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Big Brother Season 21-Episode 36

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Previously, on Big Brother, Nicole, Cliff, Michie, and Holly made a F4 deal and with Jackson in power, their target was Tommy. After Nicole swooped in and won the veto, she saved Cliff forcing Michie to send his girl to the gallows. The flash mobster made an offer Nicole and Cliff couldn’t refuse, and it seemed like Holly’s fate was sealed. Michie began to suspect things weren’t looking good, and after he eavesdropped on Tommy spilling his secret deal Jackson came up with a masterful lie. And he used the info he overheard to paint Tommy as a liar.


Even as the live show began, Cliff and Nicole were undecided, but they ultimately chose to flip the script on the Broadway star. With only four remaining in the battle for a half million dollars, the power was back up for grabs. Who will win and guarantee their spot on finale night. Plus tonight, the house meeting and the nonstop campaigning that led up to just moments before Thursday’s live vote and eviction. All this right now on Big Brother!


We pick up on day 86 as the HOH starts. Holly doesn’t know how she survived and she’s so grateful to keep playing this game. Michie is cheering them on as they get hit by the truck. Michie says everything this week started with rainbows and sunshine, but it almost ended up with Holly going home. He had to say things he didn’t want to say and deals made he didn’t want to make and he hopes his mom isn’t mad at him.


Nicole says this was a rough day and she knows it’s not a good idea to go with a showmance, but Michie told her Tommy was playing both sides. We see Nicole confronting Tommy with Cliff as witness about what Michie said. Tommy says Michie is a bigger threat and he’s not a liar. He doesn’t have proof because he’s by himself but he wants to be here. Cliff says do you want to talk to everyone? Tommy tells us he’s shocked and scared and pissed. Nicole calls a house meeting. Nicole says she wants to watch Tommy and Michie argue and figure out who is manipulating the situation and who is telling the truth.


Michie says Tommy told Cliff and Nicole last week that he was coming after Michie and Holly and he told Michie and Holly the opposite. MIchie says Tommy’s plan was to throw HOH to Nicole so she can’t vote and then he was going to vote Cliff out. Tommy says that’s a lie. Michie says he needs to compile so much evidence, false or true, that clouds Nicole and Cliff’s judgement. Michie talks about Tommy’s jury management and lays out that Tommy has 5 votes easily. Tommy says if he gets a chance to take Michie out, he will not be taking him to second. Michie says oh, so I fabricated this in my head and Tommy says he did not tell Michie any of that.


Tommy wants to finish his argument and Michie says Tommy has been playing both sides for the last two weeks and Michie says you and Christie have been coming after me for five weeks. Michie says Tommy got caught playing both sides and Tommy says he hasn’t been and he thinks Michie keeps repeating the plan because he’s lying. Tommy gets emotional and yells at Holly and says she wants to stand on her own and she’s allowing him to manipulate the situation and she’s not standing up for herself. Michie says she doesn’t have anything to do with this.


Holly says she hates that Michie is grasping at straws to save her, but it shouldn’t have come to this. If Cliff and Nicole had just stuck to their word, then this wouldn’t have happened. Nicole says everyone has been playing both sides, they are all playing the same game. Tommy says he’s not playing both sides and Michie says he’s been coming up after Cliff and Nicole for weeks. Tommy says he doesn’t think Michie deserves the money, but everyone else does. Michie says he’s done talking and Tommy says this house meeting is adjourned I guess.


We see Cliff and Nicole talking 6 hours and 50 minutes before eviction. Nicole says she sees through Michie. She says Michie is so smart and he put it together. Nicole says after hearing Tommy and Michie hash it out and she thinks Tommy is telling the truth and Michie is manipulating the situation. Cliff wants to believe Michie because that’s what their agreement was and it’s easier. Nicole says when Michie said “Just Own It” to Tommy she says it was what Brett said when he was lying about Rockstar. Nicole doesn’t want to see Tommy get Rockstar’d. Cliff doesn’t want to keep Tommy because he thinks Tommy would take Nicole to F2 over himself, but Nicole is still pushing to keep Tommy.


Michie is in the WA with Cliff and Michie says all he can ask is please do what’s best for his game. Michie says this should have never happened, they should have kept their word. But he’s going to say whatever he has to in order to keep Holly. Michie says his best path is to make F3 with Cliff and Nicole because he wants to be with people who have fought against adversity. Michie says at this point he’ll lie to Cliff and Nicole’s face and not feel bad about it. There’s not snowballs chance in hell he’ll go with them over Holly.


Cliff does have a relationship with Michie and he wants to keep Holly, but he has to be careful with Nicole because he doesn’t want to ruin that relationship. Cliff tells Holly their keeping Tommy and Holly says she’ll do anything to stay. Michie says when he hears that then calm and cool goes out the window. Nicole says we’re here by the grace of God and Holly says no, you’re here by the grace of Holly and Michie. Nicole says she could have burned them in the double if she’d wanted. Michie says they got burned by one alliance, and now they are getting burned by another. This is what happens when you put your faith in the wrong people.


Tommy has heard the four talking and he comes in and fighting resumes. Tommy admits he did say that Cliff was the bigger target and Michie says they’ve had four HOH’s between them and they didn’t once come after them. Michie and Holly says if they take Tommy to F2, then he has the jury on lock. Nicole says she’d rather finish second to someone with jury on lock, than finish third to a showmance. Michie says they have been playing individual games. Nicole says you must think I’m deluded to think you would take me over each other. Michie brings up their deal and Nicole says it’s frustrating. Michie says they have never gone against Cliff and Nicole.


38 minutes before live eviction Cliff and Nicole are talking in the lounge. Nicole says if Michie or Holly wins that veto next week, then she doesn’t know. Cliff says Nicole is torn and this is where he needs to nudge her to keep Holly and continue working with Michie. Holly joins Cliff and Nicole and she says if there is any way she can stay she would do anything. Cliff asks if she would throw HOH and she says yes. Holly says she’s been loyal and she wants to stay.


Cliff calls Michie in and Cliff says they are trying to play the best game they can. Michie says they have never gone against them and he Holly has been loyal. Cliff asks what Michie would do if he won veto next week and he says he’d go to F3 with them. Michie says he didn’t want to say it on national tv and make him look like a piece of crap. Cliff asks for a swear and Michie gives it. Cliff asks Michie to leave them and Cliff says he believes Michie and if he’s wrong, then he will be the one who pays for it. Nicole wonders if she goes with Cliff or does she go with statistics. Cliff says they have to get Holly to throw HOH and veto. They go and talk to Holly and Cliff says if we keep you, then you have to throw HOH and veto so it doesn’t jeopardize Nicole’s game and Holly agrees.


Cliff and Nicole go into the camper and Cliff says that should put him, her, and Michie in F3 and then they can fight it out. Cliff says he’s just nervous about keeping Tommy, especially with jury. Nicole says this is so frustrating. Cliff says are we agreed and Nicole agrees. Cliff comforts Nicole. Cliff says it feels like he’s looking out for his own game, but he has to. Nicole says she trusts Cliff because he’s been her number one since the beginning. Cliff heads out and tells Michie it’s all good and Michie says he loves Cliff and that has never changed. We see Nicole in the WA crying and Michie comes in and comforts her and says he’s sorry. Michie says on a personal level, he’s there for Nicole emotionally, but on a game level any handshakes and deals he made mean nothing. But thanks for keeping Holly.


We are back to the HOH and Nicole is hoping she has made the right decision and she hopes the deals she made with Michie and Holly are good. Michie needs Holly to throw the competition because she’s safe. If she doesn’t throw it, then Cliff and Nicole will have a fire under them and they will be head hunting. Michie needs Holly to throw this competition.


Holly gets hit by the truck and she says her neck hurts. Michie asks Holly if she’s going to throw it or not and she says she could stay up there all night. Holly says she hates being shoved into a position where she has to throw a comp in a part of the season where you shouldn’t be throwing comps. Michie says Cliff falls and then Nicole gets knocked off, then Holly could accidentally win. He keeps telling her she needs to fall and throw it. Cliff says he’s not doing great and Holly looks stoic. He’s concerned about her honoring her deal.


Nicole says Cliff falls and she wants to be F3 more than anything and Holly could feel the same way. Holly says she doesn’t want to fall and she hates throwing a comp that should be rightfully hers because she could hang up there all night. Holly drops and Nicole says are you serious? Michie gives Nicole the key and he hugs and says she’s F3. Michie tells Holly he knows her pride is bothering her. Holly says she just handed Nicole a spot in the F3 on a tray and it’s not fair. This is not game play. They forced her to sell her soul to them.


Cliff says Holly kept her word. He’s still worried. Nicole has safety and now he has to make sure he has safety. Michie says it was better for Holly to throw for his individual game because if she’d won then she’d have been safe, but he wouldn’t have. Cliff and Michie are talking and Michie is making sure things are ok. Cliff tells Michie if he won veto that he would keep him because he likes the idea of going head to head. He needs to guarantee a F3 spot for himself. Michie says you never turn down a F2 deal in the game.


Michie and Holly are in the WA and she wants to know what he’s thinking about. He says just stuff. Michie says he didn’t want to have to do that. He didn’t want to have to hurt him, but he couldn’t lose Holly. Michie says 86 days without crying and it finally broke. He can’t help but feel like what if it all was for nothing. And knowing he hurt Tommy breaks his heart. He doesn’t like hurting people, but he’s loyal to a fault and he will not turn his back on Holly. Holly says deep down Tommy was a lover of the game and he will understand and Michie says it broke his heart and he could use a hug from his mom right now. Where’s Momma?


Cliff tells Nicole he’s shaking and freezing and he doesn’t know if it’s mental or anxiety or physical. He congratulates Nicole on F3 and he tells Nicole that he made a deal with Michie. Michie promised to take Cliff and Cliff promised Michie to take him. Nicole tells us alright, we’re agreeing to bring the biggest threat in the game to F3? Cliff says he did it to get to F3, but he feels bad for not checking with Nicole. Nicole says we have to win the veto and then we can decide what we do. Cliff says he made the agreement and he won’t back out of it. Nicole says if Michie and Cliff have an agreement to go to F3, then they must have a F2 deal too. She sees it.


It’s time for the nomination ceremony! Nicole’s first nominee is Michie. Nicole’s second nominee is Holly. Nicole says guys we did it. Final four. There’s been many road bumps along the way and she hopes they finish this road trip. Nicole says to be honest, nominations don’t matter this week, it really comes down to POV because whoever wins casts the sole vote to evict.


Cliff says in order to guarantee F3, he has to win veto. Age is just a number and he’s been competing all summer who under assumed what he could do. Holly says it’s frustrating for Nicole to put her on the block after she threw HOH. That’s the last thing she’s handing Nicole. She’s taking the gloves off. Michie says deals mean nothing and going forward he only wants to sit next to Holly in F2. He wants to walk out Mr. and Mrs. Smith with confetti on his shoulders.

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