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Posting Media From Big Brother


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This forum is for posting screen captures and pics from the Big Brother House live feeds.

An easy, fast tool for grabbing a single screen capture is IrfanView, a great, free graphics program that will let you capture an image, crop it, adjust the brightness and other properties. It's great for making avatars too. Download it from: http://www.irfanview.com/ and you might as well download the plug-ins for added enjoyment.

You can post screen captures in the Big Brother Pictures Forum. Once you have your pictures saved to your hard drive, you have to upload them to someplace on the web, and then you can paste the links, which will show the images in a message. Once you have uploaded them, you can paste them in a message body by placing the URL between IMAGE tags as follows:



Direct linking is allowed. Free and has minimal limitations ~

snapfish.com Unlimited storage of your online photos

sitemouse.com Sitemouse - 3mb free disk space

ofoto.com Kodak-unlimited storage

villagephotos.com 25 Images and up to 5 MegaBytes daily

web-a-photo.com 40 MB

photoisland.com No limit on photo upload

community.webshots.com 10 photo albums with up to 24 photos in each

imagestation.com Unlimited photos-video-15mins of video -40MB limit per clip

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  • First the image has to be saved on your computer.

Once you have it saved, you go to the Image Shack page. (I use Image Shack or Photo Bucket).

Please Note - When you name the picture to your computer, make sure it isn
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Welcome to the big Brother Picture Forum!

This forum is for posting screen captures and pics (with captions that explain them) from the Big Brother House live feeds.

Please use the "Big Brother International Forum" to post info about the Big Brother houses in other than USA. Please keep all discussions in the general "Big Brother Forum" and Live Feed Updates in the "Live Feed Forum."

If you forget which forum you're in and post here by mistake, don't worry your post will be deleted without prejudice, we all goof-up at times.

There is one thread for PICTURES for each for day in the Big Brother house.

After you post here, we may reprint your post on the main Big Brother page, and not credit you right beside it for submitting the information. It's not that we don't want people to know you helped, but it

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