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Everything posted by uvp

  1. i hope he isnt the person who gets the feeds cut for always singing
  2. she probably going to hogged the camera on photo days
  3. wonder what she will fake to get her way in the game
  4. he probably be the one many accused of being gay i remember shane season many accused him of being gay i wonder what female this season will think he is into them when he really isnt i can see him being the nick of this season when he gets the boot
  5. the last bow tie wearer we had he defused a lot of fights i think ragan was the last but i could be wrong
  6. i think he will be on an extreme one way or another either extremely domineering or passive in the game i dont see him on the low end side either way
  7. maybe you are right he just doesnt strike me as someone others will feel threaten by at least in the beginning
  8. i wont be surprised if he ends up being the first hoh the bb gods will just make him it since there is controversy surrounding him just to mess with the fans and it would make good tv too
  9. a lot of folks in various bb communities are pegging him as the winner he is this year version of amanda and grodner being friends so she will win so i now know not to pick him as the winner ...ha
  10. Two Night Premiere: 6/25 & 6/26 TV Show Thread
  11. 1.Who do you think will make the worst first impression on premiere night ? 2.Predict something one particular hg's will do..... 3.Who do you want to be the first hoh?
  12. hoping more of the regular morty's member show up feels kinda dead around here imo
  13. they closed down his instagram page but the info is already out there
  14. caleb should have been on last season if what i am reading is true i really hope it is a big hoax
  15. i dont think she will be good in physical comps unless she is a beast in mental comps i dont see her as much of a threat booting her cause she is opinionated would be a waste
  16. thank god cbs took over i hated the extra leg work of canceling after each season
  17. i think the caleb pr department will be pretty busy soon apparently his instagram has some pretty racy stuff making the rounds on various bb sites i have pretty much stayed out of the political stuff around here for several season but i am just bringing it awareness because S@@t is about to hit the fan good luck caleb pr department
  18. jeff's were only ones i watched i am too old to sit through and watch 4+ hours of interviews really only reason i watched any interviews is to learn the names and faces
  19. o another recruit sad face they must have recruit her for a reason i think she will be dislike a lot i get that vibe the mother thingy is a big front she will give bb their money worth which is why they cast her
  20. of all the guys this was my toughest read not a fan that he has a ton of strategies he is over thinking the game that is never a good thing hopefully he doesnt copy brian strategy from season 10 love that he is willing to do whatever it takes to win thou seems to me he is putting up many different fronts one end he has the bible thing, do whatever it takes etc...... not sure which one is the real caleb
  21. looks much better than her pic above indicate not sure if she has the bb spark maybe hit or miss if she can get along with other girls i am leaning towards no keeps bringing up mom kinda reminds me of candice a bit
  22. over thinking way too much not a fan of those with well thought out strategy things going as plan in bb is slim to none super fans are usually hit or miss more miss than hit i hope she isnt too awkward and can gel with the other girls i wont be surprised if she is a total bore in the house
  23. going to have a uphill battle the big muscles guys for whatever reason are seen as mega threats when they dont tend to really win as much comps as others who arent as muscular very few comps in bb is strength related the house guests that would scare me the most are the small frame types they usually win every endurance and more i can see him being in a few fights if he last past week 2 ...ha...ha
  24. being a police officer he should be able to read folks well my one fear for him i think he may end up being a bit bossy or take on a leadership role also dont like that he has a strategy i like when players go into the game with no strategy and go from there as things presents itself hopefully he can enjoy some doughnuts and coffee in the house



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