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Posts posted by Tamossa

  1. OK, kinda slow in here, so I'm gonna try to get us all going with this thread at least.

    Who you think will win it? What do you think they will do with it? If Kaysar or Ashlea get off the block, who do you think will go up in their place? Do you think who ever uses it will be targeted?

    Me: I think Ashlea going to get booted no matter what happens, unless she win the PoV and takes herself off. If she does, then as far as who I think will take her place... Janelle. Only because I heard Eric and Ivette talking about it, but then they aren't the HoH, so I'm not sure who the HoH would stick up there. She doesn't like talk much, huh? Think I saw her talking once by the pool yesterday and that was about it.

    What do you all think?

  2. ok, I might have a fav now after watching feeds all day yesterday. Eric. Only because he seem to be the more realistic one, down to earth, straight forward kinda guy. I feel I'm that type of person too. I like his jokes and think he handles things pretty well. He's not fake and tries to keep the group sorta organized in way. Sad thing is, I see him getting booted half way through the show for something stupid. Other not like him will boot him cause of the fact of the way he is. Don't know a good thing when they see it. People like him never make it to the end that is. Sad.

  3. Last night he was trying to talk to her and more explain the reason they don't pray from animals. I don't know if she got a better understanding, cause I didn't hear it all, but she walked off later looking more pissed to me. Anyone catch that conversation? I don't know what her deal is. Kaysar hasn't really done anything wrong yet really. Mostly just been up Janelle's butt far as I could see all day yesterday and she likes it.

  4. Man you watching Janelle put on more and more Lotion on her face... Hubby says she's a lotion freak. While they talk crap about Ivette.. LOL Must have put on lotion 15 times now. They don't think much of Micheal niether, but Janelle likes Kaysar.

  5. I caught alittle earlier, the names of the fish. One is Pe pe... Another else know the names of the rest of the fish that they have for them? I heard one even has a head wound or something like that. Maybe a tumor?

    Ok, another fish name... Bentlee However that's spelled. Anyone else get the other fish names?

    Peanut is another name. Advear is one I think.

    there might be more fish, and another one with problems maybe. ??? Can't believe they are even keeping track. Can we say "bordom"?

  6. I just hope they don't use it like last season as a bashing weapon over someone's head to get people to do things. (like the twins did) There were so many others things too that was so wrong. Don't need a faith war in there. That what's so wrong with the world now. Can't leave others alone to do what they want... have to be dipping, then feel the need to change them and then the crap just keeps rollin' down hill from there.

  7. I don't know that I have a fav yet, but I do plan to rewatch my taping of the first show last night. I missed the first 15 minutes. Maybe then I can say alittle about somebody...? Price you pay signing up downlines in Avon. LOL Have to weigh what's important to ya... Long term anyway. Anyway, I think the girl is on her way out and it's just a feeling.



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