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Posts posted by Sara5229

  1. I hate to say it but you know they are saving it for a special occasion. I'm guessing, if they make it to F4, CBS will go out and interview the families and the families will say what a lovely couple they make. And then, CBS will roll out the footage. I hate to say it, but you know it's gonna happen. :guitarist::guitarist::guitarist:

    Agree, they are waiting until those two are on the block or the last ones standing.. they will use it during a "love" montage.

  2. One isn't popping into my head. It seems there is always a group mentality at some point, but then it dissolves. That has yet to happen this season. It's pretty boring, They need a reminder of why those chose to come into the house. At this point, I'm not sure CBC could even add a twist that would make the show more exciting because there is no houseguest that the majority is even rooting for.

  3. Elissa has class? Is that a f'ing joke? People with class don't act like they are better than everyone else. She thinks so much of her "class" that she can't sit by someone she thinks is below her? Or talk to them even when doing so can only benefit her and not the other person? Sorry but people with real class would either keep their feelings of disgust to themselves or, better yet, stand up against the "bad people" for the bad things they've said and done ... Instead, Elissa just talks junk about those bad people amongst her inner circle.

    I don't really like anyone in this cast but Elissa and her holier than thou attitude is one of the worst.

    ... All that said, from a game perspective, she probably has a few weeks left in her. Assuming Helen leaves, I think the house will be focused on getting out the returning juror. Beyond that, I think she would only be top two on Aaryn and GM's evict list... Unless she tries to rally the house against McRanda.

    Couldn't have said it better.

  4. OK I Dis-Liked Amanda a bunch but at least she's being EVEL upfront and at least i can deal with that ....considering since i dis-like everyone else. so for now I'm Team Amanda and for those of you who think for a moment, she wouldn't "CUT" MCcrae ... your niave as Hell.

    I think she will take him to the final two with her.... she probably sees that scenario as her winning 550k

  5. Agree. I haven't seen a special yet titled "How Big Brother Ruined My Life". There has been despicable people in the house before this cast and there will be many more after. I doubt any one will give these people much thought once the show is over.

  6. Excellent points! I find it rather remarkable that for some reason a large population of BB fans suddenly got sensitive this year. I see a lot of negative reactions that don't seem to be in balance with the actions of the HG's. This year is nothing that we haven't seen before, but maybe you are correct, men get a pass, but women don't. It's sad to see in our society that we still haven't grown past that.

    These people are playing a game, doing so in a completely unnatural environment, and with cameras on them 24x7. I don't think it's fair to judge anyone's character under those circumstances in the context of the game. Which is what we are watching a game, news flash, it's not real life.

    In particular I find it troubling that there are those who wish bad things upon contestants after the game is over. That is a rather sad commentary on our society.

    I feel the same

  7. This is rather strange this year. Every other time they have done the "twist" to bring a player back, it's always been set up to bring an extreamly popular player back. Assuming it's going to be either Helen or Elissa as the 4th, I don't see any of the four as fitting that role. Personally I'd like it to be Jessie but I certainly can't make an argument that she is a fan favorite.

    They would actually have to have an extremely popular player lol

  8. 1. None, but if I have to: Judd only because he is the only one of the three who might be able to align with someone.. the other two will just be the same old pawns.

    2. As above, Helen will give some over the top congratulatory speech to winner of Hoh.

    3. I don't want either to go home unless some people are going to step up and play the game. Despite who leaves, the house will just follow the other.



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