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Posts posted by gsn

  1. Marty I'll give them this,they played it smart.They had libra talk to Dan rather than them talking to dan.That way if it didn't fly their hands were not on it!

    But it still might come out in the wash later down the road,one can hope. Too bad libra didn't tell someone anyone after the vote and on the way out what April tried to do!

  2. April only evicted Libra for one simple reason,she couldn't get the VOTES to turn it around. They couldn't convince Dan to go with them,so Libra goes out the door.

    I don't for one second think the plan, which April hatched,would have been aborted if they had been able to get Dan on their side. Had they convinced Dan,

    April would be sending Keesha packing this week!

  3. Marty the one she really needs to tell is michele. Michele might not beleive it if keesha came to her with that info!

    But it would have to be on the way out,because Libra hasn't really completely given up,and would never let that out, until she was for sure headed out the door!

  4. Francis it wasn't much of a final 2 deal if one or the other evicts/nominates the other?

    Now if someone else nominates /evicts one of them, it would be a different story.But if they nominate/evict each other where is the F2 deal?

    I think the keesha april F2 is WAY over,on both of their parts. I just don't see them working together from here out, but that is just my take on it.

  5. Francis,

    I'm really trying to understand your logic,and you may be RIGHT.

    But I really can't see Keesha and April hooking up in an alliance with each other to go to the final 2?

    Keesha right now does NEED Dan,Renny,Memphis,and Michelle.

    If Dan wanted to he could hold Keesha hostage with his vote to keep her..Michelle could do the same as the tie breaker.

    What would Dan gain by keeping Libra that he can't get from Keesha.

    And Michelle definately has nothing to gain by keeping Libra,but she can leverage it with keesha (who she seems to like) ,so as she wouldn't be on the block by libra if she stays and gets HOH. Without any deal Michelle would not have to worry about being put up next week at least by the KMRD block.

    But to me the bottom line is, if it stays the same,the house alingned like it is as of now, keesha ,memphis,dan, and renny if HOH would put up April/Ollie period.

    If April ,Ollie or Jerry is HOH they will put up Keesha and Memphis.

    So what is the advantage of them siding to keep Libra at this point?

    You said April will always VOTE to keep Keesha, at this very moment she(April) is trying to put together a PLAN to kick Keesha out the door this WEEK!

    You have to make it to the FINAL 2 to be able to beat the person sitting next to you.

  6. IMO, keeping Libra over Keesha would help more than just Libra. Dan, Michelle and Jerry would certainly benefit from her ever present target. She is a great scapegoat for things that happen in the house, whether she deserves the blame or not. If Libra goes, Team April/ Ollie may join with Team Keesha which means bye-bye to Jerry, Michelle and Dan (in thar order).

    But Michelle is playing with emotion and would evict Libra even if it was a tie.

    I'm sorry but I don't see how michelle or dan would benifit from keeping libra over keesha,doesn't make sense?She might want Libra out because of emotions,but as far as stratgey is concerned she wants her out also,otherwise if Libra gains control guess where Michelle is, on the block.

    Libra would would target Michelle for sure,if she made it past this week.Dan wouldn't be any better off being in the April, ollie ,jerry alliance he would definately be low man on the totum pole. Plus his credibility would be totally shattered switching up two weeks in a row.

    As far as keesha joining the April ,ollie alliance ,I just don't see it happening,what would that gain keesha, she would have to walk away from her Renny alliance doing that,plus she can't stand April and would have to make NICE,NICE with her! And that is something I don't see happening,that line has already been drawn in the sand!

  7. Hasn't anyone noticed that Libra hasn't really given up.

    Even durning her arguments like Sunday night ,she at the end of every verbal confrontation, tones it down and in that soothing voice starts talking about how she was only ONE of a few people who are responsible for past evictions. She talks in a smooth sympathetic voice about how she shouldn't be the target. How much she genuinely likes April,and likes anyone else who might HELP her in her quest to stay in the game. Although we know she can't stand April!

    She has not given UP ,but continues to cast doubt on her part in the evictions,and foster a beleif to whoever she is talking to that Keesha bears the brunt of the REAL responsibility for those evictions an nominations!

    It's really comical how she goes from foaming at the mouth, to the cool collected let me tell you how it really happened game player! :animated_rotfl:



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