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Everything posted by roachie

  1. 9:33PM BBT They HG in the BY go through their favorite parts each person of BBCELEB. They compliment each other. (Ross, Omarosa, Mark; Shannon is sleeping) 9:39PM BBT James and Metta talk about how much they have learn from the other houseguests. Metta said that when he's playing bball, they can't use the hot tub unless they have an injury. 9:45PM BBT The backyard gang is now Keshia, Shannon, Marissa, Brandi and Ross. Keshia says that her hairdresser makes the products she uses. 9:46PM BBT They ask Shannon to makes some more popcorn with the coconut oil. 9:48PM BBT Brandi says that they should wash their pillowcases. They talk about hiding the owl from Metta - Keshia puts a stop to that because she wants to sleep and Metta would keep looking for it all night. 9:49PM BBT They decide to hide one item from each person. Coconut oil from Shannon, facial blotting paper from James, hide the owl, Ross's chapstick, Mark's slippers, etc. 9:53PM BBT Brandi jokes about how much James looks in the mirror. He joins Brandi, Keshia, Ari, and Marissa by the fire. Brandi gets called to the DR. 9:55PM BBT Ross and Brandi talk in the HOH BR about targeting Shannon, and is that ok since she's part of their alliance. 9:56PM BBT Brandi and Ross in HOH BR - Ross can't decide if it's stupid or smart, and what the fallout will be. 9:57PM BBT Brandi tells Ross that it's only going to get harder. 9:58PM BBT Ross rejoins Marissa, James, Ari and Keshia by the BY firepit. Mark joins them as well and talks about how Superbad saved him and his friends a night in juvi.
  2. 9:03PM BBT Omarosa is called to the DR and celebrates with a "yaaaaaaay". Marissa and Keshia talk hair in the BR. Marissa brushes her teeth. 9:05PM BBT James goes into the lounge. Metta, Mark, Shannon, Ari, and Ross still in BY talking about a show on VH1, RuPaul's Drag Race. Metta and Ross head inside. 9:09PM BBT They hot tub temp is 105, so Marissa turns it down so that it's not so hot. They talk about how they're now on Pop. 9:10PM BBT Ross asks what they'll do when they get out of the house. Mark said he'll take a shower and a nap. 9:12PM BBT Brandi tells Ross, Mark, Marissa and Shannon about her BBUK experience and how horrific it was with the crowds booing. She felt like it was a rebirth when she came out. 9:14PM BBT Brandi explains the difference between Housewives and BBUK. Ross is surprised that they didn't have any YouTube celebrities in the house. James preps to go in hot tub. 9:16PM BBT James turns hot tub jets on. Metta is back in the KT snacking. 9:18PM BBT Omarosa joins the HG in the BY. Marissa tells Brandi that she is a very good person. 9:24PM BBT Metta and James soak in the hot tub.
  3. 8:35PM BBT The HG talk about who's had Botox and how many times they've had it done. [they talked over each other, so it was difficult to get the counts] 8:37PM BBT The HG change the game up to when they say a word each, going from one to the other, while making sentences/stories. 8:39PM BBT Omarosa tells Keshia about her teeth whitening solutions, and that she was at the highest level of whitening with the dentist and now she uses baking soda and salt, followed by swishing with peroxide. 8:42PM BBT Omarosa goes out to get her bottle of water and returns to the BR where Keshia continues to shower. 8:44PM BBT In the BY, the HG study together the events that have occurred in the house. 8:48PM BBT Metta joins the HG in the BY with a hat and furry head covering after wearing it to the DR. The HG laugh and say he looks crazy. 8:54PM BBT James comes outside and they speculate what tomorrow night's live show will be. 8:56PM BBT Keshia blows her hair dry while Omarosa continues to apply makeup. Mark comes from the DR and tells O that it was a short session.
  4. 8:00PM BBT Houseguest are in the kitchen chatting/eating and announce that everyone has washed their dishes. Mark is in the back yard by the firepit. 8:02PM BBT Ross joins him and they both work to ignite the gas fire. 8:04PM BBT Mark reads the instructions out loud, and then Ross assists. Omarosa brushes her hair out in the BR. 8:07PM BBT Omarosa says God bless Ari regarding applying contouring makeup to the face. Shannon says she's afraid to countour because it could make her look older. 8:10PM BBT Omarosa takes more makeup tips from Ari as Ari passes through the BR. 8:12PM BBT The HG are in the BY playing Lie Lie Truth and start with Ross. Metta, Mark, Brandi, Marissa, Ross and Shannon all try to guess the lies and the truth. 8:14PM BBT James joins the HG gaming in the BY and Mark goes in to use the bathroom. Omarosa continues to do her makeup and asks production if she can go to the DR after Mark so that she can go to bed early. 8:20PM BBT Keshia and Omarosa talk hair in the BR. Omarosa sings "I Whip My Hair" by Will Smith's daughter while Keshia whips her pony tail. 8:24PM BBT Keshia starts to say "so they didn't stop you when...." to Omarosa and the feeds go to fish. 8:25PM BBT Ross, Ari, Brandi, James, Marissa, and Metta continue playing the Lie Lie Truth game in the BY 8:27PM BBT Omarosa uses her inhaler. Keisha goes to get her bathroom items so that she can take a shower and wash her hair.
  5. 11:06PM BBT Omarosa is out of the DR and changing back to her other shirt in the GBR and asks the camera for some privacy. The cameras move back to the BY. 11:09PM BBT The BY HG go through what their porn names would be by using their first cat's name + the street they grew up on. 11:11PM BBT Marissa teaches them how to laugh when have asthma so that you don't have an asthma attack. She demonstrates and they laugh.
  6. 10:33PM BBT James gets into the hot tub and says it's really hot. Shannon and Marissa in the SR talk about how happy they are that Omarosa is back to her old self and how uncomfortable it was. 10:36PM BBT Ross and Keshia in the BY by the fire discussing lying. Keshia is concerned about her integrity reflecting on her personal life. 10:39PM BBT Keshia talks about the feeling of betrayal. Marissa says that it wasn't just on her side. Ross apologizes to her not that he flipped his vote, but that it went down the way it did. 10:41PM BBT Mark joins Marissa, Keshia, and Ross by the fire. Marissa jumps up saying that something is happening behind her. She rushes to turn off the firepit. All 4 cameras go back to Ari applying makeup. 10:44PM BBT Marissa is then over at the hot tub helping them regulate the temperature on the hot tub. Brandi sits by the hot tub talking with Marissa and James. 10:46PM BBT Ross talks with Keshia by the car. Keshia asks if Ari is on his side - Ross tells her that Ari is with Brandi and will do whatever Brandi does. Ross says that he doesn't totally trust James and they move on. 10:48PM BBT Keshia did not realize that Metta was in the bed when she was talking with Ross by the car. 10:49PM BBT Shannon makes popcorn on the stove. Shannon asks BB for a large bag of organic kernels. Marissa laughs at the organic part of the request. 10:52PM BBT Brandi wishes that they had a blender and would freeze the peeled bananas. Shannon brings the popcorn outside - she added coconut oil to it for a little sweetness. 10:56PM BBT Brandi said that the popcorn is pretty good for being healthy. Ross agrees that it's the best popcorn they've ever had. 10:58PM BBT Ross, Mark, Brandi and Marissa in the BY discussing what a great day it was. 10:59PM BBT Ariadna heads to the kitchen and passes Keshia who is eating popcorn in the RBR. Ari goes outside and waits to be called into the DR. Ross and Mark say that they haven't done the DR session in days.
  7. 10:01PM BBT Omarosa told Keshia that she was given asthma meds through the nebulizer. If the POV is physical, she won't be able to compete. 10:02PM BBT Omarosa asks if they played any good music this morning and Keshia said she didn't remember. She had to wash her sheets early this morning around 7AM. Omarosa said that she slept "really really good" with the drugs they gave her. 10:04PM BBT Ross, Mark, Marissa, James and Shannon are in the BY. They go through practicing what happened on what days. 10:07PM BBT In the BY, Marissa brought pink pajama bottoms for Valentine's Day. Shannon said that Simon was bummed that she wasn't home for that. Ross said that he had to cancel a charity hosting gig to be in the house and felt bad. 10:15PM BBT Omarosa and Ari in the GBR discussing the veto comp. They think it won't be physical. Ari asked if she's still mad at them and O says that she realized in the hospital that it wasn't that serious. 10:17PM BBT In the BY, Marissa, Ross, Shannon and Mark pretend to take Twitter questions. 10:18PM BBT Ari tells Omarosa how she cut her finger during the comp. Omarosa asked about who played who in the comp, so must not have been there til the end. 10:19PM BBT In the BY, one of the pretend Twitter questions is about Marissa's hair and how she gets it so big. She takes off the additional hair wig to show how much is actually hers. 10:21PM BBT The BY HG talk about how they all snore. Keshia joined them. 10:23PM BBT Metta also joins the others in the BY. Ari and Omarosa continue to primp in the GBR. Omarosa is called to the DR. 10:26PM BBT Mark tells the others in the BY about his tattoos and their meanings. Most are Irish based. The feeds zoom in on Ari applying her fake eyelashes. 10:32PM BBT James comes out of DR.
  8. 9:33PM BBT In the KT, Ross tells Mark about how one of his fingers had its own heartbeat and that he was being treated with antibiotics. This went on for 6 months until a Mexican pharmacy employee gave him something topical that fixed it. 9:35PM BBT Shannon serves meatless tacos in the KT. Omarosa is walking around looking for the curling iron. Omarosa is called to the DR. 9:37PM BBT Ari and Brandi decide to team up playing pool. They are now playing the word game upstairs where they go from person to person to form a sentence/story. 9:42PM BBT Ariadna is called to the DR. 9:42PM BBT Ross asks the HG to keep the game clean since it's POP time and kids could be watching. Marissa said that her son is watching. 9:44PM BBT Metta is laying down in the kitchen booth with Mark at the counter. Keshia finds something to eat while Shannon cleans up after her cooking. The other HG continue to play and laugh upstairs. 9:46PM BBT Shannon talks about how long it takes to film the HOH looking at the keys, deciding who to pic, etc. They were in lockdown for 3 hours while they filmed Ross going through this. 9:48PM BBT Upstairs by Marissa tells a story about her walking into the BR and not seeing Brandi under the covers. Brandi said "hey" and scared Marissa because all she could see was the butternut squash as if that was what was talking. 9:52PM BBT Brandi talks about the Real Housewives taglines with Marissa, Shannon and Ross. Shannon makes up some that are more like pickup lines, so may not watch the show. 9:54PM BBT The BY is open now for real. They head back downstairs again. 9:55PM BBT Metta is resting in the SEL. Omarosa is in the GBR with Ari as they primp for their DRs. Omarosa feels that the air quality is better now with the filters that she asked for. 9:57PM BBT Omarosa told Ari that she talked to John (husband), but the producers were standing by to make sure they didn't talk about the game. 9:58PM BBT Omrosa pulls out her "cute sweater" for her DRs and thinks it'll film well. Omarsa tells Keshia that she's so glad that she didn't have to lie to Chuck. Keisha spilled mil on herself/bed in the RBR.
  9. 8:59PM BBT Ross and Brandi in the HOH room, Ross says it needs to be the perfect storm is if Keisha or Omarosa gets POV so that nobody on their alliance gets blood on their hands. 9:01PM BBT Brandi reminds that Ross asked her for F2 on day one. Ari comes in. 9:04PM BBT Brandi says to Ari that one of them has to win the veto. If Keisha wins POV, they'll talk to her about joining them. Brandi wants Omarosa out, Ari wants Keisha out. 9:06PM BBT in the LBR, James decides to have a beer and sit in the jacuzzi later. They talk about the wine/champagne/beer in the house not being something they usually drink. 9:11PM BBT Marissa pretends to have a conference call between the other HG in the KT, Ross, Metta, Shannon and Omarosa. Omarosa is about to be called to DR. 9:14PM BBT Shannon is making guacamole in the KT for the "party" in the HOH room. Marissa, Metta and Omarosa talk about the HOH comp and how hard/funny it was. 9:19PM BBT Ross, Mark, James, Ari, Brandi and Marissa are upstairs by the pool table. Ari and Brandi are playing. 9:21PM BBT Mark and Ross have a side conversation while they're upstairs. Ross tells him about Omarosa's saying that it's all good, and that she had a relevation that it's just a game. 9:23PM BBT Marissa asks BB if they will be allowed to go outside tonight. Mark tells Ross to not soften up, that Keshia has to. 9:24PM BBT Shannon tastes her quacamole, and puts the fork back in the bowl. Brandi takes a swig of Ross's wine. James would like a glass of scotch. The BY is now open so they start migrating downstairs. 9:28PM BBT Marissa asks if she can get dibs on the washer/dryer. Ari gets excited about beating Brandi at pool. Ross eats baked Cheetos. 9:29PM BBT Keshia looks for the all gluten bread in the KT while Metta eats an apple in the kitchen booth. In the washroom, Mark tells Omarosa that they were all worried about her and are glad that she's ok.
  10. 3:32PM BBT Omarosa will be coming back. Marissa came back to the HOH and said that they have moved everything to the center of the GBR to make room for her air vent. 3:34PM BBT Ross used the code word "undoubtedly" as a clue to Marissa that whatever he says next "we'll talk about this later". He said "undoubtedly, I want to hear what everyone says" in front of James.
  11. 3:01PM BBT Lots of chatter in the HOH. They're locked in and Marissa jokes "this is how they got all the Jews in the Holocaust". Lots of booooos from the HG. 3:04PM BBT Quiet room. Shannon does stretches on the floor. Ross wears his eye mask. James listens to music. Others nap. Keshia stares at ceiling. 3:17PM BBT Still locked in HOH and the room is completely quiet. 3:18PM BBT Ross places his jacket over a napping Ari. He gets his sweatshirt out to put over the top half of her, and lays back down on the bed. 3:24PM BBT The lockdown is over and they are now free to move around the house. 3:26PM BBT Ari looks through Ross's snacks in the HOH room and they talk about how many calories each has. Shannon and Keshia quietly cook in the kitchen.
  12. 2:30PM BBT Ari and Marissa continue to go through the fridge in the SR and throw away all of the food that they missed their exp. dates. Lots of (joke) shout out apologies to God for forgiveness. 2:33PM BBT During the SR cleanup, Ross tells Marissa that his HOH room is locked. BB tells him over speaker that it's now available. 2:35PM BBT Mark tries out some of Ari's signature glasses in the KT. They say that Ross was told by BB that Omarosa is OK, but they still don't know if she's coming back. 2:37PM BBT Marissa and Ari take all of the still edible food to the KT. Mark runs out to help them. 2:38PM BBT Keshia is cooking in the KT. Mark in the SR with James - James says that Keisha told James she's still coming for him. They're both happy that she's perking up a bit and is still in the game. 2:41PM BBT James ensures Mark in the SR that he did have a part in them flipping the vote. James shows Ari in the KT how Shannon's facial wipes scratched his face because they're natural. They poke through the fruit bowl to pull out the outdated ones. 2:45PM BBT WBRG 2:54PM BBT They appear to be locked up in the HOH while they watch the staff on the monitor. 2:56PM BBT Keshia looks uneasy being locked up in the HOH room with the other HG. She is very quiet while the others chat and eat snacks.
  13. 1:02PM BBT Mark tells Ross that he will try to get info out of James. Ross asks Mark to keep an eye on Shannon and James. Mark said that James and Shannon were having a moment around 2 or 3am with him consoling her. They notice them getting close/having F2 deal. 1:04PM BBT James and Marissa talk in the gym about the schedule of noms today and veto tomorrow, and if that will change now because of Omarosa. James recaps his convo with Keshia earlier for Marissa and how salty she got.
  14. 12:30PM BBT Ross is out of the DR and doing dishes in the KT. 12:33PM BBT Brandi gives Metta lessons as he gives Ari a makeover in the HOH. He says he'll be able to do Mya's makeup when he gets home. 12:34PM BBT Ross makes his way to the HOH room. Ross said that he loves the moments like this when they're just silly. They agree that the vibe is very different today. 12:36PM BBT BB announced that the curling iron is now available. They all hooray. Metta said that this is the best day in the house and that he's comfortable. Ross invites him to sleep up there. 12:37PM BBT In the HOH, Marissa tells Ross that Metta doesn't think O will be back, and they all agree that they want her to be healthy, no matter what. 12:39PM BBT Marissa wants to go check in on James. Ross said that they should all take shifts with that. In the HOH BR, Marissa and Ross agree that they think James and Shannon have F2 deal. 12:47PM BBT Marissa talks with James as he works out in the gym. She finds stickers to put on the machines. James talks about an Orange Theory class he took in LA and about another guy there that he calls "skinny fat James" 12:52PM BBT James said he gets jobs because of his physique and Marissa said she does too. They laugh. She never got work when she was skinny. 12:54PM BBT James said he was a chubby kid with a bad diet. Marissa tells him that Metta thinks O is not coming back. They quickly go back to the body talk. Metta is called to DR. 12:56PM BBT In the HOH, Mark said that he has tried to talk to Keshia, but she's not having it. She dismisses any attempts to engage with her. 12:57PM BBT Ross tells Mark to stay up in the HOH and promises that they'll never be cruel to anyone. The HG have concluded that O is not returning and they are concerned for her. BB has not given them any info. 1:00PM BBT In the HOH, Brandi thinks that O is faking it and this is her way out. Ross said that O had grabbed her inhaler and her jacket before leaving.
  15. 12:00PM BBT In the KT, Metta says that he'd like for his family to do a reality show. Mark and James say that they'd watch it. 12:03PM BBT Marissa joins the guys in the KT. They talk about how great the food is in Vancouver. 12:06PM BBT In the KT, Marissa, Metta, James and Mark give a shout out to Chuck on the live feeds. They talk about the scenario of if he went into sequester and was coming back into the house. 12:07PM BBT Metta re-enacts his bowling turn from the HOH comp where he was spinning around. They were explaining how his balls were bouncing and not hitting the pins. 12:10PM BBT WBRB 12:11PM BBT Marissa, Mark and Metta continue to talk the sequence of the HOH comp. Ari resting up in HOH with full facial mask on. Brandi says they should have their own show called "Brari" 12:16PM BBT In KT, Metta says that Omarosa should NOT come back. Marissa agrees. 12:19PM BBT James is working out in the gym. Metta and Marissa go up to join Brandi and Ari in the HOH. 12:20PM BBT Marissa asks Metta where his favorite place to travel was. "Tulum, Honduras." Brandi puts on the tutu and spins around. Metta listens to music. 12:26PM BBT Keisha had Lil Kim for her music. In the HOH, Metta and Brandi talk about the difference in how girls and guys react to emotions. Marissa says she loses power if someone at work sees her cry. 12:28PM BBT Metta wants to do make up with the girls in the HOH. They talk about what they can see from the HOH monitor.
  16. 11:42AM BBT WBRB Marissa working on Brandi's extensions in the GBR while showing Ari how she does it. 11:44AM BBT Brandi, Marissa and Ari speculate what the veto comp will be, and will Omarosa be well rested because she's able to sleep more. 11:50AM BBT In the LBR, James talks with Keshia about his part in the game. How he went from being on the outside and bummed, to trying to get back in. 11:53AM BBT Brandi and Ari searching for something in the GBR. Ari wants to wash her hair today, so they discuss shampoos. They head to the HOH room. 11:55AM BBT Keshia paints her nails in the LBR. James and Metta in the KT while Mark shaves in the BR. 11:57AM BBT Ari and Brandi look through Ross's producst while he is in the DR. In the KT, James, Mark and Metta talk about what they would normally be doing on a Saturday at home.
  17. 9:38am BBT Marissa and Brandi whispering in the BGR about scenarios if Chuck stays and wins HOH. Ari wakes up and starts making her bed, telling Brandi that she had a weird dream and kisses Brandi on the head. 9:40am BBT Ross and Shannon get ready in the BT, talking about the unfairness of how fast guys can get ready vs. girls. Back in the BGR, Omarosa gets dressed in the GBR 9:43am BBT In the LBR, Ross tells Shannon that he is now on the fence with the new talks of changing the plan. Shannon said that she's fine with any scenario. Mark is called to the DR 9:47am BBT In the LBR, Ross realizes after trying on his black sport jacket that he's losing weight because it's too big. They wonder if they can get a seamstress to fix it. Marissa comes in and asks what to say when someone asks who she's voting for. 9:52am BBT In the KT, Omarosa says that she should have some coffee in their last 10 minutes of freedom. Chuck, Marissa and Ari have beauty product gold pads under their eyes. WBRB 9:56am BBT In the KT, as all of the HG scurry around, Marissa is fantasizing about a picnic in the treehouse today. (HOH lockdown?) Marissa and Keisha go through the SR and bring food back to the KT - no game talk in the SR. 9:58am BBT Mark gets dressed in the LBR. WBRB
  18. 8:31pm BBT Shannon pumps James for information in the gym, but he won't spill anything without her committing to being an alliance. 8:43pm BBT Marissa, Omarosa, and Ari are in the SR checking out what was just stocked. (lots of meat) Marissa is stressed about the eviction. Ari said that she saw Shannon talking with Chuck in the BR and to be careful around them. 8:45pm BBT Shannon still speaking with James in the gym. They want to keep Omarosa as an ally - never an enemy. Their fear is that Keisha will figure it out, so to be quiet around her. She encourages him to talk with HG tonight, and will send Ross up to talk with him next. 8:50pm BBT James tells Shannon in the gym that he wants to be F4 with her, and also Ross. They both realize that Ross has a "gentleman's agreement" with Mark. 8:50pm BBT Brandi, Mark and Chuck on the BY couch. Mark asks "who's sh*t is in the washer??" - Chuck and Brandi thought he said "someone sh*t in the washer" and they have a big laugh. 11:52pm BBT In the gym, Shannon tells James that she doesn't want to be sitting next to Marissa at the end, and that she could beat Omarosa in the end. It's not about the money in getting to the end, although they "don't have Metta Peace kind of money". They agree that Omarosa and Ross do not like each other 11:56pm BBT Shannon sets up the pool table for play. The other HG make frozen pizza. Marissa and Metta play chess in the KT. .
  19. 8:00pm BBT In the BY, Marissa, Ari, Keisha, and Chuck discuss their tweets. Marissa said her tweets were shout outs to her son. They prep for being on the POP After Dark show. They think that it might be boring, unless Brandi "loses her sh*t". The discuss the possibility of a double eviction tomorrow. 8:02pm BBT Mark and James work out in the gym and discuss various workouts. Keisha and Ross on the BY couch and Keisha wonders why one of the girls is fighting to keep Mark, and is suspicious. Keisha tells Ross to watch the group. 8:09pm BBT Marissa, Keisha and Ross discuss the format of the live show and what to expect. Metta borrows a pair of Ari's signature sunglasses. Ross is called to the DR. Metta is still in the hot tub talking to Marissa on the ledge. 8:11pm BBT Chuck,James, and Mark continue to workout in the gym. They talk about the Crossfit workouts. 8:25pm BBT Shannon heads to the gym to briefly speak with James. She tells him that she is running scenarios with people to save him, and then he would be an ally. James said that his game is to keep his word in whatever alliance he has. He denies any current alliances.
  20. 7:39pm BBT The BY is now open. Mark heads outside. In the GBR - Ross, Marissa, Brandi, Ari, and Shannon talk about eventually bringing Mark on board. They have all noticed how Keisha is talking to the guys one by one and they are starting to not trust her. 7:48pm BBT Marissa sits beside the hot tub where Metta is soaking. She said that the dynamic of the house would change if the HG were different, such as what if 50 Cent was a HG? 7:53pm BBT Marissa goes through her acting history with Metta in the BY (he's in hot tub) and how she was in "Stacked" with Pamela Anderson and Christopher Lloyd for 3 season, 3rd lead. Keisha and Chuck talk on the BY couch about how Keisha has the deciding vote and can't compete for next HOH. "it is what it is"
  21. 7:04pm BBT Shannon heads to the BR to put her makeup on and "get ready". Metta, Keisha, Mark, Chuck say how the production team is changing shifts. Mark said that his wife is a "latin chick" and has "great skin" and that she wanted to do something for herself/her money, and then the kids came and she feels she has a purpose - interrupted by WBRB. 7:10pm BBT In the KT, Keisha said she needs water to produce breast milk, but the water she gets has white stuff floating in it. She is going to ask for bottled water. They guys agree that they also have noticed this "stuff". 7:12pm BBT Ross and Shannon hug in the LBR and cement their alliance. Ross tells her that the girls will want them both out as well, so it's more important that they stick together. Ross tells her that it's not personal - it's just that she can beat them so she's a big threat. 7:14pm BBT Shannon primps in the BR. Brandi and Omarosa do the same in the BGR. Shannon comes into the GBR to borrow a facial product. 7:22pm BBT In the KT, Metta tells Mark how he worked with Jenny Garth in "Eleventh Victim". It wasn't a lot of money, but he would do it again. Chuck said his 16y/o daughter was in "Accidentally in Love" playing Jenny Garth's daughter. She's currently in school, not as much interested in acting. 7:23pm BBT James, Mark and Chuck talk through the live show scenario. Mark explains how the OTEV comp works to Chuck. Mark asks Chuck if he's been crying...he says "a little bit". They want to break up the alliances so that they have a shot. 7:28pm BBT Omarosa, Shannon, Brandi, Marissa, and Keisha in the GBR. They want James out tomorrow, and then will try to get Metta out next Monday. Marissa says that they should stop spinning the "what ifs" until they know who is in power next. They agree.
  22. 6:32pm BBT The ad lib game being played in the KT is starting to turn naughty. Keisha comes down from HOH and joins so that all HG are now present. Omarosa shut down one of the rounds by saying the "m" word. (moist) 6:40pm BBT The game ends and the HG disperse. Ross gets in bed because he's cold. Shannon lets him try her meal while they talk in the LBR. Ross tells her that being in the house feels normal, not as if they're playing a game as he has watched in past seasons. 6:43pm BBT Ross, Omarosa and Shannon speculate what will happen Friday. Omarosa said that Keisha was told to vacate the HOH room. They talk about how rest is important and they should get to sleep early. 6:47pm BBT Ross tells Shannon in the LBR that their alliance has her back. They go through the numbers and various scenarios about votes. She's worried for Chuck to win HOH, and that he thinks that the games are regulated, but can be manipulated by production. 6:49pm BBT Omarosa, Marissa, and Brandi talk fashion and beauty in the GBR, and what they will wear for evictions. Omarosa wants her legs to look long in the chair. They have renamed the speakeasy bedroom to the FIFI room. 6:52pm BBT Brandi tell Omarosa and Marissa that she remembers Charades, but is pretending like she doesn't. She only remembers the beginning of the discussion with Chuck and James. They remind her that she was still wearing her heels and knee pads. 7:00pm BBT Omarosa replays the Chuck/James scene for Brandi, and that she and Marissa can't wait to play it back when they get home. Ross and continue to talk in the LBR and how they hope and pray that one of them wins the next comp.
  23. 6:05pm BBT Ross, Marissa, Ari, Brandi, Shannon at kitchen table playing game where they go in the circle telling a story with each saying a word. Chuck, Mark, James in the KT. Keisha and Omarosa straightening O's hair in the BR. 6:14pm BBT In HOH BR, Keisha and Omarosa discuss how attached Ari is to Chuck, and that the men are concerned. Keisha tells Omarosa that Brandi only comes upstairs to "blow her toilet". They suspect Brandi's drunkness was an act to say what she needed to say, but under the guise of booze. 6:17pm BBT Omarosa and Keisha continue hair straightening in the HOH. Keisha said they'll be getting up at 8am, so she'll be getting her things together and shower to be ready. 6:23pm BBT Back from WBRB, the HG continue to play the word game going around the KT table. Metta joins them after his workout. 6:27pm BBT Omarosa joins the other HB at the KT table, carrying her bible. Keisha is primping up in the HOH BR. The game is similar to ad libs.
  24. 12:15pm BBT HG are out of HOH lockdown. BB tells them to come down and sit around the table. Apparently BB cleaned while they were in ILD, but Ross is looking around for clues. Marissa, James and Ross make a massage train and work on each others shoulders. 12:20pm BBT The HG wait for Omarosa in the KT before beginning a house meeting. Keisha reads: "HG, in speakeasy lounge, adjacent to the BR, you will now find a social media station for your enjoyment. This social media station allows you to type messages of 280 characters or fewer to your fans outside the house. Your msgs, once approved, will be sent to your social media teams to be used on your social media channels. This is a one way communication tool. You will not have access to the internet. You will not see replies from your fans. To create a message, select your name from the drop down menu, write your msg in the space provided, hit send. Once you hit send, your msg will not be retrievable. No one, including yourself, will be able to see what you have typed - as long as you press send." 12:27pm BBT In SEL, James is nominated to tweet first since he has the most followers. He is typing in each of their Twitter names + #BBCELEB, and then submits. Feeds go to WBRB. 12:38pm BBT Back from WBRB, Ari is fixing Brandi's extensions. Brandi says "it's ok, it's just fake hair". Chuck, Shannon, James are laughing in KT. 12:45pm BBT Shannon is sending tweet in SEL. The other HG are in KT discussing what they will wear for the live show. Omarosa talks about how her husband "the pastor" has more shoes and clothes than she does, and that he's an impeccable dresser.



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