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Posts posted by krk23

  1. Maggie, April, Rachel & Howie complaining about all the lazy asses in the house. They washed the sheets, and no one is putting them back on the beds.

    Maggie mentioned that Eric said they would all clean up their own dished from dinner, but there was a lot of community dishes and nobody owned up to it, so Jennifer cleaned them all.

  2. 8:00 BBT Eric and Michael playing foosball in the backyard. Janelle and Ashela talking in the gold room, Sarah and James in the Kitchen. Howie trying to get into the HOH to use the bathroom, Beau is in there listening to music.

    James says "Howie, I have a problem - I just can't seem to stop eating"

    After that big dinner, James and Howie are now raiding the fridge. Sarah asks if there is any chocolate ice cream, and then says "just kidding"

    Howie asks "Who do we need to win it?" (HOH)

    James shushes him. says "I'd like to win it myself"

    Howie "I'm going to take it. Last week I got it stolen from me because of my piss problem."

  3. 6:00ish BBT

    Someone asks Rachel if BB told her why they had lock down.

    Rachel: No

    Maggie: If they told you, could you say "yes, but I can't tell you why?"

    Rachel: Probably, but they didn't tell me

    (Sounds like they are suspicious of Rachel and what she is chosing to tell them)

    Rachel helps Maggie with taking sheets off the beds.

  4. 10:40 BBT

    Rachel, Maggie & April are using the screen to watch people in the house. Rachel says she doesn't really like to watch it, but Maggie says she would watch it. She's intrigued by it. She quickly slips in that she wouldn't watch people that she trusts.

    Rachel says that there is a time limit on the screen of 30 minutes a day.

    Maggie tells Rachel that she really likes April, she says she is a really honest player.

  5. 5:20 (ish) BBT

    Michael and Kaysar talking in the bedroom, they think putting Janelle and Jennifer up isn't a good idea because they are the least threatening in the house. Michael wants to have a meeting to make sure everyone is on the same page.

    Kaysar said when he's in a group and Ivette and April are talking, neither of them look him in the eye or acknowledge him. He thinks there is something up...



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