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Posts posted by CeCiMom

  1. I heard Eric say he's a democrat and James say he's a Liberarian. But, I never heard Kaysar say he was a democrat. Unless it was said and I missed it... I think it's important not to label someone something just because of his feelings on the war. I'm a libetarian more than anything else and I COULDN'T agree LESS with what james was saying...

  2. April... nice chin :D

    Beau... stood up for Michael when April misquoted him.

    Eric... he's a firefighter.

    Howie... playing a smart game so far.

    Ivette... she lives in Florida (fun place to go for vacation)

    James... ... ... ... ummm, he's tall?

    Janelle... Had Eric's number the first day in the house.

    Jennifer... took one for the team and ate chocolate snake.

    Kaysar... didn't let Eric control him and went to his friend and told him what was going on behind his back.

    Maggie... smart.

    Michael... Went straight to the source of "rumors" and confronted it like a man. Oh and he's hot! :D

    Rachel... won HOH/POV first week. Strong competitor.

  3. still a set-up, imo.

    Micheal and Kaysar are both puter geeks (I say that in a loving way as my hubby is one too.) I'm sure Micheal was a live feed watcher and has a whole 3 months worth of "proof"... LOL

    Until someone I know and trust goes to that blog and asks for something totally outrageous to happen and it does... I won't believe it's a blog by Michael from inside the house... :P

  4. Dear Live Feed Reporters,

    Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to this project. I am a live feed watcher but, can't be 24/7!!!

    I want the "goods" anyway you can give them to me. I prefer the actual quotes and details but, I appreciate every bit as much the synopsis of a conversation.

    I would ignore any comments made by the aforementioned complainer as it is obvious to me as it is to others that have responded. There is more to that complaint that seemed personal that it was rooted in facts.

    CBS shouldn't be bothered with this person either. Obviously, she/he wants a G rated broadcast and she gets it tues/thurs/sat on CBS. She can have her's and we'll have the REAL stuff from live feeds. See now we're all happy! :D

  5. I think this is a set-up by Michael and a friend of his. I think that Michael knows he has a friend doing a blog as him and they are trying to mess with us internet freaks (and I mean that in a nice way... lol) They have someone say... "prove it by shaving". It was all set-up ahead of time. For a person to post the "prove it" on a certain day and Michael waited until after that day to shave off his goatee. It's a simple and easily executable plan, imo.

  6. Totally agree Shocks...

    I just heard Eric "jokingly" tell Howie that if he wins HOH and puts him (eric) on the block that he better not sleep. Now I realize that he's kidding but, his "tone" wasn't all that ha ha funny.

    To me this is how a big guy like him intimidates people... he's not Reeaaally threatening them but.... he plants that seed. Next, when someone so easily accuses others of something and jumps on a particular situation so quickly... it's usually because they are guilty of such behavior themselves. Eric so much doesn't want to be portrayed negatively... so, he "pins" it on anyone else he can. (no, i'm not a pyschologist... I just play on "mortytv"... LOL)

  7. In a word... NO!!!

    But, I think they usually do this and in time they will reflect generally what we see on the feeds. I think in some ways the "set up" the view audience to root for people because they are soooo "good" (like they did Eric and him crying) but, then they set him up for the fall with all the goods they have on him and he will turn into the master bully!

  8. I didn't like Rachel's over reaction (imo) to Jennifer being in her bathroom. Honestly, I think Jennifer probably needed to take a crap and she's all girly like and wanted to do it in private. Then when Rachel walked in Jenn was too embarrassed to say... "sorry, I needed to poop... lol" :lol:

  9. Mods... you can move this to an appropriate thread, I just wanted to make sure anyone that was interested saw this.

    My daughter was watching the first eppy that we had taped for her and the last line of the night was the voice over...

    "Watch Tuesday night when we will REVEAL WHO THE PAIRS ARE..."

    I know I remembered this wrong and that there had been some discussion about it... thought I'd share!

  10. I agree pinky about Michael. I still think he's a cutie and I think that his behavior isn't nearly as traumatic as some of the girls are trying to make everyone think it is. But, I am watching the live feeds and Michael is one strange bird... and I'm just not sure if he's TOO strange for me to warm up to but, I'm holding out hope that with Eric coming to him and talking to him about any touching of the girls that Michael will concentrate more on the game and less about getting laid. I think he was completely unaware that his advances were not wanted and that he "charms" the chicks at the bar or around the pool like that everyday... hopefully he's learned a lesson and he'll move on. (But, he's still weird... or maybe it's just immaturity... lol)

  11. I claim the right to eat my list (or part of it) at any time as I change my mind... LOL (Which happens daily at the moment. :D )

    Annoying me:




    I didn't know which order to put those three in cause they all soooo irritate me.

    Also annoying but, not as much as the above:

    Ashlea/Janelle (only when they're together)





    Kaysar (yep, he's finally wearing thin on me... he's over thinking and saying tooo much to the WRONG people.)

    However even with saying these people are annoying me... they are also the ones I have any hope for too. Cause the 5 that didn't make my list... I don't have much of any opinion on... don't know if I will root for someone that I can't tell if I like them... so, I hope one of the not so annoying calms the hell down and figures out how to play this game without putting their foots in their mouths or stepping on their tongues. :D

  12. Ok, I think this sounds like a really kewl conspiracy but here's why I don't think it's what is going on. They have been in the house for over a week now and we hear them on the live feeds talking privately about "pairs"... if indeed the people that have figured all the pairs out are smart enough to catch on to that within a week... they are smart enough to realize they all have TWO people to be "paired" up with but, we are not seeing that on the live feeds... they are sticking "with" the only pairs that are already figured out.

    However, with that said... I wouldn't be surprised if there is a circle that loops them all together. But, it's a person not in the house. For example if eric and maggie are a "pair" and maggie has another "pair" she's not aware of yet... there's someone in the house that knows someone that she knows. Eric maybe knows someone that knows April... and so on... does this make sense? And that would be true for all of them. But, as I'm typing this it seems it would be an awful lot of work for CBS to give them all a pair and a "hidden" pair and it all equal to be only two pairs for each houseguest so... now, I'm thinking this is a silly thought... LOL



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