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Everything posted by spikes_luv

  1. 5:59 pm BBT: Ian whispers something to Shane - sounds like he's asking if it's the "best feeling ever" because Shane answers. "Ever! Ever!" Then goes on to say the Shark Fin must've been a great feeling, also. Shane says something about another comp being "a little bit more memorable than today but still, good feeling." [sounds very much like Shane won POV]
  2. 5:40 BBT: All 4 QPers in the KT. Dan starts quacking [probably indicating a QPer isn't leaving this week]. Danielle being quiet. Dan & Ian start whispering but Danielle turns on the water and drowns out the entire conversation. 5:49 BBT: Danielle showing Ian marks on her back - looks like from harnesses. She says she was so mad when her puzzle fell. Shane says he was so mad every time his fell. [shane chipper, Dan seems in good spirits. My guess is one of Dan or Shane won.] Dan comes into KT with his Memphis hat to play cards. [He usually wears this when he is doing something he likes in the game - maybe he won?]
  3. Danielle picking her zit which has grown bigger and redder. [shocker]
  4. Feeds back. Don't know who won yet. Dan and Jenn not on camera. Feeds showing everyone but Jenn now. No POV necklace in site. edit: scratch that - it's hanging on the memory wall. Shane says it took hours to set that up but it was maybe a 10 min comp. Ian says he could never get the timing right - he was awful. Dan eating - looks content. Danielle laying in the Arcade room by herself - fetal position.
  5. Shane's downfall will be that he didn't play the showmance full on. He could have had Danielle wrapped around his ... finger. He's just not ruthless enough to be that fake. It's gonna hurt him.
  6. Very true. Dan works her perfectly. He knows when to feed into her insecurities and how to sway the conversation into something more productive. I do think she's smart, though, and if she can keep her head in the game she may surprise us. If Shane leaves this week (crosses fingers), I see Danielle's game becoming that much stronger.
  7. I like her. She's a cool person. I wouldn't say she deserves to win over Dan, Danielle or Ian but I enjoy her on the feeds - especially her talks with Dan.
  8. Danielle was HOH but Dan controlled her decisions that week and he was responsible for Janelle going home. Danielle defnitely wanted Janelle out but, until Dan okayed it, it wasn't going to happen. It was Dan's deal with Boogie/Frank that cemented his decision to let Danielle backdoor Janelle.
  9. I am torn between wanting it to be Dan, Danielle & Jenn (what Dan wants) and Dan, Danielle & Ian (more likely since It's hard to imagaine Ian not winning the F4 POV). If it's a Dan, Danielle, Ian F3 I could see Ian taking Dan if he wins the final HOH (but in this case I think Ian would win). If it's a Dan, Danielle, Jenn F3 I wouldn't put it past Danielle to cut Dan at F2 because that would pretty much guarantee her the win. If she took Dan, he would probably beat her. I pretty much think Dan needs to win that final HOH because he wouldn't take Ian and he would beat anyone else he takes.
  10. I don't like her that much personally but I have to admire her game. She is in a golden spot right now and I just can't see her not being in the F2.
  11. Only way Jenn/Dani/Dan don't all stay is if Shane wins veto. If he does, Jenn is gone.
  12. Dan is very good, obviously, but Danielle is a great actress. Her conversation with Jenn last night where she got Jenn to believe Shane was using her and there is some conspiracy with Ian/Shane was pretty incredible. It helped pull Jenn closer to Danielle but also pulled Jenn closer to Dan. She is doing a great job at keeping Jenn on board with Dan's dream F3. Dan brought it home with his own conversation with Jenn after Dani/Shane went to bed. I don't think the student has surpassed the teacher by any means but Danielle is pretty good at this game in her own right. If the cards all fall into place (Shane not winning veto this week and Ian not winning veto next week), the Dan/Danielle/Jenn F3 could definitely happen.
  13. 9:07 BBT - Dan brings a blanket, goes into the LR to get cozy on the sofa talking to himself: "Alright Big Brother I'm staying awake for you. Don't make me regret it." 9:09:am BBT: Begins a long list of 'good mornings' the LR couch: "Weezer. It's Weezer and it's Weezy" [Weezer was one of the am wakeup songs] "Good morning to my lovely wife, Chelsea, Kelly, Mom, Dad..." He continues mentioning names which I won't repeat all of but he does include Ralph Macchio (lol)"...Good morning. It's Saturday morning. Fighting for my life in this piece." Whispers especially low, "I think I made Final Four." Continues, "BB you're losing me to the sleep battle. Call me if you need me. What else can I talk about?" He lays quietly and begins falling asleep.
  14. 9:04 BBT - Dan is in the kitchen eating breakfast alone. He takes what looks like 4 or 5 of the little rocks from the decorative bowl on the KTI table, walks into the Arcade room and places them in a line on the top edge of the claw machine, then walks back in to the KT to finish his cereal. [what are you up to now Dan?]
  15. Shane has really started to annoy me lately, he eventually shows up everywhere Danielle ends up and he is just so loud! He has to constantly be making noises, knocking on the table, just generally getting on my nerves (and I think Dani's). I am really hoping noms stay the same and Danielle sticks to what she told Dan and votes Shane out. I think if Shane just continues to act like he has been, it will happen.
  16. LOL Dan is always thinking, always doing something to further his game. For example, currently he is sitting in the kitchen studying the Memory Wall (since this POV will probably be morphed HG pics), but he has Chelsea's picture sitting on the table so when someone walks by he can pretend he's just staring at her pic. Love Dan or hate him, you have to admire his ambition and the fact that his head is always in the game.
  17. I'm not a Joe fan but I have to defend him on this one. I saw that one of the live feed updaters editorialized and said Joe is lying about this but he isn't. I was watching live feeds one night and heard Janelle give a shout out, asking someone at Sucks to put up this feed about Frank - she specified exactly what it should say and someone started it shortly after she asked for it: http://survivorsucks.com/topic/97569/Frank-cut-your-nasty-disgusting-hair-cause-Janey-says-so#.UEauXpZQCdk Here is another one from the same night: http://survivorsucks.com/topic/97572/F-U-Frankie-and-Your-Smelly-Teddy-Bear#.UEarmZZQCdk
  18. Agreed. Dan certainly doesn't have a clear shot to the end but things aren't looking bad for him. I think the worst case scenario for Dan is if the FF HOH is physical. If Shane wins that one, Dan could go up next to Jenn or Joe but it could be Ian/Joe or Ian/Jenn. I do think Dan/Dani could get in his ear and convince him Ian needs to be up there with one of the "floaters" (ie Joe or Jenn) since he's such a favorite to win the next few comps down the line. If Ian walks out the door after Frank I see Dan's chances going up immensely. I guess we'll see...
  19. When was this said and by who? Date and time on live feeds please. The live feeds I've been watching have Dan in a F4 with Jenn/Frank/Dani; a F3 with Jenn/Dani; a F3 with Shane/Dani; a F2 with Dani; a F2 with Ian. The only one who would put Dan up next is probably Joe at this point, and it's unlikely he'd win an HOH unless it's a total crapshoot. Please tell me how he is out next?
  20. Hey Sparky! Nice to see you again. I don't know exactly what will happen but I do anticipate Frank blowing something up this week once he realizes he's leaving on Thursday. Maybe that will just be a last minute blasting of Dan as he walks out the door, who knows. Whatever it is, I believe Dan will be able to work his way around it and recover. Especially if it happens on Frank's way out. If not, I still think Dan will be able to talk his way out of almost anything - especially since Shane has a couple side alliances going on his own so he can't be that mad at Dan for trying to cover himself as well. Also, while I know jury votes are going to come into consideration, I think Dan realizes that people will know the game he played if he gets to the end. He will have a good speech prepared and he will own everything he did as a game move - which it all was. Beyond that, he knows he can't do anymore and if people vote bitterly, they vote bitterly.
  21. I saw this, lol. Joe was definitely caught and didn't have anyway to get out of it. Then when Shane came in the room, Dan told him about it and Joe felt more embarrassed. This morning, Joe went up to Ian's HOH room (while Ian was still in bed because Joe has no manners) and told Ian the story, except he put his own little spin on it. He said Dan "whispered like he was Shane" and that he set Joe up....like Dan was doing anything other than just crawling into bed and it wasn't Joe just being an idiot like usual and talking before thinking.
  22. LOL are you serious? When Joe goes to the jury I'm sure a lot of live feeders will be singing with joy that he isn't in the house interrupting the "real alliance" conversations every 5 minutes and running up to the HOH room to kiss ass of whoever's up there. He hasn't done anything to deserve staying in that house one minute longer than any of the other six people who are still there and imo he's already overstayed his welcome. I'll be thrilled when his worthless ass walks out the door. That being said, I think it's better strategy to evict Frank and Joe is much easier to beat. I just can't understand the thought that Joe has any right to be pissed about anything in this game right now.
  23. Dan swore on all that to let Frank know everything he said would be the truth, and it was. I believe he meant it at the time but I can't really blame him for wanting to change his plans now and roll with the Quack Pack again...for a little while lol. Frank certainly is covering his own bases and has made a couple other deals besides the one he made with Dan, as well. He made a F2 with Jenn right after Dan's, he made a F3 with Shane/Joe. He would've made a deal with Ian if he'd been open to it. If Dan was on the block this week and Frank a shot at him against Joe or Jenn, I'm pretty sure he would take it. Dan can't play the same game he did in Season 10. This season he came in being well known for one of the best players in BB history. No way can he slide UTR at all this time. I guess that means he's going to make more underhanded moves. I'm glad he is and I'm so thrilled he hosted his own funeral last week, told Danielle she was dead to him (in the game) and made a deal with Frank and Jenn. It made for a very exciting week and I would have missed him if he had just laid down like everyone apparently expected him to. Brittany was playing a great game, too, but not nearly as close to the caliber Dan is playing. I want to see the best person get to the end, if possible.
  24. [Hilarious moment - Joe puts his foot in his mouth.] Dan gets into bed in the dark, Joe's in his bed and starts whispering to Dan. Joe: "What's up?" Joe: "What?" Dan: "Oh nothing just going to bed." Joe: "Slide over." Dan:"Slide over?" (he slides closer) Joe: "Dan just chased me in here soon as I went to bed." Dan:"What?" Joe: "Dan." Dan: (in a normal loud voice): "This IS Dan. Go to bed Joe." Joe starts laughing trying to play it off then is silent. Shane comes in a few minutes later and Dan says, "That's who you wanted to talk to, Joe", then explains to Shane what happened. Joe laughs again but is quiet.



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