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Everything posted by SpikeyT

  1. I think the twist was awesome! Love how they got to see what Topaz said.
  2. I agree. I wasn't a fan of Suzette but in all reality who is who to define what one person can or cannot talk about. They didn't like her from the start, especially him since she put him on the block the first week. Sour grapes with him but because he is the "nice gu" he thinks he can hide behind that.
  3. I agree, he is already starting to get pretty cocky with each win. I find it hard to take him seriously. He tries to act all sensitive (Re: after Tom's prank and with his cuddle-mance) but that seems to be act and he never wears a shirt, something about that just bothers me haha.
  4. I think that the public influence on the game is okay, it honestly to me doesn't seem as production staged at the US version with the "Pandora's Box" and the "Coup de-tat" or whatever they were. We have to consider that the original concept of Big Brother involved the public voting out only, but the US went a different route because it's not as popular. Canada's version is good in that it is forming its own identity. Every version of Big Brother around the world is different and Canada's can't just be a copy of the US version, we just seem to think it should be because that's all we have been able to watch before. We should give this a chance to the end I think.
  5. I disagree on Arisa. I am glad she is not as robotic as Chen, it is after all the Canadian version not US. But yes Emmett and Jillian, my god they annoy the hell out of me. The whole couples thing is so stupid. Jillian seems fake as hell. Topaz, yes, way to sleep away the game...useless
  6. Not a fan of Jillian. She seems way too fake to me and she really hasn't done anything. I love how she thinks her and Emmett are like some big power couple.
  7. Classic floater. Could be the one people take to final two since he didn't do anything.
  8. What exactly has she done since winning HoH (a pointless one I might add)
  9. Annoying yes but they should keep around, she won't win
  10. I figured she would have went over Tom first because I thought she was stronger of a player.
  11. It's funny how he thinks he has the game in his hands, yet he totally was played by Liza. His alliance with Alec isn't controlling anything.
  12. I think the isolation from the outside world is getting to her lol
  13. Agreed! Part of why I took a job here (I know west to east? That's almost unheard of haha)
  14. She woke up! Long enough to yell at Tom...but now that he's out she's back to sleep.
  15. He's a cool guy, typical well liked east coaster
  16. He thinks he is like Dan or even better, I don't buy it. I find it funny when people say they throw competitions it makes me wonder if it is just an excuse to cover up how much they suck haha
  17. Totally blown out of proportion. I would take him more seriously if he actually wore a shirt lol
  18. I love how Emmett plays the "nice guy" card to the max in order to get people to do his dirty work like get out Tom. I hope he gets blind sided.
  19. He is a great player...however he has the tendancy that one houseguest has every year on BB....so loud in the diary room.
  20. In all honesty, while I think Tom was kind of a dink to Alec for doing what he did...if Alec was THAT UPSET about Canada potentially seeing him naked, he really chose the wrong show to be on.
  21. ... Honestly, I did laugh at some of it, won't say which though haha.



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