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**Spoiler** Quarters


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Rachel gave away quarters and Howie gave his pass to Jenny... They appear to have told Howie he had to use the pass himself...

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There were 11 quarters so everyone was giving extras away, but Howie gave his only one to someone.

After watching it again, I think he and Rachel used 1 quarter and said it was both of theirs.

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Wait.. now they're talking about a competition for the movie?

Did the quarters get screwed up so bad that they scrapped that and made a new contest of some sort?

And if Howie only had one quarter, why in the world would he give it away?

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The movie they are going to see is Four Brothers I belive because they were talking about Andre3000.

They didn't know there were only 11 quarters at the time he gave it away.

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From what I have heard they are setting up some sort of luxury competition outside right now... Don't know if it has anything to do with the movie...

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