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Help with RingTones

Guest janey_doll

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Guest janey_doll

I was just wondering if the Big Brother ring tones from the CBS website will work on my tracfone? Tracfone is the kind of cell phones you by the phone cards for like every month or whenever you run out of minutes. I was wanting to get a Big Brother ring tone but I didn't know if it would work and also whenever I buy a new phone card will the ring tone stay or will it delete it?

These might be stupid questions but I don't want to get one and it not work. And also how much are they? and can you have more then one at a time on a tracfone?

Thanks B)

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Probably not. Tracfone is a barebones prepaid carrier with basic phones. They do not offer wireless web, so your phone would not be able to download the content.

But... for my other peeps... screw PAYING for these wallpapers. Just get the pics of the houseguests from CBS.com and send them to your phone as an email attatchment to:








If I can capture the audio bits from the website, most of these carriers can use the same method for sending yourself ringers as well.

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