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Posts posted by ShaunnaRenea

  1. I did say it was a joke, but so was Aaryns racist remarks.....everything is a joke to them, to say the things they do and brush it off as I was joking is lame..

    I agree. I just think there are some things you don't joke about. And this is certainly one of them. I'm not saying that I think CBS should pull him from the show or anything like that. I'm just saying that I find him disgusting. I hope they find a better cast next year. If we have another season like this, BBUS will probably not survive.

  2. i guess i am the opposite then

    i hate america in the game with regards to nomming hg's

    basically anything beside voting for the food the hg's eat

    amanda may annoy some or many but if the hg's dont have the guts to put her up i feel she should be safe :animated_bouncy:

    I agree! I miss the days when BB was just BB. I appreciate the fact that they try to spice it up to keep it from getting boring. However, I feel like they interfere with the integrity of the game.

    I remember her saying "They will be coaching all season!" and we saw how far that went.

    Good point! I forgot about that. haha

  3. I stepped away for a couple of hours and when I came back I was glad to see Howard laughing and playing volleyball with the ladies - everybody is having a good time and laughing - Amanda is tucked away in the house marinating some new nastiness


    One thing I will never understand about BB is why they don't give the HG's more entertaining things to do. Why not give them an actual volleyball and net? Why are pool and chess the only games they can play? I understand they want to give the HG's lots of time for talking strategy. But even the live feeders enjoy watching them have fun together sometimes.

  4. I think McCrea has a good shot of winning this whole game. I don't ever hear his name thrown out there as a possible target. Amanda's name gets thrown out often, but not McCrea's. In past seasons, it seems that I remember HG's would talk of evitcing either 1/2 of a showmance (Brendon OR Rachel, Jeff OR Jordan). With this showmance it seems all the focus is solely on Amanda not on Amanda OR McCrea.

  5. Say what you want about Spencer, this much is true: He is absolutely loyal to Howard and has been since the beginning (and Howard is = loyal to him) I respect that in this game


    Me too! I absolutely love when 2 players connect early on and stay loyal to one another. Especially when it's outside of a "showmance". I just wish Spencer and Howard could turn the votes and get Amanda out. I would like to see how far these two could go in the game.

  6. Ewwww!

    Jason was and will always be my favorite male player. The season with Jason and Danielle will always be my favorite BB season. I just loved them and the game play...perfection! Would have been perfection for Danielle if they didn't use her DRs.

    Ginger, BB3 was my first season of BB. I LOVED Jason and Danielle. They had such a strong alliance with one another. They worked together so well and did so without anyone picking up on it. I will always say that if the HG's had been sequestered back then, Dani would've won BB3.

  7. Helen Helen Helen where do we start???????? I was a Helen fan then she won HOH and from that moment on I do not think this woman has shut up. I was laughing so hard last night when she assumed it was Elissa that told Candice about her deal with Aaryn. She only told everyone in the house so it must be Elissa who else would tell her?????????? Really Helen. if she was as smart as she would like to think she is they would vote out Amanda this week and keep Howard. Howard should go and make a deal with her like Aaryn did hell it worked last week and if you tell Helen she would be in charge of your HOH that's a ticket to stay.


    Helen called and tried to make a deal with me but I was out.......she did leave a message, though......she told me every thought in her head which she's already told everyone else in the house...... but she asked me to keep it all a secret (of course).

    Then she left tips on how I could become a better person by never lying or deceiving people.....she knows that because SHE is a MOM (just in case you didn't know by now) and MOM's know EVERYTHING!


  8. I so agree! She's playing the game! It makes no sense to me for viewers to want to evict the players, and keep the floaters/do nothings in.

    Her cursing and name calling do not bother me either. I've seen some people call her a bully, which I don't agree with. She is bold, crude, and somewhat intimidating...hardly a bully tho. Maybe I have a different opinion on what a bully is...people throw that word out too casually these days, imo. I thought Evel Dick was a lot more brazen with all his cursing and intimidating tactics...the way he talked about Jen was disgusting. I didn't like him for it, but I will never fault him for using his intimidation tactics and for playing hard in the game. I recall him using the "C" word repeatedly and even recall something about wanting to physically assault her (was it rape?)...yet for some reason a lot of the posters here and on CBS chat, that are calling Amanda out on her swearing, loved ED...enjoyed his behavior, and give him a pass. I don't get that logic....only thing I can think of is that it's a tactic viewers/posters use in order to sway others into rooting for their favorite.

    I'm guilty of this. I was/am an Evel Dick fan. I do think he went overboard with the Jen stuff, but I hated her so much that I overlooked a lot of it. I thought most of the tactics he pulled were ingenius. On the other hand other mean players throughout the season have really been a turnoff for me. I can't explain it. It doesn't make logical sense. But at least I know it doesn't make sense. lol

    As John Wooden said, “The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching.”

    Or in the case of the HGs, when they forget that EVERYONE is watching.

    WEIRD - That is the 2nd time today I've seen this quote. I saw it here and someone also had it posted up at work. WEIRD. Is the universe trying to tell me something? LOL

    I watch because I am fascinated by human behavior. Big Brother is a study in how far some people will go for money, and what part of their inner selves they will divulge in their quest for it. To what extent will they stab others in the back, lie to them and manipulate them?

    Personally, I could never live in such a situation for any amount of money. To me it would be like being in prison, and probably even worse because just about every aspect of their lives is being exposed to the public 24/7. They're also exposing their loved ones to humiliation and scrutiny. How does one sign up for something like that?

    It would be interesting to survey past HGs to find out how many regret doing the show, and how their families and friends feel about it and how it impacted THEIR lives.

    A good number of the former houseguests have gained a relative amount of fame from the show. I think quite a few of them supplement their income with their blogs and online internet shows about BB (Jun, Evel Dick, Rachel, Janelle). I bet most do not regret the experience.

  9. Watching last night BBAD. It just started with Amanda and McCrea taking a bubble bath together in the HOH. The keep coming up to kiss from time to time. Their kissing is gross and awkward. I do not see any real chemistry between them at all. I think I'll go vomit now. LOL

  10. She said she wasn't saying it in a racist way - she was just pointing it out as a demographic group - her words not mine. She has a good point. The way she said it was that America sees how badly Howard and Candice was treated by - for example - Aaryn. Then, ALL minorities would be upset and elect Howard as MVP to set her straight. I thought she made a lot of sense.

    I too can understand her rationale. I'm not sure that it's accurate, but I understand why she thinks that is the case.

  11. It's not "backdooring" when the intended target gets put up on the block initially and gets to play for pov. "Backdooring" is when the intended target has no chance of winning or saving himself...he is not put up initially and gets placed on the block after the pov comp and ceremony

    Was this directed to me? Was there something in my post that made you think I don't know what backdooring is? #confused

  12. At this point, he is a key member in the following alliances, and everyone trusts him:

    Goof Troop (McManda, Andy)

    Knockouts (Goof Troop, Elissa, Helen)

    Grasshoppers (GM, Kaitlin, Howard, Spencer)

    F4 - Howard, Spencer, Andy

    F2 - Jessie

    F2 - GM

    F5 - Jessie, Aaryn, and he suggested they add 2 more people (happened yesterday)

    On the live feeds, he brings up Candice's name every now and then. Which would make sense because that is the only person in the house he is not in an alliance with.

    He is in the best position of all the HGs at this point. Nobody has even brought his name up for nominee in weeks, and he has taken over Andy's duties as being the person with the most information in the house.

    Judd is in a good position. However, if he wins I will feel like he just sort of dumb lucked his way to the finals. I don't feel like he has much of a strategy. Or at least not one that is fun to watch like say Ian or Dan.

  13. The MVP twist really screwed up this season. I think if it would be been all unknown players the MVP would have been fun.

    I agree. I personally like Elissa, but I think the MVP has given her an unfair advantage that without question has kept her in the game longer than she would've otherwise been. I think the MVP would be fun in a season with all brand new houseguests with no previous BB connections as it would be more random on who won.

  14. Ps Amanda has been getting good edits on TV!!! And she's in the show Mance too! And I was wondering why would they have Amanda addressing the racial comments but she's been doing racial and homophobic comments!

    I don't know time will tell!!!!

    I've wondered the same thing. They always have her talking about her opinion on Aaryn's comments, but the Amanda says awful things herself. Pot meet kettle.

  15. I get so bored of people getting backdoored. When Nakomis thought of "The 6 Finger Plan" in Season 6, it was genius! Now, it's just old news.

    I know they only allow 6 players to play in the veto ceremony to create a greater likelihood that one of the nominees or the HOH will win it, creating more drama. However, this also has made it so that often the actual target doesn't originally get nominated and never gets to play for POV.

    I was happy to see Jeremy go last week, but TBH I would've liked to see him play for POV. It would've been exciting to see him fight to stay and to see the others fight to get him out.

    I like when it gets down to Final 6, b/c the ability to "backdoor" goes away! Hopefully Helen won't try to backdoor Spencer or Howard. Not b/c I care so much if they get evicted, but just so they can play to stay. I like seeing stronger players in the game.

  16. I don't think Aaryn will get booed when she comes out of the house for the simple fact that production coaches the audience to cheer for the evicted houseguest and to smile during the taping. If anything I think maybe they'll just be silent when she comes out. I also don't think Julie will light into her the way we all want her to.

    I doubt Aaryn will be there for the finale night like all the other evicted houseguests. I can't remember another evicted houseguest who didn't come back for finale night except maybe Chima? Can anyone else think of one?

  17. These showmances all seem forced to me. I can't imagine any of these couple remaining together outside of the house like Jeff & Jordan and Brendon & Rachel.

    The Amanda & McCrea showmance is just plain weird. I just don't see what the attraction is there. I have to believe that being inside the house is the only reason these two are together. I cannot imagine them ever hooking up in a real world scenario.

    Jeff & Jordan will always be my FAV! :)



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