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Posts posted by GingerSnaps

  1. It wasn't bad enough that this season has sucked so bad that no one wants to watch it, but now the past week or so of reading mostly disgusting posts and nasty pictures on these threads has totally ruined the whole thing for me. Yes...people like those in the house really do exist in everyday life, just look around here.

    I know. That video of Candice rockin off Howard is totally offensive.

  2. The envy is disturbing, it's not Candice fault that she's been crowned a beauty Queen on a state level (Miss Louisianna) twice; once as a teen and once as an adult....poor GM has never won a paegent worthy of her admitting.

    She claims she was a "dancer" but she can't tell the world where, but Candice was an actual dancer for the NFL Houston Texans according to the facts.

    Jealousy and envy fuels a lot of peoples misbehavior, jealousy can lead to racist behavior where an HG will mock Candice's pretty brown skin-tone and then go use some artificial cream to slather on their own skin to make themselves appear darker than their own actual color......or calling someone fat due to their curvaceous body and then go purge and vomit to maintain their own weight.

    Karma is a cruel bird and I admit I enjoy watching this ugly woman continuously injure herself while being so hateful and vile.

    So how did Candice end up on some reality show giving hand jobs to some guy she hardly knows?

  3. First it was Candice, now its Elissa. These people are not happy unless they are running someone down. Both these women have a life they can be proud of. All of the remaining HGs are pathetic by comparison.

    And they both ended up in the same house with the so-called "losers." I think that makes them as pathetic as the others.

  4. sad-hurl.gif

    And we know for sure where those fingers have been!

    McC is off the block and she is still on. Spencer will put up Judd because he will not put up Andy and she will go home because the guys will stick together. If they keep her, it will be amazing turn about.

    When I wrote that, there was talk of Andy going up, has that changed? If not, it was a definitely a consideration that she would be safe this week.

  5. Spencer's fantasy is a hot blonde with big boobs and a black dong strap - on. :D And as I said above Spencer would have to pay for a date with blondes good looking as Aaryn.

    Also, if there is a Marylin she needs to worry because Spencer is the type that will cruise for street walker hookers and they are not the most healthy.

    He never said how he met her.

  6. I am sending telepathic vibes to Spencer to PUT UP ANDY.

    Spencer that is the best for your game. You don't have a chance against Andy. Andy will say he carried Spencer to the end by protecting him. He will remind people that Spencer didn't have to play the game but just lay back and be a pawn with a smile.

    Do what is best for your game Spencer

    I think this move will earn respect with the jurors if he makes it to F2. He might as well, nothing to lose.

  7. It is official. Big Brother is dead:

    7:12PM BBT: McCrae just sniffed the dog bones. Judd and Andy have made their way through the house to gloat about their victory. McCrae is not saying much. GinaMarie was just called to DR. She was doing dishes. McCrae just whispered to GinaMarie, "Let's just bury the hatchet." She replies "Nothing against you. Now everyone is playing for themselves." Andy wants to play cards. Judd and McCrae say they can't sit down. Spencer yells "Everyone know what time it is?" They all say "What?" Spencer says "Time to pack that bitch's shit up!" They found pills in Elissa's bag. Spencer says, "They are 'Bitch Pills, she wasn't taking 'em."

    7:29PM BBT: GinaMarie is still in the DR. The boys are going on about Elissa again. Spencer has called her a bitch a few dozen times. He keeps yelling "F-you B! F-you!" Andy yells she is an idiot. Now they are imitating her. Once again the Big Brother house is full of hostile winners, viciously spewing vulgarities about Elissa, and say how right now all of "sane America" is thanking them for getting an insane bitch out of the house.

    7:32PM BBT: The Elissa bashing continues. [it is becoming nauseating.] They speculate what they would have done if Elissa had a special power. Andy said he would have punched her in the throat. Spencer says he was not sexually attracted to Elissa what so ever and mentions how she never got him hard. They all agree. They are now on to Helen and wonder how Helen could have a conversation with Elissa.

    I most certainly am thanking them for getting her out of the house, even though I do not agree with the nasty things they are saying.

  8. Pats, if I'm not mistaken Judd said he had to quit his job.

    I don't believe that any of them actually have jobs. That goes for past HG too. Unless you're self employed, what employer gives leave of absence for a reality show? If they do, they're out of minds to hold their positions which I don't think they are obligated to do so.



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