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Posts posted by sophb

  1. I don't see why folks are getting upset about her calling herself a liberal.

    Caleb talked about being a Republican. Christine and Jocasta talked about their religion. How is this any different?

    For a lot of people, their political leanings are a big part of who they are, so why shouldn't they talk about them?

  2. I rage quit early on last season because all of the unchecked bigotry of all kinds was just too much for me to handle. So I'm tentatively excited for this season with some vague hopes that it won't be such a mess? I love BB and have loved it obsessively for years, so last season was a huge downer for me. But I'm ready and cautiously excited to jump back in this year.

    Let's hope the twists make things more interesting instead of less...

  3. I haven't seen a clip for confirmation, but I heard he was talking last night about how funny it would be to crawl into one of the women's beds at night and say "don't move, or I'll molest you." So, yea, no, I'm not including Howard in the good guys list anymore.

  4. Has anyone noticed that the houseguests don't sit around the big round table and eat dinner together? That used to be one of my favorite parts about the first week or so of each season- everyone was still getting to know one another and none of the drama had started yet. I used to love dinner time because it was the only time the entire house would be sitting together in one place, not talking game, just chatting, joking around and telling stories.

    I started watching the live feed the night it went live this season, and not once have I seen them all sitting at the table together. It seems like they cook separate meals at various times, and split into small groups and eat in different rooms of the house.

    I miss that too. The nastiness doesn't usually start so soon, nor does it get as nasty. Last night, they were complaining of boredom, but if they'd actually get over themselves and hang out together as a group, maybe it would be more fun for them and for us!

    This bigotry is out of control. So far I believe it is just down to Helen, Elissa, Judd, and McCrae who have yet to say something racist, sexist, heterosexist, or abelist. That's four out of sixteen people. That is sad.

  5. Not sure where else to ask this, but is there a way to set things up so that when I click on a topic I've already read it takes me to the last unread message instead of having to scroll through from the top every time??

  6. Best Houseguest: Janelle. Some day she will win!!

    Best Game Move: Ian outing Dan's shadiness during the final interviews

    Stupidest Game Move: Brian. Just ... Brian. Or Lawon and his Super Power theory. Poor Lawon.

    Best Season Twist: The coaches were pretty great, but also the season seven twist of hidden partners.

    Worst Season Twist: Season nine with the hokey romance crap.

    Best House Design: I loved the individually decorated HoH rooms for All-Stars.

    Worst Houseguest: Boogie. I hate him with the passion of a hundred fiery suns.

    Best Alliance: Dan and Memphis.

    Worst Alliance: Nerd Herd

    Craziest Alliance: Everyone last season and the need for extensive flow charts to keep up with who was all secrtely allied with who and trying to guess which alliances were true loyal ones and which ones weren't.

    Best Showmance: Jeff and Jordan.

    Worst Showmance: Dani and Shane.

    Cry Baby: Whaaaamber.

    Paranoia-er: ED

  7. Unpopular Opinion Time, I guess, but that's a really horrible thing to do - do go on a public space and talk smack about your won kid like that.

    I know I enjoyed watching ED on TV, but when you think about having him as your dad?? There is zero wonder why Dani has issues with him, and we don't even know her side of things, really. He said she talked shit about him but I don't remember a lot of that. She said stuff about how their relationship wasn't good and specific things about his personality that bugged her, but did she ever go into detail about their history and family stories and shit? Because I thought I remembered her being very vauge about that on purpose - not wanting to go all personal like that.

    Now, I'm not saying Dani is clearly 100% in the right. Obviously there are lots of issues. But we don't know her side, and probably won't because she doesn't go off on twitter and blog posts about what a shitty shitty thing her dad just said/did to her. And I bet she's got a bundle of stories herself!

    And I'm sorry, but Dick clearly made this blog post right around BB time on purpose for the publicity. And that makes it all the more horrifying.

  8. Jeremy and his ego are already bugging me. He seems like a Jessie/Boogie combo. Blech.

    Judd, Andy, and McCrae seem like the most genuine sorta real personalities so far.

    Also the oldest HG is 37? Come on.

  9. Someone needs to tell the little dweeb to grow the F up and quit swinging and rocking himself like a 4year old. I hope he gets the price of that expensive hammock taken out of his winnings. The way he acts is totally weird! My son happened to see him rocking and swinging one night and said " since when did they start Letting mentally challenged people on big brother, wouldn't it be way to hard on them mentally and emotionally ?" When I told him that he was actually a 21 year old man in college, "he said there is no way, he is 21 or in college and if you believe that reality tv has you really fooled". I had to tell him I've seen him drink beer and actually get drunk. He still has a hard time believing it. Lol

    It's called stimming and it's something many people with anxiety disorders or on the autism spectrum do as a soothing technique. Ian, despite his ADHD, is highly functional. He's an engineering student and has gotten this far in a very stressful reality game. Not many "normal" adults can say the same. Ian is doing doing just fine.

  10. Right, Ian is calling it ADHD, Dan is the one who said it seemed a lot like OCD to him. The thing is that a lot of anxiety disorders, and anything on the autism spectrum as well, have a lot in common and can be easily confused - not to mention folks who have more than one (two anxiety disorders here). The way Ian talked about how it Feels to him, it sounded a lot like OCD to me too, but it also sounds like he feels strongly that it's ADHD, which could also very well be.

    I also really dig that he feels like it's just how he was "engineered" and that he's okay with himself as-is and doesn't want meds. I take meds for my disorders, but then I wouldn't be functional without them. Ian, otoh, functions just fine the way he is. So good on him for doing what's right for him, I say!

    I am definiately team Ian. :)



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