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Everything posted by Tric

  1. Maggie, ivette and jenny where talking in the kitchen a little bit.. M: i'd fricken die if sarah or james get's HOH next wee, that would wreck everything, let's go outside..
  2. Ivette, maggie and jenny are talking in the kitchen about cramps. Maggie is talking about when she is at home, she uses the timer on the coffee pot and it's ready for when she wakes up. Ivette is amazed that coffee pots do that. Maggie is talking about what she does as a daily routine before heading to work. What time they get up, what time they head to work..
  3. Ivette and Jenny. J: i didn't want sarah to run downstairs and bring the candy down until we knew that bb meant the entire hg's could have some I: haha you said Ya'll Jenny is talking about the movie and how she liked it however she would have liked to see dukes of hazzards instead. She is talking about a movie she is in as well. which has the same release date. Jenny continues to talk about the movie she was in and BB went to FISH
  4. Howie joins the conversation outside with jenny and ivette. Howie is telling them that he's going to go outside and tan, ivette told howie to take of his bandana because he'll get a line around his head. They are talking about how clean his toes are, howie tells them it's probably from the pool and hottub yesterday. Howie is now talking about his "junk" and how people saw it yesterday, he also told him that he has to shave down there. Howie made fun of jenny saying that she's probably going to get married in 5,6,8 years and then walked away. jenny is telling ivette that bb said they could share the candy with the other houseguest's.
  5. Rach and howie joined ivette in the kitchen, howie is talking about getting a haircut today from beau. (bbiab)
  6. Rach and howie are talking about james ( i think) H: who ever wins HOH this week is not going to be his best friend H: we have to get HOH and split them up, we have to create the tension between them. they don't see it now, but we have to do it R: i know H: if we are all here a month from now, things will be different, we all hated mike the first week and now i kinda miss him R: i did too but we didn't have the votes to save him, then janelle would have gone home R: it's something i said, i wish we could keep him (mike) but didn't have the votes, no way Rach is talking about how BB gave them Chocolate milk, 2 containers. Howie pinched or strained or pulled a muscle in his back. R: i can't believe they have all slept up in that room every night. H: they have it padded on the floor it shouldn't be to bad on their back R: someone is cooking H: outside? R: like a grill firing up. R: i can't believe i wont that lux comp H: i didn't mind at all because jenny loves movies. but i was part of it because i got to be the host R: you where really good, even without your shirt on H: thanks. Rach is talking about the movie again.
  7. H: if you cook people breakfast up here you don't get put up R: i made breakfast and dinner all the time and it doesn't mean jack shit. R: you ate onions.. i didn't know beau was allergic to them H: it tasted ok. the last helping i had was cold but it was great stuff. R: that's good R: i'll make some burgers tonight H: really R: yeah! R: bacon cheesburger? H: you are going to make burgers tonight R: do you think we are close to an airport. H: i dont know if we are close to it, but i think we are on the flight path. R: i'm pretty sure we are close. H: my buddy lives in FL and he lives in a place where you can see the planes a distance away but you can always hear it. R: really R: i wonder what is going on outside these walls H: i could care less, we have enough problems in here. R: really! H: (something about the hurricane) H: if you don't hear anything then you know your family is ok R: yep R: if you could do anything after this show what would you do H: in terms of what R: another show, travel, anything! Would you want to do anything H: something about work and stuff, something i like doing. I like working out, going to the beaches. i've been going to the bars since i was 18, i travel. it's all fun but you can only do it for so long R: would you do another show H: oh yeah R: what would you do, i'm not doing so good around here, so i dont think i'd be ok in survior. FISH - ( they are talking about other reality shows)
  8. Howie is telling rachael that everyone saw his "junk" last night and how it was all small. ivette looked at it. Howie says "beau, beau wasn't up he didn't get to see it". R: ivette is being really nice H: of course they are going to be, power is up for grabs and they know they might not get it R: exactly. H: they don't want james to win it, we don't know what that crazy fucker is going to do with it R: janelle need's to get it H: i want to win it actually, so i can nack the power R: i want to sleep upstairs H: if i win it R: yeah. Rach is moaning (sore back). Howie is telling rach that he has a hole in his tooth because of all the candy he's eaten. Racheal is telling howie how she had a good healthy breakfast this morning. R: ivette was so pissed at her the other morning (janelle) for singing that song. She doesn't mind when you sign that song but she hates when jan does it. H: if you like someone and they hit you with a football they will just laugh, but if you hate someone you are right in there face Ivette is asking howie and rach if they would like some french toast (she is being overly nice this morning)
  9. Howie goes outside and starts to talk with Rachael. R: you are up early, did they call you in too? H: no but they woke up james and myself when they called him in. R: i feel bad, kaysar was just out here, we're going to miss his birthday. H: i know, there is a tag on your head when you are good R: that's the thing, he messed up.. he's not that good H: that's what he did H: he's not big in sports and that hurt him. R: that's right They are talking about baseball now. Ivette is up now as well, telling howie and rach about the medication bb has now gotten for them.
  10. Kaysar is up and joined rach outside. K: bb woke me up to go the the DR R: did they really, they did that to james too R: they wont do that to me.. K: yeah R: it's been cold out this morning K: really, it's cold. last night it was chilly R: it was cold and cloudy when i was eating my breakfast R: the helicopers amaze me, there are so many here, i always wanted to learn how to do that. K: you are a smart girl rach but i don't know R: i can drive a bobcat K: what is a bobcat R: it's for construction. Rachael is explaining to kaysar what a bobcat is. R: what time did you guys go to bed K: 2:30 am ish K: i think, i'm not sure. Rach laughs R: can't believe it's already aug 2nd K: i know, i can't believe my birthday is in a few days R: it's on the 10th right? K: yeah R: aww, i want to celebrate your birthday, aww bb, can't we celebrate for him before he leaves K: i'm going home for sure, it's so sad. R: how far away is it from where you live? K: an hour or so, not to far. K: so you just wake up early and do what? R: i wake up, eat breakfast, clean, do lanundry, work out, take a shower K: nice just sit here and wait for all the crap to begin R: waiting for thursday, that is going to be. K: today is tuesday, tomorrow we vote and i'm gone R: yep, we vote tomorrow, thursday is live and we have to clean. K: man.. I"m just going to go back to sleep R: alright, did you go in the DR K: i don't know what eles to do, see you in a little bit R: alright. *kaysar goes inside* Kaysar said something about someone asking him out ( missed it)
  11. 9:15 am BBT Janelle woke up, used the washroom and then went to the kitchen to get herself a drink. Rachael was telling janelle that it was cloudy and cold outside this morning. Janelle goes back to bed, rach just lays on the couch.
  12. 9:05 am BBT - Everyone in the house is still sleeping except for racheal, she just got out of the shower.
  13. Jan and kaysar conversation K: i want to thank you for keeping me focused J: i didn't keep you focused. K: yes you did! K: you have a problem, you don't want to be alone, you want someone to show you affection J: why is that bad K: the reason why you fall in love is because you are generally showered with affection and you like that feeling. in the end it doesn't solve anything, there is no goal or direction. when you feel like the feeling is running out that is when you leave J: i don't know K: you always do that kissy thing. Kaysar is telling janelle how much she thinks she is awsome, however he is not going to be one of those guys that goes around and kisses her ass all the time. Janelle just told kaysar that she likes him to much. K: i'm going to kill you J: not even my sweat pants are fitting this week, oh gawd K: oh yeah and by the way.... J: what (he whispered in her ear) Right now kaysar is so close to janelle's face. Janelle asked kayser if she thinks that she's had her lips done, he says they are very puffy.. K: oh janny, i'm sorry, don't be stuch a stiff J: you stuck your finger up my nose. J: mike and swear that i've never had fake lips because he's kissed me before K: mike is so lucky J: why? K: he got to kiss you J: shut up Janelle asked kaysar to tell her more situations about the game and how to play it.
  14. Kaysar and janelle are in the GR talking. Jan: i'm thinking about clues and stuff K: clues.. we don't have any clues! J: the seas on the map, the light, the gumball machine K: we used all of those J: they will come up later K: you think so J: i was thinking about me and mike being in here. there has to be a reason why there is no glass. ( or something) J: there will be another clue next week as well, this safe marks the 3rd of the game. the second will be the middle and the last one will be the final. there will be a clue every 4 weeks on saturdays. K: yeah K: you better win, no pressure J: if i do, i'm going to take you and mike to greece K: really, that would be nice of you J: he promised he would take me to greece but i'll take you guys instead K: cool, if you and mike want to go by yourself i understand J: no i want you to come too. i'll give you guys some alone time J: how do you know i'm leaving K: because i do, i can't get maggie to understand me J: what kinda of? K: i told her that if she put up the other two there feelings would get hurt, i told her that my stay isn't as important J: you said this to her today, when? K: before the veto cermo K: she asked me who i should put up. i know you are strong and i know you don't let things get to you. you wouldn' mind J: i'm actually flattered, thank you! J: what if i'm the one to leave? K: i really think there is a 99 percent chance you are not leaving, if for some reason, you end up leaving then. i'm going to flight like hell to make sure that you get part of the money. Janelle laughs (janelle is whispering and i can't hear her) J: if you didnt win HOH last week i would have been gone K: true but it's part of the game. i wanted to save you, that's it K: could have been a 400 pound slob and it wouldn't have mattered.
  15. james and howie are outside playing foosball. a few of the other houseguest's are in the kitchen cooking dinner.
  16. uhm... Janelle was in the GR room saying numbers really loud. james walked in the room and said "you can't hear anything" Jan: good Jan: what a boring fricken day James: boring, you got nominated today Jan: you didn't get live twice on live tv, that is worse, you don't know if you are going home or not. James: what are you wearing Jan: my black dress James: good all the guys will be happy. you'll be married by friday! Feed changes. Kaysar is outside eating at the patio table by himself Howie is in the kitchen telling the houseguest's that if you win four HOH's then you are the camp of BB history.
  17. J: i dont know what to do kaysar K: about what? J: anything. K: me either K: just keep thinking about it, we'll figure something out J: mike isn't going to think i'm a gold digger right? K: probably not. i'll tell him you are not J: he won't believe the tv right K: after they see how they protrayed him, probably not J: i was joking K: i know K: you just like powerful guys, and powerful guys have money, that isn't your fault J: i know it's not. K: powerful guys want powerful girls like you J: i'm not a bad girl am i? K: no but just a bit confused J: what am i confused about K: you don't know what you want J: oh right They are talking about astrology. (i'm leaving for a bit, bbl)
  18. Jan and kaysar outside.. J: you dont think howie and rachael will turn on us right? K: no! K: i have a feeling rach said something ot maggie J: like what? K: not sure... *silence, kaysar is occasionally looking over and staring at janelle* Kaysar is playing with his hair. janelle finished playing with her hair, still silence between the two of them. K: are you homesick yet? J: no, you? K: kinda! J: im really irriated that james did that K: yeah, me too. *silence* K: damnit... augrageee, i dont know what to do J: i dont know what i should do either. K: so if i told you to take the hit and leave would you leave and keep me here? J: what would you give me? K: i would probably give you something if you won all the way J: how would i know for sure K: because i've been honest with you. J: it's kinda what you and mike talked about K: sure! J: really! J: promise K: i promise but i don't know if i want to stay J: uhh, kaysar!!!! K: you are funny J: why K: you just are K: the way you say things, the things you do J: what do i do K: everything, the way you rush things, say things, just funny J: i'm sorry i'm so funny K: don't be sorry, you have a good personality. J: i hope america doesn't think i'm a gold digger after what howie is saying K: they probably think that now J: why? K: the conversations in the gold room, what howie said blah blah blah J: i hope they don't think that (america) i was joking around. K: i wasn't there for that conversation. J: it was a joking conversation K: aww my heart is broken, i'll never forgive you J: kaysar... why ( all whinny) K: i'm joking janney... J: why did he have to do that, it really fucked up our whole plan K: i dont know J: he totally did. K: damnit K: this isn't the end, you guys could have went all the way J: i know but because of his selfishness.... i dont like it kaysar. K: neither do i. *silence* J: i dont understand how he can think he can make it to the end with sarah, she isn't a strong player K: he is using both sides against each other, being the one to cause the fighting indirectly. J: this is so retarded, if you stayed what would you do K: i'd fool him to thinking he knew what was up, just the same way when last week we did that stuff, taking him off the block and such. K: i dont know what to do though. if i had the option to stay would i want to at this point. *silence*
  19. Feed returns. Janelle and kaysar talking outside (missed some of it) Jan: i can't believe sarah is in on all of theses lies Jan: do you think james thinks he is going to go all the way K: i think he notices he's not going to make it the entire way K: he can see the walls closing in on him, so right now he wants to make it . He knows he needs to make it through one more week. if he goes home now, he get's no money. he will be seperated from his girl. he has to make it one more week J: yeah J: i think he thinks he has it in the bag K: no, he's not that dumb *silence* K: if they win HOH again they will probably put two of you up. J: gawd, i wish they wouldn't have changed the things saying some veto's can not be used, it's so annoying. K: yeah. so let's see. *silence* K: the other end, we can't expect them to help us. next week they all will shot for james to leave that means that all of there friends are going to be in the house together. we are cutting into her group J: yeah we are. J: do you think we can promise james if he was HOH he could get rid of maggie, know what i mean K: right J: then the week after one of us will win it K: he will be on a high, like no one can touch him. if he does, celebrate with him then take him out. he is blinded by those things. J: you don't think he'll pawn up rach right K: he will think you guys are so dumb, now that i'm gone, you guys don't know what to do. K: he thinks that because i'm gone he has it won. J: if it's down to me, howie and james we have to let him win K: don't make it look you threw it, they would be pissed J: we wont do that. we wont make it look that way K: if you get rid of maggie and then get rid of james J: it would be perfect wouldn't it, is that the best plan K: probably. J: it's not the safest K: it is. uhm... probably is one of the safest. because when he is focused on that. J: hrm. what if he finds out K: lie to him, we are fighting as a team, and they are just trying to get to us, deny everything. K: when i'm gone, any information that is transfered is going to come from april. i told them to talk to you, no one except for you and then, april asked me if you would listen to them, i told them you would because i've told you to. K: i love it, they think you and howie don't give two shits what they have to say (other group) and you don't. K: maybe these aren't the smartest group of people it feels good and i'm one of the youngest people here. they still don't get it. J: yeah. K: aahhhh....*sigh* J: i'm scared that james is going to turn on us, when they get a chance to. K: if you cover your tracks, play it cool, don't give them any reason to think anything, prop them up. make them feel good K: if you get HOH this week, that is perfect you reduce there numbers and get rid of james. you'll have 4 J: it would be a clear shot from there if it happens. J: jenny could win HOH though, she actually is smart you know *silence* Rach joins conversation.. R: i think i'm going to work out, do you think you are going to work out or at 1 am J: i know right.. hehe R: i feel the food i've had to eat, normally i'm walking around and up and down stairs, here i sit on my butt which is going to increase the size and there is nothing eles to do R: is this your hair tie J: yeah *rach leaves*
  20. Janelle, kaysar and rach by the pool still. Kaysar said something about the DR session. (can't hear) BB- Kaysar please check your mic R: check your plug J: ahh son of a bitch R: this week didn't work out like we wanted it to. J: nope J: if they wanted to do that so bad, why didn't they come to us and tell us R: tell us what? J: that they want james and sarah out R: they didn't play the veto game good J: i know J: why didn't they put up james and sarah up, that would have been the way to put him up and out R; maggie decided that she didn't care which one, one or the other. She probably did what eric told her to do J: she's not very smart. J: eric isn't that smart either. R: yep kaysar: i'm plugged in R: ivette is probably thinking about that too R; you are going to get HOH room next J: if i'm still here. Kaysar is saying that they want to get rid of james *can't hear kaysar, his mic isn't working* R: i dont want them to get HOH next week because they might put me and howie up. Feed cuts to fish!
  21. Janelle just asked howie how many times he's had sex in his hottub at home. He said a lot. James asked howie if he changes the water often. Rachael tells howie that it is not healthy for a woman to have sex in a hottub H: janelle where is the most unusal place you've had sex? Jan: the ocean James: everyone says the ocean. Jan: it's true. it feels good there. Jan is telling howie that she did it in the ocean in st.marteens. Howie and jan are singing there song they both made up while being in the bb house. Janelle just created howie a pillow out of a blanket.
  22. Janelle, howie and rach talking by the pool. All other feeds are showing empty rooms. James comes closer to the pool to join in on the conversation. James: you are the most unique person howie to ever be on a reality show. They are talking about the ratings and james is braggin that he's number one with the ratings and howie is number 2 on the list. (they are told the ratings on each person by bb?) Janelle is talking about the beauty pagents and how you are suppose to wave your hands. (everyone tried it out) James: i love this place Howie: do you?
  23. While kaysar, howie and rach where talking by the pool. James joined and kinda sat off to the side on the lawn chair. janelle just joined as well. Janelle is telling howie that maybe they make extra extra large underware. BB - Kaysar please go to the DR. K: no. i'm on my way out, i protest, i dont have to go there. H: he's protesting his eviction. K: i'm going ot handcuff myself to the pole over there. Kaysar leaves, janelle sit's in his spot. J: let's trim your side burns. R: how about we just cut them off. H: noooo H: how about you make 250 grand and i'll date you J: you don't need money to make me go out with you howie. Howie is flirting with janelle in his usual way. Feed in HOH room.. the entire other group up there. Beau is telling the group that janelle doesn't like sarah and janelle just puts up with her. Ivette is making fun of sarah right now, telling the others that she talks like a 5 yr old. Everyone is laying down and jen is going to go work out.
  24. Kaysar: howie me and you are going to be best friends forever. Rach: howie get out of the pool if you are cold Howis is walking around putting out his butt telling them he has a nice one. Kaysar is covering his eyes. racheal is laughing at howie. all of them leave the pool area and head to the hot tub. *silence* K: i really hope you, howie or janelle win this time. R: we'll have a big party of that happens. k: good BB - janelle please go to the DR R: have you talked to james at all? has he said anything K: sarah is freaking out. they are trying to play it cool *lost feed* R: it should have never happened, we should have voted him out when we had a chance. k: yeah, well. R: well kaysar, you got two good friends out of it. you did. R: we'll go hang out with michael K: you can stay in california and stay with us K; do up your resume. R: i wrote everyone an email at work saying that i knew i was going to be gone for a while so i got some people to send an email discriping my job discription. Kaysar is talking to racheal about her skills and what she has towards her. Racheal is telling kaysar that she really likes using dos.



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