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Tuesday, September 6

Guest ranster627

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Guest ranster627

Think you can't help us out because you don't get the Live Feeds?

Then you would be wrong ...

We are trying something new out this year ...

We need people to write what they see on the televised show, preferrably as you are watching it, but even within the hour later ... then Ranster (me) will swoop in and gather it all up for a neat upload for the BB page.

Wanna Help? Volunteer here!

Watching the show? Post what you see here in as much detail as you can!

you can also e-mail to ranster@mortystv.com

This is all a part of Morty's Team Coverage ...

Any takers?

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Recap of Howies HOH time and beaus eviction.

April-Tonight we lost beau all we can do is remember beau in this house and take a peice of him eith us

Ivette- I lost beau beau which im truly truly crushed.. it was such a hard time. (Says she is still playing for Eric) now that beau is gone the chances of a million are gone

Howie to janie- Your stong, your the strongest player in the game... They are gonna pay for what they did to us

Ivette- Its an amazing feel, i cant beleive i got hoh i am so estatic (sp)

Janelle- Im sick of the nerd herd winning, it makes me so mad..

***The plan is that howie and janelle go up, they take howie off and puts up april because she has a pact. Janelle is going home. ***

Ivette goes into the hoh room and seen a picture of her girlfriend maggie and went down onto her knees and started crying. Howie opens her recess peices and starts eating them without permission (funny but mean)

Howie is playing with his lite saver. him and jan talk in GR and they figure they are going up. they wanna win the pov and make a deal with ivette to put up april and when they vote there is a tie and ivette votes april out and they bring ivette to the final 3. (that is their plan, they are questional if it will work)


Howie is putting his toy thingy and is putting it on james' face (in the pic) and ivette & maggie are watching him on the hoh tv. April is complaining about how much he plays with these lite sabres and says he really beleive that he beleives he is a Jeti. Now howie and jan are having sword fights with the lite sabres. **Howie really is starting to sound like he thinks he is a real Jeti and is help Janie becoming a better Jeti**

Ivette- Wants Jenelle out, and says if she got april and maggie out then she wont have to stand up against them in the final 3. "alright everyone, it is time for the nomination cerimony"... At the nomination cerimony Ivette put up Janelle and Howie. To Janelle i completly under estimated you in the game ... (missed alot of the speach)... it is amazing what a girl can do to a guy, and how much you can munipulate guys. To-howie you are still a person on the other side, anyways i never sugar coat anything in this game and thats why i nominated you. Janelle and howie think that ivettes speach was a 'crok of shit'

Janelle- I want to win the pov so i can compete face to face with that bitch.


POV comp........

April first.. Her time was 4:16

Ivette Second...time was 3:28

Howie third... time was 9:18

Maggie fourth... time was 3:59

Janelle fifth.. her time was 2:30

Janelle wins the comp and the GPOV goes to her.

April is very pissed that a peron who only wants a 'sugar daddy' can stay in the game.

Janelle- Im very happy that i beat the nerd heard again but im upset that i cant use the POV on howie


Ivette said that everyone feared james, and she has always feared Janelled (they should have listened to her and got the bitch out a long time ago) They all knew that howie was gonna suck, but they knew janelle would kick ass.

Janelle and Howie are cuddling and talking about the deal again. They decide they are going to go with her to with the deal and hope that she takes it. Janelle talks about the money and how ivette better realize how much money it is and take 'agressive steps.'

Instead of Janlle going to ivette, ivette went to howie. ivette said that if she decides to get rid of april, those two(Ivette and howie) would be sitting next to eachother in the finals.


POV meeting. ****I am new at this so i cant keep up with the talking and typing. But i got the final result**** Janelle used the vito on herself. April gets put up on the block as a 'pawn'

Howie says all he needs is one vote, and all he wants is ivettas vote. We will see what happens.

I tried my best, this is my first broadcat update. Hope its good enough


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Guest ranster627

thanks for the help! this thread will be left open for two hours after the show ends for any recappers who wish to post in block format as well!

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Guest ranster627

Howie and light sabre

A: light sabres --- he went to being a kid all over again

takes them everywhere


Howie believes that he like a jedi"

H: I'm a great Jedi ... the jedi way, art nature

Jedi Jane ... the force is strong with her ... a powerful Jedi she will be

J: the force is strong with me

H: red is evil ... dark side "Sith Lord"

Nom Day:

J: she may nominate me but hasn't got me out of the house

H: he knows what will happen

Ivette knows keeping them she could win


April you are safe, Maggie you are safe

nominated Howie and Janelle

Janelle because she underestimated her ... talks about manipulating men

Howie: all because of side he is on

Janelle, sarcastic ... floored ...

Howie: this game ain't over yet

Maggie liked her speech

Janelle and Howie: howie says it wasn't meaningful

Janelle says she never manipulated Michael

called speech cowardly doesn't agrre she manipulated men

wants to go toe-to-toe with Ivette to beat her

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Guest ranster627

separated rooms for Veto comp

one at a time outside


6 faces of three combined

pick three names ... run and hit button

April first: 4:16

Ivette: 3:28

Howie: wore James' underwear

stuck on his own face

Maggie: no one have children with each other

Janelle: last one evil because it had eric in it

results: M: 3:59

H: 8:18 Howie apologizes

J: 2:30

she was shocked

Howie called Jedi Janie the best in the business

I: All Star BB player like Janelle

M: devastated has to start winning HOH's and vetoes

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Guest ranster627

Ivette says worst case scenario

Ivette laughed ... nothing else you can do

she feared Janelle

double J problem

Maggie finds it odd Jan stares at people

How and Jan

H: she beat me fair and square I'm happy for her

J: will try deal with Ivette

to get I to vote out April

Janelle hopes I realizes it's a game ... make aggressive steps

I wants to talk to I

trust question

she pictured her and How at the end

better to get rid of a friend now than later

with Jan she wins and H

she went to Howie, he listened

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Guest ranster627

pre veto ceremony

Janelle has to save herself

loves that I has to nom one of her own

Veto Meeting

Howie: says he wouldn't save himself

wants her to save herself

she did think about saving him ... she save herself

Ivette nominates April

a new blonde to sit next to Howie

Ivette says April is a pawn

Janelle will take revenge if Howie leaves

H: needs one vote just Ivette

Thursday: Live next eviction and HOH

Contributors: ranster627 and smirnoff. A big Morty's thanks!

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Guest ranster627

Pre-Taped Televised Show: Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Again we had a busy show because of the eviction on Saturday. The recap was even a little out of the ordinary taking us back to the beginning reminding us that 14 people or 7 pairs entered the house. Then we flashed forward to Howie winning HOH and nominating the last surviving pair, Ivette and Beau. Holly from BB5 hosted the POV which Maggie won. Maggie kept her word to April and left the nominations stand leading to Beau

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