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Everything posted by IndyMom78

  1. 3:33 AM BBT Da'Vonne, Nicole, and Corey in the WA and Da tells them no one is throwing the comp. Nicole asks if James still wants to talk to them or not and Da says maybe tomorrow. Da goes off to bed. James comes into the WA. Frank wants James to put up Corey and Paulie. Then we get FotH. 3:38 AM BBT Feeds back. James says Frank wants to throw the right people against each other at the right time. He wants everyone going at each so Frank can sit back and watch. Corey said that's stupid when we still have five clear targets. James asks is there a separate five person alliance with Paulie and them. James says Nicole, Corey, Paulie, Zakiyah, and Da. Corey says no. Corey says Frank wanted that to happen and be the fifth wheel. James says Frank is stirring up a lot of crap and people were afraid to talk to each other and now they're starting to find stuff out. James said he doesn't even want to tell Paulie because he's afraid he would go back and tell Frank. Paul and Paulie come in. Nicole and Paul say good night and head off to bed. 3:41 AM BBT James said what we do from this point with Frank. Corey says nothing at this point he's Victor. Corey says if James wins James could put up Tiffany and Bridgette and backdoor him. If they can't get Frank, then they might get Bridgette. James says Da will throw the comp so Corey can win and Corey said will Da do that? James said Da is on board to get Frank out. Nicole tells Corey she feels like she has to hide when she eats because Frank told Nicole and Michelle they look disgusting when they eat. Nicole says he makes her feel uncomfortable and she doesn't like it and Corey says he doesn't mean it, hes nasty and farts all the time. James thinks Zakiyah and everyone will vote Frank out.
  2. 2:59 AM BBT Nicole comes out of the DR crying. Michelle asks if she's ok as she walks by. 3:02 AM BBT Nicole and Da'Vonne in the safari room talking game. Nicole says she doesn't trust Paul as far as she can throw him. Da says she feels like they are playing someone else's game and Nicole says she doesn't like feeling like she has to throw a competition. She said it's selfish for Frank to expect 6 players to give up HOH so he can do what he wants. 3:07 AM BBT Michelle comes in and asks Nicole if she's ok. Nicole says she was just frustrated and didn't realize she was feeling the way she did. Michelle starts talking about Frank being disrespectful to the women in his alliance and Michelle says he's worse than Victor. Da said that's a good point because Frank smacked her on the bottom. Michelle said she is so disappointed in Frank. 3:11 AM BBT Nicole says Zack was an angel compared to some of the guys in the house. [Not sure if she means Frank or Paul] 3:21 AM BBT Michelle asks Da if Frank has mentioned a final 3 or 4 to her. Da says her, Frank, Paulie, and Zakiyah. 3:24 AM BBT James comes into the safari room and asks where Michelle is going to sleep. Michelle says she doesn't want to sleep with Bridgette and that she might sleep with Paulie. James said Frank told him Paulie hasn't had the bed to himself this week and Michelle said yes he has because Frank came back down a few days ago. James says yeah he stayed up there long enough to make sure Paulie did what he wanted him to do. Nicole goes to get Cory and Paulie and Paul come in too.
  3. 2:30 AM BBT Paulie says I'm not sure if Frank has said it out loud to anyone but he's hinted at it. Paul says Frank has said he wants Tiffany out and Paulie says she's trying to fish and find out who he's told and who he's tied to. Paul said Nicole told him she didn't put him because she liked him and he couldn't figure out why Paulie was put up. Paul said he knew that Victor was going to piss the girls off because of all the flirting. Paul says these girls are strangers, not girls you grow up with and know. You don't know which girls are ok with being touched and which ones aren't. Paulie says anything you say doesn't leave this room and anything I say doesn't leave this room. Paul says I don't even talk to anyone that much. Paul said Natalie is so worried about being dumped on live TV and Paulie says she can't be trusted. 2:49 AM BBT We get a reminder for James that sleeping isn't allowed in the LR. 2:53 AM BBT Michelle, Paul, Paulie, and Corey all in the LR chatting.
  4. 2:00 AM BBT Corey says he just wants to confront Frank about everything and James said that's not a good idea because he'll tell everyone Corey is a threat. James says he knows a lot of stuff right now and he doesn't run his mouth. James said he just wants to know who he can talk to. 2:10 AM BBT Nicole and Corey re-hashing their conversation after James leaves and discuss further whether to throw or not. [This may come down to a last minute decision] 2:25 AM BBT Paulie and Paul in HOH. Paulie telling Paul Tiffany is gunning for Frank and letting him know Frank is in some danger. Paul says he thinks Paulie is in a good spot and Paulie says you are too. Paulie is telling Paul for the next three weeks to just lay low. Paulie says there's too much talk going on and he's enjoyed his time in HOH. Paul says he was talking to Tiffany and she was trying to get information and Paulie says that's what she's trying to do and that's how she's playing the game.
  5. 1:34 AM BBT Nicole and Zakiyah in the SR and Nicole telling Zakiyah that she talked to Michelle about watching what she says to Paulie. 1:41 AM BBT James, Corey, and Nicole in the SR deciding if they are going to throw a comp. They realize if they do Frank's team will be intact and the rest of them will be down team members. They are also questioning why Frank is so dead set on getting Tiffany out when Bronte is still in the house. Nicole is nervous about throwing a comp and doing Frank's dirty work. James says if he throws another comp, it will be one more but he won't do it after that. James says this is the last week we can throw a comp if we're going to do it and Corey says if we do then Frank's team is going to be very powerful with 4 and everyone else will only have 2 or 3. Corey says we should just throw it tomorrow. James asks if their team wins who it will go to and Nicole says Michelle, but Corey points out Bridgette will not want Michelle to get HOH and Nicole says Frank said a few days ago he wanted it. Corey says Frank wants layups at the end. 1:51 AM BBT Corey tells James that Frank thinks Nicole and James has a thing and mentioned their names together. Corey says Frank has been talking about everyone and mentioning names and he's talking too much. James says he has information, but he wants to verify it before he shares. James says if it's true that Corey will not like it. James says Franks stories aren't straight and Nicole said she hopes James knows she's not lying and Corey agrees. Corey says Frank lied to Paulie about the 8 pack and said Michelle came up with the alliance. Corey said no Frank stepped out of the shower and said the 8 pack. James said Frank is trying to do something with everybody. Corey says maybe we'll meet up tomorrow at some point. He tells James to confirm whatever his information is because Corey is afraid to throw it for next week. 1:57 AM BBT James says Frank is playing his game and he wants everyone to help him. James said but what is good for Frank's game may not be good for our game. He's playing his own game. Brief FotH. Corey says I knew the alliance would break up, but after a week? James says he thinks Victor will be his last act as the 8 pack.
  6. 1:00 AM BBT Nicole advises Michelle in the safari room to watch what she says to people. Da says her circle of trust is very small right now. 1:08 AM BBT James comes in and says he's not supposed to trust Nicole and the girls. James says just assume that I know everything. James says the walls have ears. James asks what the plan is for tomorrow and Michelle says what's YOUR plan? He asks if the votes will be 10-0 and Da says we don't know how those other girls are going to vote. 1:13 AM BBT Michelle wonders if there's another twin in the house. Then she suggests Paul. Tiff said if there's a twin it would be someone like Bronte. Michelle says she does talk about her sister a lot. In the HOH room, Paulie and Zakiyah talking and Paulie says he only trusts Zakiyah and Corey. He doesn't mind the alliance of 5 because Zakiyah trusts Da and Nicole and Corey trusts Nicole, and 5 is a good number. But he will only believe information that comes directly from Zakiyah and Corey. 1:14 AM BBT Bridgette tells Natalie to watch out about being caught up in a showmance. They said if they target James, then they will target Natalie and she needs to be careful. Bridgette and Bronte said they will say anything they need to and campaign for Natalie. Natalie says James has a great personality. Bridgette is trying to explain what the Vanessa and Frank fight is about and didn't get any details right. Bridgette says Tiffany is using Vanessa's strategy on getting into fights with people and getting the whole house against that person. 1:17 AM BBT Paulie says he wasn't expecting information to come about Frank. Zakiyah says she's glad Paulie is keeping his eyes open and he's on to Frank's game. Paulie said that his strategy was to find one or two people to trust and align with and share information with. 1:20 AM BBT Bridgette says Victor and Paul are only on the show to get their Instagram followers up. Bronte says Victor is a personal trainer and went to school for four years to figure out he didn't like finance. Natalie says she thinks Victor is still in finance because he's intelligent and solved the roadkill challenge in 20 seconds. 1:22 AM BBT Natalie says she went around and told everyone Victor hurt her feelings. Natalie says she told Mama Da and after they talked Victor went to talk to Da and she wasn't nice to him because he hurt Natalie's feelings. She said she planted seeds that he hurt her feelings and she's wanted him out since day 1. 1:25 AM BBT Michelle, James, Da, Tiffany, and Nicole talking in the safari room. James says to Michelle her and Bridgette are a trip. He says he feels like when Michelle nominates Bridgette her speech is going to be funny. Michelle says she falls asleep every night thinking about it. James wants to hear a sample of the speech and Michelle says she knows what Bridgette's game is and she is not baking her way to the end. She was trying to make them obese and wheezy so she could win, but they don't like Bridgette's cookies as much as they like Michelle's. She continues I can see right through your fake little get together and I know you're a spy. Da says 22 nights of thinking that up? Zakiyah comes into the safari room.
  7. 12:30 AM BBT Nicole and Da'Vonne in the safari room talking. Nicole had suggested a final 5 with Da with Zakiyah, Paulie, Corey, Nicole, and Da and Da didn't like the idea because she felt Cory and Nicole would be a pair and Zakiyah and Paulie would be a pair and she would be the odd man out. Nicole assures her that wasn't the case because she wants to go to the end with Da. Nicole says if she is at the end with a newbie, they can say the vet has done it before and the newbie should win because they did it by themselves their first time. Da says Frank was really pissed in the WA with Corey not wanting to throw HOH. Da says Frank was venting that Nicole needed to do her job and Frank wants his team to win HOH so Michelle can have it. Da says maybe I feel like winning it because she wants to see her kid. She said then Frank said he didn't care if she or Zakiyah wins it, as long as Nicole's team don't win so he can get rid of Tiffany. Zakiyah says she talked to Tiffany earlier and Tiff said she would fight like hell because she wants Frank to go home by her hand. Da says Paulie is 100% on board for sending Frank home, but he was concerned about cutting that off and Nicole says he has to get over that. Da does not think Corey should throw the comp because she's tired of people throwing comps for him. 12:35 AM BBT Nicole and Da going over some of the rumors going around and trying to figure out who's telling who what. They are discussing Corey and Paulie knowing about Frank wanting them put on the block. 12:49 AM BBT Nicole and Da still sharing info and Da says Frank will be pissed. They want to put up Bridgette and Bronte as pawns and win roadkill and put up James and ultimately back door Frank. Nicole says they need one of their teams to win and not Franks team.
  8. 12:04 AM BBT Bridgette, Bronte, and Natalie whispering in the WA while Natalie is getting waxed. They want to win HOH. Bronte says Nicole and Zakiyah went upstairs and she was hoping to be invited. They speculate whether there is an alliance between those two and Bronte says and Paulie because he's upstairs. Bronte is more worried about next week. 12:07 AM BBT Natalie tells Bronte that she has went around to everyone and told them how much Victor hurt her and she repeats this four times because no one knew he hurt her feelings. Bronte says See ya! Adios amigos! Natalie laughs as she's brushing her teeth. 12:09 AM BBT Bronte says Victor was copping an attitude today during a word game they were playing to Corey. Natalie asks what that means and Bronte says he was just really cocky and arrogant. Natalie says shes seen lots of little fights and Bronte says yes something is going on. They think they are making progress with Nicole. Bronte says they have to be as nice as possible and Bridgette says we've always been nice. Bronte says eventually they'll invite us to hang out. 12:14 AM BBT Natalie says the house will be much more calm in 24 hours. Natalie says they thought they were running the house and Bronte says they were talking crap about us the entire time. Natalie says when Jozea was there he seen her getting close to Tiffany and suggested she flirt with Tiffany. Natalie says she would never have done that, especially after Victor did that to her. 12:17 AM BBT Frank and James in the Tokyo room and Frank is telling James that Paulie is on the band wagon to get Tiffany out. James says so are we getting Tiffany out this week and Frank says maybe. Frank asks James who Bronte would put up and James said he didn't know. Frank says do you think she'll go after girls and James says yeah, she wouldn't come after us and he thinks she'd listen to him because she's friends with Natalie. James and Frank think Tiffany is a wild card. Frank says he might just try and win the HOH comp tomorrow so they can figure out themselves what they are going to do. Frank thinks Michelle will listen to them and Da'Vonne would take out Tiffany. Frank wants to get Bronte or Tiffany out this week. Corey comes in and joins them. Frank gives a shoutout to his girlfriend and tells her to go to bed. 12:21 AM BBT Frank said it might not even be a competition they can throw anyway. Bridgette comes in and sits next to James. Frank does not want endurance. Bridgette wants it to be mermaid themed. Bronte and Natalie come in and interrupt the game chat. 12:26 AM BBT Victor, Frank, Corey, and James all in bed talking about pranks and scaring people.
  9. 11:32 PM BBT Corey says if Zakiyah has the balls to back door Frank, then he'd rather her do it. He says Frank is like Victor next week. Michelle says Frank is probably telling everyone something different because he told her he wants Michelle, Zakiyah, and Frank at the end and Corey says he told me Paulie, Frank, and Corey. Corey tells Michelle to throw it and Corey or Tiffany will take HOH, or maybe Zakiyah or Da. Michelle is shocked all of these people are lying to her. 11:33 PM BBT Natalie, Da'Vonne, James, Bridgette, and Bronte in the WA. Natalie teases Bronte about being blindsided tomorrow. 11:41 PM BBT Corey takes Paulie upstairs and tells him Michelle confirmed that Frank wants them out too. Paulie asks do you think this is something all the girls are saying? Corey says he trusts them and he said Frank got made at him because Corey said he didn't want to throw a comp. Tiffany interrupts as she comes up to grab her stuff. Bridgette joins the WA crew and she volunteers to wax Natalie and Da asks if she can watch. Bridgette is told to put on her microphone and James immediately gets up to go over to spread wax on Natalie's armpits. 11:46 PM BBT Paulie and Tiffany in HOH sharing info on things Frank was saying. Basically going over Frank wanting Corey to throw the HOH comp and talking about Bridgette. Tiffany asks Paulie if he trusts her and he laughs and says yeah. Tiffany starts crying and says her and Paulie were sharing info, but she felt things have been different and people are saying different things in the house. Tiffany says people you think you can trust, you just can't. She feels hurt. 11:51 PM BBT Paulie says he thought he was safe for X amount of weeks, but then he finds out he's not because Frank is coming after him. Paulie says when people come to him and give him information he asks himself what their motivation is for telling him. Then he considers what their motivations might be for telling him and then he decides how best to proceed. He's observed a lot of things this week, especially how Frank has worked the entire house. Zakiyah interrupts and Michelle comes up right after. They start talking about Fight Club.
  10. 11:00 PM BBT Da'Vonne, Natalie, James, and Zakiya in the WA. Natalie is waxing Da's armpits. There is general chatter and Frankie gets mentioned. Michelle and Nicole in the KT whispering about Frank saying Bridgette, Natalie, and Paul would be a waste of an HOH. Michelle says no it wouldn't be, Bridgette is my goal. Zakiyah comes in and chat changes to birth control and breast feeding. Frank, Paulie, and Corey in the safari room. Frank says the girls in the house are loyal to them. Frank says after this week and Bronte goes home, boom done. Paulies says they just have to make sure they win. Frank says Paul, Zakiyah, and Da are going to go hard for HOH because they don't want to be on slop again and its Zakiyah's birthday, but Frank thinks Paul doesn't want HOH. Frank says James is on board with throwing the HOH. Frank tells Corey if they're getting close to winning HOH and it's some sort of puzzle HOH to throw puzzle pieces in the corner so Tiffany can't find them. Frank says they have to get a couple of good nights sleep so they can win some challenges this week. He says clean sweep this week. Frank doesn't understand why the girls are so worried about Bridgette. Paulie says Bridgette just pops up out of nowhere and plops down and is quiet. They can tell she is just listening. Frank says Bridgette doesn't do that with him. He thinks Bridgette is just looking out for him. Frank says Bridgette is a layup and he likes those types of people. Frank says once Bronte is gone, then they can trust Paul and he'd be a layup and the same with Natalie. Zakiyah joins Paulie, Frank, and Corey in the safari room and Corey and Frank say they are going to bed soon. 11:23 PM BBT Nicole pulls Corey into the SR and Nicole asks Corey why he would tell everyone he didn't want to throw the HOH. Nicole says she told him she'd throw it, but she's not going to throw a comp. Corey says he was talking to Frank and he's very convincing and he feels like Frank is genuine with him and Nicole. Corey says he doesn't like Da at all. Nicole says he'd say that about me too. Nicole says Frank is playing Mike Boogie's game. Nicole says she wouldn't be surprised if Frank wanted to get Tiffany out tomorrow. Michelle comes in and Nicole leaves and Corey says what are your thoughts on HOH and Michelle says you shouldn't throw it. Michelle says the only person she really wants to put up is on her team. Corey says he wouldn't put Bridgette up because they can get her out any week, any time. Corey says he'd put up Bronte. Nicole comes back in. Corey tells them Frank has said stuff about them that would make Michelle and Nicole not want Frank around at all. Corey says you won't say anything will you and makes her promise. Corey says Frank will not let Nicole and Michelle go far because he doesn't think he can beat them in memory comps. He wants to be in with people like Zakiyah who won't be good at them. He told Michelle he wants Corey, Paulie, and James out. Corey and NIcole tell Michelle she needs to throw it tomorrow. Corey says Frank really does want Bronte out, but he's also deathly afraid of an all girl alliance. Michelle asks Corey how early Frank wanted them out and Corey said he didn't specify. He said as soon as they are individual is when Frank wants them gone because that's when mental comps will start.
  11. 11:30 PM BBT Natalie and James in the hammock and Bridgette is working out. Frank, Tiffany, Paul, Victor, Nicole, Corey, and Paulie in the HOH room. General chit chat. 11:37 PM BBT General chatter about DR sessions in the HOH and they are told they are not allowed to talk about their DR sessions. Chatter continues and BB says "Paul, you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with other HG". Paul says well Dad is pissed. Frank says I bet the cameras are off in this room right now. 11:38 PM BBT Natalie asks James if he would want HOH if they won. James said well you guys wouldn't want it because it puts the heat on you guys. 11:41 PM BBT Natalie is trying to find out who James would put up if he won HOH. James said he would have to ask the house and Natalie says she doesn't think she'd want HOH. She tries a couple of different ways to get information out of James and he deflects most of the questions. 11:47 PM BBT Da'Vonne and Michelle in the kitchen and Da says they are out there working on James. James is in the BY with Natalie and Bridgette.
  12. 11:01 PM BBT Bridgette and Paul start throwing pillows at each in the LR. BB tells them "Stop that". 11:02 PM BBT Frank is quoting lines from movies and Big Brother tells them to stop quoting from movies. 11:03 PM BBT We don't see Paul but we hear BB say "Paul, stop that" then 5 second later we hear "Paul, HEY! I said stop that"! 11:09 PM BBT Da'Vonne makes rounds to Nicole, Michelle, and Zakiyah that the DR did NOT in any way try to influence her or give her any hints (concerning Tiffany coming after her). 11:18 PM BBT Bronte joins Natalie on the hammock and says she made an effort to talk to people. She's excited for one of them to get the HOH room. Natalie says Zakiyah is playing under the radar. Natalie says she only hangs out with Paulie. Bronte says people like will get far but never win the game. Natalie says Zakiyah is playing scared. 11:23 PM BBT Victor goes upstairs to listen to music while Paulie is in the shower. 11:28 PM BBT Natalie had a friend who was on The Amazing Race. It was a team of cheerleaders and Tiffany was Natalie's friend. Frank, Tiffany, and Paul go upstairs.
  13. 10:30-11:00 PM BBT General chit chat continues and Paul and Corey are still playing pool. Corey beats Paul and Paul goes inside and Corey and Victor play. Da'Vonne fills in Nicole in the LR about Frank saying in the have not room that next weeks nominees were all girls and if someone comes down, they are out of people to put up not in their alliance. Da asked what about Paulie and Franks says we can do that any time. Nicole, Da'Vonne, Zakiyah, Michelle, James, and Paul all in the LR general chat. James asked what they would do if they were have nots against next week. Da said I will be fighting hard because I can't do it again. Back in the UKBR, James, Natalie, Bronte, and Bridgette and still doing their "girl talk" and interviewing each other. Bridgette had a birthmark on her thigh that looks like America without Florida. Paul comes in and they "interview" him. In the have not room, Tiffany asked Frank what got him into BB and he says an ex-girlfriend. He says he started watching season 6 and the next was all-stars and he was hooked from then. Frank tells Tiffany he hopes Victor doesn't self-evict because there are so many people trying to get on the show who wouldn't throw their chance away. Tiffany says do you think he would do that and Frank said when James pulling pranks Victor was sitting there with his head in his hands saying Do not harm, Do not threaten. Frank says Victor told him and Paul he has dreams about going to prison and he's sketchy. They start talking about fake laughs. Talk turns to talk about Julia Roberts movies.
  14. 10:00 PM BBT Bridgette says if they gun after a girl who will they go after. Then she adds that she feels like she would be a big target. Bronte says she feels if Victor goes on the block, he will campaign for Tiffany to go home and she will campaign for him to go home. Bridgette says but none of the girls are voting out Tiffany. Bridgette says how long does this team thing last because it's really messing up my game. Bronte says once we're out of this team situation everything will change. Bronte says we should be out of teams by jury. Bridgette thinks they can bring Tiffany to their side, but Bronte says if we do she might blow up their game to save herself. James comes in and interrupts the discussion. Natalie comes in and says we should play a game and James says like what. They decide to jump on the beds and after about ten seconds we get "Stop that". James said that was a good 20 seconds. [Or half that]. Natalie asks James if Paulie and Zakiyah are a showmance. James asks if Natalie is and she says she doesn't know if she is. James says she's hard to read. Natalie said the last time she showmanced with someone she was dumped. James said oh I remember that, she went for the wrong guy. Bronte comes back in and says it's weird they will be out of the house right before the seasons. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. James, Bridgette, Natalie, and Bronte all have some Gril Talk. They talk about drinking tomorrow and what they're going to wear. They talk about Bronte being put up on the block by the guy she thought was "super hot". She came in second in the POV. Natalie likes peanut M&Ms because they are delicious. Her favorite colors are pink and glitter. (Natalie is being "interviewed" by James). James asks who her favorite celebrity is and she says she likes Selena Gomez and Drake is her favorite rapper and her crush is Rob Karashian (pronounced car-dash-an). Bronte will host tomorrows GT. We get a shoutout and "Holla' for Derrick. Bridgette's favorite player is Donny from season 16 and she'd like to take him to tea sometime. Natalie says Zach is really funny too and Bridgette would buy him another pink hat. She also says Johnny Mac can work on his teeth. Tiffany, Da'Vonne, and Zakiyah are in the Have-not room still talking, but it's turned to the room in general and the clown on the wall. Frank comes in and general chit chat about what they are going to do tomorrow. Victor and Paul out by the pool table and Victor talking about votes and he thinks Tiffany will get voted out. Victor says he feels Tiffany knows it was him that put her up but he doesn't care because Tiffany lied to their faces about not voting Jozea out. Paul says he doesn't trust anyone right and that it's super sketchy. Victor says he knows and that for all he knows Paulie will use the POV and put him up. Paul says then what and Victor says then he should still have the votes to get Tiffany out. Paul says what if he takes Bronte down and Victor says I think that's who he wants out and Paul says I'm not sure. Victor says if he takes down Tiffany I'm not putting myself up. Victor says Paulie told him if anyone came down he'd put Natalie up and Paul says I think they are cool. Victor says yeah but she voted against him. [Ummm, didn't Victor also vote against him?] Paul says are you sure though and Victor says I'm pretty sure. Victor says if he takes Tiffany down it would be bad for Paul and Bronte but it wouldn't make any sense for him to do that and Paulie wouldn't want to get more blood on his hands. Paul says I honestly think he will take Bronte down and make sure one of us goes home. Victor says if that's his play then whatever. Victor says if that happens Bronte, Natalie, and Nicole would all vote out Tiffany. Victor says he's not going to stress. Victor thinks tomorrow will be a chill day. Corey comes out and watches the pool game. Paul beats Victor and he goes to lay in the hammock with Nicole and Corey will play against Paul. Victor tells Nicole he's worried about getting backdoored and she tells him not to worry about it and to relax. Victor says I think I'll be fine. Victor says Natalie is immature for her age.
  15. 9:30-10:00 PM BBT Corey says he likes Nicole and everything, but he's been trying to separate himself from her because he doesn't want to be seen as a couple. He says people automatically assume NIcole tells Corey everything and he doesn't want people to target them because of that. Corey says Nicole is a cool girl, but he wouldn't date her anytime soon at all, if ever. Frank tells Corey no one in this game intimidates him in any way. Frank says once Victor is gone it will be like summer camp. He says after this week there is no one in the house that he doesn't like. Corey says yeah then we just take out people on the other side of the house. Frank says then we go after people we don't think will take us to the final 2. Franks says if we make final three we can take it from there. Corey asks who do we want in the final three. Franks says I'd take Zakiyah, all day every day. Corey says Z or Michelle and Frank says no because Michelle would be good in the final competition. He then goes on to explain to Corey how the final competition works, that one part is putting stuff in order (which he says Michelle would be good at) and the final part is an A/B question competition on what jury members have responded (and Michelle would be good at that too). Corey says then if it's someone like Z, then there's no way she beats both of us because she don't pay attention. Frank says we don't want Michelle and we don't want Da. Da'Vonne, Michelle, Nicole, and Zakiyah in the Have-not room and Da says we have to get Victor out because if there's a bye back then he will go after them. Nicole says she thinks Natalie is "genuine" and Zakiyah says almost and Da wonders why the boys are protecting her so hard. Zakiyah says Frank is the president and manager of everyones decisions. Nicole says the boys for sure want Natalie in jury. Nicole asks about Tiffany and Da says she might have to be a roadkill situation and one of them would have to win. Nicole asks Da why she thinks Tiffany is coming after Da. Da says have you ever went to the "secret room" (DR) and got a piece of information you're not supposed to have because I have. Da says she started putting pieces together and Nicole says she wishes she'd get a hint. Da tells Nicole she thinks Tiffany's true alliance is with Paulie. MIchelle doesn't like Bridgette because she is close to Frank. Michelle she used to be close to him, but now they stay up til late. Tiffany enters the room and a minute later Paul comes in. Michelle goes to take a shower and Nicole goes to get her laundry. Paul goes to see what time it is and Da says she wished the other two didn't leave because it looked awkward. Frank says he wishes Bronte and Natalie hadn't sided with who they did because they could have taken them to the end with them. Corey says maybe Natalie and Frank says no because the rest of their alliance wants her out. He says if we could win roadkill then we could put someone unexpected up, but they'd have to be quiet about getting votes. Frank says that would do them in if they were found out. Frank says roadkill will go away eventually though. Frank says unless Bronte or Natalie win HOH and they can talk them into putting two people in their alliance that isn't them and that takes two votes away. Plus if they win roadkill, then they could pick and choose who to put up and get someone out that way. Frank says no one can get mad that way because with three of their own players on the block, theres nothing they could do. Frank says after Victor, Bronte, and Tiffany then they're in jury. Tiffany re-hashes Victor drinking a majority of the alcohol on the first or second night of live feeds. Da says don't worry about it, he's leaving. Tiffany says she thinks James or Frank would put her up. Da asks if Tiff would take a shot at Frank and Tiff says yes if she had 100% backing. Tiff says she thinks the other girls would definitely vote that way, but Tiff isn't sure if Michelle would be on board because she's such a super fan of the guys. Tiffany would also want Frank gone pre-jury so he doesn't poison the jury against her. Tiffany says the other girls want a girl to win so bad they won't put up any of the girls. Da says Tiffany has a reason to put up Frank. Tiffany says they can backdoor Frank or James. Da says she keeps hearing from their mouth girl, girl, girl, girl being evicted. Victor comes out, followed by Nicole, and Frank goes in to get some ice cream. Victor thinks they'll do the veto stuff in the morning. Victor is clipping his nails. Feeds switch the Natalie and Bronte in the UKBR. Natalie says she heard Paulie says Victor was going up. Bronte says he said that again and Natalie says so far and she feels bad. Bronte says if only we could have convinced Victor to go to the other side of the house and Natalie and Bronte stayed behind Victor and they separated themselves from Jozea. Bronte says Victor is better than any guy in the house, Victor is the best player, and America is going to be bummed to see him go. Bridgette comes in and Bronte fills her in on the conversation. Bronte says Vanessa from last season was so strategic she came up with a master plan every week for every situation. Bronte says we need to do that and Bridgette says that's what they've been trying to do and asks if they want to have a "plot session" and squeals. Bridgette says she doesn't trust Tiffany because she's close to Michelle and Michelle hates her guts. Bronte says the house messed themselves up by not voting Paulie out because Jozea would have been easier to vote out any given week. Bridgette says Bronte should win HOH next week and she says that won't happen because she doesn't think James will give her HOH. Bridgette says well he can't get it. Natalie tells them she heard they want Zakiyah to win HOH and Bronte says that can't happen because Paulie and Frank will take over the HOH and they'll go home. Michelle comes in to get something from her drawers and then leaves again. Bridgette says Michelle really doesn't like her because she rubs her the wrong way. Bronte says well Paulie hates me. Bronte says someone should tell Zakiyah if she gets HOH she'll get blood on her hands and she doesn't want that. Bridgette says we should start planting the seed now. Bronte says she just doesn't want James to keep throwing their competitions. They talk about how to get Zakiyah to not take HOH or not put them up. Natalie says there are bigger targets than us and we need to stop being paranoid. Natalie says Frank is running the house and Bridgette says yes he is, he's the top dog. Natalie says Frank has a personal relationship with Paulie, Corey, and James each, so those are his three main guys and Bridgette says yes. Natalie says then you have Nicole attached to Cory, Zakiyah is attached to Paulie, and Natalie is attached to James. Bronte says but they don't talk game with you and Natalie says but James is always honest when he talks to me. Bridgette says but James is playing the game so be careful. Bridgette says if her team wins again she feels like Frank will take it, so she doesn't want to win next week. Natalie tells Bridgette she'll have to suck at her comp and throw it. Natalie says not to mention Jozea anymore just go and establish friendships. Bronte says she knows Tiffany and Frank had an issue, but she doesn't know any other issues that group is having. Bridgette doesn't think Tiffany is actually with Frank and Bronte says no they don't like each other. Bridgette says she asked Tiff if she would ever take a swing at Frank and Tiff said no that it was too risky. Bridgette says they need to make a sneaky move. Bronte says you have Frank, James, or Corey and you have to get one of them out to break that alliance up. Bridgette says we need to figure out who James wants out and then have Bronte tell James she wants those people out and maybe he'll give her HOH. Bronte says once she makes jury she won't be worried about making a big move and getting blood on her hands. Bronte says she thinks the best thing they can do is hope the others gun for each other and forget about them. Bridgette says they might look at us as floaters. Bronte was going to put Tiff up if she'd won roach coach because Tiff would have thought Frank had done it. Bridgette mentions again that Michelle hates her guts and tried to pick fights with her twice today. Natalie asked if Bridgette if she talked to her and Bridgette said no she's rude and Natalie says but maybe you should talk and squash it and Bridgette says no she wants to use it. Natalie asks Bronte why Paulie doesn't like her and she said she thinks it's because she rubbed him the wrong way because he's a flirt and she made a comments just "joking" like oh you're doing the same thing Cody did, you're a big flirt. She says she asked him if those comments irritated him because that's her personality, she just jokes, she's good at one-liners, that's why she's on the show and he said no, he was fine with them but the minute he got HOH he started to treating her so differently. She says Paulie is like I won HOH and I have POV so screw you. Bridgette says how do we use these things to cause animosity between Corey, James, and Frank? She says lets brainstorm. Bridgette said like last week when there was tension between James, Victor, and Natalie that was all planned. Natalie feels like Frank and Corey area always together and always talking and Bridgette says Nicole is in on it too. Natalie says a lot of the players are star struck over the returning to players and they kiss their asses. Natalie says Jozea was so loud to people and he scared them away to the other side. Bronte said she warned him and Paul all the time and they wouldn't listen. Bronte wants Paul out of the house and Bridgette says we can use and get him out of the house. Bridgette says the guys are going to gun after a girl to even the playing field. Bronte says they might think they can go after the girls later and it seems right now they are gunning for men.
  16. 9:02-9:30 PM BBT Zakiyah, Da'Vonne, Michelle, and Nicole in the Have-not room having the same basic conversation. They don't trust Tiffany because they think she has a Final 2 with Paulie and she's getting close to the other girls. But they want to keep Tiffany because they want her to go after Frank, so none of them have to do it themselves. They talk a little strategy on the order of which to get the guys out. Zakiyah asks what Frank and Nicole were talking about. Nicole tells them Frank wants Tiffany out instead of Bronte next week because he's afraid she'll put him up. Zakiyah wants to know why Paulie and Paul are being pushed so far down the list of who to evict. Zakiyah feels Paulie made a deal with Paul beyond keeping him safe this week. Nicole says Frank told Nicole and Corey that no one can put up Paul next week because they are going to give him a break. Nicole says oh Paul gets a bye week. Da said that because there is a guys situation going on. Da says they just need to pull the trigger if they get HOH. They don't want Bridgette to make jury because she'd vote for any of the guys. They say she's a "guys girl". Zakiyah thinks the other girls want Corey out. Da says Corey will be one of the easiest ones to get out. Da says James isn't involved in it and Nicole says Corey isn't either because Frank is after Corey. Nicole says she doesn't think Corey is included in the guys thing at all. Da thinks Paul, Paulie, and Frank are the guys alliance. Da says this four is the strongest alliance in the house. Zakiyah says Paulie has been different with her since Frank has been in the HOH with Paulie. Nicole feels like Corey has no idea what's going on. Da says I know we have the 8, but I don't want to get so wrapped up in the 8 that we miss an opportunity. Da says Bridgette is playing Jun's game and he thinks Frank promised Bridgette something. More talk about Tiffany making them nervous. Zakiyah says she feels like Tiffany has multiple things going on and she doesn't trust here. Da says Tiff told her she liked Paulie and they could save him for last to evict. Da says I don't care who likes who she just wants them to be the final 4. She says they have to stay focused. Nicole says Bronte is throwing everyone under the bus. Da says James told her Bronte looks like Becky and Bronte talks about Abercrombie a lot and Becky is a manager at Abercrombie. She said something about going to visit her family in Denver. They said Bronte was the last one cut last year, she was almost on the show. Michelle says she's not worried about Bridgette now, but she doesn't want her on jury. Da says if they take a girl out it leaves all the boys in the house. Nicole has no desire to work with Bridgette at all. They get another alcohol delivery. General chatter in the KT with Frank, James, Victor, Paul, Bronte, Cory, and Natalie. Talking about alcohol and whether they should drink it or save until tomorrow in case they don't get a party. Corey goes to play pool and Frank watches and they start talking about the people in the house and basic strategy. Corey says the girls in the house bring nothing to the table (talking entertainment wise). Frank says after the veto ceremony, Victor is going to freak out and maybe he'll just bow out. Corey agrees because there's nothing he can do. No one is going to vote the other way. Frank says if Victor is just in the house for exposure or a contract, not that anyone is going to get a huge contract, then he needs to control himself. He says he doesn't know how Victor is on anger management because he wanted to punch James because of the pranks in the house. Frank says so many of them are getting along so well and eventually they have to start going after each other. People are going to love the whole Bridgette and Michelle being mad. Michelle hates Bridgette and Bridgette doesn't like Michelle either. Frank says and they are both on my damned team. Corey says right because they can't do anything to each other. Corey asks Frank if he ever expected to come back and Frank says the longer time goes he thought there was less chance and no one has been brought back since his season. Corey tells Frank about Jozea and Paul and Victor saying about the vets we have to get them out and they had their chance. Corey says Victor has been following him around like a puppy dog and Frank says Victor has lied to him a lot. Corey says he thinks Victor has taken "some stuff", because when you take stuff and get off of it you get a barreled chest and gut a little bit. (Steroids?) Frank says he called out Victor on him going up to Nicole and telling her she needed to put up Frank and Da because they already had their chance, and Victor blamed it on Jozea. Frank feels bad for Bronte and Natalie because they're really nice girls and they wouldn't be going out like they will be. Corey says Natalie might be more "genuine" than some of their group. Frank says she's definitely more genuine than Tiffany. He tells Corey that Paulie says he really trusts Tiffany. Corey says He said that? Frank says yes and he keep saying it. Frank says he wants Tiffany out. Maybe not in the next two weeks, but he definitely wants her out. Corey says he doesn't think that's true. Frank says they are not going to be teams for the entire season and once Tiffany is by herself she might do something willy-nilly. Frank says they need to make sure they are not on the block because once they get up there people will start to think this might be our only chance to get him out. Corey thinks if he's on the block again Paul or Zakiyah, they'd be voted off over him because they don't do anything. Frank wants to get Tiffany out in one of the next two weeks and he told Nicole it would be a good idea for her team not to win HOH. Corey asks how long teams will last and Frank says probably about the same as before.
  17. 2:30 AM BBT Nicole, Da'Vonne, James, and Corey in the WA. They wonder if Paulie would flip to the other side. Da and Corey don't think so. General chatter on the HOH comp, the upcoming nominations, and other general talk about Victor. 2:35 AM BBT Natalie tells Bronte in the UKBR if they have to throw a comp, they might have to if they feel secure. They have to get the house to like them and keep winning. 2:45 AM BBT Tiffany and Natalie in the UKBR. General chat about Jozea and Victor. Advice they gave Jozea and talk about Victor and Natalie.
  18. 2:00 AM BBT Paulie tells Paul he'd like to put him up to fight for POV so they can keep Victor on the block because Paulie doesn't trust him. He says if Victor comes down, then one of the girls will go up and they will go home because they will keep Paul safe. Corey tells Paul people don't like the way Victor talks to them. Paulie said they tried to get Paul to break away from Victor and Jozea and Paul said it was hard because Jozea was on his team. Paul asks so was he put up by the roadkill to ensure Jozea out and Paulie says we don't know who won roadkill. Paul said that's why Bridgette went up, Paul knew she went up to ensure Jozea out. Paul said Jozea was genuinely nice to him and Paulie said he wasn't genuine, he called himself the Messiah. Paulie tells Paul if he won POV he'd use it on Paul because he just doesn't trust Vic. Paulie thinks the girls will go after each other. Bronte comes up to use the WC and Paul tried to continue talking and Paulie motioned him not to. Talk turns to the competition until Bronte leaves. Paul immediately says you're the HOH, and you've been observing and maybe i'm getting played, and Paulie interrupts and said you were getting played. Tiffany interrupts to use the WC and talk goes back to the competition. Paulie says they jumped over some of the logs to the circle and Paul said he didn't even know he could jump and that he didn't know if he could use his hands. Paulie says it was fun. Corey said Natalie was upset because she was a gymnast and she was the first to fall off. Paulie asks Tiffany if she wants to kick it and listen to his CD. Paulie has been struggling with the remote for about 15 minutes now and asks Tiffany how to use the remote. Corey says he's going to bed and leaves. In the Tokyo room, Victor and Frank talking about the comp and Victor complaining about James throwing the challenge. He doesn't like James and James spread lies about him. Tiffany says in the competition she gets tired easily because she doesn't work out like some of the others. So she helped Corey finish the third column and then asked if he could finish and she said as that third row was finished. They talk about people's strengths and weaknesses and Tiffany says Paul is brilliant and Paulie says yeah he is he went to Pepperdine. Paulie thinks they picked a super smart, super diverse, super fit cast. Tiffany says MMA fighters, personal trainers, nutritionist, nurses. Paul says it would be a good zombie apocalypse house. Paul says he just wants to have a good time. He doesn't like talking about serious stuff, he just wants to dress like a woman and make PB&J. Paulie still can't get the remote to work. Frank comes in and Tiffany gives the remote to him. Frank says they have to turn it on. Nicole tells Zakiyah should go up and stay in the room and find out what's going on. Zakiyah said she wants to give Paulie some space. Da says Zakiyah should go up too. 2:21 AM BBT Natalie and Bronte in UKBR. Bronte says she wants to tell Paulie she just wants to get to jury. She tried for two years to get on the show and she just wants there. She said vets have already played and been to jury and two of them won America's favorite, why do they need to make it to jury. Natalie says Bronte should go talk to people and that she just doesn't feel safe. Bronte said she doesn't know who to talk to besides Paulie and James. Natalie wonders what the guys will say and they could potentially throw them under the bus. Bronte says all Jozea had to do was tell Da and Zak that he was a newbie and Paulie has been trained for this. Bronte seen Da and Zakiyah talk to Jozea and they seemed honest and sincere. They fooled her. Natalie says they're planning and plotting and there's nothing they can do. Natalie says as long as me and you make it to jury together. They need to get to jury because they need the paycheck. Bronte says if she wins the roachcoach she's only telling Natalie and Natalie says she's only telling her. Bronte says if they put up Paul and Victor she'd want to nominate someone that could have been put up by their own alliance. Like Tiffany since there was that fight.
  19. 1:34 AM BBT Bridgette, Natalie, and Bronte go back downstairs to have their "wax party". James leaves the HOH and the girls squeal and invite him to the wax party. 1:35 AM BBT Natalie tells Bronte not to trust any of the guys. Bronte please stop singing. 1:38 AM BBT Frank comes down and goes to the WC. 1:40 AM BBT Frank lets Natalie wax his "unibrow". 1:43 AM BBT They call James to the DR and Frank and James say who? The voice says "James!". 1:45 AM BBT Paul hanging out in HOH hoping to get Paulie alone. Corey is lingering in the HOH room. 1:47 AM BBT Frank, Da, and Nicole in the Tokyo room and Frank tells them Victor was pitching they have to get girls out because there are 8 girls and 6 guys. Frank says he's throwing the girls under the bus. Frank asks what they think about the BD action? Zakiyah comes in to talk too. More talk about a possible BD and Victor comes in and interrupts. 1:48 AM BBT Paul says he bets Cody was stoked he got called to write a letter. Paulie explains they pre-write them or they wouldn't get them in time. 1:50 AM BBT Paulie, Paul, and Corey in HOH and Paul says he fell and hit his head hard. He has a headache. 1:50 AM BBT Bronte, Bridgette, and Natalie still in WA. Bronte telling them about her conversation with Paul and that he's going overboard. More re-hashing about Jozea going home and Natalie having a feeling he was going. Zakiyah comes in and interrupts the convo. Bridgette was saying someone told her she might get votes and she thought they were so mean. 1:51 AM BBT Paul tells Paulie he knew they had numbers at 7-4, but Victor did not. Paul says the girls were a mess. He says Victor is loyal and he has no animosity toward Paulie. Paul says we need to look at the bigger picture, not that the Vets are out to get us, but that two noobs are gone. He said not to go after the vets, but to point out that it's happening. Paul says it's not necessarily a priority or that they are being sneaky, but he wanted to point it out. Paul says he trusts Bronte and Natalie because they were honest with Jozea. Paulie says he trusts Paul and he is the most liked out of that group. On a personal level, Paulie says he likes and trusts Paul, but he doesn't trust Vic. Paulie says he feels like even if feels like Vic is loyal that he'd cut their throats, even about Corey. 1:57 AM BBT Paul asks Corey to lock the door. He said he wants to have ONE conversation with Paulie and only for like five minutes. 1:58 AM BBT Nicole says her mom got a twitter, but she said she might have cancelled depending on how people were. Da says she told her mom not to because her mom would be wanting to know where people lived.
  20. 1:00 AM BBT Everyone still in HOH room and still just general chit chat. They are reading where products from Paulie's basket are made. 1:02 AM BBT Natalie called to change her microphone. 1:15 AM BBT No one is leaving the HOH room. Everyone still just telling stories. They are telling stories on the wildest things they did in high school. 1:20 AM BBT Paul called to DR. Tiffany told to exchange her microphone. [Yes, it's really this boring]
  21. 12:30-1:00 AM BBT Paulie's CD is Breaking Benjamin. General chatter about snacks, his letter, and his pictures. 12:52 AM BBT Tiffany first to leave because she was called to DR.
  22. 12:00-12:30 AM BBT Paulie and Zakiyah upstairs on the landing chatting about strategy and who they trust. Paulie wants "them five" (Victor, Paul, Natalie, Bronte, and Bridgette) gone. He has discussed putting up two of the girls because they might be stronger than the guys. He says he wanted to rub it in that he stayed and then won HOH, but he decided not to. He mentions Bronte pitched to him saying she was loyal. Zakiyah feels like things went great. Paulie mentions putting up Paul and Victor and pulling Paul to the side and telling him he's a competition beast and he wants him to win veto to leave Victor on the block and Bronte can go next week. Zakiyah says Bronte has to go though because the longer she's in the game the more dangerous she is. Paulie says Natalie will have to go too because he thinks she'll be a floater. Zakiyah did not like Bridgette's speech to be saved from eviction. Zakiyah goes downstairs and Da'Vonne comes up. Paul and Bronte in the safari room. Paul wants to convince Paulie they need James out of the game. He's hoping Paulie would put up Victor and James and hopefully Victor would win POV. Paul thinks he can convince Paulie to turn him. Bronte said she knew in 30 seconds that James was going to throw the HOH comp. Bronte doesn't know why Da and Zakiyah sided with the vets and Paul said they're stupid. Paul asks if Bronte is 1000% sure Natalie is with them and Bronte says yes. Paul wants Natalie to spy for them. Bronte doesn't think Zakiyah and Da'Vonne are going to win a lot of competitions and Paul says they suck. Paul isn't worried about Nicole and Frank. Paul says they need to win roadkill. Bronte says she can't believe this day went so badly and Paul said because people are stupid and he keeps repeating that. Bronte says to tell Paulie they just want to get to jury. Paul says we can get rid of all four vets before jury. Bronte says no one on the other side asked her last week who she was voting for and that Paulie never talked to her either. Bronte was so livid when she seen Paulie was going to win that it took everything in her not to flip a pitch and say send her home. Bronte wonders why they didn't just say I'm sorry Jozea we're on their side. At least we aren't liars. Paul says it's funny how the worst case things keep happening. Bronte says it's like the Big Brother universe is against them, she just doesn't understand, because she's not a liar. She can't believe Da'Vonne and Zakiyah just flat out lied. Paul doesn't like Da. Paul just really doesn't like James. Paul only wants to play with Bronte, Jozea, and Victor because they are good people. Paul says when it comes to POV he will rape James. He swept them all under the rug in the last POV. Bronte thinks the 7 who sent Jozea home are like tight and she doesn't know how to squeeze her way in there. Bronte said James would go out of his way to waste time and Paul said because he's an idiot. Paul said they are obvious because they go in and out of rooms but if you ask them something, they don't know anything. Paul is going to try and convince Paulie they are using him to get power and they're going to vote him out when they don't need him anymore. Paul said when he was put up Paulie's face turned red. Bridgette comes in and asks if they're ok. Natalie comes in and the three girls go to wax. Da'Vonne, Nicole, Bridgette, Bronte, and Natalie all in the WA and having a "waxing party". Paulie called to DR.
  23. 1:30-2:00 AM BBT General talk and re-hashing the same conversations in the Tokyo room and the HOH room. Frank comes down to the Tokyo room and they ask him what happened. Frank says we just didn't see eye to eye. Paul tells Frank what he heard Tiffany yelling and Frank says the first time was the wine thing. Corey comes in to go to bed. Frank said Julie will come up with questions they won't be expecting. Jozea asks like what. Frank gives examples from his season. Paul says what other questions does Julie ask. Frank says it's random, she might ask about slop, the pixels, things like that. Da says Michelle is the closest in the house to Tiffany and she needs Michelle to calm her down. More re-hashing of events. They re-hash the same conversation again because Victor comes out of the DR. Zakiyah says they are going to hate me tomorrow, Michelle said me too, and Zakiyah said but definitely me and Da. Paulie and Tiffany in the safari room re-hashing the same conversations as well. Natalie and James on the upstairs landing re-hashing the Victor story. Nicole joins them upstairs. Paulie says after the last person votes, hes going to lean over and whisper to Jozea tell Julie I said hi.
  24. 1:15-1:30 AM BBT Nicole tells Frank Bronte came in and asked Tiffany who upset her and she started asking everyone. Michelle asks why Bronte has to be so nosy. Frank says if Tiffany doesn't want to be part of the group for the next few weeks, fine she can pull and Aubrey or Audrey, and mope. Downstairs Tiffany says she sometimes says things she doesn't mean. She doesn't think Frank is a chauvinist, but she was venting. Bridgette says people will love you for standing up for yourself and Tiffany says America doesn't like cry babies. Da, Zakiyah, and James still trying to talk to Tiffany and get her laughing. Tiffany asks Da not to tell people she was crying, just say she was upset. Tiffany says she know she's getting so much shit right now for crying and that its her first on feed cry. Paul comes up and asks Frank if he was the culprit and Michelle says it was me. Paul says really? Michelle says no. Paul asks why Tiffany is crying and Frank says I don't know. Michelle said Bronte's apparently finding out go ask her. Paul said she was mad and he wanted to get the 411. Michelle said I missed everything because I was in the shower. Paul leaves. Natalie comes in and sees Tiffany and asks if she was ok. Then she came over and hugged her and said don't cry. Natalie tells her to get her head out of the game. Paulie comes in and hugs and comforts Tiffany. Nicole says Bridgette was in there so she knows everything. Frank says Bridgette isn't going to spread anything I tell her. Michelle says she still doesn't trust Bridgette. Corey comes back up and Da'Vonne. Frank says Paul was just up here trying to figure out what was going on. Da says nosy asses. And they start re-hashing again. Zakiyah in the Tokyo room with Victor, Jozea, Paul, and Bronte. But we get FotH and then we see Zakiyah running upstairs. Jozea tells Bronte Zakiyah and Da are good and that he doesn't know why Natalie and Bridgette are even worrying. Bronte said she thought Natalie and Bridgette were going to give her an actual conversation they overheard, but it was just a gut feeling. Bronte said they are losing it and taking her down with them. She says she got frustrated with them because there was nothing substantial. Jozea said Zakiyah and Da, Natalie, Bronte, Paul, and Victor are all voting for Jozea to stay and Victor says we have Frank. Paul says Frank is doing weird stuff, but Victor says Frank told them they were good. Jozea said if he sees six votes, he'll know who flipped, but it won't be Zakiyah or Da. Paulie comes out of the UKBR and Paul asks if Tiffany said anything and Paulie said no she doesn't want to talk about it. Frank just said Vanessa used to try to intimidate people and when they pushed back then she'd cry. Frank said that's what just happened with Tiffany. Nicole says she looked just like her sister while she was crying. NIcole said they got a lot to use for tomorrow's show and Michelle said it wouldn't be the night before eviction night if stuff didn't go down. Zakiyah just came in and said they still think Frank is on their side. Frank said the questions were fine, it was the way she was asking them. Zakiyah tells them Jozea said if he gets evicted he's going to raise hell. They say how, he's going to be out of the house, and Zakiyah said he's going to do it before he leaves the house. Frank says Bridgette just sided with them because she thought they were majority. Jozea calls Bridgette a dumbass idiot. They send Bronte back in the UKBR and Jozea tells Bridgette to not let them get in her head.



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