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I love it!

Guest CHRIS1227

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Guest CHRIS1227

I am so happy Kaysar won the HOH. You could just see the concern on the sheeps and the shepard's face. They know it, we know it, Kaysar knows it.

Also happy we get to see Janelle for at least 2 more weeks. She is pretty and smart, very entertaining to watch. She and Kaysar should now form the "outcast alliance" now that they are the two people without partners.

If Kaysar is smart (and if he knew what we know) he would put up Maggie and Ivette. Obviously Eric isnt going to go since he has the numbers, but if you can take out one of his legs it would cripple his power in the house. All of the sudden either he loses his partner or he loses Beau. When Ivette leaves Beau will be on his own.

I think Ivette will leave, and there will be much rejoicing.

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