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August 20th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Guest ranster627

Please post ONLY "real time" Live Feed observations here! We need to keep pictures in Pictures Forum! Thanks for understanding ... if you post a picture here it will be quoted and moved ...

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The Jokers update said the feeds came on again briefly with just audio. And the only thing it quote is "Rachel in the hospital."

Then, checked back later and this entry was removed. SO unlikely to be true.

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Big Brother 6 Spoiler

It's Over - Who Got Sent Home?

Yesterday was a very busy day for the Houseguests. And very little is known about what happened. At about 11:15 a.m. Big Brother time yesterday Big Brother cut the feeds and have been showing us the fish tank since then.

They updated the CBS site with the following statement: "BIG BROTHER 6 24/7 is temporarily unavailable so that certain competitive results are not revealed in advance of Saturday's broadcast. BIG BROTHER 6 24/7 will resume Saturday, August 20 at 9pm PT/12am ET." That's an interesting definition of 24/7.

On the schedule for yesterday was the food competition, the Power of Veto Competition, the Power of Veto Ceremony, Eviction Vote and the Eviction Ceremony. That's a lot of activity.

As I said, very little is known. I do know that Beau and James did not participate in the Power of Veto Competition.

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I don't know who won it or if the Power of Veto was used. But I do believe I know who was evicted.

Maybe somebody on the production staff felt shutting down the feeds until tonight was a pretty bad idea because the feeds returned very briefly just after 7 p.m. BBT. They showed us just enough to make some guesses.

The feeds showed the houseguests gathered around the door, as though they had just said goodbye to a houseguest. April was seen crying. You could see and hear Maggie trying to console her. Beau and Ivette were clearly shown. We heard and saw Ivette tell James, "I'm sure Sarah's glad she's gone!" Unless you want to speculate that this whole tableau was staged, then chances are pretty good that Jennifer is gone and soon to be forgotten.

We'll find out tonight for sure.

I hope this is not a preview of what to expect from Big Brother and the way they treat the audience that has bought and paid for the feeds. I can understand, but disagree with, suspending the feeds during the actuall competition. But suspending them for almost 36 hours is just not right. Not when thousands of people are paying for the service. If my cable company did that I would be entitled to a credit. I think Big Brother needs to re-evaluate this decision.

On the lighter side here's a conversatio that took place yesterday before we went on a steady diet of fish.

A couple of the female houseguests were discussing what to do after the show is over.

Ivette said that she would do Playboy.

April said that she would do Playboy if she didn't have to show her "box."

I can't wait for Miss Sophistication to get sent back to her double-wide.

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