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gummy needs to keep her trap shut


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poor immature ivette... she has so much bullsh to spew that america is getting EARFULS of nonsense everytime she rants. perhaps she thinks she is revolutionizing tv by plotting to 'come out' via the summer of secrets. hasnt there been at least ONE homosexual on every reality tv show since the very first real world? reckon she aint teaching us backward folks nuttin about dem fruits we aint already a-knowin. the morn after a warm case of pabst blue ribbon wouldnt touch the diarreha falling out her mouth...

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Guest BabiGirl

poor immature ivette... she has so much bullsh to spew that america is getting EARFULS of nonsense everytime she rants.  perhaps she thinks she is revolutionizing tv by plotting to 'come out' via the summer of secrets.  hasnt there been at least ONE homosexual on every reality tv show since the very first real world?  reckon she aint teaching us backward folks nuttin about dem fruits we aint already a-knowin.  the morn after a warm case of pabst blue ribbon wouldnt touch the diarreha falling out her mouth...

Amen honey, Amen

and Eric is just as bad

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Guest Katarina

poor immature ivette... she has so much bullsh to spew that america is getting EARFULS of nonsense everytime she rants.  perhaps she thinks she is revolutionizing tv by plotting to 'come out' via the summer of secrets.  hasnt there been at least ONE homosexual on every reality tv show since the very first real world?  reckon she aint teaching us backward folks nuttin about dem fruits we aint already a-knowin.  the morn after a warm case of pabst blue ribbon wouldnt touch the diarreha falling out her mouth...

That was great!
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