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Posts posted by laladoopiedu

  1. 3:45BBT

    Jeremy says that he and Kaitlin have never talked about being in an alliance, people just see them as a couple and automatically think they're together. He says he's here for himself, even though he does want a cuddle buddy. He says he quit his job to come to the BB house and he had $0.07 left in his bank account, so he has nothing once he gets out except the BB stipend. Candace says you don't even get that money until after the game and FOTH.

    Feeds come back and Candace says she's not with anyone. Jeremy talks about the people he thinks deserve to be here. He hopes Kaitlin will stay awhile b/c she's his cuddle buddy and thinks Howard and Judd deserve to be here. He doesn't think Nick deserves it, though.

    Candace says she doesn't like sh*t talkers and how she's not in high school. Jeremy agrees, saying this place is a presser cooker and how this house is making him like a kid and he's doing stuff that he wouldn't normally do in his real life. He talks about a time he was poked and used in the house like a piece of meat and that was a reality check (not sure of what time in the house he was referring to.)


    All feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae.

  2. 3:30BBT

    Jeremy, Howard and Candace in the backyard. Jeremy keeps going on and on about how they must get Elissa out this week. He says the whole house needs to vote her out and how she's the mastermind and the reason she was saved last week. He says that the game will be more fair if she's gone b/c otherwise she'll keep winning MVP. He says the whole mood of the house will be better once she's gone.

    Jeremy says if the house doesn't get rid of Elissa this week that he's not going to waste another week on getting her out. He says if Elissa is saved again this week, he'll let the rest of the HGs get her out, not him, b/c obviously they want her here.

    Jeremy says that Elissa doesn't deserve to be here, that she has a rich husband and rich life and how her 5 y/o son has an iPad. "F*ck that kid, haha"

    He keeps asking if Candace agrees with him about getting Elissa out and she says yes, she was on board with it last week.


    Howard goes inside and Candace says if she finds out who the mastermind is, she'll tell Jeremy and he says yes, let me know. He says she looks mad right now and Candace says she is, she thought she was saved last week with the POV in order to vote Elissa out. She says that something doesn't add up and someone from Jeremy's side must have changed their vote.

    Other feeds still on Amanda doing McCrae's makeup in the bathroom.

  3. 10:40 BBT

    Amanda says there's the 'Justin Bieber' crowd that keep asking stupid questions about the game, as if they've never seen the show before. Nick leaves the room and Elissa is called to DR.

    Amanda and GM are counting votes, saying you'd need 5 votes to be safe.

    They are hoping McCrae will put Elissa up on the block if given the chance.

    10:44 BBT

    Aaryn comes in and joins the girls. Amanda and Gm agree if Elissa is on the block, it'll be a unanimous vote to get her out. GM doesn't think this is a good time to get Candice out b/c if they keep her, Candice will be a bigger target b/c of her loud mouth.

    Aaryn wants Elissa out b/c both Jessie and Candice like her.

    10:50 BBT

    Aaryn says that, in a certain room that she can't say (DR), that things become clear b/c of what they're asked.

    (Ok, I have to get back to work!)

  4. 10:28 BBT

    Amanda asks if they're ok talking game now and they agree. They're talking about a girl (not sure who!!) and about how she complains about everything.

    GM says about how she cornered her and Amanda says was it Rachel or Elissa, b/c there are two people in that one body. They think Elissa is MVP. They say if she's smart, Elissa would put up Jeremy b/c he's the strongest player. GM says Elissa should put up herself (Elissa).

    GM says she's not a brain scientist or chemist and Nick and Amanda laugh. GM continues saying that Elissa trys too hard. Amanda goes outside the room to check if anyone's there and Nick whispers that you never want to be caught talking game. GM says everyone whispers.

    Amanda comes back and says that Elissa approached her on the first day for an alliance. Gm says she thinks Elissa is trying to put a thought in her mind that Aaryn is trying to fight with Elissa.

    Feeds keep going in and out with WBRB.

  5. 10:15 BBT

    Elissa and Andy talking in the HN room. She asks him if he'd try to win POV and he says he doesn't know, it'll depend on who the MVP is and who the MVP nominates. Elissa tells him that there's talk of backdooring her b/c she 'looks' like Rachel. She says that shouldn't matter and that there must be other relationships in the house (other siblings or something). Andy trys to give her some encouraging words.

    10:18 BBT

    Andy is called to the DR and he tells Elissa that if she feels threatened, she needs to fight her ass off to win the POV (if she plays). He leaves and Elissa goes back to reading her Bible.

    Howard and David are upstairs playing chess. Many other HGs are just chatting in the living room.

    10:21 BBT

    David asks Howard if he'd be down to play in the POV. He says yes.

    Feeds switch to Amanda, Nick GinaMarie (GM) chatting in a bed in the colorful bedroom. Amanda is talking about feeling scared (in a dream?) and how the music waking them up was scary this morning. GM asks her if BB would give her her medicine and Amanda says no.

  6. "And Julie said the MVP would find out who they are right before the veto comp. But when is the 3rd nominee picked? Does that person get a chance at veto?"

    Julie said the 3rd nominee will be announced right before veto, not the MVP. She implied that all 3 nominees will compete for veto.

    Ahh, missed that part - thanks!

  7. Same questions I have! Is the MVP safe each week? Can the same person be voted MVP back to back? It seems that this 'MVP' (which is just code for America's favorite/producers' pet) is just a way to save the faves.

    And Julie said the MVP would find out who they are right before the veto comp. But when is the 3rd nominee picked? Does that person get a chance at veto?

    It's quite BS that they didn't explain this more. But that's BB - the less they say, the more they can change it later to meet their needs and wants.

    And did anyone notice that Julie said they would be in the house for 90 days? So much for 100 that was promoted the whole time...

  8. Duh me but I want to get this right......All I have to do is click on the SUBSCRIBE NOW above for credit to go to Morty's site? Thanks.

    Hey Slim,

    Yes, all you have to do is click on any banner or link on Morty's site and he'll get credit for it. All his links will send you to the CBS website to make the purchase, but they'll know how you got there.


  9. Please visit the Prediction Game thread if you are currently playing, as two new threads have been added.

    Week 10 Predictions are due tonight. The thread will officially close when the HGs have evicted either Danielle or Jenn and any spoilers are released.

    Week 11/Finane Predictions are due by the Live show of Thursday. This will kick off the F3 HOH competitions and bring us to the Finale episode next Wednesday.




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