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Posts posted by BigMDGirl

  1. Shelly ruffled the feathers of Jeff, Jordan, Rachel and Brendon. That's four potential jury votes and enough to cause a loss. She did a little more than ruffle feathers, imo. She went way above and beyond instilling trust on a personal level with J/J, convincing a not so convincable Jordan (at first) that she was truly with her and her true friend until the end. Jordan finally became convinced that Shelly was absolutely trustworthy only to have Shelly stick a knife in her back and twist it.

    Just a few nights ago, Shelly expressed concerns to Jordan about not being able to beat J/J in the end and Jordan asked her if she wanted to break from the alliance, telling her she would completely understand. Instead of admitting that was a possibility (and Shelly had already started working to keep Dani), Shelly convinced Jordan again of her unyeilding loyalty and talked Jordan into promising an unshakable F2 deal with her in the event Jeff was voted out. A couple of days later, Shelly happily cuts her throat. It hurt Jordan deeply because she truly trusted Shelly. Then to put a cherry on top, Shelly screams in Jordan's face and tells her she's more hurt than Jordan. Why that would be is beyond me. Shelly also informs the coven that Jordan made an F2 deal with her as though Jordan was a coniving bitch for doing so.

    The woman is not normal. She seems to enjoy the fact that she hurt Jordan and tries to put the blame on Jordan now as Shelly suddenly can't stop proclaiming, "It's just a game," as if that excuse justifies her behavior. She's detached, cold and calculating. Insane in a serial killer kind of way. She's destroyed her own social game and she tries to make excuses for it now by laying the blame on Jordan.

    I love how Shelly's always talking about how she's never known people like the other hg's in her life (because they're so awful and she's so wonderful). I truly have never known anyone like Shelly in my life, nor would I want to. She's beyond evil and definitely crossed a line of morality. That's inexcusable.

    DITTO! Exactly how I see it! She said last night that she hasn't seen such immature people in her life (referencing Rachel and Jordan.) REALLY? Really. WOW!

  2. I hate what Shelly did to Jeff and Jordan but she absolutely needed to do it to get Jeff out of the house. Great game move--needed to be done or they would have been F2. HOWEVER, either the mean girls have turned her into a mean girl (which is easy to do when you hang around them--trust me--tee hee) or she was that way all along and hid it well in the beginning. I was a big Shelly fan. But now, she's mean, vindictive, and self righteous. It's easy to get sucked into the negativity of the house and talking bad about people--even your friends but what's she did to Jordan and the evil grin this morning is just down right mean. A 41 year old mother...what an example. At least Rachel admits that she's a hot mess...

  3. I can't believe that a 41 year old is acting this way and on TV to boot!! I believe that she did the best move for her game BUT she could have done it less hurtful to Jordan. And to yell at Jordan right after she got her man evicted and then question her on how she thinks she feels? HOW SELFISH!! I hope the 41 yo loves her new BFFs cuz with the 4 Vet Alliance in the jury house, she will NEVER win the $500K!

  4. Sooooooooo glad that he didn't make the F2! Can you imagine how boring the house would be if he were since it's bad enough with D & M? OMG! I'd have to put a fork in my eye!

    I really disliked Jerry on the show. I think that he's a very selfish person for leaving his very sick wife for 3 months for his "last hoorah!" WHATEVER! He's old enough to have had several last hoorahs and to hear him talk, he doesn't spend much time with her between his golfing. I cannot stand divas and I felt that he was a diva this season.


  5. I feel sorry for Joanne. Hopefully, her children love her very much and will take care of her because clearly, Jerry is not going to do it except when it's convenient for him or when he gets attention from it. I think that he will try and take his 15 minutes to an hour! He's soooooo full of himself. He's not in it for the money. He's in it TO FEED HIS EGO!

    And that, is my humble opinion.

  6. I think that I disagree about Renny not playing the game. First week, she was on the block because of her "big mouth" altercation with Jessie which I believe she couldn't control due to lack of meds. Once she got back on her meds, she was able to tone down her attitude.

    • Renny aligned with a cute, popular, mean girl right away to get in the clique
    • Renny took on the roll as the House Mom by cooking, cleaning and listening to everyone's problem
    • Renny took on the roll of comedian--making everyone laugh
    • Renny would plant seeds with Keesha and others in order for them to do the dirty work without them really realizing it
    • Renny won a HoH and made her own decisions about who went on the block

    I think that this is a form of gameplay. If I went in the house it would exactly be my strategy as a 44 year old woman. I think it was a 54 year old woman's best strategy. Only thing is that she should have gotten a few people pissed at her and let the HGs know it.

    I will miss Renny. I would have liked to see her in the F2 with Dan.

  7. What I don't understand about the girl is why she thinks that she's getting "f'd" by being nominated. She didn't stay on the vine to the end. She didn't win PoV. She was riding Ollie's coat tails for the deal that HE made with Dan. How is she being f'd over??? Their alliance (oh but they don't have one) is being f'd over but not her, per se.

  8. I'm only watching the Live Feed version. I'm not surprised at the last 2 standing and they just stopped the feeds!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!

    Eric--please post spoiler as soon as you know who won!!! I'm dying!

  9. I'm watching the live feeds and Travis is "doing my head in."

    Attention: There is an emergency at the BB Australia house right now! The treadmill is broken. I repeat, the treadmill is broken!! Alice is running around trying to get it fixed AFTER she got punished by BB for talking without her microphone and she had to clean the windows. That is the first time that I have seen her get into trouble.

  10. I'm watching the feeds now and I hadn't read anything yet so I was cracking up seeing Alice, Rory and Travis dressed in flourescent colors dancing on little round colored circles! I thought that they were playing an interactive video game. Now I realize that they are "dancing." Rory is pretty funny to watch!

    Yesterday, I was watching the Kathy Griffin - Life on the D List show when she was going to Australia. Kyle and Jackie O were in L.A. and they interviewed her on her show! I was like, I KNOW THEM!!!!

  11. I kind of liked the Pam Anderson visit to the house. It made the HMs soooo excited and the photo shoot was brilliant!! I loved Alice's pixs and Terri's was nice too! It was also funny watching the live feeds this morning and I saw Cherry grab her ass when they were saying good-bye. I had to go to work so I didn't get to watch them with PA's "gift."

    I'm going to miss BBAUS even though I'm very excited about BBUS. They are sleeping right now and it's 10:35 a.m. on the Gold Coast!!!

    I can't believe that I'm saying this but I think that I want Terri to win...if not Terri, then Alice!! Cherry needs to go!!

  12. Although I'm glad that Brigitte was evicted from the house (even though I got teary eyed during her grenade speech), I wouldn't want her to be evicted unless it was legit. It's starting to sound reaaaaaally rotten though. One question that I have is that if they did it to keep Rory in the house for better Pamela entertainment value, then why didn't they evict Alice? That would have caused drama for the show with Cherry obviously very smitten with Pamela, etc. Sooooo, I don't think the Rory story is the reason. I think that it has something to do with the Eric situation and the betting guy. Maybe Eric's friends did a big campaign to evict her. Maybe his blog really got people voting.

  13. How funny Eric that you signed up for the BBAUS live feeds a couple of days before Pamela Anderson comes on the show :lol::lol: !!! Is that just a coincidence??

    I signed up for the feeds when it first started (I was still going through withdrawal from BBUS and needed a fix) but I dont' get to watch them too much because of the time difference. I do enjoy getting up at 5:30 a.m. on Fridays to see FNL and on Sunday mornings to watch the eviction but it's definitely a different perspective than watching the shows.

  14. I am glad that Nobbi is gone although I do miss some of his more harmless antics. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop at just being mischievous--he had to take it to the next level and be mean sometimes.

    Brigitte is a mean girl!! I can't believe that her parents could be proud of her behavior. She is soooo disrespectful, rude, crass, unlady-like, screachy, whiny a** girl. I don't dislike her but I cannot stand her behavior and I don't think that the show would suffer one bit without her.

    Bianca needs to go--negative, negative, negative. Poor Alice is afraid of being herself because she's afraid of stepping on Bs toes, etc. Ironically, I agree with Terri on this subject.

    I, too, love the weekly tasks and enjoy watching them interract and hope that BBUS will take some heed in addition to weekly dinner with forced questions (they did that one time last season but should make it a weekly ritual like BBAUS).

    Right now, I want either Alice or Terri to win. I used to think that I wanted Rory to win to help him out financially but he's part of the mean team and I don't like mean people!

  15. Moose--You and I are definitely on the same page about our feelings toward Brigitte and Nobbi. But what do you think about Bianca? I can't stand her negative ways. And, I watched some of the live feeds during the Terrence/Brigitte Footy (I love the way that they say footy) Fans waiting for the train and the Daily show didn't show how bad she really was to Terrence. AND, why does BB let her scream in his ear and throw things at him?

    Wait til you see what the "kids" did to the Kombi last night. Let's just say that I REALLY want Rory and Bianca to leave now.

    The news is that Rima is coming back...don't know what I think about that yet.

  16. I'm glad that BBAUS ends the same day as BBUS starts!! I'm enjoying BBAUS but I couldn't handle both of them at the same time!! Wouldn't it be interesting if Nobbi was a HM in BBUS?? He could sneak and connive and plot--I'd like to see how he would be. Things are pretty different with BBUS that it will be hard for me to go back and calling them houseguests versus housemates.

    And I LOVE Ginger Ninja too! It cracks me up on Friday night when I see him and they say his name!!

  17. Erich--

    Are you able to see the actual BBAUS tv show live or are you watching live feeds? I watch the live feeds but only see the HMs point of view, per se. I enjoy watching the tv version to see what they say in the DR, etc.

    The digging thing is funny--Rory is quite at home. I'm a little disappointed on who was evicted.

    I can't stand Bianca...just can't.

  18. I'm really enjoying BBAUS and I'm slowly becoming addicted!! I'm watching the live feeds (yeah, I spent the $30 one time fee when it first started) like I do every Friday morning to find out who wins FNL, etc.

    On another note, I must be a sucker for romance because I think that Rhianna and Rory are cute together!! I still reaaaaaally don't like Nobbi and I think that the other HMs are agreeing.



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