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BBCAN8 Tuesday, March 10, 2020 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother Canada observations and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  https://www.tvfanforums.net/forum/260-big-brother-canada-season-8/

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is East Coast Daylight Saving Time. See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names that start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who: BBCAN8 HG Cheat Sheet


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/  Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


Please post pictures and screenshots in this topic.

Thank you!

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1:54 PM BBT Brooke and MInh are in the have-not room. They are talking what big brother seasons they have seen. Brooke said she has seen BB Canada since season 4, she also has seen BB US since season 14. Minh compliments her on how she knows so much. Minh mentions season 2 with Ika and Season 5 with Ika. Brooke said you really couldn't see her play because she went out to early. Minh agrees with her. 

2:00 PM BBT Minh and Brooke then talk about her Jamar. Minh ask what do you think he is? Brooks said she defentilty think he is a wild card. Minh agrees with her as well. Minh then asks if if she is a wild card as well. Brooke kinda answers her but not really. Minh mentions a theater friend she had and the cams change to John Luke and Jamar talking in the anime. John Luke is eating a bowl of something. John luke said he dont think any of the girls are vibing. General chit mainly. 

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2:18 PM BBT Madeline and Michael upstairs talking to each other about the other guys and how they are eating everything in the house and how they are left with cerial for dinner. Brooke come in where they are talking. 

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5;01 PM BBT Sheldon and Angie are talking in the HN Room. He tells Angie to not think she is in the minority of the vote. He says 4 people flipping is possible but it not likely (talking about flipping the votes in Michael favor). Sheldon tells her the 4 wildcard people are Hira an Jamar and 2 others. He also says he thinks he can figure out where they two are at. Angie also shares she lost carol. Sheldon then thanks angie for telling him she tells him you are welcome and leave the room. 

5;10 PM BBT Angie goes up to the HOH room where Susanne is listening to Chris music. Angie asks if she can listen too and they have a dance party. Feeds cut out but shortly come back, they come back to Brooke and Susanne talking. Kyle and Sheldon in the Have not room talking. Sheldon is saying telling Kyle that carol is voting to keep mike because she is mad kyle for some reason. 

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5:30 PM BBT Hira Vanessa and Jamar and Angie are talking game. Jamar is saying he dosent want to be in the middle because he saw what happen last season they leave early and he dosent want that to happen to him. Angie says we need to pick a side. Angie asks who then our are you going for and he says at first it was Michael. Angie says you gotta watch out for the down fall. Jamar says yeah i know and explains that getting rid of Brooke would be a bad idea because of Sheldon and brooke are together.  

6:06 PM BBT carol takes off her shirt and lays down on the bed. Minh says she gonna change into her tank top because she feels like this could get hot. ( she is going to give carol a massage).  general chit chat occur for awhile then feeds cut off. 

6:16 PM BBT Feeds come back and they show Maddie and Michael in the kitchen talking while cams 1/2 off at the momment. Jamar joins them and they talk then feeds cut again. 

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6:26 PM BBT Feeds come back and it shows Brooke John Luke and Angie upstairs on the whispering. Not much going on at the momment. 

6:36 PM BBT  Jamar is upstair with susanne. She is upset about something and jamar hugs her. 

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6:59 PM BBT MIchael goes to find Carol and Vanessa and trys to sway them to get Vanessa to flip the votes. 

7:11 PM BBT Carol and Vanessa leave the room, and Michael couldn't be happier he got carols vote. 

7:29 PM BBT Susanne says they votes are 9-3 vote to get rid of Michael. 

7:31 Minh asks Jamar if he could put up anybody who would it be? Jamar tells her it would be madeline and carol and Kyle would be backdoored, 

7:54 PM BBT Minh tells Madeline that she will have the votes to keep Michael, but from here on out let work as a team to get Kyle out. Minh then goes to Jamar and ask him plainly if he going to evict Michael and Jamar says one hundrend percent. Jamar then goes on to say that the only ones not voting for Michael are Madeline, John luke and Rianne. 

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8:00 PM BBT Minh and Jamar are up in the HOH room on top of each other. Jamar then ask if he can use the Bathroom Chris tell him as long as he dont pleaure himself.

8:11 PM BBT Minh then goes to michael and  she is being honest and tells him even if he did have her vote there isnt enough numbers to keep him. She said he only chance is to call out a house meet and call out Kyle and you will get respect Feeds cut out. 

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9:40 PM BBT Feeds come back on finally. 

9:51 PM BBT Maddie and Michael are talking upstairs in the chairs. Jamar Angie and Carol Susanne and Vanessa  are in the anime room talking. Angie said the other side of the house is over confident that they got the vote they need to keep Michael safe. 

9:53 PM BBT Angie tell carol that the four think they for sure has carols vote as well. Angie and Carol both agree with each other to let them fight it out together and decide they want to vote out Michael. 

9:58 PM BBT angie shares with group what they had for their Summer fresh Hotdogs Cola chicken skewers corn on the cob etc. 

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