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Posts posted by SovFan10

  1. I have never really warmed to Cassie. She's a pretty girl .. but seems rotten inside. I think maybe she's been damaged in the past by women who are threatened by her beauty, or her "brains" or what have you, and has built up an inherent distrust of them. Be that as it may, I sense a lot of cattiness in her, and have always disliked the "guys girl" type of girl who complains other girls hate them cause they're pretty. No, maybe they hate you chick cause you walk around like you're better than they are, because YOU think you are prettier than them.

    I am overweight, and to the world Cassie would be considered prettier than me, but you know what? I really could care less. My family and friends adore me, my boyfriend thinks I'm hot and sexy .. and I like who I am as a person. I don't walk around thinking to myself all the time "wow, so and so must just be jealous of me if they don't like me.."

    The idea that you could only ever be disliked because you look better than someone else is the worst kind of arrogance in my opinion.

    I am glad to see her go, for the moment. I suspect she will come back sometime this season though, because BB producers do love themselves a cat fight. The only way it wouldn't happen, is if Jeff or Jordon got voted out first, than I see them returning instead.

    The thing that people seem to forget is that I don't think (and correct me if i'm wrong) that Cassi started the whole "girls are just jealous of me because i'm pretty" thing because Jordan and Shelly were feeding it into her ear that girls are threatened by her, because of her looks. That's all they talk about to Cassi. Jordan even said on last night's episode that Rachel is jealous of her. So my thing is when you hear people constantly keep telling you that they're just jealous of you because your pretty, your gunna run with it and say that's the reasons why she's in the position she's in now. She didn't start saying that until Shelly and Jordan kept saying it to her.

    Hope she returns though. It would be very interesting to see How she, dani, and dom get along. It's like a love triangle and we know Grodner would love the drama

  2. Seriously, I like Cassi and wish she could stick around. But she didn't win the HOH comp and didn't win the Veto, nor did Shelley. So one of them will be going.

    See that's what i hate about this game. She wasn't even given a chance to play for veto. I wish EVERYONE could play for veto to eliminate the possibility of getting backdoored. Not saying that's what happened to Cassi, but still.

    Pretty much she was damned if she do, damned if she dont. There was no way possible she could get any of the veterans votes (Dani, Brendon, Rachel, Jeff) after Shelly proved her loyalty to them last week. Plus her and Porsche didn't exactly get off on the right foot last week. So that's 5 votes right there. The only way she could've stayed was by NOT being put on the block. It sucks, and I like Cassi.

  3. Another reason why Cassi is going to leave soon like you said clearly. The other HG don't trust her. She came into the house acting so sweet and Southern, but then she showed her true colors and not just because the vets are in power again. She was utterly pissed after Keith's eviction because she was desperately trying to out Porsche when she could have easily been campaigning to get Keith out for calling out and going postal on all the newbies. Why? Because Cassi is fake and petty. I'm sorry to say. She was jealous of Porsche. Otherwise she wouldn't have been the only one of the newbies trying SO hard to get Porsche out when Shelly and Kalia realized that Keith was the bigger threat. She's going to try to get Rachel out now if she stays in the game. Why she's jealous of Porsche and Rachel - I'm not totally sure, but I'm sure that she is.

    How exactly was Keith a bigger threat than Porsche? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Porsche the one who lasted the LONGEST out of ALL the newbies on the banana? And we really didn't get to see them compete in the Veto competition, seeing as both blatantly threw it. So judging off the one competition, Porsche was clearly a bigger threat. SO I don't understand why you think Cassi should've campaigned to keep Porsche. ESPECIALLY after Keith, Cassi, Dominic, and Lawon made their allaince. So what point would she have to keep Porsche.

    I don't think she was jealous of Porsche. She saw how Porsche ran to the HOH and didn't like how she was turning on the newbies. How is that jealousy? :dontgetit: Her alliance agreed to get rid of Porsche, and keep Keith because KEITH was apart of their alliance, while Porsche ran over to the Vets. Still not seeing Jealousy.

    Of Course she's going to want Rachel out. Rachel was a bitch to her and tried to rub it in their faces that Porsche was staying. Plus Rachel talks bad about her, just like Cassi talks about Rachel. They clearly dont' like each other. Whether that is because of jealousy, i don't know. What is she supposed to do, be buddy buddy with Rachel now? :blink:

    I love how Cassi is the only one who won't really take Rachel and brendon's shit. She's not afraid to stand up to either of them. Gosh she would make this show interesting if she stayed in the house. Hope she gets voted back in somehow.

  4. I appreciate your point of view but I respectfully agree to disagree. Rachel didn't make Cassie catty, she's always been catty she just hid it under a veneer of southern belle charm. Now that she's a target, the claws have come out. I've rarely heard Rachel say a peep about anyone this season actually, I think people are just jumping on her because of her performance last season. If people didn't have that to base their arguments on, they would fall flat. I for one, think Rachel has done a lot of growing up over the past year. Has she changed completely? No, not really. But she has changed. Jordon is only parroting what CASSIE herself told Jordon. Jordon just choose to agree with her, either because she's easily swayed by what people says, or because she herself saw last season, or because well -- Rachel can get a bit too big for her britches sometimes. I'm not saying Rachel is perfect, but my point was and is that the only reason she is targeting Cassie is not just because Cassie is pretty.

    There is a logical game reason for her to be targeting her, and it's just annoying to me that Jeff and Jordon are seen as saints and Rachel a villain -- when it was ALL of their plan to evict her.

    Rachel is far from the only person in Big Brother history to ever address the newbies.. and in Rachel's mind it was half gloating half sticking up for Porsche. Not even two nights before that when her and Brenden were arguing Rachel said very clearly "BUT I LIKE PORCHE" .. I do genuinely think that she does like her and feels bad that everyone picks on her/doesn't like her. Whether that's cause she's a lap dog to Rachel or not is kind of besides the point. And as for leaving Porsche to fight her own battles.. that's not how some people are. I know that's not how I am. Many of my friends and even some of my family has been the kind of people at times who don't stand up for themselves, and let other people treat them like dirt, and whether they need me to fight their battles for them or not -- I do. It's just who I am .. if you're my friend, I'm going to watch out for you. I think Rachel is the same way.

    Do I think Rachel will ever win Big Brother? No. She's just the type of person people either love or hate, and in the big brother house, you tend to love a person like Shelly who tells you how awesome you are, and how much they love you as they hug you and kiss you good bye with shrink wrapped fake tears starting to shine in their eyes as you walk out there door.. vs the type of person like Rachel or Janelle who says "bye bye bitches, and floaters grab a life vest.."

    People like that, are relegated to being liked for their competitiveness alone by most people, not for their game conduct. People like her win second place, never first. It's just how it goes.

    Will I always root for her anyway? Yes, 100%. Cause she's not phoney. If people were Brenden and Rachel fans, and not Jeff or Jordon fans, they'd see J/J's actions a lot differently than they do.

    I guess I just hate people who come on the show of big brother talking about how much character and honor, and goodness they have, and how they try to play the game cleanly, without lying, or belittling anyone..

    It's such BS. The game of Big Brother is to lie, cheat, steal, and claw your way to the top. There is no honor in that. There is only winners and losers, or those who win by default.

    Ok I now understand your point. I liked Rachel alot season believe it or not. I liked her because I have a habit of rooting for the underdogs, just like i'm rooting for Cassi and Dom now. But i'm just seeing what alot of people did not like her for. I just feel like it's sorta deja vu all over again. If she didn't do those things last season, then we wouldn't be able to say much. But it's the fact that she did do those things, and it seems like she doing the SAME thing again. Maybe she's not.

    I agree that Jeff/Jordon aren't saints. but people are so blind because they are so "cute" and they are admired by jeff's looks so much that they overlook any bad about them and that sucks.

    I understand that some people like to stick up for others. But this is Big Brother. only one person can win the money. She needs to think for herself and herself only. Sticking up for Porsche wasn't going to do her any good.

    I like that she sticks up for herself and isn't afraid to do so, but it's gunna shoot her in the foot. I also don't like how she makes it seem like she's done no wrong and she's the victim, but that's another story.

  5. All of this "Rachel is jealous .. they're targeting her for being pretty.." is such BS.

    Remember last week anyone? When Jeff/Jordan Rachel/Brenden wanted to strike a deal with Cassie and Shelly to be part of their alliance .. and Cassie basically said "I know I'm going to be the low man on the totem pull in that kind of deal .. so I have concerns..."

    Remember again when the vets ALL agreed (not just Rachel) that Cassie and Dominic were CLEARLY working together because they both came up to the HOH and were BOTH saying the same thing in the exact same way (that the vets were their targets in so many words).

    THEY ALL DECIDED to split up Dominic and Cassie. They decided to gun for Dominic first and he represented a stronger physical threat to them, they felt in competitions.

    Then Cassie had a skirmish with Porsche (someone the vets had decided to keep as a side member of their alliance).

    Then Cassie was being anti-social and refusing to take group pictures in the HOH.

    Then when Rachel addressed the entire group of the non vets (ill advised, but she was not just targeting Cassie), CASSIE jumped in the frey with Rachel deciding to be the spokes person for her "side". (OTHERWISE KNOWN AS MAKING HERSELF A TARGET)

    Sure Rachel didn't need to feel the need to stick it to the other side .. but Rachel is Rachel and she gloats sometimes when she shouldn't. But since they vets had a solid alliance, the behavior of the newbies was ill-advised. When you're in the big brother house, you kiss the ring of the "pope" when really you'd like to slit his throat. It's what you do. It's the way of things, Cassie wasn't playing along.

    For ALL of these reasons she needs to get out the door. And it irks me to no end that the Vets are blaming all of this on Rachel as if THEY had no hand in this decision when they clearly DID.

    It drives me nuts as a Rachel fan listening to everyone saying "she's only targeting the girls" as if there was no strategic reason behind it as well. I'm not saying that Rachel has never had a self conscious or insecure thought about Cassie, cause I'm not in her head and I don't know what she thinks, but it isn't the only reason .. in fact I would guess it's not even a pretty big reason.

    And from what I have read .. Cassie IS jealous of Rachel. She has made comments several times about how she can't believe Brenden is with Rachel .. and how SHE (Cassie) doesn't even have a boyfriend..

    So there you go for that one. I would hazard a guess they are BOTH jealous of each other.

    I love Rachel, and I always will because at least she speaks her mind. Even if god help her, it gets her in trouble. I am sick of people vilifying her, where there is no villain. I just know that's how it's going to be shown on CBS and it annoys me. Jeff and Jordan - Jeff in specific wanted Shelly and Cassie on their side. Because Cassie and Shelly both had the stars in their eyes view of them. When Cassie said what she said to prove she was with Dominic .. Jeff was upset they couldn't pick her up for their side, because it would of been a partnership which would of benefited them and not the other members of their alliance.. but them alone -- because clearly it's better for Danielle if Dominic stays.. and clearly Porsche is more likely to align with Brenchel/Danielle because Porsche worshiped Evil Dick and Rachel.

    Rachel was so upset Cassie was spending all that time with Jordon, not because she doesn't want Jordon to have any friends, but because Jordon has a soft heart, and Rachel knew that Cassie was going to try to turn her against the rest of her alliance. That being said it's human nature for Dani to want Dom in her back pocket, Rachel and Bren to want Porshe in their back pocket and Jeff and Jordan to have wanted Cassie n Shelly in theirs. Just as it's human nature for all sides of this alliance to not want the others to have this back pocket person. It's selfish .. on each person's side.

    I just don't think it's an excuse worthy of Jeff and Jordon turning on Brenden and Rachel .. they all agreed to get dom or cassie out this week. It just so happens that Dom got the POV. They shouldn't be taking it out on the rest of their alliance mates because she has to go home. I know that Rachel mouthed off about Jordon in the POV contest .. but Rachel and Brenden were trying hard for the veto .. and Rachel felt that Jeff and Jordon weren't trying as hard.. which of course is going to upset her .. because it's going to make it seem like Rachel and Brenden are the biggest targets NOT Jeff and Jordon if they have only one an HOH and Brenden and Rachel have won both a POV and an HOH. Rachel had every right to feel like she was being back stabbed. And rightly so. She already felt before the comp like Jeff and Jordon's allegiance wasn't with their alliance, it was to furthering themselves..

    Jordan herself thinks it's because Cassi is pretty. it's a common trend with Rachel. Do I need to remind you of the SAME THING last season with Monet and Kristen? It may or may not be because they are pretty, but Rachel SURE IS an attention whore and gets spiteful when other people are getting attention.

    Why did Rachel need to come in the room and address the newbies? For what reasons exactly? SHE GOT WHAT SHE WANTED. SHE GOT TWO OF THE NEWBIES TO VOTE AGAINST THEIR OWN at that point she had the votes in her favor, plus one of her own won HOH, so she was safe. She what reason did she have to go and try to call the newbies out? To start DRAMA. Nothing else. She's so catty. At that point she should've left them alone and let them self-destruct. What was Cassi supposed to do, let her sit there and talk shit and gloat around and prance because she got her way. I would've stood up to Rachel too point blank.

    That's the ONLY reason why Porsche gets along well with Rachel. Because she's her little lap dog and kisses Rachel's ass. Dani knows how to play off Rachel's personality too so that's why they get along great. But if they dont' kiss Rachel's ass and do what she wants then Rachel won't like them and she'll target them.

    I don't see Cassi as being jealous of Rachel, well maybe she is. I see her as talking bad about Rachel because Rachel does the SAME thing. Whatever the reasons are, she does it. She had no reason to try and call out Cassi because Cassi wanted Porsche out. Let Porsche handle herself.

    She speaks her mind alright, and that's exactly what's gunna prevent her from winning. Rachel being portrayed as the villian is her fault. She wouldn't be portrayed that way if she didn't give the producers footage to make her seem that way. She should've thought about that.

    Anyway the only thing I like about Rachel is her competitiveness. But the cattiness, and petty side can go. Sucks that Cassi is leaving, because she is probably the only one along with Dominic that would stick up to the vets.

  6. Seems like most people in the house like her, but they think they have no choice but to get rid of her. She seems like she wants B/R to be put on the block, but she should be pushing for Lawon/Kalia. She has a better chance of them two being put up than B/R.

    I'm thinking that she is one of the fan favorites. Obviously not THE fan favs like Jeff/Jordan/Dani, but out of all the newbies, I think Cassi/Dominic/Shelly are liked the most. or am i wrong? I've read several message boards and alot of people don't want to see her go this week

  7. I say that because from experience of it happening to me (and unfortunantely being the villain myself once or twice), when people talk bad about you constantly behind your back when you are nothing but nice to them they are jealous of you. They are very insecure with how they look in comparison to you in front of others so they try to downgrade you any way they can. Rachel was trying to be nice to Cassi and talk to her, and Cassi was rude to her. Then Cassi's been talking about how trashy Rachel looks. Sounds like she's jealous of what a strong competitor Rachel is. I'm not sure why she's jealous of Porsche.

    This is Big Brother. EVERYONE talks about everyone behind their back. Good and bad. Rachel tried to call Cassi out for NO reason other than drama. So what, is Cassi supposed to call Rachel a sweet and nice person behind her back? NO! I didn't see where Rachel was trying to be nice to her. Every bad thing you said about Cassi can be said for Rachel. Rachel has been talking mean about Cassi non stop ever since Jordan won HOH, behind her back. But Cassi isn't allowed to do that either, because she's jealous? Rachel is the jealous one. As we saw last season with all that "my man" crap. She wanted Kristen and Monet our for no reasons other than jealousy. Same with Cassi now. I will admit some of Cassi's comments are very petty, but what do you expect after she tried to call her out in front of the entire house.

    I just don't see why people are saying Cassi's comments and things are mean and stuff when people in the house have been saying the same crap about her, but it's ok for them to do it. I feel like if Cassi was less attractive, then no one would think Cassi is being petty

    any way, i hope cassi somehow finds a way to stay, even though i doubt it. Dominic and Cassi are my favs, and they are clearly the only one who aren't afraid to go after the veterans. It would make this show more interesting.

  8. Yeah. I'm kind of getting that vibe from Cassi, too now. She covers herself pretty well like Kristen did for a while in the last season, but that kind of pettiness comes roaring to a head eventually. It's said because I didn't picture Cassi at all like that when she first entered the house with how she described herself. Not at all. If anything, I thought she was the opposite, and she was one of my favorites then. But she is extremely jealous of Rachel and Porsche and will do just about anything to get both of them out of the house. This is just making her look vindictive and mean.

    What! Jealous of Rachel? for what reasons exactly? If anything, Rachel is jealous of her. Rachel did the same mess last season, wanting to get the girls out. She did it with Kristen and started arguing with her for no reason. Same with Monet. Now she's doing the same thing with Cassi. What reasons did she have to try and call out Cassi? Nothing to start drama. Let Porsche handle her own. I would be petty as hell too if someone tried to call me out in front of everyone. I'm not going to be nice about her at all, especially seeing how Rachel doesn't like her.

  9. She is being so petty and b*tchy about Rachel to Lawon & Dom in the back yard.

    Her thoughts on Rachel and Porche: "They don't like me because I'm pretty and I don't care if I am pretty, or they are prettier than me or not." She's going on and on about what could Brenden see in Rachel...

    She has being VERY catty towards the woman of the house this week, first Porche and now Rachel.

    Note to Cassie: You lose points about how classy you think you are.. when you're trashing other woman. You are no better than anyone else.

    Umm... did you miss where Rachel tried to call her out after Jordan won HOH? Of course she's not gunna talk good about her when Rachel tried to pick a fight with her, just because they still have the power. Plus she got arguing with Porsche last week as well I believe. What she is saying sounds petty, but those two don't like her either.

  10. i like Cassi. Her and Dominic and my two favorite players. It's pretty much no need for her to try and kiss ass, especially seeing how her and rachel just got arguing, plus i'm pretty sure the veterans already know she voted against them. She might as well be prepared to be on the block, and do her best to get that veto.

  11. The comment Libra said at the dinner table was clearly a joke. People are trying to make it seem worse than it really is. She may should not have said it at that time but i didn't think it was that serious. And she wasn't fake crying when she was talking to Ollie either. I am not a woman but would you be upset if someone called you a ho and a scallywag on national tv and you have kids, a husband, a family, and a job at home watching you? I seriously don't understand why Libra is not well liked. she asked keesha if she should take her kids to hawaii and keesha said she wouldn't. Libra has been one of the very few people this season that has actually been playing the game. I hope there is a twist to keep her in so many people will be pissed off

  12. I have a feeling that i will come on morty's tomorrow and it will say "Libra Wins POV" or "Keesha wins POV".. I hope that's what happens. But if Libra or Keesha were smart, they would offer her to be a part of their alliance, that $1000 gold bar Libra has, and 2 week safety if she puts April on the block. Libra has been smart thus far maybe she will think of this

  13. I don't think it's fair to dislike Libra for who she is outside of the house. Has any of us seen her outside the house? NO Do any of us know what she's like outside the house? NO. All we should be focused on is her gameplay and what goes on in the house. People didn't like James for what he did OUTSIDE the house which isn't right either. We should be more focused on the game instead of her personal business.

  14. Dang Keesha is such a backstabbing B****. I seriously hope Libra wins the POV and then Keesha will be all up on her ass. And Renny too. I used to like Renny but i don't like her as much because she's a backstabber. And I know it's part of the game but Libra is taking the fault for everything. She needs to get her head together. I hope it's a twist this week.



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