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Posts posted by Sara5229

  1. I may like this fella... I was a little afraid he was going to be like Ronnie, but he's proved otherwise so far.. i can still see him pulling that diary room crap that he's so much smarter than the others.. Loved that Ashley said he was her time.. could be 1/2 of the strangest showmance ever.

  2. Not sure if I'm going to like her.. part of me just wants to because she's a fellow RN.. however so far.. not impressed. I just hope if she last long she doesn't tell everyone she lied about her job... always a mistake to admit to lying about anything.

  3. She's twenty-three and played an awesome game. I think 55k dollars is more than enough play money for a young woman her age.

    I still shutter at the thought of what she planned had she won 500k.

    It's probably just chump change to her. I do recall her earlier in the season not wanting the houseguest to know she was a cocktail waitress b/c she didn't want them to think she didn't need the money :animated_rotfl:

  4. Jokers is saying the second one is going on now but the final has to be live Wen nite right ?

    Yeah I'm confused about this.. I thought it was usually live but then I was thinking what about the jury questions.. are they not doing that this yeAR? They usually question the last 2 and they aren't going to have time to do that live on finale too, but they can't do questions until the final 2 is determined..

  5. He'll be back ... I think the twist is no one is going home. They lost Dick and technically they are in week 3 so the twist is no one is going home and I think the couples will split and Dom will be able to play in tomorrow's HOH comp... :animated_wave:

    I agree with this b/c isnt' that what happened in Season 9.. the week the couples split up.. the door was locked and noone went home?

  6. CBS has released this statement about ED "Due to a personal matter, Big Brother houseguest Dick Donato had to leave the game unexpectedly on Thursday," CBS said in a statement. "His departure will be addressed on the episode to be broadcast on Wednesday, July 13."

    So I guess we will find out then what really happened!

    We will find out what they want to tell us...not what really happened.

  7. one other theory:

    Maybe Dick had a strategy to get on the show and then get kicked out so he can cover the show on his web site. Maybe he figured out he has more of a chance to make $$$$ off the website than being on the show.

    I think this is very possible... maybe they just used ED to get the ratings adn he used BB to get ratings for his show... It may have been their plan all along.



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