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Let's Take a Screen Capture of the Live Feeds [Revised for 2022]

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As you know, beginning with BB22 CBS started using some copyright voodoo on the streams that screw up screen caps (and prevented liquid8d from making a BBviewer app).  


I found a Chrome extension that doesn't care about the voodoo, and captures the live feed screen. You can get it from the chrome app store. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gofullpage-full-page-scre/fdpohaocaechififmbbbbbknoalclacl?hl=en


You need to pause the player before you hit the capture button, or it comes out screwy. After you click the capture icon, it takes you to a page where you download the screen cap.

It's free, I'm not a computer security expert, so I offer no endorsement on its safety, but Google approved it for distribution. See also: https://gofullpage.com/one-click-screen-capture.jpg

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