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Posts posted by roachie

  1. Quick pre-live eviction feeds peek:

    DX, Claire, TIff and Hannah deciding what they'll do if there's a double eviction.  "put up Ky and SB because Ky would be safe".








    Christian's last ditch effort to change DX's mind.




    Brit lays down a blanket and takes a nap in hiding.






    Big D does Big D.




    Claire (not shown), Hannah and TIff help DX clean out the HOHR.








  2. 2:46PM BBT: Feeds are back with all cams on Christian campaigning to Tiff.  He is trying to convince her that he'll be her shield and that he'll fight for her.

    2:48PM BBT: Christian to Tiff - I gave Claire like nine arguments for me to stay and she could only give me one for SB to stay .  Tiff tells him that that she feels that she would like for him to stay, but needs time. She gives him pointers.




  3. 12:35PM BBT: The POV ceremony has commenced.  Brit has taken herself down from the block and DX has replaced her with Christian.  The house is now in turmoil.

    12:53PM BBT: Tiff and DX are talking through how SB was sobbing to Ky about how now she's up against Christian when that's what she was pushing for.  X, Alyssa, SB and Christian are commiserating in the BR.

    1:04PM BBT: X joins Christian and Alyssa up in the HNR, where they were in bed hugging. Alyssa repeats that it was SB behind this nom. Christian says they don't have the Queens and he's going home for sure. Alyssa tells him that they have the numbers and walks through them.

    1:07PM BBT: Christian and Alyssa are ready to start campaigning right now.  X tells him he's got his vote. Christian goes to get Brit to bring her to the HNR.  Alyssa tells X she knows about his 5...he says "what? what 5??" "the one with Frenchy".  Visible relief.

  4. 6:39PM BBT: More neon slime from the onlookers from the upper deck of the BB Floater ship hit the 9 HG as the tilt forward. They hold on for dear life in silence as they shiver away .


    6:44PM BBT: Hannah and Sarah Beth fall in the last  ship tilt.  They run off to the side to be wrapped in towels greeted by their fellow HG.  Now there are 4 HG on the sidelines with Christian.



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