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Everything posted by fluff

  1. most recent update "We're working hard guys.. we have been for a while.. but so far it's looking like SuperPass/Real/CBS have secured the feeds to make sure it doesn't work at all in any outside players. We're still looking for ways around it." Crap.
  2. 10 minutes standing on a platform and now he's disabled. Come on.
  3. This has probably been mentioned somewhere but I rewatched the POV and did you see that Jeff threw one of his shoes out of the ball pit and it was laying there in plain sight (to me) and then he found the other one. If he would have looked outside of the pit he could have won easily. When he sees that he's going to lose his mind. Dayamn.
  4. Yeah his exit interview was great. I thought it was awesome that he got away with saying sack on national television. I'm now off to watch Porsche and Kalia gain weight.
  5. Wow I can't believe that Shelly flipped like that & backstabbed Jeff & Jordan. She's got a big set of balls. No I'm serious. Literally. She literally has a gigantic set of gross overly-tanned leathery testicles.
  6. It really is so dumb. I can't believe Danielle let her do it. Like Rachel isn't going to still go after her. You put her up on the block, it's too late to back out now. Stoooopid.
  7. His i.q. is very low. He doesn't know what is going on. People will be talking game and Lawon will be sitting there and just say some generic phrase that has nothing to do with what anyone is talking about like "Everyday is a new day." And people will just stare blankly at him. It was his plan that he thought up and now he didn't know the plan and he didn't know he said that? What? What was he even saying that Adam did? I don't get it.
  8. I'm telling you, the guy is mentally handicapped. No joke.
  9. I hope they don't give him an extra day of slop, it might hurt him in the competitions.
  10. I admit he sucks at the game but it's sooooo boring without him. BRING HIM BACK!!!!!!!!!
  11. I hope you're right. He is not a good game player but I think he's funny and keeps things half way interesting.
  12. Yeah that is actually one of the hottest looks I've ever seen.
  13. If you go to this link http://real.custhelp.com/app/contact-subscriptions and then click on the cancel subscription and then click on the "hearing impaired" link you can do an online chat and cancel. It's really easy.
  14. yeah cute girls can get away with it, but when you look like a transvestite it just doesn't work.



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