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Posts posted by Fatcat

  1. I think that is what I saw first off last night when I tuned in for the first time, was ppl telling her she was ok, that she was not goin, I think she pretty , more so then Rachael,lol, looks more au natural, that blonde girl is cray Aryan? What a spelling for that name,lol, not sure who the guy is with the blonde hair and its of it, he seems cray too, gotta get to know these ppl since I started watching the feeds late,lol

  2. I know right? Glad to get back in here and see everyone, I only have my iPad now, so it was difficult in the beginning cause I could not remember my password, lol but Jedi helped me, this crew they have seems kinda I the resting so far, don't know what I think about Rachael Reilys sister bein in there,lol, has Rachael even gotten married yet? I think this could be a good season and happy to be able to start gettin into it

    Oh and by the way auto correct on iPad is out of control, gotta watch what I'm writing,lolol

  3. Hi everyone, think I started coming here season 5 or 6, prolly 6 was my most watched and gotten into, been so long,was that Maggie's season, with cappy. Crazy ass season,lol,, just now figuring out these peeps, saw Amanda last night on the feeds, watched the feeds before I came here, so I kinda see why she is not appreciated,lol, just started watching so its gonna take me a minute to remember the names and get the dynamic down

  4. lately i havent care about media day much

    just waiting for the cast and twist to be reveal ............. :animated_bouncy:

    Just got my password issues fixed thank you Jedi, waiting to hear something anything about this season, been pretty quiet I think

  5. lets get it straight for the one hundredith millionth time, ED did not assult Jenn physically, she put her had on his lit cig as she was acting like she was going after him for blowing smoke in her face, and the water on her head? ,she deserved it, not like he punched her lights out and I am thrilled Ian won, not saying Dan did not play a good game, but I liked Ian better, something about Dan has always bugged me

  6. listen, Ian deserved the win, and his final speech to the jury was his cinch domino, he played a cleaner game and the jury was bitter, Dan was extreamly resourceful, but to me he overplayed it, and he was a tad full of himself at the end, I think he thought he had it in the bag, and I was not sure about the jury, but a 6-0 with it being in Ians favor says a lot, and Danielle? being the only one to vote for Dan, makes me laugh so much, I could not stand her and barely watched this season mostly because of her, so it cracked me up that she was his only vote, just sayin, just my take on it

  7. I have barely watched this season, and mainly because of Danielle, she is a disgusting nut job, I cannot take it that Dan, who I like would take her to the finale, I cannot watch this train wreck, it is like the Maggie win for me, I still get sick when I think of Maggie and her winning, and I would really feel just as bad if Danielle got 2nd place, she does not deserve it at all, but Ian does, and so I doubt I will watch, I will just come here to see what happened, unless that is that Dan and Ian are in the finale, then I will watch it

  8. well they suck, this is not music, and even if this is mosh pit stuff it is not good, Jenn is a bass guitar player?? she sucks, you can barely make out the base line in this crappy stuff, and the base line should be the guts of a song, she definately is no musician, and she says in 10 yrs she will have a cpl of solo albums out, yeah right,lolol, big laugh on that, Nirvana she aint

  9. cannot stand this girl, will hate it if she makes it to f2, I have not been watching much this season because of Danielle, Shane, , most of them really, boorriinngg, I like Ian, and I do like Dan, he is heads above any of these ppl, but he has won, so I would like Ian to win, Dan is playing Danielle like a fiddle, and she is anything but smart, she is ignorant in my book, she has chased Shane around all season and he is no prize, not is he the sharpest tool in the box, she will never win over Dan, not sure anyone will, and the jury may say or think they don't want to vote for Dan becuase he has already won, but when it gets right down to it, I believe he would get their vote for his merits, he has played a great game, Danielle and the rest of them are floaters, with Shane being the least guilty of that, Ian is the only other one who is smart and has been playin, funny or odd as he is , I like him

  10. I would not want that cray cray danielle being my nurse, I was a burn tech for quite a few yrs before I went back to waiting tbls, I was allowed to give any meds but the narcotics, however we did have chocolate flavored valium for the kids and I was allowed to give that, under the RN who was on our unit.

  11. no doubt, Daniellle is insecure, I just hated maggie from the git, Cappy was like one of her minions early on, she was sooooo cocky and smug I guess is the word, which turned me off of her, Danielle is weak and needy and I can barely stand to look at her

  12. glen Close was stalking michael Douglas and as she was geting crazier and crazier, introduced herself to his wife, met his little girl who had a pet rabbit, so yes while they were out she put the bunny in a pot and turned on the fire so when the wife came home she hears the pot boiling and goes to check it out , lifts the lid and voila, there is the bunny boiling away, hence Glen Closes charactor sent a message to Michael, don't mess with me, I will not be ignored,lololol, Danielle is a bunny boiler because she has been stalking Shane, she is an idiot and not scond to Maggie my worst hated houseguest.

  13. I've been so bored with this season, but "the worm has turned" and I am living to diss on Danielle, who I think is a twit, with no, I mean nothing going for her. Especially that she is sooo stupid to think that Janelles going home was her thing,lolol, that is the biggest joke on her. Cannot wait to see her leave, or at least i would like it to come back to her that this was not her idea or doing and she has nothing to pat herself on the back for, it took no guts to do what she did, it only took stupidity to fall for Boogies BS,lolol :lol2:

  14. The only reason we could remotely think of for the nurse vs teacher lie is being a "Maggie target by way of profession". Not sure if the HG's thought that out but it seems a lot of the viewers did.

    Regarding her real life, again we can't judge what we don't know. She may be a super nurse and totally dedicated to moving up in the medical field. Obviously she has some problem (like Histronic Personality Disorder) which contributes to her lack of self esteem and constant need for attention. I do find it telling that her parents did not know she was going to apply/be on Big Brother. I can't recall the exactly comment but it was something to the effect that she would never hear the end of it or never be able to do it because they would constantly be on her case (maybe someone can bring up the quote).

    As to Danielle's game play, no matter whose idea it was to backdoor Janelle and get her out or what the reason was behind it, Dani went ahead and executed the plan to use the POV and put Jani on the block. Whether or not it goes down as a greatest game move or backfires and goes down in BB history as "a Marcellas" game move, I have to give her kudos for having the guts to do something and make the big move because most of the HG's are all talk, they back-pedal and, like our cattle, follow the leaders (HG's/House) and move away from the dogs nipping their heels and in the direction the dogs (in this case production) want them to go.

    On the social side of her game, it is very painful to watch her throw herself at Shane, who is clearly just playing her and trying to keep her on an even keel because he can't get a restraining order against her in the BB house. No matter how Dan and Brit have tried to gently break it to her, Dani refuses to wake up and smell the NoMance and the fact that Shane pretty much does not even want to be friends after the game.

    the girl is an attention whore, she has no guts and no brains, I would never even try to break down her silly personality because it is worthless, she is an idiot, she has not clue what so ever what she is doing , she is blindly following whoever gives her some idea, tells her how famous she will be because they know how weak she is, all this bs about all this other stuff written above is just yakkity yak, I said she was like Maggie as a nurse only , Maggie at least hadsome self esteem and was not looking to hook up with anyone, mggie also formulated her own ideas and Danielle cannot come up with a sngle thought or idea except that she wants to get with Shane, how stupid can one girl be, it is gonna blow up in her face and she is the fool , not Jannell



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