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Posts posted by roachie

  1. 08:02PM BBT Sam reassures Rachel and Tyler that she was tripping out earlier, but all is well now.


    08:17PM BBT The feeds are currently on fish "We'll Be Right Back"


    08:20PM BBT Fessy tells Scottie that he has no target, the way things have shaken out.  He asks Scottie for advice if he were to win HOH.  He says he'd finish off the bros.


    08:21PM BBT Brett and Winston play pool while Tyler and Rockstar are on the BY couches.  RS says that she wants to go talk with Scottie.


    08:23PM BBT Rockstar says that maybe "the doctor" is just f'ing with everyone.  Tyler thinks that she means Winston, but she is referring to the Diary Room/Production.


    08:24PM BBT Winston tells Brett that if he has the power and hasn't told him, that he will totally freak out.


    08:24PM BBT Scottie tells Fessy that he thinks that both of the bros come from and have a lot of money.  RS enters the HOHR to discuss the house paranoia.


    08:28PM BBT Kaitlyn is in the PBR bed with Tyler, Brett and WInston talking with her. Kaitlyn asks Brett if he has the power....he answers yet again that he does not.


    08:30PM BBT Fessy tells Scottie he doesn't understand how one of the bros could possibly have the power, as they have only taken off their shirts with no game play.



  2. 07:30PM BBT Sam goes down the list of HG and surmises each persons' upbringing and character.


    07:32PM BBT Scottie and Angela are swinging on the hammock.


    07:34PM BBT Sam asks Brett what Winston provided him in their partnership, and who will take that place if Winston leaves?  She says that they're gravitating towards each other, so wants to make sure they're on the same page.


    07:37PM BBT Sam tells Brett that he needs to reach out and show Scottie his softer side because he's coming off as a shark.


    07:40PM BBT Angela and Sam are both on slop this week, so he tells Angela that they should be ok since they both make slop concoctions.


    07:43PM BBT Sam asks that Brett go down and send Rockstar and Haleigh up next.


    07:45PM BBT Sam explains to RS and Haleigh that she freaked out thinking that she was going to get backdoored.  She explains to them that she is motivated to stay.


    07:46PM BBT Rockstar said that they've talked through scenarios of if Brett has a power.  They feel that Sam would be safe in any situation.


    07:49PM BBT Fessy and Kaitlyn join in with Sam, RS, and Haleigh in the HOHR.  Rockstar tells Sam that her being a robot during that time sheltered her from this exposure until now, but that the other HG have had these feelings from the beginning.


    07:51PM BBT They asked Sam where these thoughts came from, and she hinted that it's from production in the DR.  They all agreed that it happens when the house is boring, asking leading provoking questions.


    07:52PM BBT Brett and Tyler talk on the BY couches.  They both agree that something big and spiritual is going on.  Tyler tells him that he needs Brett to stay.


    07:54PM BBT Brett says that people freak out when they don't have control of a situation, even the illusion of control.


    07:55PM BBT It appears as though RS, Haleigh, Fessy and Kaitlyn have talked Sam down off the ledge and that she's more comfortable now.  


    07:56PM BBT RS is practicing her goodbye speech for Brett. 



  3. 07:01PM BBT In the HOHR, JC tells Haleigh and Scottie that Kaitlyn is acting weird.  They are speculating if it's because the bros are up and she's invested in them.


    07:02PM BBT Haleigh asks if they've heard any talk about the veto.  Scottie says "well, I'm the one that would use it, and that ain't gonna happen".   Sam comes into the HOHR asking to talk with Scottie.


    07:04PM BBT In the HOHR, Sam asks Scottie what he's about to do. "tell me the truth".  She's asking if Scottie is going to take one of them down and put her up.  He promises that he is not.


    07:05PM BBT Sam said she wanted to make sure Scottie was ok, and was checking on him.  She says that if he feels that she's ignoring him, then it's not intentional - she's not mad.


    07:07PM BBT Brett and Angela are playing pool in the BY while Rachel and Winston are talking with them.


    07:09PM BBT Scottie tells Sam that he fought hard for the veto so that he would NOT have to put Sam up.


    07:11PM BBT Scottie tells that the only chatter in the house is that Kaitlyn is freaking out about him possibly backdooring her.


    07:12PM BBT Scottie says that the only way that Kaitlyn will go up this week is if Brett has the power to take himself down.


    07:15PM BBT Sam tells Scottie that she thinks he has the power app.  He tells her that he doesn't, but wishes that he did.  That way he would know that there are only 2 other powers out there.


    07:16PM BBT Sam asks Scottie if she can use his room to talk with Brent alone.  He says yes, he'll go get him for her.


    07:18PM BBT Kaitlyn, Rockstar and Haleigh are in the WR area taking makeup off/doing hair.  Brett makes his way into the HOHR with Sam.


    07:19PM BBT Sam asks Brett for the "real plan" going forward.  She is trying to understand why Kaitlyn is campaigning for Brett to stay. He seems a little frazzled to be grilled by her.


    07:22PM BBT Brett reassures Sam that he does NOT have the power, but she continues to press. She asks if she's one that he'd work with going forward if he were to stay.


    07:23PM BBT Sam explains her new motivation to stay in the house, is to see that the best person win - someone that's a good person that will do good with the "tool" (money).


    07:26PM BBT Sam lists her assets (ROTH IRA, stocks, cars, etc.) and says that she doesn't need money, but it's just a tool.  She doesn't see Brett as someone who would take the money and take up a nasty drug habit.


    07:28PM BBT Tyler and Kaitlyn whisper in the PBR, trying to figure out where things are in the house.  Tyler tells her that he doesn't know, that he's not a party to things this week.

  4. 12:02PM BBT Brett is sitting on the weight machine while Scottie, Fessy and Tyler jog laps around the yard.


    12:04PM BBT In the kitchen, Angela, Sam, Kaycee, Bay, and Rachel talk about how much they enjoyed their meditation.


    12:05PM BBT In the storage room, Winston gets a feel from JC where everyone else in the house is leaning.   He said he'll know more Tuesday/Wednesday.


    12:06PM BBT Rockstar and Kaitlyn are huddled over in the yard, and then joined by Bay.  Rockstar says that Rachel is coming around them more and more.


    12:08PM BBT Kaitlyn appears to try to talk Rockstar into keeping Brett, although she said that he pitched that she (Rockstar) be put up, so she's not sure.


    12:10PM BBT Rockstar and Kaitlyn are at odds as to who is the bigger threat.  Rockstar rhymed "Brett is a threat".  


    12:13PM BBT Sam is showering while Haleigh curls her hair in the WR area.


    12:14PM BBT Kaitlyn and Rockstar decide to go lay out in the sun, so head inside to change.


    12:16PM BBT Fessy told Tyler and Scottie that "it's hard to keep up with you skinny boys", referring to the jogging around the yard that they just did.


    12:22PM BBT Fessy and Scotty talk in the backyard about their sports days and talk from their coaches.


    12:26PM BBT Haleigh is prepping her looks for her punishment because they'll show more of her on tv from the start of it - more so than the following couple of days.


    12:27PM BBT Sam and Rockstar are applying sunscreen - they finally found some lower SPF lotion.


    12:29PM BBT Rockstar said that she weighs around 140, and that she was 160 when she first came in the house.  Then she says 145 or 150.  She prefers to be around 135, where she has a slim stomach and still has a backside.


    12:31PM BBT Haleigh said that her favorite weight is 130.


    12:34PM BBT The girls in the bathroom compare tattoos stretch marks on their bodies.  (Sam/Rockstar/Haleigh)


    12:35PM BBT Brett and Bay are sitting in the grass in the backyard.  She doesn't expect for them to campaign against each other, but wants to spend time with them to make her decision.


    12:37PM BBT Brett said he was blindsided by being put up.  Bay asks him if he has a power - he tells her that no, he doesn't.  She tries to guess who might have it.


    12:39PM BBT Bay hopes that there is a Battle Back this season.  She said she watched the first episode of BB a month before entering the house.  Brett said that they have about the same amount of BB knowledge.


    12:42PM BBT Brett explains to Bay how double evictions work.


    12:42PM BBT Rachel is cleaning up around the house, as she picked up the hair out of the shower drain.


    12:44PM BBT Bay hopes that she is putting out her authentic self on the show for viewers to get to know.


    12:52PM BBT Bay continues to talk to Brett in the backyard.  They agree that their gym time is their own time and don't like to share it.


    12:54PM BBT Tyler and Winston are standing in the pool while Kaitlyn floats around them.


    12:54PM BBT Brett says that he spends more time at the gym than in his apartment and that it has better amenities.


    12:56PM BBT Rachel is speedwalking around the backyard.





  5. 08:01PM BBT Rockstar thinks that Sam will vote for Winston to stay.


    08:03PM BBT In the kitchen, Rachel was yelling like an auctioneer.  Bayleigh goes up to the HOHR and continues.


    08:10PM BBT Haleigh talks about the three bars in her home town: Sawdust Saloon, Dixie Dance Hall and Whiskey River.


    08:12PM BBT Haleigh said that her mom was a big Eminem fan, so that was her first CD that she burned herself.  Then she realized that there were more out there like that and moved on to 50 Cent.


    08:14PM BBT Haleigh says that her aunt had a grill on both her upper and lower teeth and was ghe---tto.


    08:15PM BBT Winston and Winston are left at the kitchen table drinking coffee while Sam cleans the kitchen with Kaycee.  Rachel walks through.


    08:17PM BBT Bay, Kaycee, Rockstar, Rachel, Scottie, Haleigh, Angela and Rockstar are now all in the HOHR.


    08:19PM BBT Bay said that she worked Kevin Hart's stand up tour called "What Now".  She explains that "they had pretty girls just stand around and answer questions".  


    08:21PM BBT Winston and Brett are now whispering in the storage room.  Same convo, different room.


    08:25PM BBT Scottie is surrounded by the females of the house asking him what he wants in a woman.


    08:38PM BBT Fessy has been laying on the couch.  Winston and Brett have moved their whispering session back to the lounge.


    08:40PM BBT Winston tell Brett that "presentation is key"....


    08:42PM BBT Fessy joins Scottie's harem up in the HOHR and they direct their women preferences questions to him.  "Do you like dark or light hair?", etc.


    08:43PM BBT Fessy says that he likes a butt that's in proportion with the legs.  "so not like a Kardashian?"  he answers "nobody likes that".


    08:45PM BBT Kaitlyn and Tyler are huddled up whispering on the couch outside the HOHR.  


    08:46PM BBT Tyler says that he wants to vote with the house because he's got an equal relationship with both of them.  


    08:47PM BBT Kaitlyn says that she will stay with Tyler because she only wants to be with him.  She then goes to poke her head into the HOHR room because of the laughing come from there.


    08:48PM BBT Tyler and Kaitlyn join the bed talk in the HOHR.  Basically a "would you rather" game based on dating preference questions.  Mostly R/X rated ones.  


    08:55PM BBT Sam organizes the kitchen, putting the dried foods into canisters.


    08:56PM BBT Brett and Winston continue to rehash their plan/presentation in the lounge.


    08:57PM BBT Scottie goes into the storage room after telling Sam that they're going to go on a scavenger hunt.  She replies "for real?" and looks confused.


    09:00PM BBT Sam fixes Rachel's hair in the kitchen saying she couldn't French braid her own hair so used a clip, and then made it "her thing when she worked at Cracker Barrel"

  6. 07:31PM BBT It's down to Brett and WInston in the lounge now and they are whispering fast.  They feel confident with the plan to talk Scottie into backdooring everyone.  They argue about which one of them is the bigger genius.


    07:36PM BBT Haleigh is up in the HOHR listening to music (Nirvana)


    07:37PM BBT Haleigh is playful with Scottie up in the HOHR bed.  Apparently he gets to go to Greece for vacation.  She sees his scraped knees where he dropped down to not spill from the cups in the veto comp.


    07:42PM BBT Bayleigh tells the other HG around the kitchen table about her vision board.  Rachel, Kaitlyn, Angela, Tyler, Winston, Sam, Brett and Kaycee are eating dinner.


    07:44PM BBT Haleigh said she memorized the first 85 digits of Pi in school and started reciting what she still remembers.


    07:46PM BBT Scottie notices that his nail polish is all chipped.


    07:48PM BBT Winston apologized to Scottie after the comp. Haleigh jokingly says "of course he did..."


    07:55PM BBT Rockstar joins Scottie and Haleigh upstairs.  They still believe that Winston is a doctor.  Haleigh says that if there's somehow a power to save the bros, that she wants to win HOH and put them back up next week "this time with more enthusiasm".


    07:57PM BBT Baleigh and Rachel dance in the kitchen


    07:58PM BBT Haleigh goes through the numbers to get Brett out, and that she's going to work on Kaitlyn as well for the 6th person.


  7. 07:05PM BBT Kaycee and Rachel talk in the storage room "it sucks, but we need to just move on", and then they run through the numbers left on their side.


    07:06PM BBT Rachel tells Kaycee that Kaitlyn is all about getting the boys out now, and it's all about the girls.


    07:11PM BBT Sam fixes dinner while some of the others eat. Rachel sturdies the memory wall.  Scottie, Haleigh and Tyler are ulaying around in the HOHR.


    07:14PM BBT Fessy goes into the PBR and asks JC and Rockstar who they think the hottest player ever in BB history.  They agree that it's Cody (of Derek's season).


    07:17PM BBT JC talks about Clay, who was in a showmance with an older girl with big teeth.  [Shelli}


    07:20PM BBT Brett and Kaycee are whispering in the lounge. 11 people voting, he needs 6 to win.


    07:23PM BBT Angela joins Brett and Kaycee. Brett says that he'd get Rockstar out and then backdoor Fessy next.


    07:26PM BBT Brett says that he needs to talk to Scottie and at least try to get him to use the veto.


    07:28PM BBT Winston comes into the lounge where Brett continues to talk about getting to Scottie about a backdooring opportunity.


    07:29PM BBT Rachel is upstairs with Scottie.  He doesn't want to go downstairs.  They are talking about Scary Movie 2.



  8. 01:03PM BBT Bayleigh tells Rockstar, Haleigh, Kaycee and Scottie in the kitchen about how good it is to laugh, and tells a story of her parents being at the symphony and laughing inappropriately.  


    01:07PM BBT Tyler and Kaitlyn continue to talk in the PBR about how much they appreciate each other.  She picks at something on his neck.


    01:17PM BBT Kaycee and Bayleigh talk about candies in the lounge.


    01:18PM BBT Bayleigh asks Kaycee what her dealbreakers are for friendship or dating.  Kaycee says she's looking for realness.


    01:24PM BBT Sam, Brett and Angela are in the bathroom lounge laughing about funny cures for hiccups.


    01:38PM BBT Sam walks into the PBR and Haleigh tells her that she looks pretty. They start talking game when Winston comes in to sit and the conversation turns to nail polish.


    01:40PM BBT The HG are trying to figure out when the veto comp will start since they were waken up so early.


    01:41PM BBT Haleigh said she's ready to be 38 years old and drinking wine with her husband, when she'll be SET.


    01:44PM BBT Haleigh and Kaitlyn tell Winston that  he presents himself as unavailable, and if he feels at the bottom of the totem pole, that he put himself there.


    01:46PM BBT Bayleigh and Kaycee continue to talk about life in the Jenga lounge.


    01:48PM BBT Haleigh and Kaitlyn show each other the face that they were prepared to make if they saw their picture during the nomination ceremony.  Haleigh would smile because it was coming from Scottie.


    01:49PM BBT The have nots are discussing what they're going to eat tonight.  Eggs, bacon, apple, BLT, PBJ, etc. - all being thrown out there.


    01:50PM BBT They're all ready for the POV comp to start and are bored.  Kaitlyn asks if she can put her BB experience on her resume.


    01:59PM BBT Kaitlyn starts to meditate and walks JC through it, telling him to think of all that he's grateful for.

  9. 12:06PM BBT  Rachel and Kaitlyn are kissing on JC in the HOHR bed and he says "stop with the kissing - I don't know where your mouth has been in this house".  Fessy says "he loves it", and JC says "I'm not loving it - I'm going to start grabbing titties, and then they'll be like ahh ahh I'm being raped, hashtag me too!"  The girls school him on not joking about that.




    12:28PM BBT Production tells the HG "NO NAPPING"


    12:29PM BBT Brett and Winston play Jenga in the lounge.


    12:31PM BBT Sam is curling her hair in the washroom with Brett, Kaycee and Angela.  They're practicing word spelling so the veto must be forming the words.


    12:33PM BBT Kaitlyn is holding court in the kitchen with Tyler, Bayleigh, Rockstar and Haleigh telling stories of dating life while in the sorority.


    12:34PM BBT Winston also joins Sam and Brett in the bathroom area practicing words with 10 letters with lots of consonants because there are more of those than vowels.


    12:37PM BBT Fessy is called out by production for napping.


    12:39PM BBT Bayleigh is joking that they'll probably dress her up in a hot dog as the veto comp leader.


    12:43PM BBT Winston compliments Angela on her outfit and she says "this? it's so simple".  "that's why I like it".  


    12:45PM BBT In the kitchen, Tyler is complimenting Kaitlyn on being photogenic as she stands next to the memory wall pic of herself.


    12:49PM BBT Angela tells Brett, Winston and Sam that she's scared for their side.  Brett pretends to read the bible from the side of the bottle he's holding.


    12:51PM BBT Tyler and Kaitlyn go into the PBR bed and stare at each other, reassuring each other that they'll be ok.


    12:55PM BBT Kaitlyn tells Tyler that she hopes he wins HOH next.  She also hopes that a girl wins this season of BB.  He says "I don't"


    12:58PM BBT Kaitlyn tells Tyler that if it's between her and someone else that he could win over, to pick that person.  She's says it's ok, it's a game.



  10. 08:29PM BBT Fessy is talking to the bros about someone famous at his college where they'd have to move his dorm room over and over because people would ask for autographs.


    08:30PM BBT Rockstar tells Bayleigh and Haleigh that she feels Brett needs to go because he has charisma.


    08:31PM BBT The girls in the PBR decide to put Winston up every week until he goes home.


    08:32PM BBT Sam comes into the PBR whistling and snapping her fingers.


    08:34PM BBT Bayleigh reads passages from the bible out loud while Rockstar listens.  Kaitlyn comes in with her face mask on and Tyler picks up his clothes in the adjoining room. (the sliding wall is open)


    08:41PM BBT Rockstar tells Sam that she had made up a story for JC and Haleigh where Sam was a beautiful girl in the forest with Swaggy fairies that flew around her saying POP POP POP, and they had to cross the village of the brokers (bros), and Racquel, a siren under a bridge that she'd have to cross.  That's as far as she got before JC fell asleep.


    08:42PM BBT Rachel, Kaitlyn, Kaycee and Angela all have face masks in the WR area while WInston and JC chat with them.


    08:44PM BBT Haleigh goes upstairs to talk with Scottie in the HOHR.  He tells her about Winston's outburst.


    08:47PM BBT Haleigh says that Winston has quite an agenda for this week and that he's going to be really busy. "What an idiot he is", she says.


    08:48PM BBT Rockstar joins them in the HOHR and Haleigh says that they shouldn't be up there together because it's getting noticed.  The bros told them that they're floaters kissing up to Scottie.


    08:49PM BBT Scottie compared last year's HG Paul to Brett, and that they're similar in their smoothness.


    08:51PM BBT Rockstar says that she really doesn't like Angela.


    08:52PM BBT Haleigh tells JC, WInston, Kaycee, Tyler and Rachel about her task.  She will be reading a play on a soapbox for a certain number of time a day until the book is finished.  


    08:56PM BBT Haleigh predicts that there may be a test based on the book readings.


    08:59PM BBT Rockstar says that no matter how many burpees Winston does, he still can't win a comp, and that he has no social game.


    09:00PM BBT Rockstar says that Brett got into Kaitlyn's ear that there were no sides, and that he's a mastermind that worked every lady in the house except her.

  11. 08:05PM BBT Rachel puts a mudd mask on her face and walks around.   They seem to all be doing their daily grooming activities.


    08:08PM BBT Kaycee, Angela, Tyler and Scottie are eating dinner while Sam continues to cook in the kitchen.


    08:09PM BBT Kaitlyn, Haleigh and Fessy talk about wrinkles in the BBR.  Fessy says that he's moving to LA, so thinks he needs to worry about them. 


    08:10PM BBT Haleigh says that she's getting her veneers put on as soon as she's out. They're made and ready to go.


    08:13PM BBT Kaitlyn talks to Joe on camera to get it together and says she told him that when she gets out of the house that she want to....and the feeds cut back to the kitchen.


    08:18PM BBT Kaitlyn and Haleigh start whispering in the PBR that Winston made a huge mistake.


    08:19PM BBT Bayleigh reads her bible back in her corner bed 


    08:21PM BBT Haleigh, Kaitlyn, Sam and Rockstar sing "What Does the Fox Say"


    08:22PM BBT The conversation in the kitchen is primarily the guys talking about how they like their steaks.


    08:23PM BBT Rockstar tells the girls that she thinks that Dr. Phil is hot.


    08:24PM BBT Rockstar moves back to Bayleigh's bed.  Haleigh turns in their direction and they start talking about names for the different alliances.


    08:26PM BBT Haleigh, Rockstar and Bayleigh are now in a F3 deal, but talk about including Kaitlyn.


    08:27PM BBT Haleigh said she wants to go up and continue to bond, and that she also loves Nirvana (his HOH music?), so it's a win win.

  12. 07:32PM BBT Scottie said that Winston really blew up and said that he was going to take himself off the block, put Scottie up next, make sure that everyone knows that he flipped both previous evictions and then send him home.


    07:33PM BBT Scottie, Haleigh and Rockstar are in the WR area brushing hair, teeth, etc.


    07:39PM BBT Rockstar tells Haleigh about the conversation she just had with Scottie about Winston's rage and Brett's coolness.  They agree that Brett should be the one to go because he's so smooth and a threat.


    07:41PM BBT Bayleigh leaves the HOHR and Scottie says to JC and Kaycee that it's awkward and has to separate the game.


    07:43PM BBT JC tells Scottie that when he's not a HN, that he's going to come upstairs and snuggle him.


    07:47PM BBT Kaycee tells JC that she's confident about their side.


    07:49PM BBT JC believes that Brett and Angela will get in a showmance after Winston leaves.  "You don't have to go to school to see that", he says.


    07:52PM BBT After spending 20 minute braiding her hair, Haleigh takes it all out and changes her clothes.  Brett and Winston shower.



  13. 07:01PM BBT In the HOHR, Rockstar, Scottie, Tyler and Fessy discuss the history of the season and study the powers.


    07:02PM BBT Rachel and Winston talk in the washroom lounge.  He tells her that Kaitlyn will go up if he or Brett come down.


    07:04PM BBT In the kitchen, Haleigh is talking with an English accent that sounds more Australian.  


    07:05PM BBT Winston tells Angela that he was blindsided, especially since Scottie voted for him to stay.  He said that he is done with Scottie, that they are no longer friends.


    07:07PM BBT Sam cooks dinner in the kitchen.  Sam and Rachel have cornrows.  Winston, Kaycee, JC, Kaitlyn and Bayleigh are also in the kitchen.  Rachel joins them as well.


    07:09PM BBT Fessy tells Scottie that being HOH is tough.  He, Rockstar, Scottie and Tyler talk about the HOH comps.


    07:12PM BBT Rockstar is looking forward to the veto that has the luxury items in it, but that's usually when there are about 10 HG left.


    07:13PM BBT Rockstar explains luxury veto comp to Fessy.  Kaitlyn comes into the HOH and says she made garlic bread.


    07:14PM BBT Fessy tells Kaitlyn that it's so weird that this was just her HOH room and now she's knocking before coming in.


    07:15PM BBT In the BBR, Angela, Rachel and Winston are in their workout gear.  Winston goes into the WR area and stretches a bit.


    07:17PM BBT Sam asks the other HG the doneness they want their meat prepared.


    07:18PM BBT Brett leads Haleigh, Angela and Winston in jumping jacks.


    07:19PM BBT JC goes up to join Kaitlyn, Scottie, Rockstar, Tyler in the HOHR.  They are discussing the nomination ceremony and how Kaitlyn almost laughed when he turned the key.  Apparently his nom speech wasn't planned.


    07:24PM BBT If someone wins veto, Scottie tells the others in HOH that they can decide who comes down, that he doesn't care.  Kaitlyn and Kaycee come in with garlic bread to try.


    07:26PM BBT Bayleigh and Fessy talk in the WR area. Bayleigh wants Fessy safe because he's her only protection in the house.


    07:30PM BBT  In the HOHR, it's down to Scottie, Bayleigh and Kaycee. He explains Winston tells him that there's now a line in the sand after he put him up.  

  14. 08:32PM BBT Haleigh says that ultimately they'll do what Kaitlyn wants, as HOH.


    08:35PM BBT Haleigh and Tyler say that Rockstar had a plan about how everything would go in the house, but it's unraveling and she's all over the place.


    08:38PM BBT Bayleigh and Swaggy continue to get to know each other in the PBR, asking questions about each other, their philosophies, goals, etc.  


    08:44PM BBT Swaggy says that if he doesn't leave, that they'll need to protect each other.  He rubs her legs as they talk through the votes.  She tells him that he should ask Sam to use the power on him.


    08:47PM BBT Bay tells Swaggy a secret about Angela, but she's too quiet to hear. (in between make outs)


    08:52PM BBT In the HOHR, Brett is now massaging Tyler's back.  Angela, Winston, Haleigh and Kaycee are also on the bed, while Fessy is laying on the couch listening to music.


    08:54PM BBT Brett says that when you're training someone, it's important to learn the muscles during massage so that you can feel their development.   He explains the cupping process.


    08:56PM BBT JC comes into the HOHR and jokes about Brett on top of Tyler. "hi Sasha - nice image".



  15. 08:09PM BBT The girls are talking to Fessy about a prostate exam because he joked that JC stuck his finger up Fessy's a$$.


    08:10PM BBT The feeds zoom in over Bay and Swaggy in the PBR back corner bed.  Swaggy tells her about a list of "100 things I want to do before I die".  He said that he reads "a lot a lot a lot"


    08:15PM BBT Swaggy said that JC was getting in trouble from production for singing too much, that he was jokingly told "you're the reason that we can't have nice things"


    08:16PM BBT Brett is now massaging Angela's back.  He uses Kait's oils dropped on them.  


    08:17PM BBT Bayleigh and Swaggy talk about where they want to go on vacation, and she asks if he has his passport.  He is going to get it.  


    08:20PM BBT Bay asks how Swaggy acts when he was sick.  "Like a b."


    08:23PM BBT Bayleigh continues to pick at Swaggy's face.  "I thought that being a dermatologist was going to be more rewarding".


    08:29PM BBT Swaggy asks Bay what she wants to be.  "A mommy and a wife".  He seems surprised and then they start making out.


    08:30PM BBT Haleigh lays on Tyler's stomach and they talk about how they'll explain her vote the rest so they won't be upset.  She tells him that Swaggy thinks he has the numbers.





  16. 07:30PM BBT JC talks with Kaitlyn in the HOH bathroom while she gets dressed.  She says that Tyler is going to do what Tyler is going to do, deflecting their closeness.


    07:31PM BBT Rachel tells Brett that had a dream but can't tell him about it because of its nature.


    07:32PM BBT JC said that Swaggy told him that he's got Sam's vote.  JC told him "a week ago, you were trying to get Sam out, why would you have her vote now?"  His answer was "she doesn't know that I was the one trying to get her out".  Another eye roll from JC.


    07:33PM BBT Apparently Swaggy is convinced that Kaitlyn has changed her mind about voting him out.  She told JC that she'll let him think that, but that he knows why she's voting him out.


    07:34PM BBT Kaitlyn told JC that the other HG continue to try and make her feel bad for a decision that she's already made.  She says that she hopes he wins tomorrow.  He tells her that no matter what, she's safe. 


    07:36PM BBT Kaitlyn is trying on her outfit for tomorrow night to make sure it looks perfect, but wants to look like she's not trying too hard.


    07:37PM BBT Kaycee and Tyler are playing foosball while Rachel and Winston are on the chairs beside them.  Kaitlyn lets Winston back in the HOHR.


    07:39PM BBT Angela comes into the HOHR and tells Kaitlyn that she's there for their one on one.  Kaitlyn tells her that they don't need it.  Haleigh comes in as well and they are hanging out on the bed while Kaitlyn continues to change.


    07:42PM BBT Kaitlyn and Angela talk about hair as Haleigh  brushes her wet hair. 


    07:44PM BBT Fessy comes into the HOHR looking for his jug and Kaitlyn asks him to stay and hang out.  Fessy laughs because he thought that Kaitlyn's mascara was a vibrator since it was next to her birth control.


    07:46PM BBT Kaitlyn asks Fessy about his college and why he went to Chattanooga.  He got a full scholarship and a bachelors.  Major: Psych, Minor: Communications.  He said he's done nothing with his majors.


    07:52PM BBT Tyler joins Angela, Brett, Winston, and Kaitlyn in the HOHR saying "Kaycee always beats me" after playing foosball.


    07:53PM BBT Kaycee massages Rachel's legs on the hall couch, while Haleigh and Sam sit down with them.  Brett massages Kaitlyn's back in the HOHR.


    07:58PM BBT While being massaged by Brett, Kaitlyn asks if he can feel a lot of fat on her back.





  17. 07:01PM BBT In the PBR, Bay teases Swaggy that he was reckless.  


    07:03PM BBT Feeds are on fish, WBRB message.


    07:04PM BBT Bayleigh told Swaggy that one of the girls said that "Swaggy's career is just starting, he'll be fine". 


    07:06PM BBT Fessy and Rockstar are playing Jenga in the lounge.  If Rockstar wins HOH comp, she's looking forward to seeing a pic of Chris.  She describes him as a rocker with Irish features.


    07:07PM BBT Rockstar said that Chris has not watched BB before and wasn't excited about her being on the show.  Fessy wonders if his mom got the live feed.


    07:08PM BBT Haleigh and JC talk in the storage room and we catch the end of the game talk while JC brings toilet paper into the house.


    07:10PM BBT Sam tells Haleigh in the BBR that "at least we're not dead" as a pep talk.  Haleigh announces that she's lost her panties.


    07:12PM BBT Sam explains the expression "cooped up" to JC because they're locked in the house and she used that saying.


    07:13PM BBT JC is asking Sam a question and she says that she can't talk about it or she'll get penalty evicted. He rolls his eyes.




    07:14PM BBT Bayleigh and Swaggy talk about their vision board and that she wants a Maltypoo.


    07:22PM BBT Up in the HOHR, Rachel talks to Winston, who is listening to music.  She said she was cornered in the room between Swaggy and Rockstar in the BBR, while they were freaking out about their alliance breaking up.


    07:23PM BBT Winston said that Scottie told Kait that he heard from he and Brett that Rockstar and Haleigh flipped the votes last week to evict Steve.


    07:24PM BBT Bayleigh, Rockstar, Fessy will try to win HOH, according to Rachel. They don't feel that Rockstar or Fessy will last in an endurance comp.


    07:26PM BBT Rachel says that Scottie winning is worst case scenario for her game.  Fessy is called to the DR.


    07:28PM BBT  Sam applies her makeup in the bathroom mirror, while Brett and Rachel hang out in the lounge.  Angela is in the shower.



  18. 08:32PM BBT Playing pool, Winston and Fessy hope that the HOH comp is better than last week where anybody could randomly win.  They think it will be endurance comp.


    08:34PM BBT In the kitchen, Sam continues to make slop meals.  Tyler and Angela go into the lounge to play Heartbreak Jenga.  Kaycee is in there as well, stacking up the blocks.


    08:39PM BBT Angela and Tyler are laughing pretty hard about how they'd throw pillows at those that snore, and they hope they show a compilation of all of the throws.


    08:41PM BBT Tyler, Angela and Kaycee talk about how Kaitlyn has attached herself to Tyler and that it's awkward.  He said that she needs to see him more as a brother, and speculate about her boyfriend being upset.


    08:46PM BBT Rachel, JC and Brett continue talking in the hammock about how perfect this past week has gone.  JC says that Kaitlyn feels that she made a mistake.  Brett said "it's already done", and Fessy looked over - Brett wishes that he didn't say it that loud.


    08:48PM BBT Rachel said that Swaggy won't talk to her.  She asked him if he was ok, and he said yeah that they'd talk later, but never spoke to her again.


    08:51PM BBT Brett said that Haleigh is bipolar with him - she can ask like his best friend one minute and then not talk to him the next.


    08:52PM BBT Kaycee, Tyler and Angela go through the votes in the Jenga room once again.


    08:53PM BBT Tyler says that if he's HOH, he'll put Fessy up because "he needs to go"


    08:54PM BBT Haleigh brings out some slop spaghetti and meatballs out for Rachel and Brett to try.  Fessy and Rockstar are eating  it on the outdoor couch while Scottie sits with them.


    08:59PM BBT Rockstar asks Scottie about his vote. "We gotta keep Swaggy, right?"  Fessy said that he won't vote against Swaggy even if they don't have the votes.  Rockstar said she has her suspicions on who voted Steve out.

  19. 08:00PM BBT Rockstar says that Swaggy was sad all day yesterday and was curled up in his bed.  Swaggy and Bayleigh are off cuddling in another room now.  Winston and Brett are chatting in the storage room.


    08:01PM BBT Winston and Brett agree that Scottie is a genius and an idiot at the same time, and that he's painting himself as a target "little buddy".


    08:05PM BBT Kait, Angela, Rachel, and JC continue to play pong on the pool table.


    08:06PM BBT Sam is making headway with the noodles and is going to fry up the slopballs.


    08:08PM BBT Brett is in the hammock while Winston sits beside it, eating slop.  They are quiet, not talking.


    08:15PM BBT Sam's slop meal was a success.  Kaycee massages her shoulders after her hard work.


    08:20PM BBT Rachel joins Winston and Brett in the BY by the hammock.  Winston said that he is on the block, so not in a position to say anything political.


    08:22PM BBT Brett says that he is now a RINO to the others.  They agree to stay very quiet, but then Winston heads over to talk with Fessy.


    08:23PM BBT Brett tells Scottie to be careful because the hot tub turned his blue bathing suit pink and that his leg was a little burned in there.


    08:24PM BBT Fessy and Winston play pool.  JC hangs with Brett in the hammock, and Angela/Kaycee walk around the pool.


    08:25PM BBT Tyler joins the circling walk around the back yard, and then Rachel makes four.  JC and Brett talk through the votes for Thursday.


    08:27PM BBT Brett tells JC to just chill, don't talk game.  Fessy tells Winston that Swaggy has been sleeping all day.


    08:29PM BBT Winston talks about how Brett farted one night in the Jenga room and that 4 people walked in and then right back out, that it lasted all night.

  20. 07:34PM BBT Fessy, Brett and WInston finish up their sports talk in the hot tub. and get out.  Fessy is in the pool. 


    07:36PM BBT Sam is in the kitchen making up a slop dish and asks for assistance from Kaitlyn to line a pan.


    07:37PM BBT Sam tells them that she's making fake slop pasta and meatballs.


    07:39PM BBT Scottie is called to the DR.


    07:40PM BBT Sam said that she made a critical error with the "pasta" in that she needed to keep it rolled up while chilling, and then will cut it up.


    07:41PM BBT Fessy heads inside and straight back to the washroom area.


    07:44PM BBT While in the kitchen, Haleigh applies lotion to her face and upper body because she got sunburned.  Fessy and Winston are taking showers while Haleigh applies lotion to Brett's back.  It was overcast, so they didn't use enough sunscreen.


    07:46PM BBT Kaycee and JC line up cups on the pool table and play water pong.


    07:49PM BBT Tyler praises Sam's slop cooking abilities.  Tyler encourages Kaitlyn to come downstairs as she pokes her head out of the HOHR, referring to her as a princess.


    07:51PM BBT Fessy is now helping Sam in the kitchen while making a protein drink.


    07:53PM BBT Kaitlyn, Haleigh and Rachel are swinging in the hammock, wishing that there was beer, and that they are just about due for some alcohol.


    07:54PM BBT The girls agree that yesterday was the "longest day ever", and very dramatic - and yet they thought it was going to be way worse.


    07:56PM BBT Haleigh said that so far they've sent two guys home, so the women are strong.  (in hammock with Rach and Kait)


    07:57PM BBT Fessy tells Rockstar in the HN room that JC and Rachel may be Swaggy's best bet for him to stay.  Fessy believes that he can pull out this HOH and Rockstar said that she wants it as well.


    07:58PM BBT Rockstar tells Fessy that Tyler should be backdoored and that he shouldn't have the right to win the veto.

  21. 07:00PM BBT Rockstar is in the hot tub with JC, Tyler, Kaitlyn and Fessy around, horseplaying a bit.  Tyler jumps in to save somebody's mic, and the feeds go to fish.


    07:04PM BBT Brett and Winston are talking with Rockstar and Fessy about being right vs. left handed in sports, and how students were pushed to be right handed in school.


    07:08PM BBT Feeds are on fish, WBRB message.


    07:11PM BBT Scottie serves up a plate of slop.  Sam tells him and Kaycee that it's stressful being around all the food and in the kitchen - constantly eating.


    07:13PM BBT Sam said that she's so proud of Haleigh, that the kitchen is so nice and clean, so less ants.


    07:14PM BBT Rachel and JC play kick ball in the BY, it appears to be with a pool ball.


    07:15PM BBT Rockstar comes in the kitchen from the hot tub.  She then heads to the back washroom area.


    07:16PM BBT Fessy, Winston and Brett talk macho sports talk in the hot tub, mostly about playing while in school.


    07:17PM BBT Kaycee and Scottie are at the kitchen counter while Sam continues to clean.  Kaitlyn heads upstairs.


    07:19PM BBT Tyler, Angela, JC, and Rachel play soccer with a pool ball (or possibly a lemon?) in the BY.


    07:27PM BBT The four lemon playing HG form a line to high five each other and say "good game".  


    07:29PM BBT Kaycee, Rachel and Tyler play a game where they're catching a small ball with wine glasses.  Kaycee makes the first successful catch.  




  22. 08:35PM BBT Haleigh plays pool by herself.


    08:36PM BBT Bayleigh and Swaggy move out to the kitchen where Scottie is cooking and Tyler is taking out the trash.


    08:37PM BBT In the hammock, Rachel, Angela and JC continue to chat about how close Tyler and Kaitlyn are in the house.


    08:38PM BBT Winston is out of the shower and talking with Sam while Brett grooms in the mirror.  Swaggy moves around the house and then heads upstairs.


    08:40PM BBT Swaggy poked his head into the HOHR, but it was empty, so he sits on the couch by the foosball table.


    08:41PM BBT Swaggy whispers to himself on how to stay safe in the game while playing with a little red ball.


    08:42PM BBT Swaggy's whispers appear to be prayers.


    08:42PM BBT Angela tells JC and Rachel that when she's quiet and introspective, that people think that she's stuck up.


    08:43PM BBT Rachel said that the first people in the house that she didn't like were Swaggy and Rockstar, based on first impressions.


    08:44PM BBT Kaycee plays Haleigh a game of pool.  Not much conversing there.


    08:58PM BBT Rachel and Angela compare Brett and Winston and how Brett is always upstaging him with his jokes.  They agree that Winston changed after a couple of days in the house from sweet to unlikable. 

  23. 08:02PM BBT Kaitlyn said that she was called to the DR last night at 2:30, so is closing her eyes for a bit.  Haleigh lays next to her as if to nap as well.  Feeds go to fish.


    08:05PM BBT The HG are asked to lower the awnings, so they move their way around the BY.


    08:05PM BBT Rachel and Angela return to the hammock and get comfortable.  Angela says that it feels air conditioned outside. JC is told to stop singing as he is getting in his workout.


    08:07PM BBT The HG continue to sing, which prompts production to move to the fish feeds


    08:10PM BBT Rachel says that she misses the outside world because she's "literally" bored.  She then notes that JC is the cutest little human in the world.


    08:11PM BBT Fessy and Sam play pool, and once again we cut to fish.


    08:13PM BBT Swaggy and Bayleigh embrace in the PBR while she gets dressed, taking off her bra.


    08:14PM BBT Haleigh joins the others in the BY while Sam brings the sunset sky to Fessy's attention.


    08:15PM BBT Bay tells Swaggy how in shock she is at how emotional she is today, and how she can't believe he hasn't cried.  He says that he has been sad all day.


    08:16PM BBT Bay says that she doesn't even worry about her physical appearance, as she primps her hair.


    08:18PM BBT Swaggy talks to Bay, but it's difficult to understand because he's not enunciating during his sulking.


    08:21PM BBT Bay returns to picking at Swaggy's face as they lay in the PBR bed.


    08:25PM BBT In the hammock, JC, Angela and Rachel speculate if Kaitlyn will flip. They agree that she won't because she'll become an instant target.


    08:28PM BBT Production tells JC to reattach his mic, and he sasses back at them and then starts singing...back to fish.





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