh, Bruno, Godfrey, Pilar and Kevin just in the BY goofing around.  Pilar stood up on Kevin’s shoulders. Now Pilar is getting up to stand on Zach’s hands. Kevin is in front of Zach and Bobby was in back making sure if she fell they would catch her.

     7:11 pm BBT Back in the LR we have JP talking about his different birthday’s and what he did. Britt’s 19th birthday wasn’t good. Britt’s was especially bad because her best friend was planning this other chic’s birthday that was on the same day as hers. The drama started and it was just stupid kids shit.

     7:15 pm BBT JP described the drama on his 19th birthday with his friends.

     7:19 pm BBT JP got a stop that by BB for saying the names of his friends while he is telling the story.

     7:24 pm BBT BY group still goofing around and LR group still listening to JP’s birthday stories. No game talk going on right now.

     7:30 pm BBT LR group now listening to stories from Willow about birthdays that she had.

     7:35 pm BBT in the BY Ashleigh is teaching Sarah and Bobby a dance.

     7:40 pm BBT Sarah and Willow in the KT. Sarah asked Willow how her knee was doing and she said it is alright. Willow told Bobby he had some good moves out in the BY.

     7:42 pm BBT Willow asked Kevin if he was going for a run as he walked through the KT. He said that is a good idea. Willow said she just has pushups left to do and she is done. Sarah thinks about cleaning out the slop bucket and asks if it would be okay in the fridge. Zach, Bobby and Ashleigh walk into the KT and just discuss food to eat.

     7:50 pm BBT Sarah, Sindy Godfrey and Bruno on the BY couch. Sindy is not sure that she can vote. Bruno said they have to make sure they have the numbers. Sindy told Bruno that Britt is down with it. Sindy said that she has to pretend to be mad for a few days after they vote JP out. Godfrey said they will all start to get paranoid about each other. Britt joined them and discussion is about the other side is going to know because of the votes. Bruno is going to try talking to Kevin tonight.  

     7:54 pm BBT Zach joined the BY group and discussion turned to being able to tell the difference when you do a taste test on different kind of cola’s.

     7:56 pm BBT The BY group is still talking about different kinds of soda’s using the first initial of each so they are not breaking the rules saying the full name.

  18.  8:41 am BBT We see Sindy and Bobby on feed four in the vault sleeping. The clock timer reads 1:19 and then FOTH. Right before bed last night we heard Zach review for the live feeders that BB wanted two volunteers to complete a task. Bobby and Sindy volunteered and they went in the vault and Zach said they haven’t been seen or heard from since.

     8:54 am BBT All lights are still out in the BB house and Bruno just got up and left the HN room, but the camera did not follow him. All other feeds are on sleeping houseguests.

     8:58 am BBT Houseguests still sleeping, but BB just turned the lights on. Wake up time should be coming soon!

     9:12 am BBT No wakeup call yet. Fan feed shows Zach and Ashleigh sleeping in the HOH room. Feeds one and two show the main BR with Brittnee getting up out of bed and feeds three and four are on FOTH.

     9:15 am BBT Feeds one and two just switched to the HN room showing GF sleeping.

     9:19 am BBT In the HN room Bruno is back in bed and Sarah is no longer in the room.

     9:22 am BBT BB just called Britt to the DR twice. Zach and Ashleigh are still in bed in the HOH room. They are whispering, but they do not have their mic’s on so we can’t hear what is being said. Sarah just walked into the HOH room to give Zach and Ashleigh new batteries for their mic’s.  

     9:25 am BBT Now we see Sarah walk in the HN room to give them new batteries. JP is up and out of bed and leaves the room after he gets new batteries. Sarah put new batteries in GF’s mic and gives Bruno his new batteries and then she left the HN room.

     9:29 am BBT Zach and Ashleigh still in bed in the HOH room. They are talking, but still do not have their mic’s on so we don’t know what they are saying. Feeds one and two are in the HN room with Bruno and GF sleeping. Feeds three and four are on FOTH. Willow was just called to the DR.

     9:31 am BBT Britt and Sarah in the KT whispering. Sarah is dumping out old slop and hears someone talking. She asked who is talking, but no one answered. Willow passes through and Sarah asks where she is going. Willow said she was going to the store. Sarah asked how her knee was and Willow responded it was fine, thanks for asking. Sarah is washing out the slop bucket while Britt is waiting for coffee. Pilar walked into the KT and said she smells coffee.

     9:37 am BBT Britt is cooking the last two eggs and the last of the cheese. Sarah is excited that she only has one more day on slop.

     9:43 am BBT Pilar just gave a shout out to Sindy and told her she loves her and misses her and can’t wait until she is back.

     9:45 am BBT Feeds three and four are still on FOTH. The clock in the vault should read less than 15 minutes now.

     9:47 am BBT Britt told Sarah that she could only see good from Bobby and Sindy being in there for 24 hours.

     9:48 am BBT Sarah is going outside because she can’t stand the smell of melted cheese. She passed Bruno as she was going and said it is a beautiful day out then we get FOTH on all four feeds.

     10:00 am BBT All the feeds are still showing FOTH. The timer in the vault should be about done counting down. Bobby and Sindy should be out by the time the feeds come back up.

     10:15 am BBT All feeds are still on FOTH.

     10:30 am BBT The anticipation is building as the feeds are still on FOTH. What will Sindy and Bobby be able to tell the other houseguests and will we find out what would of happened if they had pushed the button?

     10:50 am BBT All feeds are still on FOTH.

  19.  9:00 am BBT The lights just came on in the BB house, but all houseguests are still sleeping.


     9:07 am BBT FOTH (maybe their wake up call)

     9:30 am BBT All feeds are still on FOTH

     9:35 am BBT Pilar, Sarah and Britt in KT dancing and laughing. They are celebrating the date of 4-20 to all of the stoners. When Sarah was younger she would do crazy shit on this date. They are discussing the weather outside and said it is pouring. Today Sarah would be helping with a run that her boss puts on for work.

     9:40 am BBT Sarah walked in the main BR and is pretending she is passing a joint to all the hg’s and wishing them a happy 4-20.

     9:44 am BBT The BR group all told Sindy Happy Birthday. Sarah called to the DR and the BR group is saying they are cutting her off.

     9:47 am BBT The BR group now talking about how they did not sleep very well. BB told Bobby again to please wake up. Britt called to the DR as Sarah walked back into the BR. Someone in the BR group asked if they could have a stoner class because they do not know much about it so Sarah is describing hash oil.

     9:51 am BBT JP called to the DR as Britt walked back in the BR. The BR conversation is now about driving while high and asking Sarah if it is illegal.

     9:54 am BBT Feeds went to FOTH

     10:10 am BBT Feeds still on FOTH

     10:27 am BBT We are not sure what is going on because the feeds are still on FOTH.

     10:47 am BBT Feeds have been down for almost an hour now. 

  20. 5:38 am BBT Feeds are back! On feed four: Zach and Ashleigh in HOH room talking about a comp and Zach’s time was 4 minutes and 21 seconds then they got a “houseguests please stop talking about production” from BB. Zach won the POV and is now worried that the others are going to think he is so good at comps. Ashleigh said yea but Kevin is still a bigger threat and has won more comps than Zach. Zach said you have to be socially set up with the house. Zach told Ashleigh that getting rid of GF will benefit him because he can swing it to look like it is best for everyone and Bruno benefits nobody.

    5:41 am BBT Zach said if he wins in another two weeks then the line will get drawn and he can pick up the garbage scraps like remnants of the chop shop or SaraB or Sindy.  Ashleigh said Sindy is a good thing and she is so happy it is Sindy that made it back in the house. Zach said in like two or three weeks if Bobby and Bruno are still here he can do it. Ashleigh told Zach that at least he is emotionally ready for it. Zach said it is so early now to do it and in like two or three weeks there will be less people and then he can do it. Ashleigh said this is day 30 and only four people are gone. Zach said in the next couple of weeks he should be good for whoever wins HOH. Now they are speculating who Sindy would put up if she wins HOH. Zach said they have to keep playing on people’s emotions and Ashleigh has to keep flirting with Bobby.

    5:45 am BBT Zach is so happy that he won the POV. Before the pov he told JP that he has to keep the nominations the same and the only way that he can do it is if JP and GF don’t win the veto so he told JP to throw the comp and that is why he took 20 minutes because he didn’t even try.

    6:00 am BBT Zach wonders what GF is going to do when he finds out that Zach is not going to use the pawn. Ashleigh will miss GF’s stories and Zach thinks it will be easier to deal with GF and not using the veto then it would be to deal with putting Bruno up on the block. 

    Sorry, I had to translate the time from the timer on the feeds and that last reply I translated it to my time (CST) so BBT would have been starting at 6:38 am BBT then 6:41and 6:45, and 7am BBT  

    7:02 am BBT Zach and Ashleigh are now going to sleep.

  21.  8:34 am BBT Lights are coming on in the BB house, but still no movement from the houseguests.

     8:47 am BBT Brittnee is up and she went in the DR to get her meds. She made her way to the SR to change her batteries. Feeds switch to BR where Pilar and Kevin are sitting up in bed and Bobby just climbed out of bed and is getting dressed.  

     8:50 am BBT Sarah is up from the HN room and meets Bobby by the stairs. They start talking and BB gives them a “Please stop talking about production.” Bobby asked Sarah (who is now sitting on the LR couch) if she has ever seen it dark in the house and Sarah said no.

     8:56 am BBT Britt and Sarah now on LR couches. Britt told Sarah that JP asked her if he gets HG choice for veto comp, if it is okay if he picks Britt and she told him it was okay, but she don’t understand why he wouldn’t pick Kevin.

     8:58 am BBT Bobby told JP that BB is still working on the comp outside so it must be a comp of all times.

     9:05 am BBT Feeds one and two show JP in the KT eating alone. Feeds three and four show the main BR with HG”s up, but there is no sound to hear what they are saying.

     9:09 am BBT Zach made his way to the KT from the HOH room and fixed himself some cereal. Britt and Sarah walked in the KT and they are talking about how the HOH room is always freezing then we get FOTH.

     9:16 am BBT Feeds come back up and we hear BB say “please wake up, nap time is over”

     9:18 am BBT Up in the HOH room we see Sarah, JP, Ashleigh and Zach. Sarah is telling the group that she is going to make her own power of veto. Then she and JP joke around about it.

     9:19 am BBT JP said so this is day 30 and we have been away from society for a month. They are now talking about the things that they miss. Ashleigh misses driving so they discuss what kind of car she has.

     9:22 am BBT the other HG’s discuss what kind of car they have and Britt is in the HOH room also. She does not have a car right now, she sold it before she moved, but she is in the market for another one.

     9:23 am BBT Sarah does not drive, she does not have her license and so she uses the bus.

     9:27 am BBT Willow, Pilar, Kevin and Bobby in the main BR talking about what they are going to have for breakfast.

     9:31 am BBT HOH group still talking about cars and getting into accidents. JP spilled his water so he is cleaning it up.

     9:33 am BBT Zach just called to the DR.

     9:37 am BBT Pilar walked in the HOH room and the group is listening to Brittnee’s story about an accident she was in then Pilar and Ashleigh left the HOH room.

     9:41 am BBT in the main BR we have Kevin and Willow finally crawling out of bed. Bobby is in there too and says we will have some good sunny days hopefully. Willow and Bobby leave the BR and Kevin still getting dressed.

     9:43 am BBT In the KT we now have Bobby, Pilar, Bruno, GF, Britt, Willow and Ashleigh. HG’s are making food with just general chatting going on.

     9:46 am BBT Feeds one and two now on FOTH. Feeds three and four show Britt and Sarah sitting in the hall chairs whispering about trusting Zach and how he made an enemy out of GF now. Britt said it is not fair how they are stuck with girls that are incompetent. Sarah said maybe not, maybe they are just doing what they think they have to do. They think it will be easier to get Kevin to turn on Pilar then to get Zach to turn on Ashleigh.

     9:50 am BBT Sarah went to brush her teeth and left Britt sitting in hall chair by herself.

     9:51 am BBT BB just announced for Bobby and Jordan to wake up because nap time is over.

     9:52 am BBT Feeds one and two back up in the KT. Willow is making food and apologizing to the HN’s for making it in front of them. Willow just said this is the first thing she has made and then she was called to the Dr.

     9:58 am BBT Ashleigh and Britt in WA doing their makeup. Someone is in the shower because we can hear the water running, but not sure who it is.

     10:00 am BBT The water went off in the WA and we hear Pilar say that yesterday was her mom’s birthday and she forgot to wish her a happy birthday.

     10:03 am BBT Zach and JP in the HOH room discussing how everyone trusts Zach. Jp left the HOH room and leaves Zach to listen to his music. Feeds switch to KT with Willow and Sarah talking about a dishwasher.

     10:05 am BBT Willow asked if Sarah and Scott are common law and Sarah said yes they have lived together for more than three years. Willow said they changed the law in Nova Scotia it is common law now after six months of living together. We hear BB call JP to the DR.

     10:09 am BBT Kevin entered the KT and gave Sarah a hug and said good morning. Bobby, Willow and Kevin now in KT fixing food while Sarah is just sitting at the counter in silence.

     10:11 am BBT Willow and Kevin are teasing Bobby that he has a special veto and he can take it out now.

     10:13 am BBT In the LR we see JP and GF playing with the cards that they made. Bobby, Bruno, Willow and Sarah are watching the game.

     10:14 am BBT Sarah wonders what is going on outside because BB is still out there working.

     10:16 am BBT Willow stated that something is up. JP asked her if she was quoting herself and she said yes. Sarah is going to shower today because it has been two days since she showered.

     10:18 am BBT Willow said she wonders if the feeders are wondering what they are doing with the game that they are playing. GF said yea throwing candy on the ground. Now they are talking about BBUSA and the game big booty that Rachael played.

     10:20 am BBT Willow just described to Pilar what she made for breakfast and it is the first thing that she made in the house on day thirty.

     10:21 am BBT Now the discussion in the LR is different types of olives there are and how good they are. JP just lost the game to GF.

     10:26 am BBT Still general chatting going on in LR. Up in the WA Britt and Ashleigh still putting on their makeup. JP walked in and he is talking about the game he just played with GF

     10:28 am BBT Bobby walked in the WA and is now brushing his teeth. Ashleigh said to him good job because he did not leave the water running.

     10:29 am BBT Bobby said his tooth does not hurt anymore. Ashleigh said that is weird considering half of it fell out of his face.

     10:30 am BBT Feeds switch to JP and Zach in the HOH room. JP said that Zach don’t have to do it because it is his HOH. Zach said it has to be done; he can’t play an emotional game. Zach is just thinking if he doesn’t do it. Jp said yea they will whip out the knife and stab you. Zach said if he doesn’t do this they will lose all of their game play with Sarah and Britt.

     10:32 am BBT Still in the HOH room Zach said it is a tough move because he is losing two guys that aren’t coming after him in the next couple of weeks. JP said we will figure it out, Newport always does. Now they are speculating veto today and JP asks if he should go all out and try to win. Zach said it doesn’t matter. JP wants to win something and Zach said we will figure it out then JP leaves the HOH room.

     10:36 am BBT Ashleigh walked in the HOH room and Zach told her not to go in the bathroom for at least five minutes because JP was just in there and it smells. Ashleigh went back to the WA by Britt.

     10:37 am BBT Sarah and JP in the main BR talking about Zach’s decision. Sarah wants to talk to Zach and make sure he is confident in his game, to remind Zach that Graig and Bruno was working together and they were going after Zach and they were going after the couples, this is good for Zach’s game. JP said that Zach is scared if Bobby wins HOH next week then he is going up. Sarah said, but we have the votes. Sarah asked JP what is with Ashleigh and how much do they know. JP said that she thinks that JP, Ashleigh and Zach are working together.

     10:40 am BBT Ashleigh walked in the main BR and interrupted JP and Sarah’s conversation so JP got up and left.

     10:41 am BBT Sarah asked Ashleigh how does Zach feel and Ashleigh said good. Zach knows that he can’t play the game emotionally. Ashleigh said she feels so sad and it is going to be a weird three days, then commercial interruption.

     10:43 am BBT Back to Ashleigh and Sarah. Ashleigh said she feels bad for him (not sure who) Ashleigh just wishes it was in an instant because three days of living and worrying about a back stab. Sarah said if he was on the block they wouldn’t even be talking to him. Sarah said that Bruno will know that Zach got him before he could get Zach. Sarah said that GF is so much smarter than he lets on. Ashleigh refuses to talk game with GF.  

     10:47 am BBT Ashleigh said that GF terrifies her and he would be the last person she would want to win HOH next week. He is a scary player because he is all over all of the time. Sarah suggested that Ashleigh say one or two things to him and see what he says and make him think that they have his back. Ashleigh said there have been so many people telling her that GF talks about the girl’s alliance and the couples. Ashleigh said that people dismiss GF and feels like he will roll to the end. Now they are talking about the ceremony and how great GF played that he was surprised.

     10:50 am BBT Ashleigh doesn’t know why the board doesn’t say anything and that is what is making her nervous. Sarah said the logic is there that if Bruno is not going to win at least he won’t have to go to jury and can go home to his family. Ashleigh said that Bruno is so good that he has made an emotional connection with everyone in the game. Sarah agreed and started talking about the veto comp.

     10:54 am BBT Ashleigh and Sarah head to HOH room and Sarah wanted Ashleigh to ask Zach if she could use the HOH shower. Willow was in the HOH room and said that Zach is in his shower right now. Ashleigh is leaving the HOH room and Sarah said she will tell Zach that Ashleigh said it was okay if she showers in there. 

  22. 8:45AM BBT: The houseguests are up and doing their ADLs. Bruno can't find a clean towel to use when he showers.
     8:49AM BBT: JP just got up from in the Have-Not room and he walked to the kitchen where he saw Zach. He told Zach that he is going to take a shower so that he doesn't look bad today for the veto ceremony in case it is early. JP left the kitchen and Bobby walked in and said to Zach, "nomie nomie's today."
     Brittnee walked in the kitchen and her and Bobby are going to cook bacon. The kitchen group is talking about the noise in the backyard and BB has been working on setting up for the veto competition so they are not going to have access to the backyard all day.
     8:58AM BBT: Kevin and Bruno are in the bedroom. Kevin asked Bruno if he checked in with Zach and Bruno said no. Kevin said, "I don't think we need to." Bruno told Zach he thinks everything is good.
     Now they are discussing how they let Johnny know that he was going and did not want to lie to him, but he is a great guy.
     Bruno left the bedroom and Kevin is talking to himself. "What a way to start off the day with a lie. A cup of coffee and a couple of lies to wake you up." [Referring to telling Bruno they don't have anything to worry about for nomination ceremony.]
     Zach and Sarah walked into the bedroom where Kevin was still in bed. Sarah said the HoH room is freezing. Sarah climbed into bed with Kevin to cuddle and get warmed up. She said she would be quick and Kevin said stay as long as you want. Sarah told Kevin about a dream that she had and then told Kevin how she likes his hair cut then they proceed to discuss Johnny being gone and how much he loved the game.
     9:07AM BBT: Sarah got out of bed as Godfrey walked into the bedroom. Sarah and Godfrey discuss eating some slop as they are Have-Nots. Sarah left the bedroom and Kevin and Godfrey are just discussing how boring the house is and playing ball.
     9:12AM BBT: The other HGs are making their way into the kitchen with general chatting going on about eating and sleeping.
     Sarah, JP, Ashleigh and Willow in bathroom area getting ready for the day. Willow hugged Sarah from behind and then gave her a kiss on the cheek. Sarah is talking about her dream again to the bathroom area group.
     Pilar and Kevin are in the bedroom. Kevin is still lying in bed while Pilar talked about being in college and how you can't have a job when you are in sports because you have to have commitment.
     9:29AM BBT: Zach, JP, Kevin and Pilar are in bedroom discussing getting rid of Bruno. The plan is to put up JP and Godfrey with a backdoor for Bruno. Zach don't want to put up Godfrey because he could come after him next week, but JP said to go tell him and JP will "pull him in."
     Zach went and found Godfrey and told him about putting him up, but he is not going anywhere. There is no situation where the PoV is not getting used. Zach told Godfrey that he talked to everyone in the house and no one wants him out. The only names that came out for pawns are Godfrey, JP and Willow.
     Godfrey told Zach that he trusts him one-hundred percent. Zach just realized that Godfrey is on slop this week too. Zach just told Godfrey again that the veto is getting used this week. Godfrey said it is that point of the game where we have to trust each other and someone has to take one for the team.
     9:36AM BBT: Zach and Godfrey are now just discussing competitions. Zach told Godfrey that he is trying to figure out what to say in his speech and Godfrey is giving him some ideas of what to say.
     9:39AM BBT: JP walked in to the kitchen where Zach and Godfrey are and they discuss the Have-Not room and slop.
     9:41AM BBT: The group in the bathroom area is Sarah, Willow, Ashleigh, Bruno, Brittnee and Bobby. There is just general conversation going on.
     Zach, Godfrey and JP are in the kitchen discussing the Veto ceremony and the competition. Zach hates putting Godfrey and JP up, but it has to be done. JP told Zach thanks for letting them know they are going up just as pawns. The discussion turned to eating slop.
     9:48AM BBT: Sarah and Ashleigh walked into the kitchen and they are discussing how they are out of food, condiments and drinks.
     9:59AM BBT: JP and Godfrey are discussing the veto competition. JP told Godfrey that they have to start winning and get HoH next week. JP said next week we win and go after the girls. JP went out to the kitchen by Sarah and told her that he talked to Godfrey, and that Godfrey thinks it is a backdoor for Kevin, but it is really a backdoor for Bruno.
     10:05AM BBT: JP and Sarah are now discussing Willow and Sarah is wondering what her problem is. JP said Willow is dangerous and she has to go next.
     Sarah told JP thanks for telling her what is going on because she was wondering.
     10:10AM BBT: JP went up to HoH room to use the restroom, but Godfrey is in there and he will be done in two minutes.
     Zach told JP (joking) he is dead weight in the game and they don't need him around.
     10:18AM BBT: Godfrey, Bruno and Bobby in bathroom area. Godfrey just told Bruno that Zach is putting him and JP on the block to which Bruno said he is surprised by that. JP walked in the bathroom area and discussion changes to when they had to wake up and sleeping in the Have-Not room.
     10:20AM BBT: Ashleigh and Pilar walk in the bathroom area and discussion turns to doing their nails. Bruno said they will be locked in the HoH room for awhile so they might as well take it there and do it then.
     Ashleigh walked up to the HoH room to talk to Zach. Zach told her to say that she knew that Godfrey was going up, but she didn't know who else.
     Zach left the HoH room to go and talk to Willow. He found Willow and told her that he was putting up Godfrey and JP. Willow wants the PoV so bad. Zach is not nervous for nominations and he asked Willow who is her group if she had to pick five. She told him it is him, her, Ashleigh, Pilar and JP. Willow asked Zach who his group is and he told her the same as hers.
     10:28AM BBT: Willow tries to stay close to Sarah to keep her vote. Zach told Willow that no one is close to Kevin and no one talks game to him. Zach told Willow that Bruno is going to be hard to get out, no one wants to go after him and Bobby is not good at the game. Willow is whispering back to Zach, but it is not audible. Zach told Willow that people are saying to him that Willow said she wants the couples gone. Willow denies saying it.
     10:33AM BBT: Zach told Willow he is not going after Sarah or Brittnee right now and then Kevin walked in the room so discussion changed to what they are wearing.
     10:36AM BBT: Bruno and Godfrey are in the Have-Not room. Bruno said that he and Bobby need him to stay. Godfrey is going to tell Bobby not to say anything.
     10:38AM BBT: Zach and Brittnee in the HoH room. Brittnee said no one would guess that they were together in a million years. Zach is changing his clothes while Brittnee puts on her makeup. Brittnee told Zach that she trusts him.
     10:43AM BBT: Willow and Bruno are in bathroom area and it sounds like Willow just told Bruno that Kevin is going to get a backdoor.
     10:45AM BBT: Bobby walked into the bathroom area and Bruno said, "If Kevin doesn't get picked for the veto competition we are all good." Bruno said that Kevin is a straight up beast. Now Bruno wants to do Willows makeup and she lets him.
     10:47AM BBT: Bobby asked Willow how JP feels like going on the block and Willow said he don't care. Willow told them if Zach puts up weak girls it will look foolish. Bobby thinks if they put up Pilar then it would be one less vote for Kevin to stay. Willow said that Godfrey is a genius and he is downplaying how smart he is.
     10:56AM BBT: Zach and Willow are in HoH room throwing Zach's football and feeds one and two on FotH.

  23.  9:00 AM BBT All houseguests are still sleeping and the lights are still out.

     9:10 AM BBT looks like BB is letting them sleep in a bit. With the VETO ceremony over and the POV not used, Sarah and Johnny remain on the block. Who do you think will be the next to leave the house and join the first four evictees in a competition to get back in the house?

     9:13 AM BBT the lights are coming on in the house, but still no movement from the HG’s.

     9:16 AM BBT Well there was a little movement in the BR. Zach took all the covers from Ashleigh so she sat up and took some of the covers back, then FOTH.

     9:30 AM BBT the feeds are still down, it must be wake up time for the HG’s.

     9:40 AM BBT the feeds are still down, this is a long wakeup call

     9:44 AM BBT and were up with Sarah, Johnny and GF in the LR on the couches.

     9:45 AM BBT Bobby and Bruno in the HT. Bobby said that Johnny came up to him and told him that there is a five person alliance that is not the girls. Bruno and Bobby are going over scenarios of who will win HOH and who would go up. Bobby wants a double evict. Bobby said that he thinks Zach is playing too hard and it could come back to bite him before it bites Bruno and Bobby.

     9:52 AM BBT Bruno told Bobby to be very careful how he approaches Zach. Bobby and Bruno want Kevin to go next and then they discuss who should go after that. Bruno said the only competition threat is Zach.

     9:54 AM BBT Bruno said that Johnny is going to fight and he will stay up until four in the morning to try and get votes. Bruno said that if Johnny goes this week we are good. Bruno said the next two HOH are very tricky. Bobby said after Kevin goes they should put up Britt and Sarah. Bruno just wants to make sure that Johnny walks out the door because he is not convinced and if Zach wants to make a move then this is his time to do it.

     9:56 AM BBT Bobby told Bruno that they should start writing the comps stuff down and Bruno told him that they can’t write anything down.

     9:58 AM BBT Bobby said that JP will take them anytime over a mental challenge or a puzzle. Bobby wants to pick Willows brain apart. Bruno said to be careful because if you say the wrong thing she will know. Bruno got out of the HT to head inside and Bobby told him he will join him in a bit.

     10:00 AM BBT Brittnee, Kevin, Johnny and GF in the LR with general chatting about Brittnee and her work. Johnny was called to the DR.

     10:03 AM BBT In the BY on the couches we have JP, Zach and Bruno discussing what the next HOH competition might be. Bruno asked if Johnny is still fighting. JP said yes he is a fighter and he will not give up and that is the reason that he has to go home. They all agree that Canada loves Johnny 100 percent. Then talk went to yesterdays POV ceremony and how scared they were when they heard about the double veto.

     10:05 AM BBT Zach said that the only way that Johnny is going to stay is if he pulls a golden pov out of his ass. Bruno said that this is the only chance that they have to get Johnny out and they have to do it. Zach just said if anybody perjury comes back, it would be ninja (Graig). Now they are all discussing all the evictees so far and Bruno said if any of them were still here, there would have been explosions.

     10:10 AM BBT JP how lucky they are that the two best players in the house are gone (Naeha and Johnny).Bobby joined the BY group and they are doing some reviewing of who won HOH, what week they won, who was on the block and was the pov used.

     10:13 AM BBT JP said that he was thinking for next HOH as long as Kevin don’t win they are all okay and then talk turns to different kinds of challenges that they would like to do and the challenges that they don’t like.

     10:16 AM BBT the BY group is again talking about how good Naeha and Johnny are at BB and they deserve a chance at a BBCAN all stars. Bruno asked how big the jury is and they are all speculating how many there will be. Bruno called to the DR and the others start talking about eating breakfast.

     10:21 AM BBT Bobby went inside and left JP and Zach in BY alone. JP told Zach that even if Sarah, Willow and Britt are plotting against them, they don’t have anything to worry about because they can crush them in comps and they don’t have the votes. JP said the most paranoid people have been coming to him. JP said Bobby has to go next then Bruno after that. They are speculating that it might be a double evict soon. JP said as long as they keep Britt and Sarah close they will be okay. Zach said to keep making them feel safe.

     10:24 AM BBT Zach just told JP that he was talking to Britt and told Britt that she is going to have to do their dirty work by sending home Pilar and Ashleigh. Zach wants to get Willow out next week. JP said Bruno needs to go because he is smart. JP said he can continue to be the mole and let the other side think that they have five on their side.

     10:27 AM BBT Zach is going to tell Ashleigh to get in the HT with Bobby and pick his brain and convince him to throw the competition because Ashleigh can get him to do anything. Bruno walked back into the BY and talk turns to eating breakfast.

     10:29 AM BBT just general conversations going on in the house now, no game talk.



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