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Tuesday, August 16th Televised Show Coverage


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Think you can't help us out because you don't get the Live Feeds?

Then you would be wrong ...

We are trying something new out this year ...

We need people to write what they see on the televised show, preferrably as you are watching it, but even within the hour later ... then Ranster (me) will swoop in and gather it all up for a neat upload for the BB page.

Wanna Help? Volunteer here!

Watching the show? Post what you see here in as much detail as you can!

This is all a part of Morty's Team Coverage ...

Any takers?

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Guest ranster627

in 20 minutes we start this coverage ... tonight will be the Veto Competition and the Veto Ceremony ...

If you are recapping the show and having trouble posting it, please send to ranster@mortystv.com

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Guest ranster627

Previously on BB ...

united House to get James out, but it ended up being Sarah out

Kaysar returned

HOH competition ... James quit

leaving two sides in battle for ultimate control

Jenn swears on her life

Jenn is HOH ... nominates Rachel and Janelle ...

Reaction to nominations:

Kaysar and I have had a little understanding ... I'm giving you what you want ... but

Jan: Jenn is the biggest liar of the house

Rachel: swore on her life ...

she didn't trust his group

K: Jennifer has lied str8 to my face

"Sorry, mean Jenn's coming out"

James describes backdoor ... he can't defend himself

Rachel and Jan discuss the lie

boys join them

still think there's a backdoor

Janelle not so sure

Kaysar throws hat

he did not come back to see his team dismantled

H: no one's out the door yet

Howie keeps saying it will be backdoor James

Ivette says James can start apologizing

Jenn describes to James the deal

Iv loyalty to team first, him second

Ivette's been good to me - James

Rachel cried ... mostly because there were promises made and those promises were broken

James talks to Jenn

respects deal ... by letting him know at least he understands

she says she was thoroughly honest

he talks about his epiphany by watching Ivette

he describes devilish face on Rachel

he didn't want to be them ... he cries ...

Jenn said James thinks backdoor plan isn't fair

James wants to stay and be a very strong ally

Kaysar and Jennifer talk

he wanted to come back and really outdo himself

he's out of the loop

doubts decision to give Jennifer HOH

Jennifer says he was understandably upset

she explains the last week

and the possible betrayal re: Ivette

she trusts Kay completely

he thinks her intentions may have been fabricated

she was trying to cover up something

she didn't want kaysar to change her mind

"James will be gone"

when James is gone, that's when the real war starts

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Guest ranster627

after commercial:

Howie models his Speedo

he'll carch pe-nomea

Howie felt weird

Ivette adjusted him

round butt

it's awkward

Howie looks as good as he can in a Speedo

Maggie's birthday

was Kaysar that week too

joint party

each got a cake

huge card from his parents ...

King Kaysar in castle

Maggie card said some really really nice things

cool electronic thing

not her personality type

Kay thabnks BB and K-Mart

Jennifer asks how James feels now

Ivette has a bond with James

her heart tells her he has had a change of heart

James has played dirty, James has lied

can you really hold him accountable for playing the game the evil way ... not really

Jenn says he has to go sooner or later so it might as well be now --- Jenn

Ivette calls Jenn a floater

April wants to use James for votes

Ivette: James could be a bonus for us

Ivette wants to make sure decision they have to make is just a real wise one

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Guest ranster627

after commercial:

Veto Competition

Jennifer picked April duh she's my partner

Rachel picked Howie wanted him to win

Janelle picked Kaysar

relieved James wasn't picked --- lowest way in the world to take somebody out

giant round table with different levels and two chair

Coast for the Most --- "Maggie

large table with 5 rings with weeeks Coaster had faces of evictees

evicted on right week

no points, no winner

Jennifer someone needs to win

orange is leaders chair

James said it's miserable when you don't have control over your own destiny


gets 1 point

that's what they needed

misses week two

gets week three --- 3 points

4 points total


gets week 1

gets 2 / 3 not 4 or 5

6 points


gets 1 and 2 --- 2 points


1 point


hasn't played the game

2 and 3

5 points


the coaster cahmpion of the house

1 3 = 4

Rachel is the winner with 6 points

I'm going off the block now, thank god

right now the pieces are linesd up for James to go out the door

James: even custer had a last stand

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Guest ranster627

after commercial:

Kaysar talks to Maggie

is Jennifer going to follow through

that's the impression that James is going up

M: Jenn is this storm that has just not hit land yet

Kay asks Jennifer, for reassurance

she says ya

Kaysar doesn't think she has the courage to keep James

based on logic

she knows she made a deal ... but when you get an opportunity in front of her face you have to run with it

he should've kept his finger on the button

Rachel James should be the one

she could do anything

Veto Ceremony

Janelle say something ... will say that Rachel just do what you have to do

would expect Janelle to do same thing

Rachel takes herself off the block

Jennifer: have to nominate somebody else

Kaysar brought a group together as a leader

they couldn;t keep themselves together last week

nominate Kaysar

I broke my word duh ...

James: this is beautiful this is revenge


How personally betrayed Hurricane Howie is going down swinging

forget integrity

they've proven themselves to be cowards

Thursday live, see who gets evicted: Kaysar or Janelle

Tonight's contributors: ranster627 and Smirnoff. A big Morty's thanx!

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