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Everything posted by roachie

  1. 5:00PM BBT: Nic and Cody are now goofing around in the KBR. Ian, Kevin and Bayleigh are chatting in the CBR about bugs in the house. Kevin isn't familiar with mosquitos and is asking questions. Ian borrows some lotion from Bay, "oh, that's nice". She said she brought it from home. 5:110PM BBT: The feeds are cut for a few minutes and we come back to Nic/Cody and Ian in the KBR now. They're reminiscing about comps. Day and Kevin are with Bay in the CBR talking about what Kevin saw - apparently he got a glance at lanes and a big tarp. 5:19PM BBT: Bay and Da' talk with Kevin about his husband and kids. He goes through what he and his spouse would do as far as having a child that is biologically theirs, or what they would go through financially to adopt a baby. 5:23PM BBT: Cody, Ian and Nic talk about doctors that lack bedside manner because they are always seeing/delivering bad news and get de-sensitized. 5:26PM BBT: Da' tells Kevin and Bay that her mom has really helped her a lot in raising her daughter, Cadence. They ask if she's with her while she's there, and she says yes, every time she's been there. She trusts her daughter's father, but there's just something about her being with her mama. 5:38PM BBT: Da' whispers to Kevin and Bay that Christmas told her that in case it's a double eviction this week and she wins the 2nd HOH, that Da' is safe. Da' started to walk out and Christmas stopped her asked her if she was also safe if it was Da' that won. Day made a point to say "you're fine" as she walked out, not "you're safe". 5:40PM BBT: Memphis joins Nic, Ian and Cody in the KBR and they talk about what they'll be making for dinner. Cody wants to make lentil soup. 5:47PM BBT: Kevin tries to convince Da' and Day that he's feeling left out of the loop. Da' asks if he's just nosy and asking questions or out of the loop. Bay gets uptight with Kevin. He answers that he feels he's an ally and they don't value his perspective - they loop him in when needed, but not when decisions are being made. Da's jaw drops. 5:51PM BBT: Kevin continues to voice his concerns with Bay/Da'. He wants for a contract to be made where they work together and if they fail to uphold it, they don't get your vote from the jury. Da' agrees to that.
  2. 6:40PM BBT: David, Ian and Kevin are still chatting in the SRL. Ian says that the earlier seasons were not kid friendly. David says that his understanding is that the US version of BB is more goofy than other countries. 6:47PM BBT: Kevin heads to the KT to check on dinner. Nic, Christmas, and Dani are hanging in the KT and Cody at the DT. Memphis walks through to peek around at what they're doing.
  3. 6:14PM BBT: Ian in the SRL with Kevin talking about what's coming up and who they think the house power will put up next week. They think it's obvious by who has made the most noise lately. In the KT, Christmas, Memphis, Dani, David, Enzo and Cody are eating and chatting about nothing. David joins Kevin and Ian where they're talking about endurance comps.
  4. 5:00PM BBT: Enzo and Christmas are in the HOHR where he spends time complimenting her game, her ability to memorize poems, etc. She is eating it up and walks back through justifying everything from her cat fights of last night. Christmas says she is 95% positive that Bay voted for Janelle to stay. 5:09PM BBT: David and Ian are in the KBR talking about winning vs. losing the comps. David has given him info about overhearing HG talk about how Ian hasn't been winning - so Ian starts asking the context of the comment. 5:12PM BBT: Still in the HOHR, Christmas and Enzo are still going. Christmas basically explains to him how the game works. They appear to be feeding off of each other's rants about Bay/Day. 5:36PM BBT: Christmas tells Enzo that this week's eviction can be messy as long as Bay is gone. She does not want an emotional player in the house or in the jury. Christmas feels that Da' would go after her if she won next week. 5:40PM BBT: David, Ian and Nic are hanging in the KBR. Nic is asking David questions about his parents. He didn't meet his father until he was 5. He eventually had a DNA test to prove it was him. David said "I really wanted to be here, so I broke right through that rubber", that he wasn't a planned pregnancy. 5:59PM BBT: The feeds have been going in and out tonight. [not sure which is more repetitive - the stars/music or Enzo/Christmas]
  5. 7:43PM BBT: Enzo heads up to the HOHR to listen to some Miley Cyrus. He says he'll get out of her room when she's ready to go to sleep.
  6. 6:34PM BBT: Bay and Da' are in the KT where Bay tells her about the conversation she had with Christmas a while back that was brought into her nominations decision. They agree that if Tyler said he'd go home in support of the BLM movement as part of his game, that he made a mistake. 7:37PM BBT: Dani and Da' are in the KT. Dani says that she watched Derrick's last season and in the finale, his kid wouldn't hug him. Da' says it tooks an hour before her daughter would come to her after she got out of the house. Dani is scared that being in the house will change her relations with her daughter. The gwo move to the PBR where Dani is crying and Da' is comforting her, telling her that it's just temporary and not to worry. 7:41PM BBT: Ian, Christmas and Cody are in the hammock. Tyler and Enzoare closeby - Tyler is playing with the digital camera.
  7. 4:11PM BBT: BB announces a lockdown and the HG head inside. The feeds are cut to stars - it appears as though their Labor Day bbq is starting. 5:33PM BBT: Still music/stars while the house party continues.
  8. 2:33PM BBT: David is with Tyler in the HOHR trying to play a mind game insisting that Tyler has a power, trying to get him to confess. Tyler keeps thelling him NO, he doesn't, swearing up and down. Tyler tells him, no he just really wanted to go home. David says that not wanting to go home just is about showing guilty for other things. David says that he didn't get the power because he can't see in the dark. 2:34PM BBT: Da', Bay and Kevin are in the SLR talking about how they're normally disposable, that they would be thrown away, and that nobody has ever sacrified for them and their cause before. They feel that if Tyler was using his "sacrifice" and supporting BLM as part of his game, that it's messed up. 2:43PM BBT: David and Tyler are still in the HOHR playing backgammon. They're still going back and forth about which one of them will say that they have the power. Tyler asks David Bay/Da' told him. David is thinking and Tyler calls him on his answer .... which was "it's whatever you just said". David said he's trying to remember. David says he'll vote however he wants. 2:48PM BBT: Enzo and Da' are whispering in the WA. Kevin walks through and they start talking about the bbq party tonight. Kevin and Da' are left alone in the WA and there's a lot of whispering. 3:00PM BBT: Dani, Ian, Da' and Kevin are in the WA wondering what it is about that game that makes people want to come back. Enzo, David, COdy and Tyler are hanging out on the bridge lounger. 3:07PM BBT: Da' tells Kevin in the WA that a homesick Tyler doesn't look like someone who was upset that he wasn't allowed to go home. 3:20PM BBT: Dani and Kevin are in the SR where Kevin says he just needs to make it week by week. Tyler comes in and she tells him that they weren't sceming, and they leave the SR. 3:28PM BBT: Dani and Da' are playing Cornhole in the BY. Kevin and Tyler are in the KT. Kevin asks something and TYler answers "I dunno, man - it's complicated. We'll see. Whatever". 3:39PM BBT: Ian is rocking on the hammock watching the others play games or lay out in the BY. 3:46PM BBT: Enzo goes into the HOHR with Christmas. She offers him chocolate. She says she has no regrets and it's a game. "it is what it is". 3:55PM BBT: Memphis, Nic and Tyler are hanging out on the BY couch. Enzo and Christmas are still in the HOHR. Enzo says "I sure won't be telling anybody who my untouchable is." Enzo says you have to keep your emotions in check and remind yourself that you're here to play a game. 4:05PM BBT: Kevin is now sitting on the ground beside the hammock talking with Ian. They both agree that they have a good relationship with Christmas. David walks by doing his BY laps. Kevin tells David that he might run with him.
  9. These are the posts that were duplicates. Once they're removed from FB, I'll remove them here as well. (new BBViewer format threw me for a loop) 2:30PM BBT: Christmas is finishing getting dressed, as is Day. They are both wearing dresses. Kevin is gathering his WA stuff and heading out to put them away. Dani, Cody, Ian and Nic are on the BY couch talking about food. 2:40PM BBT: Da' and Christmas are whispering in the WA, trying to understand the refueled feuds in the house. Tyler is now in the WA finishing up getting dressed, so the conversation stops. 2:45PM BBT: All cameras are on Dani, Kevin and Ian in the BY. Dani says she can't believe they haven't had a celebrity or whatever hosting a comp via Zoom or on the screen. Lots of in and out of feeds/stars. 2:51PM BBT: Dani says that she thinks that Bayleigh may be one of the most beautiful women to ever by on BB, that she is stunning. Kevin and Ian agree. Bay and Da' are in the SLR discussing their POV ceremony speeches. 2:54PM BBT: Da' and Bay wonder why Christmas wouldn't go with Tyler's wishes to be put on the block to go home. Bay said her understanding was that Christmas is a stickler for rules felt like she would be cheating the show to let Tyler go. Stars. 3:00PM BBT: Feeds come back to Tyler and Christmas in the HOHR. She jokes around with "Angela gets you for a lifetime, just let us have you for two more months". 3:08PM BBT: Bay, Da' and Enzo are cooking in the KT. Kevin walks through. David comes in from the BY. 3:13PM BBT: Bay and Tyler were talking in the SLR, and the feeds were cut.
  10. 11:10PM BBT: Nic, Ian, Dani and Christmas coninue to talk in the BY chairs. Memphis is lounging on the couch. A couple of the guys are playing pool. They're all getting really tired. Now alone, Nic whispers to Dani that they need to come up with hand signals because she can't see behind her. 11:13PM BBT: Lots of feeds interruptions. Nic, Dani, Memphis and Ian talk about all of the costumes used on their seasons. Frank holds the record for the most worn. Christmas is now inside now, flossing her teeth in the WA. Bay continues to cycle in circles. Ian says "she's way ahead". 11:15PM BBT: Nic stares at herself in the BY mirror and takes off her wig to readjust her costume, saying her head needs a break. Christmas is laying on the couch, one leg draped over the back, the other flopping the other way. 11:20PM BBT: Bay hits the 200 lap mark. 11:22PM BBT: Bay hits 256 laps. She wants to knock it out and then sit in the hot tub. She asks production to turn it up to 100 degrees to get it ready. 11:27PM BBT: Bay starts talking to sSwaggy in the camera. Da' tells her to keep going because the cameras are definitely on her. She says she definitely deserves to be doing these laps because "I suck".
  11. 9:29PM BBT: Baleigh came out of the DR with her Triathlon outfit. She starts to tell them that she has to do her punishment for the next 12 hours and then the feeds are cut.
  12. 9:25PM BBT: Nic sets up a backgammon tournament and they have 6 players entered. They all roll the dice to see which seed they play.
  13. 9:20PM BBT: Cody, Dani and Nic are in the SR. Nic complains some more. Cody and Dani tells her she's cute and she's the best for doing it, that people will really love that she did that for Bay. Also, that they'll get some really funny clips of her for tv. 9:22PM BBT: Nic asks that someone play backgammon with her so she'll feel better. Kevin, Christmas, Tyler and Memphis are in the KT talking around the island. Enzo is laying down on the LR couch.
  14. 9:00PM BBT: Camera is focused on the entrance to the DR for a few minutes, waiting for Nic to come out in her Sloppies box costume. 9:14 PM BBT: Nic prances around the LR talking about how "pissed" she is because it's heavy, gross, ugly, etc. And "I have to wear this stupid wig". Bayleigh has been called to DR for details on her Triathlete punishment. The HGs assume the backyard will open since she has to run laps
  15. 8:20PM BBT: Christmas is up in the bridge bed and Bay asks to talk to her. Christmas says she's really tired and wants to be present. She asks for a raincheck over coffee in the morning. Bay heads back downstairs. Christmas then looks into the camera and giggles. She is listening to what is being said downstairs. Meanwhile, David, Ian and Nic are in the WA goofing around. There's talk of going outside tonight. 8:50M BBT: Cody and David are hanging in the WA. Enzo comes out of the bathroom and they give him a hard time about not using soap when he washes his hands. Enzo says he would've slept all day, yo. He needs to do laundry.
  16. 8:19PM BBT: Cody and Tyler are in the PBR talking about a comp between Cody/Derrick where Derrick won HOH because the audience made him change a move he was making. More reminiscing of their seasons.
  17. 8:05PM BBT: Kevin tells Da' to get her head in the game. Da' says that Bay is not campaigning against her, so she wants to do the same. But she will campaign for herself, without even talking about her or bringing up her name in any way.
  18. 8:02PM BBT: Kevin and Da' are chatting in the WA. She feels like it would be a unanimous vote to evict her. He whispers a bit trying to come up with ideas. Da' doesn't want to campaign against Bay or throw her under the bus. He says in his opinion, she's just stating a fact, and that it's something she has to come to balance with.
  19. 7:30PM BBT: The HG have finished eating and start on the clean up. Nic and Da' are in the WA. Nic tells Da that she's 90% sure that Da' can pull this off. Da then says if I stay, what are the odds of you, me and Dani teaming up. Nic replies "Really good. We want that too". 7:46PM BBT: Christmas is looking for feedback on how great her eviction speech was, but the other HG at the KTT said they really didn't pay attention. She says "did it really not make sense?" They tell her that they knew something was coming up from Kaysar, so weren't really listening. She seems disappointed. Nic addes "but Julie praised you!". 7:55PM BBT: Enzo, Tyler and Cody are in the PBR. Tyler asks if Nic said anything to them about why Dani isn acting odd. Tyler said that he's the scapegoat for Bay, and they all laugh.Tyler ssays he's sorry he started this sh*t. Enzo says you can't trust anything with Dani. They all feel good this week.
  20. 6:57PM BBT: Da' tolds Bay that she wants to look cute on Thursday night and not wearing a unitard on her last night for her interview with Julie. 7:00PM BBT: Christmas and Dani are chatting in the HOHR. They wonder if the powers will come into play on Thursday, but no matter what - one of them is going home. Dani said that from a sidelines visual, it looked as if Christmas had asked the other girls in the comp to throw it to her. Christmas is glad to have won it and that her job this week is to keep everything fair. 7:04PM BBT: Christmas tells Dani that she told Bay'Da' that she needs a break and no more game talk tonight. She then says (almost in the same breath) that she, Dani and Nic need to continue their conversation downstairs tonight. 7:08PM BBT: The HGs head to the KT for dinner.
  21. 6:37PM BBT: Da' is in the CBR with Bay. Lots of whispering, loud nose blowing, and "that's weird" responses. Not easy to follow. Da' asked Bay if when she talked to Christmas, did she feel comfortable. Bay says yes. Da' said she did not feel comfortable with her. Bay added that Christmas said to her "why are you being so nice to me - I already had it my head that you wouldn't talk to me when we got out of here. More "that's weird" comments.
  22. 6:19PM BBT: Memphis, Bay and Day are in the KT. Memphis says he's so excited for Monday when they get the grill. 6:20PM BBT: Bay walks out of the KT saying "let me know when dinner is ready cuz I know these people are greedy". 6:27PM BBT: Ian is laying in bed playing with his dino-puppet. Cody asks if he can see him and Ian throws it over to him, asking "don't do anything disrespectful with him". 6:28PM BBT: Christmas is in the KT cooking dinner with Memphis. She says they can have a family dinner with carrot cake for dessert. They're hoping that the BY opens back up, that's it's gotten quiet out there. Da' is eating at the KTT.
  23. 6:06PM BBT: Enzo lays down in his PBR bed. Dani said she's tired of thinking and says David is almost napping too. Dani puts on her sweater and heads out, leaving the guys to rest. Dani goes in to visit with Nic, Ian and Cody. They talk about Nic and her Slop-i-tard punishment from the comp. 6:17PM BBT: Cody tells Ian in the KBR that he's going to start calling him "Torpedo". "Why, because I fart?". "yes, You fart like a torpedo. It's either that or dirt bike. Which do you want?" "I'll take Torpedo".



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