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HG Paige Discussion Thread - 1st voted out (2016-03-03)


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Paige Distranski
A Northern Ontario nature lover whose experience in hunting and trapping will help her anticipate her fellow player’s moves.
Age: 19
Hometown: Thunder Bay, ON
Occupation: Veterinarian Tech Assistant

Describe yourself in three words:
Happy-go-lucky, Strong-willed, Tenacious

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
Growing up in Northwestern Ontario has prepared me for this experience. I’ve grown up outside, trapping and hunting. Those things are all about anticipating an animal’s next move and strategizing to maintain the upper hand, and that IS Big Brother Canada if you think about it. Basically the Big Brother Canada house is going to be my trap line. Being in nature all the time can be harsh, and it’s made me strong and it’s made me brave.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?
I would definitely bring in my cat Poozy! I love animals, they’re my biggest passion and she’s my favourite animal. She’s 16 years old and she watches Big Brother Canada with me – she’d be in heaven in that house! It’s just nice to have something to cuddle – it’s comforting.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
I mostly fear brain competitions especially anything to do with math. My math skills are definitely not up to snuff. I’ve been practicing my times tables and converting minutes to seconds to get ready for competitions where that is a part of it, but it’s a work in progress.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?
Oh my god! I haven’t even really thought past getting on the show. But if I won I would buy a piece of land in Thunder Bay, or the outskirts: my dream property. I’d rescue a couple more kittens to spoil and then save the rest of the money for down the road.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
I love Gary (BBCAN Season 1)! Gary Glitter. I just love him – he’s so funny and so sassy. I could totally see us being best friends inside the house and outside the house. He was entertaining but at the same time, he played hard, he played smart, and he was all around such a good player. I always root for the underdogs – I’m more attracted to their personalities.

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
I just like how everyone is so nice. I like how there’s so many different types of people. I just love Canada – I’d never want to leave. No desire to – I love it here!

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