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Posts posted by April

  1. 2:35 BBT

    Shane tells Joe he can sleep good tonight.

    Shane informs Joe that Danielle will be telling Boogie and Frank that they have Danielle's vote, but in reality she's on board with sending Frank out the door.

    Joe saying he will be loyal to the end with Shane and Boogie is going to flip out if it happens.

    Joe saying he's grateful, thank you so much, etc.

    Shane tells Joe that he thought he could trust Frank, but there's something about him...

    Joe: you just got the strongest bond in BB history, I guarantee it.

    Shane admits he regrets his nominations.

  2. Janelle telling Brit how unloyal and cut throat Frank is.

    Brit says Frank is in love with Janie.

    Brit keeps reiterating how much shit that Boogie will talk about Shane and Brit.

    Ash: I'm just prepared for him to call me fat.

    Brit saying Boogie is going to be pissed that he went to bed so early.

    After all this, Brit saying maybe he shouldn't backdoor Frank after all.

    Shane laughs, Brit saying she's dead serious.

    Brit super worried about Boogie talking shit about her and Shane.

    Janelle telling people that Frank isn't BACKDOORED, he's just a replacement nominee since he played in the veto.


    Other feed:

    Ian and Dan trying to make a fireball out of a soda can, Willie's cologne, and a lighter-- BB said to stop it twice, and then


    Dan: lets just do it, there's never been a fireball in the BB house. How did they see us?!

    Ian: They heard us talking.



    HOH room is abuzz with Frank and Ian being rats, how untrustworthy they are, deals that were made and such with them.


    Dan and Ian and Joe in the hot tub, Ian just telling stories about school. (At this point, Joe doesn't have any idea about getting Frank out. Ian seems completely at ease and comfortable talking to Dan about this).


    Brit: tomorrow is going to be horrible for me, Boogie is so mean.

    Brit tells team Janelle that Frank made a deal w/ Shane and Shane did consider it.

    Ashley saying she wants this so bad.

    Wil saying she won't buy whatever Boogie is selling.

  3. Janie saying if they want, people can lock themselves in HOH tomorrow and she'll take the the drama.

    Janie "I've fought boogie before."

    1:50 BBT

    Ash, Wil and Danielle put their hands in to promise to vote out Frank

    Brit saying she's gonna puke after the ceremony.

    Janie saying again she'll fight Boogie

    All laughter and happiness up in HOH now, with the plan of Frank being BD'd now.

    Ash saying this was all she ever wanted was to have a BB team, and to go to war with her team.

  4. 1:25 BBT

    Wil assures Shane and Brit he'd vote out Frank.

    Shane and Brit seem to be slightly swayed.

    Wil is assuring them up and down he owes Shane if this happens, promises their vote, etc.

    Shane and Brit seem back on the BD Frank plan for now.

    1:34 BBT

    Danielle enters

    Brit: ok, let's do it. Let's just get rid of this douchebag.

    Danielle confused. They fill her in, and she agrees she'd get rid of Frank. She confirms with Wil that she isn't their target.

    Wil: are you kidding me?! Oh my god no!

    Janelle and Ashley upset downstairs that Wil might be screwing up the plan

    Janie enters.

    Janelle being filled in that they want to BD Frank, Janelle assuring them everyone is on board.

    Shane and Brit telling them the whole rest of the week is going to be awkward, and Boogie will do anything he can to swing someone over.

    Wil admits to them all that he thought by asking to put Ian up, he'd put the target on Frank.

  5. 12:43

    Ash is FIGHTING to get Frank on the block.

    Brit fighting back that isn't not a good idea.

    Long fight/ discussion - Brit not backing down, neither is Ashley. Finally Ashley says to just forget it.

    Janelle's team downstairs celebrating.

    Upstairs, Ashley crying.

    Brit doesn't understand why she's crying over a team that doesn't back her up.

    Brit solid on Shane NOT putting Frank up.


    Brit alone w/ Shane and Danielle

    Brit saying that Ashley is completely brainwashed, and Frank leaving you don't have the votes.

    Shane agrees.


    Janelle and Ashley talking, Ashley spilling it all, 100% honestly.

  6. 12:15

    Ashley enters. No game talk occurring.

    Ashley and Brit about to do a face mask.

    Meanwhile, Joe sitting alone in the arcade room


    Danielle confirms to Dan that she thinks Frank and Wil definitely have something.

    Dan: Wil would rather keep Frank than Ashley?

    Danielle: ya.

    Dan: that's stupid.


    Brit and Ashley talking

    Ashley is convinced Wil does NOT have a final 2 w/ Frank.

    Brit is convinced he DOES.

    Brit saying to not tell Janie or WIl about that.

    Brit: We don't have the votes this week Ashley, we just don't. Shane doesn't know it yet, but he will when I talk to him.

    Ash: I don't have any one to say anything to... I just spoke to Wil, he was so on board...

    Ashley trying to convince Brit, but Brit is CERTAIN they do not have the votes.

    Janelle enters

    Brit tells Janelle that Brit REALLY needs to talk to Shane and to get Shane back up there.

    Janelle leaves.


    Shane comes up, says he hasn't made up his mind yet.

    Brit pushing harder for Frank to stay OFF the block.

    Shane seems to agree with Brit.

    Ashley REALLY fighting saying she doesn't understand why they think Frank and Wil have a final 2 deal.

  7. 11:42

    Ashley saying this is the game changer this week, this is the time to get the dangerous players out.

    Ash saying she doesn't trust boogie at all.

    Ash: best case scenario, we get rid of Ian. (after ALL THAT, they want IAN out?!)

    Shane clarifies he'd want to get rid of Frank this week... Ashley backs up "ohh right right, yes FRANK out, Ian next week!"

    Ashley thinks it's a waste of a POV if he doesn't use it to get rid of Frank.

    Shane concerned that Boogie would try to sway Joe if he took Joe off the block.

    Ash: NO, that why you take ME off the block!

    Shane and Ash agree it'll be a blood bath if Frank goes up, and Ash says they have to be "blood brothers" against Boogie's smooth talking.

    Shane is very worried Wil would keep Frank (Note: Wil made up a lie that he has a final 2 w/ Frank so that they'd want Frank out, now it's obviously backfiring)

    Shane saying he'll stay up all night so when Frank goes to bed, he can meet with Janelle's team to solidify that they're voting Frank out.

    They part ways, saying Shane will talk to Danielle about her vote, and Ashley will talk to Wil


    Shane and Wil sit at the hot tub, Shane goes over if Wil would vote Frank out. Wil says lets do it, 100%. Shane advises Wil to still act upset and depressed.

    Shane says Ian will go next week.

    Wil saying it's their only opportunity

    Shane saying if Ian wins hoh, Wil and Shane go on the block next week but that's a risk they have to take.

    Ian joins them and the convo immediately ceases.


    Meanwhile, Dan and Danielle talking game. Danielle saying she's been confident throwing comps, but this week she isn't confident with throwing.

    Dan saying there's no lines being drawn right now, it's a huge cluster. Danielle wonders if it's a bad to keep on throwing things. Dan says eventually you play to win, but not yet. Dan says she can't draw a line because nobody is behind her yet, except Shane.


    Brit joins Dan and Danielle in the HOH room.

    Brit tells them it's easier to keep the noms the same, because of the final 2 deal with Wil and Frank.

    Brit saying it's a little odd that Wil keeps pitching for Ian to leave, that's like a neon sign. Brit saying Frank wouldn't go, because they don't have the votes.

    Brit reiterating there is NO WAY they have the votes to get rid of Frank, Wil would vote out Joe ahead of Frank, no matter what.

    Frank comes up and says good night, he's going to sleep.


    Meanwhile: Wil and Ashley celebrate in the arcade room.


    Brit continues to tell Dan and Danielle there is NO WAY IN HELL they have the votes to get rid of Frank.

  8. 11:15 BBT

    Ashley and Shane talking game in the arcade room, basically Ashley wants Ian up, Shane admitted a deal with Frank, but now there's fish so not sure what's going on.

    11:22 BBT

    Ashley saying Ian never talks game with her, and Ian says he tells Boogie EVERYTHING because he's super loyal.

    Shane says he obviously trusts Ashley, and tells Ashley that Joe offered Shane a deal... Ashley saying she knows, Joe told them the story.

    Shane asks Ash if Janelle will honor her word... Shane saying he has to put his trust in somewhere because he has no team or alliance next week.

    Shane admits to Ashley he's up and down about what to do.

    Ashley telling Shane that today she made a decision she has to trust someone.

    Ash saying she trusts Danielle, Shane says he does too.

    Ashley telling Shane that prior to the POV meeting, Janelle's team agreed they wanted to work with Shane.

    Shane is worried that Wil & Frank have a deal and wants to ask Frank about it later.

    Ashley wonders out loud why would Janelle want Frank gone so bad if Wil & Frank are working together.

    Shane saying that Frank tried out 3 times and Wil got recruited at a party, so Frank obviously knows how to play better than Wil does.

    Shane saying he'd take Ash off the block, and replace with Frank and Ash would have to vote with Wil.

  9. Joe saying he'll work the jury for Wil to win if he goes, and will be rooting for Wil. He appreciates that Wil has been doing all he can for him.

    Frank, Joe and Wil wonder if 1 player will come back or not, and if a coach will get to pick up an extra player next week.


    Frank, Janie, Wil and Joe in the BY, not talking much about game.

  10. 10:15

    Joe and Janelle alone saying this would be the veto of all vetos if they pull this off tomorrow, and it will be really uncomfortable around the house if it happens.

    Janie/ Wil alone wonder what the fuck Jenn is doing in the house, agree shes trying to be under the radar, etc.

    Wil hopes they can pull this off tomorrow.

    Janie saying she is just going to keep talking to Brit, that's her best bet

    Wil: If Shane took Joe off the block, I'd completely follow through with everything. I gave him my word today.

    Janie saying to not be surprised next week when there's an endurance competition, because it's definitely going to happen.

    Wil telling Janelle thank god he got safety, because he would hate to be stuck in jury house with JoJo (they all seem to assume JoJo is off in jury).

    Janie saying it's going to be a long night tonight, Joe has got to come off the block.

  11. 10pm BBT:

    Janelle, Wil , Joe in the BY. Janelle saying she flipped Brit, but Brit has to flip Shane.

    Janelle saying she's only flipped for now, and Janelle has to spend all night with her to make sure she doesn't change her mind.

    Janie: "As long as they think their (Boogie's) deal is still good and they don't have to go upstairs and campaign, its good."

    Janie saying if Boogie's team goes to sleep early tonight, they're dumbasses.

    Janie saying let her do the work tonight, but Joe should go up and talk to them.

    Joe/ Wil alone in BY

    Wil: do you think it shot us in the foot that I went up there to campaign to put Ian up?

    Joe: I don't think so...

    Wil: if anything it might make them paranoid I have a deal w/ Frank.

    Joe: if Shane saves me, obviously I'll owe him.

    Joe telling Wil that Janelle said that Brit said she's worried about Boogie flipping out and yelling. Joe saying that's part of the game. Wil kind of nodding along.

  12. 9:37 BBT.

    After discussion of the contracts, how Janie and Brit got played by guys in their seasons, and how Janelle KNEW this would be the twist since day 1, Janie and Brit both said Alison Grodner (the producer) told them to "expect the unexpected" specifically about the the "you will not play for 500,000 dollars" clause Britney finally says "ok, ok, Frank has got to go."

    Brit "ok, got it."

    Janelle leaves.

    Boogie Enters HoH with Brit, shortly after Frank joins

    Brit saying- She's heard that Janelle is rallying the troops to evict Ashley, and Brit wants to make sure 100% they are on board to get rid of Joe.

    Boogie saying his players are totally 100% solid, they're down for it, and Janelle has nothing to offer them.

    Brit, Frank and Boogie trashing Joe now, and his stories.

    Boogie saying his team is rock solid on evicting Joe.

    Brit: you have all 3 needed votes this week, and if you guys want to abandon Shane and roll with Joe, you could."

    All 3 exit the hoh room, go separate ways.

    Janelle to Joe alone: I think we're looking good so far, but things can change. Be prepared for anything.

    Joe: what do you think percentage wise?

    Janelle: Depends on if I can stay up with her late tonight, without Boogie.

    Janie: I'll be up there all night if I have to.

    Joe asks if he should talk to them again tonight, Janelle advises him he should.

    Janelle telling Joe that Brit is afraid of the yelling Boogie and Frank might do if he gets back doored, but Janelle says so what? They're going to yell and scream sometime.

  13. 5:45 BBT : Shane says he has 45 minutes before noms

    Brit chose the have nots, Janelle won the competition and kept Wil safe.

    Joe and Janie pitching to Shane and Brit. Brit saying it's pointless to have conversations of safety until after the veto.

    Meanwhile, Boogie telling Frank and Dan that Joe is digging his own grave, and he's pretty sure the target is Joe, and he'll be gone because Danielle will vote with them.

    Up in HOH, Janelle pitches to Brit and Shane alone basically that Willie was the cancer, etc.

    Shane/ Brit alone

    Brit: "Joe knows he's going up."

    Frank entering the HOH room.

    Frank saying he doesn't want to go up, but if that's what they have to do...

    Shane saying Janelle winning and saving Wil messed up plans.

    They basically tell Frank that he needs to go up as a pawn, because it doesn't make any sense to put 2 players up from the same team. Brit says everyone is expecting Frank to go up on the block because he put Shane up, and not putting Frank up is very fishy.

  14. Dan, Danielle, Shane and Brit were chatting, running scenarios. Seems Shane really wants Wil out.

    Joe and Janie approached the room and came in, Brit and Janie went to go get wine. Dan and Danielle hid. Danielle came out of hiding immediately and left the room.

    After she left, Joe asks "is anyone else in here?"

    Shane: no...nope. You can go check if you want

    Joe: oh ok I just didn't know if Dan was in here...

    In reality, Dan was hiding in the bathroom the entire time.

    Shane basically said he didn't want to talk til after the coaches comp, Joe wants to target Frank but will touch base w/ Shane after coaches comp. Joe admits that Shane probably would have gone this week if he didn't win HOH. Shane appreciates his honesty, and also appreciates what he did for JoJo (saying to her that she was a fighter).

  15. 9:45 BBT

    Not much strategy happening right now. Shane asked for a blink 182 CD.


    Dan and Boogie chatting a little bit, Dan telling Boogie it wouldn't make sense for Shane to put 1 from each team up.

    Boogie says Joe will start trouble if he's nominated, but Boogie wants to play this one cool this week. Boogie tells Dan he's in a good spot that now he has a nice quiet girl to blend into the background. Boogie asked Dan if the speech was coached, Dan says no the speech was all her.

    Dan and Boogie just talking about the live show, and what Julie asks Frank.

    Joe tells Brit (in front of Boogie and Dan) that Joe wants to make a royal breakfast for the new HOH


    Dan: how many people do you think watched tonights episode?

    Boogie: 7 million?

    Dan: that's a lot of people.

  16. 9 BBT

    Janelle and Dan talk alone. Janelle telling Dan they have to get Frank out, because she is sure coaches will enter next week and Frank told her hes coming after the coaches.

    Dan doesn't think they're coming into the game because it didnt happen tonight.

    Janelle tells Dan that the two of them are especially screwed because they aren't in good with Frank.Dan says she has to get to Brit before Boogie, and Dan can't because he has nothing to offer.


    Janie and Wil talk alone. Janie thinks they need to offer 2 weeks of safety for Shane. Wil is not comfortable with offering 2 weeks of safety. Wil saying they should say 1 week of safety for just ONE person from Janie's team to go up.


    9:17 BBT Joe and Wil say they are not letting Janelle doing their negotiating for them, it's THEIR game, and they will do what they want and negotiate how they want to negotiate.

    Joe doesn't think Wil or Joe are Shane's targets. "I damn sure don't want Janelle doing anything for."

    Wil: "Fuck no."

    They don't want to make a deal with Shane.

    Wil thinks Shane is stupid enough to put Frank and Danielle up.

    Reiterating that they won't make a deal with him, or go running to the HOH room tonight. Wil wants to go to him tomorrow morning, and tell him that anything Janelle says isn't THEIR thoughts, they are making their own deals, and Wil doesn't want Ash to go with them because she'll go and tell the whole house.

  17. Janelle telling Ash that she or Wil needs to win HOH to get one of Boogie's players out before jury, because if Frank makes the final 2 he's got two votes locked up.

    Janie: "Joe is like really sweet, but he thinks he can beat Frank. Uhhh... no."

    Janie saying if they don't get Frank out, it's game over.

    Janie says Frank is so cocky, Ashley is agreeing. Ashley calls him a fuck head.

    Ash (about Frank): I'm sorry but your hair is not that nice. It's frizzy and flat.

    Janie and Ash agree that he needs to have hair like Shane, and cut it all off.

    Janie saying it's going to be really hard to get rid of Frank, and they have their work cut out for them.

  18. Janelle and Danielle talk in the storage room, Danielle is surprised that Joe is giving JJ a vote for 2 packs of ciggs.

    J tells D she has NO risk of leaving. D saying she's still nervous.

    Ashley reports to Janelle that they're out there throwing a hissy fit.

    Ash doesn't want to be hounded by JoJo and JoJo threw a hissy fit when Ashley told her she didn't have her vote.

    Ash wants to enjoy her thursday. Janelle doesn't get her selling point because either way a girl is going home this week.

    Wil enters and says JJ is being a snotty bitch.

    Ash saying Shane is having a pity party.

    Janelle whispering to Wil, Danielle and Ash that they need to practice their bank shots because the hoh will have obstacles tomorrow.

    Janelle is nervous Shane will win.



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