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Friday, April 29, 2016 BBCAN4 Live Feed Updates

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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates.  Comments and BBCAN discussions are in the Big Brother Canada 4 - Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. 

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

As many of you know, we didn't get enough help this season to continue our social media program that included having live feed updaters that were scheduled, and would also post here in the forum.  Since there's no longer a schedule, you are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, someone else take over!" or whatever so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  

Thank you!

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Kels, Tim and (one of the Brothers) it’s outside, talking about campaigning, and nominations
Kels says, that people under estimate Cass, and Tim says he thinks everyone is the Final four would stand a chance, and Brother says he made the comment in part to want to stay in the house.
Tim says all he wants to leave the game happy, so
Kels tells Tim that Nikki doesn’t need to be there. It’s not an internationals, it was a Nikki thing he says Tim has played the game, and Tim says that Nikki was His competition he wasn’t everyone else’s competition, and he had a bigger chance of winning against was Nikki. Tim agreed that them saying that Nikki, being a weak player was true, and was friends with Nikki the whole time, and he voted out Nikki, and does it on his stand point

Kels says it wasn’t that she wasn’t a weak player, she didn’t seem to care, about the game, and comes into the last minute wanting to play with them, and she didn’t fight, and gets it was hard for her, and things that were hard for her, were hard for everyone else. Tim didn’t like that that there was 1 rule for her and 1 rule for everyone else, and found it frustrating and we get lock out


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9:07 Feeds are back and Cass was in the wash area, went to the Pink room to get her glasses

Back outside
Kels says you need to make connections in this house. Kels thinks that there are moments that people will be people like people more and Tim says that's how she played the game and when Maddie made her plea it was more that everyone liked Tim over Maddie.

Cass comes down and asks what they are talking about and Tim says how hings will play out, and Jury, and how things will work.
Tim tells her he is not campaigning against her he is at peace to go, it's not his decision it's the other voters , but there' a long week ahead and he's not on the block or played veto yet.
Talk quickly talk to the Bird that has been hanging around

Kels says that it's going to be something different and how things happened last week and things being brought to the surface, chances are they are going up, but doesn't have a Target, and doesn't know.  She says she isn't going to look at Tim or Cass saying I want you out or you out she wants to see how the week goes.

Cass says he was never going to put Kels it was Jared, she would not have put Cass up, but Kels explains that part of the issue was that someone broke the trust.

Joel comes down, and says Oh where's the rest of the Final there.. There's the Final five.  ((( SO everyone is down stairs))))
LOL The brothers say let's start a "Final five alliance"

Kels says it's your Game, and we played a different game, and people who aren't emotional players like me, will see it. Kels says because of everything happened, the Brothers won't go up, and Joel, goes up, She says she has been loyal to people and Tim says he knows Kels has been loyal to him
She is taking the reference, to being loyal, what she had with Raul and Jared She figured Jared could beat her at the end


Cass starts to say that a lot of info came out last week that she feels no one was honest. and the feeds cut out

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9:32 Feeds are back, Tim likes having chats when everyone is around, than nothing could be fabricated.
Kels loves how people get so confused, and in the real world when someone tells you can believe it.
Tim asks if anyone wants to do exercise
BB asks the House Guests to fix their Microphones and Tim laughs because it’s at the end of the convo, that everyone is asked to fix their microphone.
Tim heads inside, Cass went in and tells the Brothers he’s trying to make things not awkward, because things may seem awkward.
Cass goes to KT and pours herself a coffee and walks into Pantry.

Tim is now in the KT too
Cass in Pantry looking to see what she wants to eat but finds nothing and walks to the Pool area puts her coffee down and walks back into the KT.

Tim was briefly in the HOH and walks back down stairs.

Brothers, Kels and Joel are still outside in the Pool area, and Kels says “everything happens for a reason and ya never know” 
Nick says he’s learned something and will not self-evict this time.  They think it will be the best BB episode, because they wanted to self-evict. Joel thinks it could throw Tapaz wrong vote out of the water.
If they would have been on the block they would have gone. Phil says you would have never forgiven yourself and Nick says he’s pretty implosive (doin things without thinking)
The Brothers talk about what they would have been said, if they had been evicted and in Jury, and they ask how they got evicted and they would have said, well we were HOH and self evicted.

Kels says she doesn’t want Cass to think that she’s bullying anyone she is just stating facts, Kels says she knows how it feels that you’re on the block and it’s against you. She says what she said to Maddie

Tim in the Pantry looking for something to eat

Cass is sitting alone in the Pool area,

Back outside

Kels starts saying, when people talk about her personally, game talk and personal talk is different
Kels says you cannot help take things personally, and feels bad she’s making Cass feel bad.
Kels says she did throw Joel under the bus, she was saying the same thing to Kels and Jared that she would never put them up, and have said that Joel is a good player, but she has been Loyal and has been only loyal to herself this whole game, at the game level that’s fine,
and tells Joel, that she thinks that Cass and him could be at the end but she’s been with Joel because she feels she can beat Joel in the end and tells sorry to Joel, to say that but that’s what she thinks.
(It’s sort of nice not hearing Cass talk – I am sure that moment will still come)
Tim still alone in KT cooking up Breakfast
Kels says she watched the season 1 to find out what HOH and POV was…

Kels says this isn’t a real world this is Big Brother
Kels says that whatever happens happens like Phys the Brothers are leaving

The Brothers compare how "low" they got last night


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9:48 Kels wants to go inside and Pee and then they spot the Bird.
Brothers wants to know if they are still hanging outside or if they are moving else where

Kels and Nick are inside wondering where Cass and TIm are because Mushroom are getting burned so Nick stirs it.
Tim was outside talking to Cass and then he says hang on mushrooms are cooking

Cass had been sayin she's frustrated she didn't win HOH  (Well duh because you see you're time in the house coming to an end potentailly.. win the POV and you're torturing me another week)

Tim says "Oi you said you'd never cry in this game"

Cass " I know but but i'm just so frustrating"

She comments she shouldn't have used the Veto and all that

Tim tells her to wait till Veto

Kels walks over to Cass and says that she's not mad at Cass
Kels she said she was being truthful saying she wouldn't put her up. and isn't trying to be mean

( I can't listen to Cass I cannot listen to her talking)


( I am going to go get my paycheque too) hope someone else can fill in some while im away :D))

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Tim is outside working out Kels is laying on the couch
Tim is looking at the House Guest Pictures, and Tim says Nikki doesn’t look like Nikki and Cass says Tim doesn’t look like Tim
Tim asks where everyone is and Cass says who cares and whispers to Tim “Joel wouldn’t turn on us would eh”

Tim says that he’s really worried about what Nikki said, and Cass states he would be worried.
 Tim says he thinks he’s done with exercising

Tim wishes there was more people hanging out, and wonders where everyone is, and states that there’s not many people left.
Tim says no one is avoiding Tim and Cass everyone is doing their own thing
Kels says she thinks she may go crazy this week.

Tim says for his sake he wants it out in the open and doesn’t want to feel open, and he respects, that Kels said they both are going up, and Kels says she thinks she knew it, and it hurts her heart and to have to do it. Kels says she doesn’t know what she wants to see happen.

Tim tells Kels at the end of the week she will have an understanding of her game and the finish line and trying to piece together how things are without Jared, it’s hard to see Jared not in the game
 She feels that with Jared gone she is happy not to be on the block

Tim says at the end of the week .. he will say it at the end of the week.
Tim says that Cass and Tim thinks that Kels will beat them in the finals, and she says everyone has a fair chance.

Kels says they’ve both been strategic, and feels 1 will last by the end of the week. And says he doesn’t feel the Brothers won’t take the Brothers to the Final.

One of the Brothers (  I think Nick) is in the HOH listening to music laying on the couch

Tim says Kels didn’t have it out for Kels and it matters what she thinks at the time, Kels says again that Maddie would never vote for Kels and she wouldn’t vote for her. She feels Nikki would vote for the Brothers, and she said she liked Jared and Kels, and tells Kels that she was annoyed that the Brothers were with Jared & Kels and that the Brothers changed their loyality, and Kels never changed. She feels she did have a good relationship with the Brothers. Kels says she will cling to the fact she has friends in Jury, but you need more than friends. Kels says that she will be proud of whovever wins, she thinks people think Kels has votes to win, but she doesn’t think so. Brothers never said they would take Kels, but have told Joel he would. Tim makes a point, that when Kels can’t win HOH next week and she has to count on Joel to win the HOH, or hope that the Brothers would save her. She doesn’t think Cass would take her. She doesn’t know if she can trust Cass.

Kels says she has to do what she has to do, she is going to put Tim and Cass up but there is still the veto.. there is no back door .. Everyone is playing the veto and she says if either of them win, she would be happy if they took themselves off. She says Jared was the only person she really trusted, and now she just has to have faith

Tim asks if Cass if she will go back to the Blue room, they joke it will be the blue block room, and jokes saying “Cass on the Block”.. and Cass understands going up but if things had been different last week she may not have gone up.


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1:19 Kels Tim and Cass are trying to figure out who would vote for who.. and TIm thinks it would be cool to try and figure out who's vote they have in the Jury.
Cass all she can think about is end game who she can win against. He says expect Kels ... that's the consistency that she never thought end game that was always her game,

Tim says now that Jared is gone, if he is the most deserving win, and asks do you want to come second or come first

Blue says it does have a really blue head, (a bird) Tim asks maybe if it wants something and wanted to give it a grape

Kels says for her she said she has always been okay with becoming second and never thought she would make it that far

TIm says well you left once

Kels says she didnt' know the game and what to expect that was her strategy and she will try her best to rely on the relationships she's had,  and would be proud of anyone who won the game, she continues to say she doesn't feel that she would have everyone's voice

Kels says Nikki would vote Tim

Kels thinks that Joel could beat everyone single one of them, she says some people have or sure votes, some don't. 
Tim asks if Kels will be she will be around and opens the Jacuzzi asks Kels if she wants to be alone

They start taking about Burning Man and about Music

Kels is waiting for new food and Cass tells Kels are restocked with Food.

Cass and Kels walk inside


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1:24 Kels is exciting to see what they have to eat.

Both Brothers are in the HOH and Phil says they will get called into the DR after Nick says he wants to listen to one more song ( I hope i got the names right)

Cass asks if they have Ketchup chips in Australia it's a Canadian thing Cass likes them and she doesn't like Ketchup
Looks like the House guests got Prawns


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1:28 Tim says he couldn't remember how last night ended.
Kels said he at one point talked to Big Brother
Cass and Tim walk into Pantry again to find more food

Phil walks down stairs and told Kels he wants to use some of her face lotion, and Tim asks Phil if he wants some and he said yea I was coming down for some

Nick is upstairs in HOH listening to Music

Tim was surprised Kels made all the shrimp in one go.

Phil asks if there is rice, and Kels says she may make some more Qunia, they currently are just doing shrimp and Spinach

Tim and Phil eat Chicken wings (cold) Phil says even cold they are good

Tim said when he grow up he would never eat meat off the bone now he does and says Sharry says where she comes from she eats the bone

Tim says his Idea of Heaven is lots of Chicken wings (Tim loves his chicken)

Kels is cooking

Tim says he can't get over the Voice over "Previously on Big Brother Canada" . and they would all say it.
1:37 Locked out

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1:42 Kels and Tim talk about spots, that they like to go to that they are "hidding" but he feels that BB would tell them not to go there, because he thinks, that the camera doesnt' reach. Tim suggests playing hide and seek this afternoon but says we all know this house by now and know it inside out

Tim says he took the lid of the hot tub because he was gonna go in  and Phil says he will lay there with the Duvet

The comment on the small avovad's and small potatos Tim says it's like a Dwarf did the shopping, Kels says it's because she's HOH this week and she loves it
Cass also loves small potato

Tim is cutting the watermelon and says it's a dream Watermelon
Kels says she did a string of swearing and got in trouble for swearing .

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1:56 Joel & Tim are in the Hot tub, and Kels (Nick or Phil -- I can't tell because of the sun glasses he is wearing) and Cass are on the couch.
 They were talking about Social Media, and he thinks he wants to shut down all social media, and Kels says I don't think you should get rid of it
Tim says you could always text me. Kels says you'll probably go back to it.
Kels says she's gotten rid of FB on her phone so if she wants to go to it she goes to her computer so she isn't always scrolling on her phone

General chit chat about social media


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