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Posts posted by TempletonPeck

  1. Zach is driving me absolutely insane! I have never seen anyone get so drunk with power as I have seen Zach get. Ugh!!!

    Frankie's noms need to lose the BotB.

    No way! Zach needs to stay HoH. This is the only way we'll get entertainment this week. I'm watching him talk with Cody and Frankie right now and he's going insane.

    He's the only one from that alliance who might do something interesting. Like put up Christine.

    Also, he's against putting up Donny. So I have bias there.

  2. If I recall correctly, the Bible entered the BB House with Nathan (alliance with Danielle Reyes) in BB3.

    He asked and BB didn't say no because they could not think of any good reason to deny it.

    In BB4 Alison Irwin used it as a game manipulation, cozying up with Nate and pretending to be interested in

    reading it and learning about it so he would use the POV on her (which the idiot did). Dan also used it

    as a game manipulation (as well as his fathr's or grandfather's cross).

    Just another bit of BB trivia: the only song they are allowed to sing is Star Spangled Banner.

    I seem to recall them being able to sing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow". At least they did it one time.

  3. Did she pull a house guest pick or just pulled his name out the bag? I was sure Amber told her that she wanted to play for her. Aren't they in a secret girl's alliance? How much trust is that? If it were a HG pick, didn't Brittany talk to Caleb before she chose him about her expectations (in the event she pulled the HG pick)?

    From what I heard she got house guests choice and then asked for volunteers. Three people volunteered and she picked Caleb.

    Jocasta or maybe even Donny would have been way better choices. At the very least she wouldn't have had someone actively working against her then.

  4. Derrick wants Brittney to leave. On the feeds it is mostly Frankie working hard to get Donny on the block and even some of the girls. The only one that wants Donny to leave over Brittney is Amber.

    I agree that Derrick wants Brittany to leave, but Derrick is the one who is always talking about putting Donny on the block. He was already talking about it while he was still HoH and how this week he should go up, even when Cody was saying he didn't want to put him up.



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