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Posts posted by gsn

  1. It was a HUMP ! they deserve each other as far as I'm concerned!

    Watching BBAD last night,after April gave Michelle a (1) designer top last night ,( not even the full outfit) to wear to the wrap party,this conversation with ollie ensued.

    April: I gave her that top ,and she will NEVER put you UP after I gave her that. It won't happenshe has your back,she never turn on you becuase I gave her that top!

    (what she (michelle)is going to risk loosing $500,000 because you gave her a top that was at most worth $300 to $400 ? WTH?

    Ollie: I thought you were giving it to her just to be NICE! (yeah right)

    April : well you have to look at 2 ways,yes I was being nice ,but I was also insuring that she would NEVER put you UP, or vote you OUT! (delusional as usual)

    Ollie: that is so NICE that you are looking out for me,you think of everything! I've got her back too.

    She knows 5 grand didn't get her off the block,what makes her think one silly top will keep Ollie safe from Michelle?

  2. Aprils DELUSIONS of granduer(sp), continue even after the door hit her in the ASS on the way OUT! :animated_rotfl:

    She is laying the ground work for Ollie to spilt the prize just in case he WINS(yeah right)!

    She will be the hero because she got him the votes to win if he gets to F2

  3. Before April leaves I hope she can save her "man" from page two of this forum! LOL!

    He is falling FAST for such a high profile celebrity he/they are going to be, post BB! Only a few topics from the bottom of page 1,and that is only because of his INFAMOUS girlfreind, otherwise there would be ABSOLUTELY nothing to talk about regarding Ollie! :animated_rotfl:

  4. April and Ollie were telling jerry ,that April didn't offer Dan money (5 grand) last night on BBAD,they were adamant about it. The way I saw it she not only offered dan money, but ANYTHING, for him to use the POV on her. And they were going to call him out on because he mentioned someone offered him money for using the the POV on them durning the ceremony.

    Did I miss something, she did offer him money right?

    It sounded like they beleived it themseves when they said it. In Aprils warp mind I can see her thinking she really didn't offer him 5 grand to stay.

    Or are they just trying to cause trouble for dan because he didn't use it on her?

  5. Correct me if I am wrong ,but dan told April he would let her know in advance if he was voting her out?

    If dan was going to keep her, the only scenario I can think of is he would have taken her off,so she would be able to vote if he were sideing with her and Ollie,and Michelle,correct?She has to realize that by him not using it on her, she is TOAST,right?

    Did I miss something with my thought process? Is there any scenario where he would still vote to keep April after not using the POV on her?

  6. hey he picked the box, he had FIRST choice.

    But I guess he would have more reason to be upset than Michelle, he actually won(had the most pounds) and still got the booby prize.Michelle finished next to last and wondered WHY did I get the uniTARD?

  7. I never understood Aprils reasoning, well you won this, or won that so it time for you go. You don't need to stay here and win anything else or win the big prize because you already won something,WTH?

    The reason for voting someone out should be strategic, because they are a threat to you and your game, if they stay in the house.

    Or they are just so damn annoying you can't stand them anymore! :animated_rotfl:

  8. April just told Dan if he can think of anything she can give him to make herself safe.

    She is working the wrong end with Dan,

    I have this sneaky feeling that Dan actually thinks/plays this game with his BIG head,unlike Ollie who has played the game with his LITTLE head.

    I also think April is much more used to/comfortable, dealing with men who think primarily with the LITTLE one!

  9. April shouldn't need it either,she has a good job at the dealership,and a night gig at an ESCORT/STREET service there in Phoenix. Gota be raking in at least $30.00 a night from that! :animated_rotfl:

    And by ANYTHING ,my guess is that means ANYTHING!

  10. Someone really should tell her that "town ho" doesn't qualify as celebrity status.

    It obviously does in the circles april runs in in Phoenix,where according to her she is already a celeb. She just plans on taking the ho show NATIONAL! :animated_rotfl:

  11. BBAD April and Michelle were told by Keessha that before libra left, Libra told keesha that April ,Ollie,Michelle,and Jesse formed and allaince,and they were going to start to try picking them off.Of course April and Michelle lying to cover their tracks said libra was just trying to redirect blame, and start trouble,and that never happened. April indignate that keesha would beleive that or would even consider it.she says if that happened I should get an Academy Award. Keesha seemed like she bought it. Who knows maybe she thinks that libra was just causing trouble stirring the pot? If she only knew, her new closeness with April would evaporate quickly.

    They haven't seemed to put two and two together, and figured out April and Ollie tried to pull a coup with Dan, and vote Memphis out instead of Jesse.

    Who knows with these people?

  12. Like she didn't have a BIG enough target on her back!

    She better enjoy those outfits,as she will most likely will get to model them for Libra next week! :animated_rotfl:

    Her boy toy Ollie is the only one conspicuously absent ,and he is not in the DR.

    Distancing himself already? :animated_scratchchin:

  13. Sounds like April and Ollie are grasping at straws!!

    Everyone better put on their BUS protectors,as they are going on a full frontal assault to throw everyone in the house under the BUS except them,because of course April is way to PRETTY to have any dirt on her!!

    If they only had a clue it would do them absolutely no good what so ever. It will be futile, if not more so than Libras' attempt tp stay in the house!

  14. April whispering to Michelle if Renny was smart she would put up Jerry and Dan. April talking about using her money to buy the veto.

    That is why it is so important that Michelle knows that April tried to pull a coup on who michelle wanted evicted. So Michelle doesn't trust April at ALL!

    I sure hope what they tried to this week somehow comes to light.



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