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Posts posted by FUNNYFARM

  1. I hate that Amanda and McCrea always feel the need to wallow in other's HOH beds! It would be different if they weren't downright nasty, slothful and stank.

    I know what you mean. If I was HOH there is no way I would let that stuff happen. That bed would be off limits for the week. I watch the live feeds and see them sitting their stinky butts on the pillows and it grosses me out. I'd let them sit on the foot of the bed but that's about it.

  2. She is a exhibitionist. (sorry spelling) and then she gets her feelings hurt when Elissa says something about her outfit for McCrea's bday? Really? She doesnt mind showing but doesnt want to take any bad criticism or someone just telling her what she really looks like. She is sickening. This is simply my opinion only. :naughty:

    I guarantee you that Elissa only said out loud what most of the other people (including myself) were thinking. :laugh4:

  3. For me, the ultimate would be for Howard to win the POV, take himself off, then be replaced with McC. Having Amanda and McC on the block together would make for some great live feed action. I do believe there are rumblings in the house for Amanda to go and and if she's left on the block (especially if Mc was up with her) she would punch her own ticket out the door. No way would she be able to keep it together until Thursday.

  4. I understand that people like Amanda because she is "playing the game" but lets remember why Jeremy ended up getting nominated and voted out... he was bullying people. No offense but Amanda is kind of doing the same thing with threatening Jess that she will be a target if she doesn't try to win POV AND use it to pull Amanda off the block. Jess doesn't want to do that because she is worried that Judd will get nominated. Amanda will lose her alliance if she continues to threaten people. It was a huge turn off for Andy too because he witnessed it and did not like what Amanda was doing.

    This really annoys me as well. McC took a luxury in the last POV but heaven forbid anyone else do the same.

    They are all playing the game. They just do it in different ways. I don't think you have to threaten and bully people to get them to do what you want, it's just the personality of some to do that. Amanda is one of those people. She attached herself to the weakest guy in the house (IMO) because she knew that he would do whatever she wanted no matter what. It's amusing to watch McC try and intimidate people with his cussing and chest pounding.

    You really find out a lot about a person when they face adversity. If Amanda doesn't get pulled off the block, you will see what her and McC are really made of. I have a feeling it won't be good.

  5. The Moving Company failed because of Jermy's big head and bully tactics.

    I agree with this. You never saw any member of the brigade act like Jeremy does. You get a few guys together that show respect for each other, they can accomplish good things. You get a few guys together where one guy thinks he knows it all and everyone should get in line behind him, there will be problems. Spencer, and Howard now feel like they need to get control of their game back, to show Jeremy he's not all that he thinks he is. It becomes and ego thing with certain guys. I love it and I can't wait to see Jeremy's face when he finds out he's not the only one in his crew with balls.

  6. She is vile and gross, but she does have the right to her opinions and the right to say whatever she wants. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand her or people like her, but I would be more mad at CBS for taking her off the show just based on what she says.

  7. That's not a bad theory but she has been crying her eyes out. Could she be that upset about something she wanted to happen?

    I'm sure she's upset that Shane is gone, but if she was really that hurt about what Dan did, do you think she would even talk to him at this point? She knows what's going on. She's known all along. When the game was reset, Dani could have gone her own way and left Dan by himself but she didn't. She stuck with him because she knew that he could get her where she is right now. If she thought for one second that Shane was her best option in F3, she never would have put him up and he'd still be there. I feel like she's crying about it because she knows what she did and she feels bad. I could be totally wrong, but I give her more credit than most. I think she's smart, a little crazy, but smart. She did what she had to do to get to the end with the best chances to win.

  8. It's pretty clear to me that she has thought her chances of winning are best if she sits next to Dan. She has known this for a long time. What happened last night is exactly what she wanted to happen. It appears to Shane that Dan did the dirty work but lets not forget that Dani had to put him on the block before Dan could evict Shane. IMHO she knew all along what was going to happen. It was a great move on her part to make it look like Dan is the evil one.

  9. He'll be right back coaching at OLSM as soon as this season is over. People were saying the same thing the first time he was on the show. For a game that is all about deceit and lying and backstabbing why do self rightous people watch it?

    I guess I love Dan for the love he has for the game and for taking it seriously and not just as a way to promote a career in the industry. He took his money and invested it wisely. And as a Christian, I have no problem with people who sin because we are all sinners. No sin is worse than another except for blasphemy which is actually defined as "denying God". Pretty sure that Dan has NOT denied God. I have a problem with Christians who judge when its supposed to be GOD that judges.

    *hands the stone to those without sin to continue throwing it at Dan* Just sayin...

    Well said.

  10. I would never watch BB again if there weren't people like Dan playing. What a boring show that would be. Can you blame Danielle for being loyal to Dan? Look at the position they were in after the 2nd week of the season and look where they are now. Danielle knows that there is know way she gets where she is without Dan doing his thing. Danielle also knows that her chances of winning are better with Shane gone. Don't think for a second that she's not fully aware that Dan looks like the bad guy here and she is the innocent victim. If you ask me, she's played Dan just as much as he's played her. Do you think Shane or Frank would vote for Danielle if they knew that she was the one who plotted their demise? I don't think so. Good for her and good for Dan. They played the rest of the house all the way to F3.

  11. In regards to Willie being right, was he really right? Britney told him she thought the coaches might come into the game and she was right. Willie then went into full on paranoid mode, then crazy mode and he ended up out of the game really fast. It's not like they could do anything to prevent it from happening and it's also not like they can't react to it when it does happen now.

    People were going to be evicted regardless and they can still play together if they choose as a group to eliminate the coaches. Willie overplayed his hand based on something that might happen and it was way too soon for it.

    This is what I thought as well.



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