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Posts posted by Slimcruz

  1. I think they all say a bunch of stuff while in the house. The jury did well. It was an obvious vote.

    IMO, Dan seems comfortable in front of the camera. Despite him saying that he would spend the rest of his life in at the school in Michigan, I would not be surprised to see him in California working in the biz. I think he could. I think he will.

    People inherently like Dan. You cannot put a price on that.

  2. Jerry is probably going to be embarrassed at some of his antics and personal habits when he watches tapes. Maybe he will take note and make some needed changes. I don't think it is a good idea for anyone past a certain age to be on that show. It is geared for a younger set. I kind of wish Jerry had gone way earlier so that someone more capable had made the final comps more interesting. But....Jerry is finally gone and I wish he and his family well with the bad weather coming their way and I wish the best for his wife Joanne because of her ill health.

  3. Like she said, Renny and Keesha was a dream. She put her eggs in the Keesha basket and forgot to compete as well as I think she could have. Renny spent far too much time consoling keesha. I suspect her family is going to tell her much the same thing.

    Age doesn't seem to have hindered her 75-year old fellow HG, Jerry, from actively competing.

  4. It is not good gameplay to drink a bunch of wine just prior to a BIG competition. Taking 20+ minutes to complete a simple task with 5+ minutes coming in behind you is evidence that she played a lousy game. Renny stayed as long as she did because none of them felt threatened by her during the game and knew that they could toss her whenever they felt like it which is tonight. Each of them knows better than to take her to F2. Clearly. They make no secret of the fact.

  5. as much as a majority of you are Renny FANS

    I am not necessarily such a thing. I do find it interesting that they want her gone because they are afraid of her because she is so well liked. Nothing to do with her game-playing ability - which was really, really bad to nonexistent (IMO).

    I would like to see her stay so as to stir the pot. Nothing more.

  6. Well, considering the vastness of Katrina and its aftermath, I think if Renny had known we would have known that she knew (got that?) because no way could she have not worried and worried and worried some more. Apparently they told her nada.

  7. Maybe Memphis will let Jerry wear his coon skin hat!!! Jerry met Davy Crocket when dating Crocket's daughter!

    I was not a Renny fan and think she took the comps lightly and could have done better; especially the baby-morph comp. I mean, JEEZ! I can see why some people like her. She is very typical New Orleans to me. Big personality, showy, the Irish Channel accent, heart of gold. BB needs more people like Renny in one session. Three Renny's would make for some fireworks. IMO

  8. Renny had a good time and became popular and will be semi-famous in the Crescent City. She has that and I think she is probably aware that she got to stay longer than maybe she should have.

    I think Renny will be fair in her vote and I also think she might sway other voters given the chance.

  9. It would be a shock to be part of an intense group and then all of a sudden find yourself out. I'm not sure how I would handle it - in reality. Probably be sad. One thing I know that I would do is be upfront with the people if they tried to "conversate" with me.

  10. I totally agree with you, Misha. Anything I've said about Renny or anyone was said/is said with the fact in mind that they had/have some control over their own destiny in the house through winning comps. Sometimes, an alliance of 2 will get you to the F2. In Renny's case, I think her alliance with Keesha was one-sided; past a point and might not get her past where she is right now UNLESS they vote Keesha out and by some miracle, Renny wins HOH or POV - which could happen; if she would work at it. I believe in miracles.

  11. Renny mired herself down in the Everything Keesha Society and forgot to look out for herself. She voiced her opinion over and over and they ignored her over and over. She should have followed her instincts - they were sometimes on target - and above all, paid close attention that all the conversations began and ended about Keesha.

    P.S. The whole jury likes renny because she never really threatened anyone. I think she sometimes thought she was there to entertain.

    I do hope that Renny's family, friends and possessions will survive Gustave.



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