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Posts posted by arrowhead

  1. he wants to be the first two time winner

    he is pulling out all the stops

    if bb were survivor he probably wouldnt win based on how bitter i heard their juries can be

    i still am amazed that folks still fall for swearing on the bible etc.......

    that was so bb 10ish

    it seems the hg are getting more naive and clueless with each bb season


    Frankie really showed what naive means and looked pathetic tonite. :D OH well he can go heap him some ashes.

  2. I thought it was a really touching moment on tonight's episode when he opened up to Dan about his OCD.

    You mean ADHD ;) but he might have some weird thoughts of killing Dan before long. :D I agree it was cool to hear him say it is part of him the way he is wired and deals with it. I had just flipped the channel from NBC Dallas opener.

  3. I had posted this on another msg board but I think it's more appropriate here.

    I have no doubt, despite the way things appear, that Joe could be out on Thursday. Dan convinces Shane and Danielle to split their vote so that "the blood will be on Ian's hands". Dan, Jenn vote Joe out and he's gone. I'm convinced that Dan wants to take Frank to final two and beat him based on his game play.

    I they save Frankie they are idiots and really lucked out with him not winning POV. ;)

  4. yeah...think Frank will be meeting Julie on Thur nite...but funny...

    called my Comcast provider today to lower my bill and I cx Showtime cuz now BBAD is so boring with so few players..so the Comcast employee asked me why I was cx...told him why BBAD too boring with so few players..

    and he shared with me how much he hated the whispering LOL between Dani and others...and how much Frank should win because he has endured so many times on the block and perservered! Don't think corporate Comcast want their employees sharing their thoughts on reality tv!! so funny..loved the exchange...but I tend to agree with that my Comcast helper LOL .he is a player...but feel he will not have the votes on Thu nite

    Yea ,the producers need to put type at the bottom when they whisper and would not be hard to do. But I admit I rarely watch BBAD anymore and flip it quick when they whisper. :D

  5. With half a mil in her pocket, Shane won't be using that restraining order, at least not for a while! :) It's amazing how that changes

    things, but we've seen it before (with Jeff and Jordan -- Jordan looked a whole lot better after she won the game).

    Jordan's ass was not that much thinner then Danielle's :P

  6. FRANK WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! Reveal ur alliance to shane after the veto is used! Shane needs to know where dani loyality really lies! They need to start playing the game! FRANK NEEDS TO LET DAN KNOW THAT IF HE BACK STABS HIM, HE WILL NOT VOTE FOR HIM IN THE END AND THATS 3all votes! Brit wont and frank can convince ashley! Didnt frank learn anything from boogie! Threats and intimdation! Show dan he is ready to play and dirty when it comes to jury votes!

    Dan is going to use the veto ? Even so Frank is gone, gone Thursday, the dumb Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan :D

  7. Final Two deal between Frank/Dan:

    "We gotta come up with a name," said Dan. "We'll figure one out," said Frank. Just a couple guys with all the time in the world. "Don't bullsh!t me, Dan," said Frank. "I swear on the bible, on my wedding ring, on this chain from my dead grandfather," said Dan.

    This is what's made me jump back off the Dan train. Dan is back to being sleazy and scummy to the extreme, imo. The good catholic intentionally swears on the bible AND LIES and then last night asks Jenn to swear on the bible (from what I read)? Other players should be held to a certain standard but any lie Dan tells is should be considered fair gameplay? Nah...he crossed the line with that one.

    I haven't turned the feeds on for two days. Dan's disappointed me totally and I don't care who wins now. I especially don't care if Dan wins. I'll never consider him to be "the best" now.

    Did Dan say what bible ;)

  8. I'm sorry, anyone who says Frank does not have a social game is quite simply a moron. Remind you this is the 1st season I have ever watched BB, but it is just like any other competitive reality show that has a vote process. If you are a big muscular person you are at a huge disadvantage. If Frank was 5'9 125 lbs, he would never have been put on the block this many times. Of all the people remaining, none of them deserve the $500k grand prize as much as Frank... and it's NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!

    Oh, Dan does for talking Frank into telling Jenn to get him off the block :D Frank will not win BB ;)



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