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Poor Evilette!


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Poor Evilette! She's so destroyed by all of this. It's all so evil and unfair. All those others playing with a partner. BOOHOO

It's enough to make you wanna puke to hear that hypocritical sow spew bile from her incessantly flapping maw. The house was fine enough for her last week, wasn't it? Now everything is so evil and upsetting to her?

The only thing she is upset about is that she knows her little clique got played. The greatest play in BB history and she is on the short end of the stick.

And with everything coming out and to a head, she (and April) are still acting like they are the victims in all this. Gawd, I can't wait until Thursday when Julie makes those 2 look like even more of a fool than they already do.

Poor Evilette.

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Guest DraftKing

From the conversation going on right now (feed 3), apparently April knows that Ivette is a lesbian, and April encouraged Ivette to reveal it to the house, but Ivette didn't want to do that AT ALL. The lemmings are running in circles, not knowing what to do next. I love it!

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