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Posts posted by CeCiMom

  1. GUYS BB IS NOT CHEATING HERE! Ian is lying! The feeds never went to fish and bb has not step in and say u cant talk about production! He is blaming bb for not using the pov so no one will be mad at him and he doesnt reveal who side he is playing on! Do u think bb will let him have a long conversation about production and no penalities! The house is under estimating this kid!

    I suspected Ian was lying too because I've never heard/seen BB straight up tell a house guest to do something specific (even if they get real close by pointing them in the direction they want) throughout the day (after he won the golden ball) he was dropping hints that BB didn't want Dan saved.

    However, that night/late morning he told it all to Britney. They both covered their mikes, took them off and had a short, nervous conversation in the BR. And, the whole time BB was telling them to stop talking about production. When Ian finally finished telling Brit she said. "Well, whatever, we're going to do what is best for us."

    I've been too busy to watch the feeds as much since that night so, I don't know if production is interrupting him or not but, the night I witnessed, they did.

    It could be that they were stopping him until they realized it was a lie he was trying to say and so now they let it go? Guess we'll see...

  2. Anyone know exactly what he did?

    No, but, I heard bits and pieces... and I'm not even sure if it all goes together. Joe said something about Frank trying to help Britney. Ian something about Frank lifted (I think that's the word he used) his head to try and look at something and he would have not DQ's but, he said something audible and that is what DQ'd him. I also heard Frank himself say something about a bench and it wasn't clear but, that Dan was either trying to get him DQ'd or Dan was the only one that didn't think it was a DQ. How all this goes together or if it's part of different situations... I don't know.

  3. Some of the punishments from the PoV are/were...

    - 24 hrs. of chum baths in the BY for Frank.

    - 24 hrs. of solitary confinement in the H/HN room with a loud music playing, disco ball, etc. for Dan.

    - Slop for the rest of the summer for Jenn.

    - 24 hrs. of Brit/Dani chained together.

    - 1 week of wearing a carrot costume for Frank.

    - Britney was "Pollack'd" with paint during comp.

    - Frank got some kind of guacamole punishment. He talked about it being in his shorts right after the PoV.

    - Frank can't play in the next 2 HoH's.

    Jenn won PoV.

    Doesn't seem there were any rewards... just punishments.

    It doesn't seem like Jenn or Ian will be pulling Dan or Danielle off the block this week. Dan going to sequester w/Ashley.

  4. ...

    no sleazy is using threats to ruin peoples livelyhoods or racial slurs or derogatory remarks or saying your going to f##k someones wife when you leave.....this is explaining there are consequences to your actions and I have taken the heat long enough for you!

    Exactly, yes, he's threatening to tell everyone the truth... what a horrible person. :shocking: Idol threats at worst anyways, I still think he'd vote for Ian to win if he gets there against anyone but, maybe Frank.

    Also, imo, the stoopidest thing Dan could do is throw this PoV. Wake up Dan and smell the coffee... there are cracks in the QP and the main one is Britney. I wish he could count on the QP to make their "ideal" situation happen but, between today and Monday when the PoV ceremony hits between, Britney, Frank and the DR... the odds that Ian will hold up to his agreement with Dan are nil to none.

    Would be as dumb a move as Marcellas!!!

  5. Just thought of another plan to save all the QP.

    What if the QP goes up to Frank and has a meeting with him... just the 6 of them. They break the news as to what has been going on, Ian being a member of the alliance Quack Pack, Ian is the one that outed Boogie's plan to go after Britney/Shane and the decision to put F/A up during Ian's HoH was a group decision, etc.

    Here's where there is a "twist" to the story. They tell him the reason they've ALL been going after Frank is because they wanted Ian to have him coach with him just like D/D and B/S. That didn't work out but, they are more than happy to have the F6 be them. Each duo would have a strong physcial play and they could coast the next 2 weeks getting rid of Joe and Jenn and then just bang it out amongst the 6 of them to the end.


  6. I just heard Britney tell Frank that Ian will not use the special veto power on Dan because that would mean that Frank would have to put up Britney. And, she said there is no way I would let him do that to me, I would kill him. DING DING DING... FRANK, who has control over Ian????

  7. I don't think she wants to get mixed up into any of this but, she is the only one that could get to Frank, imo. I thought it was stupid of Danielle to tell Jenn about Ian being the mole and not Dan but, it may have been a brillaint move to plant that seed.

    If Jen can put it all together and SHE is the one that goes to Frank (because he won't believe D/D/B/S if they tell him) and shares what she's learned about Ian then maybe it will open Frank's eyes.

  8. Bravo Frank on your win, you've had a tough season of BB so far. Now, clear your head, sleep a night in the comfy HoH bed and realize that you will never make it to the end (which you will win, if you get there) unless get off this Dan hatred and think about the game strategically.

  9. Dan has come up with some convoluded plan to get Frank to put Dan up against Joe! :brood: Joe and Dan say one thing to Frank. Ian says another... Brit, Dani back up "the plan"... it's just so dumb!!!

    Just go to Frank and tell him about Quack Pack. How Ian came to them and asked to be a part of their foursome. How he came up with a name, playing double agent, and is the "rat" that told Brit about Boogie's plan to nom. B/S. It's really that simple. Expose the whole thing and let the chips fall where they may... he has nothing to lose because even if Frank doesn't believe him... what's he going to do??? nominate him, duh... already happening!

  10. Exactly desertrose... the only one that wasn't on board with that plan was Britney (because she wasn't there) I think that when she heard it she freaked out and nixed that plan pronto. Or, it could be that they thought Frank would be so distraught after Boogie's eviction and Ian nominating him that he wouldn't do well in the veto???



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