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Janelle Video


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Does anyone know where I can find the video of when Jani won HoH from Jennifer? All this talk about All Stars has me wanting to watch that again. I used to have it and it's now gone into the great mystery that is my computer.

Please help!!

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The HOH competition that was here is what I'm looking for. But it's no longer there.

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I found the video on Morty's archive pages. But for some reason the server isn't working <_< I'll have to get back to you on that. Hope someone else can help.

Note: This video doesn't work right now. But you may want to keep trying it.


Oooos, posted at the same time.

The server must be down. You'll have to just keep trying. I never kept all the video from last season.

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Thanks Dream. :)

I want to go back to the archives and watch some of the funny ones I took last year.

I have the Carpet *M* song :o the day Ivette and Howie sang it. The April/Ivette fight (someone donated that one). There was also a video or audio I took of Janelle cracking up. Think it's audio, will have to find out from Morty why they're not working. :(

Hurricane Howie. :lol:

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