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Everything posted by Catwishes

  1. I haven't been in there since way back when they were open only for specific discussions. Can't really tell you how much they are used. Maybe they are more active at night?
  2. Welcome back Cherokee. Long time no see.
  3. James and Sarah in GR; James eating sandwich. Sarah sits on James' lap. S: You going to cry? J: No Then they tell each other how much they love each other. You can hear James crying. James apologizes for putting Sarah through all this. Then they start talking strategy and about who will be coming back into the house.
  4. Jan: I'm never drinking again! (commentary: haven't we all said this at one time or other? LOL) R: *chuckles* Yeah it's no fun. R: James was up. J: Yeah I saw him. Fish
  5. James and Ivette talking in the GR. James confronting Ivette on her divulging the "bible" incident. Ivette comes back and says, "I told you to give me something I could take back to the group to prove to them that you were serious". (about putting up Howie and Rachel) James replies "Good point." Ivette says that she hasn't been dogging James like the rest and the others in the group are still not sure of her intentions about James.
  6. Kaysar and Janelle have been up all night and are currently in the kitchen. K: You broke the counter. They are going to charge you for that! J: *Laughs* K and J discussing farting. Kaysar says he's heard Janelle fart twice since he's been in the house. She remarks "I take laxatives, what do you expect?". K: You're regular, right? J: When I take laxatives, I am. Janelle gets some water and sits at table. Remarks how her back hurts, saying she should have done some yoga to stretch out her muscles. Kaysar standing and watching her. J: Damn, I broke my back. K: This is the latest you've stayed up - ever. J: Yeah, I'm going to bed. Walking by the picture board, Kaysar remarks sadly, "My picture will be black and white now." They continue towards the sleeping area, hug and bid each other good night. Janelle goes into the gold room and Kaysar to his cot.
  7. Kaysar, Janelle and Howie talking about how Eric is going home. Kaysar saying how they cut the head off the serpent. Kaysar says the best thing about their group is that they are all strong individually. Kaysar said it was funny to watch them all run around like chickens with their heads cut off.
  8. Maggie and Eric in storeroom talking saying how they were both blindsided. Maggie says she went to Kaysar's room and wiped the slate clean but Kaysar did not. Maggie also said she wanted Eric to quit talking like he was already gone. James, Rachel and Eric in bedroom talking. Remarking that they can't believe April and Jen don't know each other. Then say anything is possible in this game. (Bubbles)



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