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Everything posted by Tric

  1. Jen is in the HOH room talking to Kaysar Jen: i need to talk to you and you have to be fully alert Jen: i've been thinking about it, and i have to support my friend. I came to the game with her i have to play with her. I know they stabbed me in the back doesn't mean im going to do the same thing. I came into this game with april till the end Jen: i totally understand that it means you don't trust me now Kaysar: if you get HOH who are you putting up Jen: i dont know, i take things week by week. *silence* Basically jen just said that she is going to vote to keep eric instead of maggie. K: so it's because you don't want to abandon april that is the only reason? J: yeah, remember when i said dont do something to someone just because they did it to you. You didnt abandon your friend, you stuck up for him completely. Everyone was wondering why you defended him.. he was your partner and you stood up for him. J:you could have easily abandoned mike when everyone was against him, but you stood by him. that is just not the type of person i am if someone does me wrong or not. i told you that yesterday, if someone hates me that makes me want to go after them even more. i don't like when people don't like me. K: ok, i respect that J: i've been honest with you since day one. i know in this game you can't trust anyone, even your only friend. i could have just voted and tomorrow you could have just figured it out. i didnt have to. you could have never figured it out. K: so where do you stand exactly? J: i have april's back, that is how i came in this house and that is how i'll leave, however if she leaves before me, i'll play the game different K: if april has there back, and you have april's back.. you have their back? J: unless i get HOH, things will change.. When you got HOH you stirred things up and i loved that. I might never get HOH. I don't always play things safe. I'm probably like on both sides and are the first one's to go. K: i had one chance to change things, even i'm going home or i'm going home. J: you could have played safe and came on our side and would have stayed in the house for a little bit but you are on the bottom of the friendship list K: i would have lost respect for myself i did that. people came up here to talk to me and safe there ass and lied to my face. J: i fight with goodness.. kill them with kindness LOST FEED!
  2. Maggie, April,ivette and jenny are talking about their dogs.. The breeds and how much they weight.
  3. 10:29 am BBT HG's are at the patio talking about some nasty things. Eric is telling them that "gross" is when you go to kiss your grandpa and he sticks his tongue down your throat. * maggie looks disgusted* Maggie started singing and bb provided us with fish! Feed returns..
  4. 10:05 am BBT Eric and a few still outside at the patio listening to eric tell a very "long" story about firefighters and such. Fish an all 4 cams
  5. Conversation on the patio. Eric and Rachael are talking to jenny about her relationship with dan, Rachael is telling jenny that she was once in a situation like she was and can't elaborate any further on it due to them being on national tv. Jen feel's that with the public only seeing her one side and not the whole story is making her look like the victim which she says isn't the case. Eric is blabbing about the other houseguest's who he chooses not to talk with because of how they play the game. talking about *james-howie*
  6. Maggie,Rach, Eric and jenny are at the patio talking about april and how she was on a rampage last night. J: i should have brought another person in the game with me. She talks about me behind my back E: what? J: yeah, i know.. she has said stuff behind my back, i already know this. Jen is talking about how the other houseguest's don't like her because she is so quiet.
  7. Kaysar is telling april based on the choices he had he put the people on the block for no personal reason. April: you can't be mad if people take it personal though K: eric is a strong player, he's a leader, put yourself in his shoes,he had the entire house backing him up. then all of a sudden he lost his power.. It's like the wind was sucked out of him, his passion is gone now.. of course he is going to feel upset. April: yeah yeah... Kaysar is talking to april trying to get her to see his point of view for what he did and why he put those two up on the block.
  8. Ivette still in the kitchen making her bird feeder.. James, Jan, sarah are listening to ivette talk about her relationship with her "maggie" Kaysar, april and beau outside talking.. Kaysar is telling them about how he didn't know who he was going to put up when each of them came to the HOH room and talked to him. Ivette came outside with the feeder and april told kaysar that ivette made it. he seems very interested in how she made it.
  9. Kaysar, April and Beau are outside talking about education, which schools they went to, what they have studied... james is talking about being on the block.
  10. Ivette is in the kitchen trying to make a bird feeder out of a coffee mate container for a hummingbird that is in the back yard. Maggie and eric are outside in the pool talking about where "maggie" has worked.
  11. Janelle and james in the kitchen talking... 3:33pm BBT They are talking about the agreement that happened the night on the surf board. "feed" cut out. They are now talking about ashlea and how they didn't get a chance to get to know her, however it was the best choice to make. Jam: we each have a commando team.. we each have different skills Jan: yep. James is telling jan that it is a game and shouldn't be based on personal feelings. Jan: if i would have won HOH, i would have went right after eric Jam: he is very pushy Jan: the way he walks around the house i was thinking "he's insane" Jan: i saw him trying to puch around ashleah, who pushes someone who is already on the block. James: you think beyond what is actually happening. Jan and james are talking about Eric and how he played the game incorrectly. James: eric had the whole house thinking he was saving us from mike. James: i want to find out what happened between those girls and mike when i get out. Jan: i'm wanting to know as well. They are now talking about the "foot up the short" accident with mike. James: i really want to see all of that stuff Jan: mike was like "what" (when everyone was talking about it) Jam: i said bad things about him, i wont feel bad but if they are true i'll feel really bad. Ivette comes into kitchen so they stop talking about mike..
  12. Kaysar and Rach outside by the patio talking. K: when was the last time you went on vacation R: depends on your defination of "trip" Rach is now talking about a few places she's been lately K: when was the last time you left the country R: i went to canada, does that count? K: not really, it's like the us just above us Kaysar is now talking about the places out of the country he's been, holland.. norway.. sweden... Kaysar is talking about miami and other places around there he has been. He really liked it there that it was divided between being mellow and crazy. both of them are now watching the other houseguest's outside in silence. R: so what is the deal with jen and april? K: no deal.. R: no deal at all k: here is the thing, april is to emotional and jennifer is... R: jennifer will play, she's been trying to get on this show for years K: it's pretty safe to say that they are not playing together, they are not on the same page.. We need to make sure april doesn't win HOH R: or maggie, beau and ivette too K: we need to get eric out of here to calm things down.. get maggie out as well. K: i'll tell you one thing, beau has calmed down a lot R: i've noticed that K: he's changed... alot.. he's being more real, less of this other crap R: yeah... uhmm, where is howie? K: inside with jannell. *countin the hg's outside" K: who eles? R: james is inside too R: everyone is upset that we are keeping james K: it's simple. uhmmm. R: why wouldn't you want him out, if you want him out K: here is the thing.. (he's using some anology of super heros and novels) Everything is depending on options and situations that happen. you can't play with emotion. K: if you don't like james because he is a bad person and then he is a good person it wont make sense.. he is a good player.. if i can contain him and use him to our advantage he will stay, if he can't be contained he will go.. Kaysar is talking about james's job and how that is a good advantage for this game.
  13. 3:14 pm BBT - House guest's go back into the house. They are disappointed that nothing was changed in the house. they are all looking around trying to figure out what BB was doing in the house. James: they probably just wanted to piss in the fishtank. Kaysar: keep an eye out for the walls and see if you notice anything. Rach: i'll keep my eyes open. jan: nothing... Kaysar just figured out that BB only went into the house to do the Houseguest wall with the keys, nominations and veto stuff. he sounds very sad. Howie is kissing mike's picture on the wall. Janelle thought that was gross Janelle is looking at all the pictures.
  14. Back to the Patio... Kaysar: they are convienced that you guys "howie and james" are so netural that the game could shift if one of them win HOH next week. Kaysar: they probably counted the numbers and are hoping you (howie) and rachael go back to the other side in order to give them a chance. They are talking about targets and what would happen if one from the other group with HOH Howie: i fear april more then anyone getting HOH, she's so emotional. Plane is drowing out the conversation, can't hear.. Kaysar: eric is prepping april for when he leaves, who to target and how to play the game. it doesn't make a difference, we have to take out the strongest players.. leave the ones who can't think for themself. James: i think maggie and april should go up next week Kaysar: you read my mind.. once maggie is gone, ivette thinks she will rule the group but she'll probably end up driving it to the ground. Rachael comes over to the patio. The houseguest's are thinking BB is doing something with CLUE's... James: we should read the clue together. Racheal: you have the other clues upstairs right? Kaysar: yeah, upstairs R: are you hiding the clues from everyone eles K: they are incomplete, we need the rest R: the safe probably only has pictures of ourself K: i wouldn't be surprised if big brother will only let us figure out one safe at a time, start with the two small ones and leave the big one for the last. R: that is boring.. K: everything is boring to you right now H: you are so bored, let's spice it up a bit for you then. (to racheal) H: what time is it right now? K: 2:15 my guess R: what does it matter, do you have a date? a movie to watch? R: today is a boring day K: i'll give you something to do H: i miss coasters R: at least it was something to do BB - houseguest's the lock down is now over, you are free to go back into the house. Rach: let's see what is going on
  15. Ivette, april, beau, maggie, eric, rachael, jenny, sarah are over by the pool talking. Ivette: how much weight do you think maggie has lost since being in the house. Eric: around 70 pounds Maggie: leave me alone Ivette: it's a good thing maggie Eric is talking about the redsocks and the yankees.. and some more about himself of course.
  16. Kaysar is signing: big brother six, where do you come up with all your tricks. Howie thinks he looks so good. BB AGAIN - 3rd time - THis is a lock down, please go outside and stay there until further notice. Kaysar: i think if i slit my wrist, peaunt butter would come out. Jannelle is doing her nails. Howie: people can point fingers and say "you hate him, he hates you" i don't give a rat's ass what people say. James: it's ok for them to say stuff, but it's not ok for us Howie: they try to pick you apart. I want to further my progress Kaysar: tell them about what maggie said Howie is telling james and janelle about how eric is the motivator and can get people to do what he wants them to do. In the back yard the groups are divided.. kaysar,howie,james and jan are at the patio while the other guest's are on the other side of the yard.
  17. james is now at the patio telling the HG's that he just had a dream everyone was in the big brother back yard and a plane flew over and crashed into the yard. he's explaining that all he could smell was gas and stuff. They are wondering why we are in a lockdown. Kaysar hopes that big brother is going to give them boardgames or stuff to do considering everyone has been complaining about how bored they are. BB AGAIN: this is a lockdown please go outside until further notice.
  18. April and Janelle at the patio talking about smoking. April is curious to know how she is going to stop smoking. Janelle admits she is "bloated" Kaysar joins the conversation. Kaysar tells april that she is getting very dark from being outside in the sun. Janelle is singing off and on so she wont get in trouble.
  19. BB - This is a lock down, please go outside and stay there until further notice. everyone heads outside. 2:50 pm BBt
  20. Howie is talking about how he wants to buy a russian bride. Janelle is telling him how sluty russian girls are and they are usually high class hookers. Janelle is telling a story of a girl from russia who was a mail order bride and then filed for divorce a year later just to get us citizenship. The same guy went and bought another one. Howie keeps repeating how he wants a russian mail order bride. 3 of them talking about citizenship and immigrants.
  21. 2:45 pm BBT Jan,howie and kasyar still in HOH room. Kaysar: if we get rid of eric that group is only going to have girls left Howie: yep Kaysar: our group is balanced, 3 girls and 3 boys Kaysar: we have so much power and we are so balanced with no problems. Jan: yet Kaysar: we agreed, final six and keep it clean Howie: jan is going to come after me "joking" Jan: do you think james will turn prior to the final 6? Kaysar: if james fails he know's he will be out Kaysar is talking about how he told sarah she need's to be there for james and be the back bone. Conversation changes to janelle when she lived in russia!
  22. janelle: maggie has gotten worse and worse Kaysar: her true colors are coming out Jan: she took my blanket last night *they are looking at the spy cam* They are talking about maggie and eric and who is the most threat in the house, they both agree that eric is. Kaysar: maggie thinks she is so smart. she's not that good at what she does, if she was, she would have figured out was going on to begin with. Howie: she knew that we knew maggie and eric are together. Jan: they got fucked over because they are not smart Kaysar: it worked out, do you think april is going to be calm about things, no.. she is to emotional. she makes things worse on her on Jan: can you imagine what would happen if she wins HOH Howie: i'll go pack my bag Kaysar: if i get HOH, anything can happen (talking about what maggie said) They are making fun of april and how emotional she is.
  23. Janelle want's to wax howies neck however she doesn't have any wax left in the house. Howie: why are you so great at this? (massage) Jan: because i have great hands Howie: yes you do Howie: this is better then sex. *silence* Kaysar is listening to his music.. Howie is hitting on janney telling her she is a dangerous package. Howie: would you ever date eric? Janelle: hell no, yeah right! i would never date someone like that Kaysar: what if he was rich? Janelle: hell no, i'd tell him to go fuck himself. he's a crazy person Kaysar: girls like janelle, you make them feel like they are in control Jan: but really we just want to know we are taken care of kaysar: right. Jan: right. Janelle is singing the big brother song they made up. Kaysar looks very happy listening to his music.
  24. 2:32 BBT Howie, janelle and kaysar in the HOH room. Janelle is massaging howie's back, kaysar makes a statement that janelle is the "complete" package. Kaysar is telling janelle the best way to do a back massage Jan: howie do i give good back massages? Howie: yes Kaysar: howie will say everything you do is good janney
  25. Rachael: i would love to have a pet.. or even a barn yard outside. i'll clean up after them all day long. jan and Kaysar go upstairs to play chess. Kaysar: hi janny Jan: hi kaysarrr Lost feed on that.. BB showing the empty living room..



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